Cuomo bans Confederate flags being sold on state property.

For those always complaining about their rights being violated this is a proper example. To me something like this is the proper reason to remove a politician. He admits it violates the 1st Amendment but he will support it anyway. That is unacceptable for a politician. It reminds me when Bush acknowledged that McCain/Feingold was unconstitutional but he would sign it anyway.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Bans Sale of Confederate Flags, Despite Knowing This Has First Amendment Problems

How is it a violation of First Amendment Rights when it only applies to state owned property. Sale of Nazi Swastika flags on government property have been going on since WWII, and before.

Our civil rights are not suspended when we're on state property.

You don't have the right to buy a confederate flag. When vendors are operating in public malls, the vendors have to respect the wishes of the mall owner who tells them what they are allowed to sell, and more importantly what they cannot sell.

You don't walk into a Christian bookstore and ask them to sell you books promoting Satanism, so it's not unrealistic of you to expect that a government owned property is not selling symbols of hate and racism.
what would you know about what right we have to buy in a country you dont live in???

mind your own business,,,
cuomo the homo at its finest again....when will the retarded demonRATs wake up? fuck cuomo, mass murderer
but xiden wants this scum as
For those always complaining about their rights being violated this is a proper example. To me something like this is the proper reason to remove a politician. He admits it violates the 1st Amendment but he will support it anyway. That is unacceptable for a politician. It reminds me when Bush acknowledged that McCain/Feingold was unconstitutional but he would sign it anyway.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Bans Sale of Confederate Flags, Despite Knowing This Has First Amendment Problems

How is it a violation of First Amendment Rights when it only applies to state owned property. Sale of Nazi Swastika flags on government property have been going on since WWII, and before.

Our civil rights are not suspended when we're on state property.

You don't have the right to buy a confederate flag. When vendors are operating in public malls, the vendors have to respect the wishes of the mall owner who tells them what they are allowed to sell, and more importantly what they cannot sell.

You don't walk into a Christian bookstore and ask them to sell you books promoting Satanism, so it's not unrealistic of you to expect that a government owned property is not selling symbols of hate and racism.

You're confused about how things work in this country. Not sure where you live, but here our civil rights specifically prohibit the government (not private businesses) from making a law that abridges our right to free speech (which includes images like flags). Your analogy is meaningless.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
He only banned confederate flag sales on public property. You can still sell them in stores.

Cumhole's order is unconstitutional.
So are confederates.

Not really, a state can secede.

You're not awfully bright are you?
It's against the law to secede. That doesn't mean that it won't happen. I'm not big on laws, but any state seceding is going to have to defend themselves. That's how it's done.

Except Texas
They legally can.
It's his State he can do whatever he wants

" Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Can't believe you wrote that
For those always complaining about their rights being violated this is a proper example. To me something like this is the proper reason to remove a politician. He admits it violates the 1st Amendment but he will support it anyway. That is unacceptable for a politician. It reminds me when Bush acknowledged that McCain/Feingold was unconstitutional but he would sign it anyway.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Bans Sale of Confederate Flags, Despite Knowing This Has First Amendment Problems
Good for him....besides, it's New York State......NOT a con-federate state.
For those always complaining about their rights being violated this is a proper example. To me something like this is the proper reason to remove a politician. He admits it violates the 1st Amendment but he will support it anyway. That is unacceptable for a politician. It reminds me when Bush acknowledged that McCain/Feingold was unconstitutional but he would sign it anyway.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Bans Sale of Confederate Flags, Despite Knowing This Has First Amendment Problems

How is it a violation of First Amendment Rights when it only applies to state owned property. Sale of Nazi Swastika flags on government property have been going on since WWII, and before.
State owned property isn’t exempt from OUR Constitution, Canuck.

Stay above the border in your shithole country, you know nothing about America.
For those always complaining about their rights being violated this is a proper example. To me something like this is the proper reason to remove a politician. He admits it violates the 1st Amendment but he will support it anyway. That is unacceptable for a politician. It reminds me when Bush acknowledged that McCain/Feingold was unconstitutional but he would sign it anyway.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Bans Sale of Confederate Flags, Despite Knowing This Has First Amendment Problems

How is it a violation of First Amendment Rights when it only applies to state owned property. Sale of Nazi Swastika flags on government property have been going on since WWII, and before.

Our civil rights are not suspended when we're on state property.

You don't have the right to buy a confederate flag. When vendors are operating in public malls, the vendors have to respect the wishes of the mall owner who tells them what they are allowed to sell, and more importantly what they cannot sell.

You don't walk into a Christian bookstore and ask them to sell you books promoting Satanism, so it's not unrealistic of you to expect that a government owned property is not selling symbols of hate and racism.

You are better than this,.........
No, she isn’t.

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