Culture of Shame Monica Lewinsky

Wow.. and maybe God would even separate South America and Canada from being land attached. WOW...
this would be His help to our requests, of course. He wouldn't force it upon us though...
God forbid anyone thinking He forces Himself upon people.. Isn't that kind of like 'rape?'

Are these people calling God a 'rapist?'
Well if he was, then maybe there will be a loss of non-raping material.. he would want everyone to be like him right?
But just because GOD doesn't rape, does that mean every human being doesn't either since all human beings are created by Him?
So if God doesn't force Himself on people and if God doesn't tyrannically command His orders to be followed, what would He do? Just sit there?
And, boy, do my debt bills keep getting sent to me...
I owe electric, I owe rent, I owe phone, I owe creditors, I owe loans, I owe water, I owe internet, I owe cable, I owe I owe I owe and I never have 1 month of not owing....
true she was a 22....all impressed and all with the power.....and yet she is still the devil with the blue dress on...perhaps saving the dress was her downfall
The individual that walked away free and clear of that whole episode was Newt Gingrich.

It was completely and totally political and most everyone saw it that way. The media and the clowns that insist on looking for shit for political purposes do the same thing today they did then. That's not going to change. There are "discussions" on the political forum where you realize people don't want leaders or to have elections or policy. They want 24/7 Jerry Springer.

I remember thinking at the time Hillary Clinton should have left him then because staying sent the wrong message. I lost a lot of respect for her.

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