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from wiki

According to statements by Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer and those of four others, Able Danger had identified the September 11, 2001 attack leader Mohamed Atta, and three of the 9/11 plot's other 19 hijackers, as possible members of an al Qaeda cell linked to the '93 World Trade Center bombing. This theory was heavily promoted by Representative Curt Weldon, vice chairman of the House Armed Services and House Homeland Security committees. In December 2006, after an investigation by the US Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that those assertions are unfounded, rejecting as untrue "one of the most disturbing claims about the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes.

that line about Clinton knowing about Atta is UNTRUE!!!!!!!!!
HOW many times do you have to be proven WRONG by the facts?

your sources are lying to you fella.

Oliely ,limpballs ,Cultwhore, insHannity and their like do nothing but lie and you cant seem to figure it out can you?
In December 2006, after an investigation by the US Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that those assertions are unfounded, rejecting as untrue "one of the most disturbing claims about the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes
HOW many times do you have to be proven WRONG by the facts?

your sources are lying to you fella.

Oliely ,limpballs ,Cultwhore, insHannity and their like do nothing but lie and you cant seem to figure it out can you?

Looking at the responses you get - you are wrong much more then you right (if you have ever been right)
Clinton and Gore appeased terrorists and did nothing to respond to the attacks

The clinton legacy is 9-11

You are wrong again but you probably will not admit to it. At least other people will clearly see that your statement is incorrect. You are wrong to say that Clinton and Gore did noting to respond to the attacks. The links that I posted will lead you to summaries and sites to even more links that clearly counter your assertion.

I have a 12-hour job to do tonight. I'm going to bed. Bye for now.
US Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that those assertions are unfounded

now if you would perfer to accept bullshit right wing propaganda then you are offically a troll.

This is your last chance.

A US Intelligence Commitee cincluded that it was not true.

Who do you choose?
You are wrong again but you probably will not admit to it. At least other people will clearly see that your statement is incorrect. You are wrong to say that Clinton and Gore did noting to respond to the attacks. The links that I posted will lead you to summaries and sites to even more links that clearly counter your assertion.

I have a 12-hour job to do tonight. I'm going to bed. Bye for now.

The only true legancy of Bill Clinton


  • $At the Arch.jpg
    $At the Arch.jpg
    28 KB · Views: 56
and I bet karl rove handed them directly to you after you ran to get him coffee and have his leather gimp suit cleaned.
and I bet karl rove handed them directly to you after you ran to get him coffee and have his leather gimp suit cleaned.

I understand your fustration

The voters are starting to see they were played for suckers in the last election by the Dems
Sorry, I am not a Democrat on Capital Hill

2 new polls came out today and Pres Bush has a higher approval rating then the Dem Congress


God you love polls.

I know why, and its not because they can be skewed to make ANY point.

God you love polls.

I know why, and its not because they can be skewed to make ANY point.


For so long libs gleefully bellowed about polls showing Bush's low numbers

BUT, when polls come out showing Dems have a lower number then Pres Bush - it is a sin to mention them

Here is a great poll that shows Dems really do think the war is lost
First of all, that post does not support what you are talking about here. It clearly states that most americans want to win the war. What exactly does that mean? Its a vauge question. It also says in your post that they are not against timetables, which directly contradicts everything you are saying.
First of all, that post does not support what you are talking about here. It clearly states that most americans want to win the war. What exactly does that mean? Its a vauge question. It also says in your post that they are not against timetables, which directly contradicts everything you are saying.

Dems are very negative on the war, and they think it is already lost

The poll shows the defeatism of the left
For so long libs gleefully bellowed about polls showing Bush's low numbers

BUT, when polls come out showing Dems have a lower number then Pres Bush - it is a sin to mention them

Here is a great poll that shows Dems really do think the war is lost

Your partisan polls and pie charts asking partisan questions are really fun.

1. How important is Victory in Iraq?

What is classified as victory?

2. How hopeful are you that the US will succeed in Iraq?

Why wouldnt I be hopeful? and what am I hopeful they succeed at exactly?

3. Who would you like to see the president rely on for advice on the conduct of war? A Congress or B Field commanders?

Well in the beginning he didnt rely on Field commanders, and now he doesnt want rely on congress,

He seems to not listen to anyone who disagrees

shouldnt he at least be listening to someone?

4.Which of the following must be a higher priority for the US?
A. Winning in Iraq? B. Immediate Troop withdrawal?

What are we going to win? Free Oil?

Who loses if we withdraw the troops? Oh, riiight, The Iraqis, I get it. Or do the troops lose? Can you repeat the question?

5. Would you agree the War is lost in Iraq

War? I thought this was an occupation? Can we actually lose one of those? Is this about how we look? Wont it be the Iraqi's who actually lose?

6. Would you agree the US is fighting a global war on Terror?

How do you fight a global war on terror exactly? Im not sure if the US is fighting terror any more than they are creating more people desperate enough to use terror as a weapon.

7. Would you agree that any proposal to repeal congressional authorization for the Iraq war, sends the wrong message to the troops?

I think we should send some kind of message, other than partisan bickering.
I feel that is most disheartening message to the troops is being left with no strategy, other than, "be patient", just sit in the heart of enemy territory living in fear of the next terrorist attack, while the guys in charge bicker about money and not discuss a plan of action.

8.Would you agree that setting a deadline for troop withdrawal is seeting a deadline for failure?

You cant set a deadline without a plan. Once we have one of those, maybe you should ask that question.

9. How important is stabilizing the situation in Iraq before we begin withdrawing the troops?

Its the only thing that is important.
Your partisan polls and pie charts asking partisan questions are really fun.

1. How important is Victory in Iraq?

What is classified as victory?

2. How hopeful are you that the US will succeed in Iraq?

Why wouldnt I be hopeful? and what am I hopeful they succeed at exactly?

3. Who would you like to see the president rely on for advice on the conduct of war? A Congress or B Field commanders?

Well in the beginning he didnt rely on Field commanders, and now he doesnt want rely on congress,

He seems to not listen to anyone who disagrees

shouldnt he at least be listening to someone?

4.Which of the following must be a higher priority for the US?
A. Winning in Iraq? B. Immediate Troop withdrawal?

What are we going to win? Free Oil?

Who loses if we withdraw the troops? Oh, riiight, The Iraqis, I get it. Or do the troops lose? Can you repeat the question?

5. Would you agree the War is lost in Iraq

War? I thought this was an occupation? Can we actually lose one of those? Is this about how we look? Wont it be the Iraqi's who actually lose?

6. Would you agree the US is fighting a global war on Terror?

How do you fight a global war on terror exactly? Im not sure if the US is fighting terror any more than they are creating more people desperate enough to use terror as a weapon.

7. Would you agree that any proposal to repeal congressional authorization for the Iraq war, sends the wrong message to the troops?

I think we should send some kind of message, other than partisan bickering.
I feel that is most disheartening message to the troops is being left with no strategy, other than, "be patient", just sit in the heart of enemy territory living in fear of the next terrorist attack, while the guys in charge bicker about money and not discuss a plan of action.

8.Would you agree that setting a deadline for troop withdrawal is seeting a deadline for failure?

You cant set a deadline without a plan. Once we have one of those, maybe you should ask that question.

9. How important is stabilizing the situation in Iraq before we begin withdrawing the troops?

Its the only thing that is important.

MM Jr continues the spinning in absence

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