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Cuomo Admits He Killed All Those Elderly For Nothing

Cuomo and other blue state leaders are guilty of purposeful murder....if you lost an elderly member of your family to corona in a blue state nursing home hell hole it was murder.....
No. He admitted he made a mistake.

The one guilty of murder is tRump.
A mistake my ass...no one could be so stupid as to do what he and other blue state leaders did....no one...it was intentional....
Well that's a lie.

Also turns out that's what the federal guidelines suggested they do.

Bullshit....that is why Trump sent them a field hospital and a navy floating medical center so they wouldn't have to over whelm their hospitals which in retrospect were not full anyway so your point is moot....Blue state leaders wanted this to be as bad as they could make it so it would hurt Trump....they are guilty of murdering old folks....the people you will be voting for probably killed someones grandparents...due to TDS.....but you obviously don't care......
Blue state leaders arent responsible for Trump golfing and rallying after being warned about this virus multiple times.
Nor are the responsible for firing the pandemic response team, or the scientists in Wuhan looking out for new viruses, and shitloads of other mistakes.
Now that is a lie he never fired the response team...man you are majorly misinformed....
Yeah, he did.

Oh I know he claims he "folded it in" somewhere else but that's just lame excuse making like always.
He combined two offices that were doing the same job....why doesn't that concern you?...that we have overlapping agencies one of which just sits on their ass?.....you failed big time pal....you can't come up with one thing....
Here's what actually occurred.
The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

Trump could have come out a hero during this, by simply listening to experts, actually doing a little work, and pretending to have empathy. He couldn't even do that.
Trump has been cutting waste...this happened before the virus outbreak....two offices doing the same job is not better...its wasteful and ineffective....
Wasteful and ineffective is trillions of dollars in bailouts due to Trump's bungled response. Any business sector depending on people gathering is wiped out due to that.
You can keep repeating 'Trump's bungled response' like some deranged liberal parrot, but your lies and BS have already been debunked. Your attempt to rewrite history has failed. You are a pathetic snowflake joke.


Your imagination isnt debunking anything:
President Donald Trump’s failure to respond to the coronavirus pandemic didn’t begin with the administration’s inability to send out the millions of test kits and the protective medical gear for health care workers that experts say are needed to tackle the crisis. It didn’t start with Trump’s bungled messaging downplaying the crisis even as it’s worsened, nor with his mid-March insistence that social distancing measures could be lifted by Easter (he later backpedaled).
Democrats opposed all the life-saving measures Trump enacted / imposed. Had Democrats been in charge there would have been more infections and deaths.

Not even Biden, however, could do more to kill more Americans than Cuomo. Cuomo acknowledged the elderly were most likely to die then packed Nursing homes with infected patients, sentencing more than 5,000 to die.

Name one life-saving measure that Trump enacted or imposed that democrats blocked. The president has emergency powers, aka executive orders.
For that matter name one life saving measure he enacted, 'cause I can't think of any.
Cuomo and other blue state leaders are guilty of purposeful murder....if you lost an elderly member of your family to corona in a blue state nursing home hell hole it was murder.....
No. He admitted he made a mistake.

The one guilty of murder is tRump.
A mistake my ass...no one could be so stupid as to do what he and other blue state leaders did....no one...it was intentional....
Well that's a lie.

Also turns out that's what the federal guidelines suggested they do.

Bullshit....that is why Trump sent them a field hospital and a navy floating medical center so they wouldn't have to over whelm their hospitals which in retrospect were not full anyway so your point is moot....Blue state leaders wanted this to be as bad as they could make it so it would hurt Trump....they are guilty of murdering old folks....the people you will be voting for probably killed someones grandparents...due to TDS.....but you obviously don't care......
Blue state leaders arent responsible for Trump golfing and rallying after being warned about this virus multiple times.
Nor are the responsible for firing the pandemic response team, or the scientists in Wuhan looking out for new viruses, and shitloads of other mistakes.
Now that is a lie he never fired the response team...man you are majorly misinformed....
Yeah, he did.

Oh I know he claims he "folded it in" somewhere else but that's just lame excuse making like always.
He combined two offices that were doing the same job....why doesn't that concern you?...that we have overlapping agencies one of which just sits on their ass?.....you failed big time pal....you can't come up with one thing....
Here's what actually occurred.
The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

Trump could have come out a hero during this, by simply listening to experts, actually doing a little work, and pretending to have empathy. He couldn't even do that.
Trump has been cutting waste...this happened before the virus outbreak....two offices doing the same job is not better...its wasteful and ineffective....
Wasteful and ineffective is trillions of dollars in bailouts due to Trump's bungled response. Any business sector depending on people gathering is wiped out due to that.
You can keep repeating 'Trump's bungled response' like some deranged liberal parrot, but your lies and BS have already been debunked. Your attempt to rewrite history has failed. You are a pathetic snowflake joke.


Your imagination isnt debunking anything:
President Donald Trump’s failure to respond to the coronavirus pandemic didn’t begin with the administration’s inability to send out the millions of test kits and the protective medical gear for health care workers that experts say are needed to tackle the crisis. It didn’t start with Trump’s bungled messaging downplaying the crisis even as it’s worsened, nor with his mid-March insistence that social distancing measures could be lifted by Easter (he later backpedaled).
Democrats opposed all the life-saving measures Trump enacted / imposed. Had Democrats been in charge there would have been more infections and deaths.

Not even Biden, however, could do more to kill more Americans than Cuomo. Cuomo acknowledged the elderly were most likely to die then packed Nursing homes with infected patients, sentencing more than 5,000 to die.

Name one life-saving measure that Trump enacted or imposed that democrats blocked. The president has emergency powers, aka executive orders.
For that matter name one life saving measure he enacted, 'cause I can't think of any.
You're alive aren't ya?....
Cuomo and other blue state leaders are guilty of purposeful murder....if you lost an elderly member of your family to corona in a blue state nursing home hell hole it was murder.....
No. He admitted he made a mistake.

The one guilty of murder is tRump.
A mistake my ass...no one could be so stupid as to do what he and other blue state leaders did....no one...it was intentional....
Well that's a lie.

Also turns out that's what the federal guidelines suggested they do.

Bullshit....that is why Trump sent them a field hospital and a navy floating medical center so they wouldn't have to over whelm their hospitals which in retrospect were not full anyway so your point is moot....Blue state leaders wanted this to be as bad as they could make it so it would hurt Trump....they are guilty of murdering old folks....the people you will be voting for probably killed someones grandparents...due to TDS.....but you obviously don't care......
Lol, my point is not moot.

Hospital ship turned out to be bloody useless, I feel for wherever they are sent next.

Federal guidelines said to do it, so that's what they did.

Gee, you think maybe if tRump hadn't fired the pandemic experts (along with the scientists keeping an eye out for new viruses in China) someone might have revised those guidelines before all those folks got killed?

No matter how hard you squirm, this is still all tRump's fault.

What Happened with the NSC Team?

As we explained in a March 3 story, the administration did eliminate a key position at the NSC but that doesn’t mean the entire “team” was “fired,” as then-Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg said, or that all of the functions of the office were eliminated.

The Washington Post reported in May 2018 that then-National Security Adviser John Bolton dissolved the NSC’s Office of Global Health Security and Biodefense in a reorganization effort. Rear Adm. R. Timothy Ziemer left his post as senior director of that office and wasn’t replaced.

The Post said this was part of a “reorganization” by Bolton and quoted an NSC spokesman as saying “global health, global health security and biodefense” would be addressed “under the new structure.” The Atlantic also reported at the time that some team members were shifted to other groups, and others took over some of Ziemer’s duties.

Morrison objected to claims that the office was “dissolved,” writing in the Post on March 16 that the administration “create[d] the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented.”

We didn’t get a statement from the White House when we asked about the NSC issue, but the Washington Post Fact Checker did. NSC spokesman John Ullyot told the Post: “No director-level positions were eliminated during this process, and the organization retained its subject matter expertise under a different organizational structure.”

Kenneth W. Bernard, who served in both former President Bill Clinton’s and President George W. Bush’s administrations, wrote in 2018 that this was the third time that an administration had “downgraded the importance of disease and bioterrorism threats in the hierarchy of national security issues.” Bernard said he worked in such a post in 1998 but the Bush administration abolished it in 2001, then reopened it a year later after 9/11 and the 2001 anthrax attacks. He said Obama abolished it again after his election, but in his second term created the NSC office.

Now for crying out loud, can we put this leftist lie to rest already????
Buncha right wing nut-job excuse making.
You’re the ones defending China. This is 100% China’s fault.
No. This is 100% tRump's fault.
Only an idiot would say that. You fit the bill. Lunacy. Fucking lunacy all around me. The fact that your vote counts as much as mine is an insult to me.
An insult to you?

How do you think the Democrats feel about you tRump voting fools? You people have made a whole industry out of misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories while you deride actual news as "fake". You continuously decide the lies you are told and come back begging for more.

I'mma stop right there because I could fill pages with this rant.
You people. Awesome. List three lies. You must have them off the top of your empty head since you say there are so many. Get over the 2016 loss. You sound like little bitches. Waaa waaaa. Start identifying as men again and see what happens.
From 2016 Hillary Clinton's supposed Parkinson's.

From 2019 the Mueller report totally exonerated tRump.

From this afternoon mail in voting leads to "massive" fraud.

There's three out of literally thousands.

Cuomo and other blue state leaders are guilty of purposeful murder....if you lost an elderly member of your family to corona in a blue state nursing home hell hole it was murder.....
No. He admitted he made a mistake.

The one guilty of murder is tRump.
A mistake my ass...no one could be so stupid as to do what he and other blue state leaders did....no one...it was intentional....
Well that's a lie.

Also turns out that's what the federal guidelines suggested they do.

Bullshit....that is why Trump sent them a field hospital and a navy floating medical center so they wouldn't have to over whelm their hospitals which in retrospect were not full anyway so your point is moot....Blue state leaders wanted this to be as bad as they could make it so it would hurt Trump....they are guilty of murdering old folks....the people you will be voting for probably killed someones grandparents...due to TDS.....but you obviously don't care......
Blue state leaders arent responsible for Trump golfing and rallying after being warned about this virus multiple times.
Nor are the responsible for firing the pandemic response team, or the scientists in Wuhan looking out for new viruses, and shitloads of other mistakes.
Now that is a lie he never fired the response team...man you are majorly misinformed....
Yeah, he did.

Oh I know he claims he "folded it in" somewhere else but that's just lame excuse making like always.
He combined two offices that were doing the same job....why doesn't that concern you?...that we have overlapping agencies one of which just sits on their ass?.....you failed big time pal....you can't come up with one thing....
Here's what actually occurred.
The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

Trump could have come out a hero during this, by simply listening to experts, actually doing a little work, and pretending to have empathy. He couldn't even do that.
Trump has been cutting waste...this happened before the virus outbreak....two offices doing the same job is not better...its wasteful and ineffective....
Wasteful and ineffective is trillions of dollars in bailouts due to Trump's bungled response. Any business sector depending on people gathering is wiped out due to that.
You can keep repeating 'Trump's bungled response' like some deranged liberal parrot, but your lies and BS have already been debunked. Your attempt to rewrite history has failed. You are a pathetic snowflake joke.


Your imagination isnt debunking anything:
President Donald Trump’s failure to respond to the coronavirus pandemic didn’t begin with the administration’s inability to send out the millions of test kits and the protective medical gear for health care workers that experts say are needed to tackle the crisis. It didn’t start with Trump’s bungled messaging downplaying the crisis even as it’s worsened, nor with his mid-March insistence that social distancing measures could be lifted by Easter (he later backpedaled).
Democrats opposed all the life-saving measures Trump enacted / imposed. Had Democrats been in charge there would have been more infections and deaths.

Not even Biden, however, could do more to kill more Americans than Cuomo. Cuomo acknowledged the elderly were most likely to die then packed Nursing homes with infected patients, sentencing more than 5,000 to die.

Name one life-saving measure that Trump enacted or imposed that democrats blocked. The president has emergency powers, aka executive orders.
For that matter name one life saving measure he enacted, 'cause I can't think of any.
You're alive aren't ya?....
No thanks to tRump and his inept bullshit.
Cuomo and other blue state leaders are guilty of purposeful murder....if you lost an elderly member of your family to corona in a blue state nursing home hell hole it was murder.....
No. He admitted he made a mistake.

The one guilty of murder is tRump.
A mistake my ass...no one could be so stupid as to do what he and other blue state leaders did....no one...it was intentional....
Well that's a lie.

Also turns out that's what the federal guidelines suggested they do.

Bullshit....that is why Trump sent them a field hospital and a navy floating medical center so they wouldn't have to over whelm their hospitals which in retrospect were not full anyway so your point is moot....Blue state leaders wanted this to be as bad as they could make it so it would hurt Trump....they are guilty of murdering old folks....the people you will be voting for probably killed someones grandparents...due to TDS.....but you obviously don't care......
Lol, my point is not moot.

Hospital ship turned out to be bloody useless, I feel for wherever they are sent next.

Federal guidelines said to do it, so that's what they did.

Gee, you think maybe if tRump hadn't fired the pandemic experts (along with the scientists keeping an eye out for new viruses in China) someone might have revised those guidelines before all those folks got killed?

No matter how hard you squirm, this is still all tRump's fault.

What Happened with the NSC Team?

As we explained in a March 3 story, the administration did eliminate a key position at the NSC but that doesn’t mean the entire “team” was “fired,” as then-Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg said, or that all of the functions of the office were eliminated.

The Washington Post reported in May 2018 that then-National Security Adviser John Bolton dissolved the NSC’s Office of Global Health Security and Biodefense in a reorganization effort. Rear Adm. R. Timothy Ziemer left his post as senior director of that office and wasn’t replaced.

The Post said this was part of a “reorganization” by Bolton and quoted an NSC spokesman as saying “global health, global health security and biodefense” would be addressed “under the new structure.” The Atlantic also reported at the time that some team members were shifted to other groups, and others took over some of Ziemer’s duties.

Morrison objected to claims that the office was “dissolved,” writing in the Post on March 16 that the administration “create[d] the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented.”

We didn’t get a statement from the White House when we asked about the NSC issue, but the Washington Post Fact Checker did. NSC spokesman John Ullyot told the Post: “No director-level positions were eliminated during this process, and the organization retained its subject matter expertise under a different organizational structure.”

Kenneth W. Bernard, who served in both former President Bill Clinton’s and President George W. Bush’s administrations, wrote in 2018 that this was the third time that an administration had “downgraded the importance of disease and bioterrorism threats in the hierarchy of national security issues.” Bernard said he worked in such a post in 1998 but the Bush administration abolished it in 2001, then reopened it a year later after 9/11 and the 2001 anthrax attacks. He said Obama abolished it again after his election, but in his second term created the NSC office.

Now for crying out loud, can we put this leftist lie to rest already????
Buncha right wing nut-job excuse making.
You’re the ones defending China. This is 100% China’s fault.
No. This is 100% tRump's fault.
Only an idiot would say that. You fit the bill. Lunacy. Fucking lunacy all around me. The fact that your vote counts as much as mine is an insult to me.
An insult to you?

How do you think the Democrats feel about you tRump voting fools? You people have made a whole industry out of misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories while you deride actual news as "fake". You continuously decide the lies you are told and come back begging for more.

I'mma stop right there because I could fill pages with this rant.
You people. Awesome. List three lies. You must have them off the top of your empty head since you say there are so many. Get over the 2016 loss. You sound like little bitches. Waaa waaaa. Start identifying as men again and see what happens.
From 2016 Hillary Clinton's supposed Parkinson's.

From 2019 the Mueller report totally exonerated tRump.

From this afternoon mail in voting leads to "massive" fraud.

There's three out of literally thousands.

None of those are lies. Keep trying.
That's the difference between a Man and an Orange Baboon.

A man admits his mistakes, and he admits when 'expert advice' that he was following was wrong.

An Orange Baboon coats himself with Teflon and tries to push blame on everyone but himself - like a weasel.
You keep calling acknowledging the elderly are most likely to die from COVID-19 then packing Nursing homes with COVID-19 infected patients, which is what Comp did, a 'MISTAKE'.

That either makes you an idiot or a partisan, criminal Democrat ass-kissing apologist / excuse maker.

I'll let you decide which it is.

Cuomo sentenced over 5,000 elderly N Y citizens to die.

That's not a 'mistake'.

Then charge him with murder, try him, and hang him, for all I care... I'm from Illinois, and I have no skin in that game.

We Illini have our own problems, dealing with an a$$hole Dem gubner, who took over from an even bigger Pub a$$hole gubner.

But getting back to the Big Horse-Apple...

Yes... ordering the shifting of patients from hospitals to nursing homes, when Federal guidelines called for it, is, indeed, a mistake, and not intentional.

Especially in the early days of the pandemic when it was not as well understood as it is now.

Or are you saying that Cuomo INTENTIONALLY put seniors in harm's way for the express purpose of infecting them?

If that is your position, you'd damned-well better be prepared to follow-up with links to credible evidence.

And none of that has anything to do with Cuomo's admitting of mistakes, which is far more manly than your Weasel-God's teflon behavior.
Last edited:
That's the difference between a Man and an Orange Baboon.

A man admits his mistakes, and he admits when 'expert advice' that he was following was wrong.

An Orange Baboon coats himself with Teflon and tries to push blame on everyone but himself - like a weasel.

Haven't ya'll been screaming that Trump was bad because he refused to follow those so called experts advice?????
Nope. Rump was not involved in the decision to shift NY coronavirus patients to NY nursing homes, was he?
That's the difference between a Man and an Orange Baboon.

A man admits his mistakes, and he admits when 'expert advice' that he was following was wrong.

An Orange Baboon coats himself with Teflon and tries to push blame on everyone but himself - like a weasel.

No, he admitted nothing. He lumped himself in there with all the wrong predictions to avoid being held accountable.
That's the difference between a Man and an Orange Baboon.

A man admits his mistakes, and he admits when 'expert advice' that he was following was wrong.

An Orange Baboon coats himself with Teflon and tries to push blame on everyone but himself - like a weasel.

No, he admitted nothing. He lumped himself in there with all the wrong predictions to avoid being held accountable.
If true, then he actually has something in common with The Teflon Weasel-in-Chief after all, eh?

On Monday, Cuomo told reporters that he will no longer predict whether New York will be successful in reopening amid the coronavirus pandemic because experts "all failed at that business."
"Now, people can speculate, people can guess, I think next week, I think two weeks, I think a month," Cuomo said. "I'm out of that business, because we all failed at that business. All the early national experts, here's my projection, here's my projection model, they were all wrong, they were all wrong."

But I'm sure he believes the global warming models as if they are gospel.
Yet another stupid fucking Trumpette who has no understanding of mathematical modeling.

On Monday, Cuomo told reporters that he will no longer predict whether New York will be successful in reopening amid the coronavirus pandemic because experts "all failed at that business."
"Now, people can speculate, people can guess, I think next week, I think two weeks, I think a month," Cuomo said. "I'm out of that business, because we all failed at that business. All the early national experts, here's my projection, here's my projection model, they were all wrong, they were all wrong."

But I'm sure he believes the global warming models as if they are gospel.
Yet another stupid fucking Trumpette who has no understanding of mathematical modeling.
Cuomo has no understanding of math models for saying they were all wrong?

And of course, since I don't drink the cool aid of the world according to DNC science I have no understanding of anything either.

Does this make Cuomo a right winger now?
That's the difference between a Man and an Orange Baboon.

A man admits his mistakes, and he admits when 'expert advice' that he was following was wrong.

An Orange Baboon coats himself with Teflon and tries to push blame on everyone but himself - like a weasel.
Lol, he tried to blame Trump for all of his deaths. Even CNN wouldn't run with it, that's how desperate you loons have become.

On Monday, Cuomo told reporters that he will no longer predict whether New York will be successful in reopening amid the coronavirus pandemic because experts "all failed at that business."
"Now, people can speculate, people can guess, I think next week, I think two weeks, I think a month," Cuomo said. "I'm out of that business, because we all failed at that business. All the early national experts, here's my projection, here's my projection model, they were all wrong, they were all wrong."

But I'm sure he believes the global warming models as if they are gospel.
Yet another stupid fucking Trumpette who has no understanding of mathematical modeling.
Lol, that mathematical modeling was way off and is the reason for the shutdown and the economy crashing.
That's the difference between a Man and an Orange Baboon.

A man admits his mistakes, and he admits when 'expert advice' that he was following was wrong.

An Orange Baboon coats himself with Teflon and tries to push blame on everyone but himself - like a weasel.
When the time comes, these psychopathic power mongers will turn on you. And you will wail like children. You saw their true colors in full color in this medical issue. Fascism is a mutha. The problem with many of these people is that most of them have never had their mouths bloodied in physical battle. The prog politician is as bad as any corrupted police in areas of this nation.

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