Culture of Shame Monica Lewinsky

she was a novice at her age to the ways of the culture she just entered

Too bad. She was an adult and made adult decisions. She has adult responsibility for them. Shameless fucking democrats will do anything - go to any absurdly irrational or illogical lengths - to avoid the thing they fear the most: Personal Responsibility. Despite what the culture of the left has spent the past 50 years desperately trying to imprint on the brains of the young in North Korean style, personal responsibility still exists.

... She actually did face her mistake.


He didn't take any responsibility for his actions.

Why would he, when he had millions of sycophant apologists feigning outrage on his behalf?
she was a novice at her age to the ways of the culture she just entered

Too bad. She was an adult and made adult decisions. She has adult responsibility for them. Shameless fucking democrats will do anything - go to any absurdly irrational or illogical lengths - to avoid the thing they fear the most: Personal Responsibility. Despite what the culture of the left has spent the past 50 years desperately trying to imprint on the brains of the young in North Korean style, personal responsibility still exists.

... She actually did face her mistake.


He didn't take any responsibility for his actions.

Why would he, when he had millions of sycophant apologists feigning outrage on his behalf?

I just don't know if I can vote for Clinton thinking about the history. :dunno:

I can't understand why it is ok for him to get a pass but the girl takes the brunt of everything and the Clintons were ok with that.

I don't really want Trump either but in my heart I am not really wanting Clinton. :(
She had an adulterous sexual affair with a married man. Of course she should be ashamed and humiliated.

Not that the married man who had the affair with her ought to be any less ashamed and humiliated; but alas, he seems to have been devoid, from birth, of the conscience that it takes to experience such shame.

She was sexually exploited by her Married Boss in his office.

Bubba was far older with all of the power. It's disgusting how the Left excuse his behavior and enabled the character assassination of Monica.

I am left by the way. But I still think it's shady.

You're an outlier, then. Kudos to you.
The individual that walked away free and clear of that whole episode was Newt Gingrich.

It was completely and totally political and most everyone saw it that way. The media and the clowns that insist on looking for shit for political purposes do the same thing today they did then. That's not going to change. There are "discussions" on the political forum where you realize people don't want leaders or to have elections or policy. They want 24/7 Jerry Springer.

I remember thinking at the time Hillary Clinton should have left him then because staying sent the wrong message. I lost a lot of respect for her.

I think the talk was good and thinking about how her parents were so worried she was going to commit suicide and how she took the the brunt of it all while Bill just denied everything kinda sucks.

I agree. And she might have committed suicide had the same situation occurred in 2010 for the reasons she stated.

She is right, it is a money making venture that has amplified over time with the increase in technology. It's very easy for me to say, well, I'm not going to click on that story. I don't click on them anyway.

Cyber bullying is a huge issue. Huge.
What makes the whole episode ludicrous is that it isn't the fact that he had affairs, because most of the people having a knipshit were also having affairs, it was simply he got caught. Newt Gingrich, Dan Burton etc. and so on.
List of federal political sex scandals in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This from a group of people that sold themselves on stage as candidates that were all about family values. Clinton admitted he had an inappropriate relationship--pc for manwhore.

It was never about morality. It was about hypocrisy.

Although, I can think of a whole list of reasons not to vote for Clinton I can't say this is one of them.
Too bad. She was an adult and made adult decisions. She has adult responsibility for them. Shameless fucking democrats will do anything - go to any absurdly irrational or illogical lengths - to avoid the thing they fear the most: Personal Responsibility. Despite what the culture of the left has spent the past 50 years desperately trying to imprint on the brains of the young in North Korean style, personal responsibility still exists.

... She actually did face her mistake.


He didn't take any responsibility for his actions.

Why would he, when he had millions of sycophant apologists feigning outrage on his behalf?

I just don't know if I can vote for Clinton thinking about the history. :dunno:

I can't understand why it is ok for him to get a pass but the girl takes the brunt of everything and the Clintons were ok with that.

You really can't understand that the clintons are self-obsessed, deceitful, dishonest, corrupt, hypocritical, shameless, immoral scumbag politicians who believe that no rules apply to them? Really?

In 1998, says Monica Lewinsky, “I was Patient Zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale almost instantaneously.” Today, the kind of online public shaming she went through has become a constant. In a brave talk, she takes a look at our “culture of humiliation,” in which online shame equals dollar signs — and demands a different way.

I never really thought about how young she was when the Clinton thing happened. She was only 22. She got the Scarlett letter and the old man Bill Clinton got off the hook.

She had a tough road to hoe, I admire her inner strength for enduring the barbs and hate that was thrown her way. She was used by the political machine and then the media, and still the social media.

She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.
She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.

Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.
... She actually did face her mistake.


He didn't take any responsibility for his actions.

Why would he, when he had millions of sycophant apologists feigning outrage on his behalf?

I just don't know if I can vote for Clinton thinking about the history. :dunno:

I can't understand why it is ok for him to get a pass but the girl takes the brunt of everything and the Clintons were ok with that.

I'm starting to see that and I feel disappointed.
You really can't understand that the clintons are self-obsessed, deceitful, dishonest, corrupt, hypocritical, shameless, immoral scumbag politicians who believe that no rules apply to them? Really?
She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.

Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

Just don't like how she was hung out to dry and bill got with it

I'm a little wasted so i might have typoes :)
She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.

Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

Just don't like how she was hung out to dry and bill got with it

I'm a little wasted so i might have typoes :)
I agree with your dislike on how she was treated.

I'm a little wasted so i might have typoes :)

She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.

Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

There it is. The liberal 'values' of amorality and dismissal of personal responsibility.
She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.

Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

There it is. The liberal 'values' of amorality and dismissal of personal responsibility.
get lost with your labels and your stunted sense of morality clown boy. I have no idea what goes on in the lives of other people and I am not so perfect as to sit in judgrment, neither are you.
She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.

Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

There it is. The liberal 'values' of amorality and dismissal of personal responsibility.
get lost with your labels and your stunted sense of morality clown boy. I have no idea what goes on in the lives of other people and I am not so perfect as to sit in judgrment, neither are you.

There it is, the only 'value' accepted (insisted/indoctrinated/enforced/imposed) by liberals: the worship of amorality and the hostile rejection of personal responsibility.
She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.

Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

There it is. The liberal 'values' of amorality and dismissal of personal responsibility.
get lost with your labels and your stunted sense of morality clown boy. I have no idea what goes on in the lives of other people and I am not so perfect as to sit in judgrment, neither are you.

There it is, the only 'value' accepted (insisted/indoctrinated/enforced/imposed) by liberals: the worship of amorality and the hostile rejection of personal responsibility.

You are just some lonesome guy on July 4th, go find a party.

The world would be a lot saner if people like you did not try to shove their peculiar values down the throats of others.

Lewinsky and Clinton have to live with their own actions.

This thread is about the public shaming Lewinsky received by people like you.
She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.

Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

I bet you'd care if the CEO of the company where you work (if you actually do have a job), screwed with a much younger subordinate employee during work hours in the office.
Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

There it is. The liberal 'values' of amorality and dismissal of personal responsibility.
get lost with your labels and your stunted sense of morality clown boy. I have no idea what goes on in the lives of other people and I am not so perfect as to sit in judgrment, neither are you.

There it is, the only 'value' accepted (insisted/indoctrinated/enforced/imposed) by liberals: the worship of amorality and the hostile rejection of personal responsibility.

You are just some lonesome guy on July 4th, go find a party.

The world would be a lot saner if people like you did not try to shove their peculiar values down the throats of others.

Lewinsky and Clinton have to live with their own actions.

This thread is about the public shaming Lewinsky received by people like you.

It's about empty shells like you that have been filed with the false doctrine of liberalism that convinces you empty-headed drones the absence of morality and responsibility are the only virtues. YOU are why cretins like bubba engage in such activities, knowing he'll get a pass from you brainless bobble-heads.

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