Cuomo Claims Ordering Positive COVID Patients To Nursing Homes Did Not Spread The Virus


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Cuz science.
The guy is a total psychopath. Seriously, And everyone that carried his water and celebrated him for the last year has the same blood on their hands he does.

Cuomo Claims Ordering Positive COVID Patients To Nursing Homes Did Not Spread The Virus

Good! If the "science" says that, then I can't possibly need to wear a mask just to go out and about being Covid free if actual Covid patients put in with the most vulnerable batch of people doesn't spread the virus either!

Thanks, Andy!
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
You're so full of shit, your name should be Outhouse.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
You're so full of shit, your name should be Outhouse.

You see, there are three types of leftists:

There's the leftist that doesn't do any research and just spouts what they here on social media or from their leftist friends. Example, Penelope.

There's the leftists that knows what their saying is all lies but repeats it for political gain. Example rightwinger.

Then there's the Care4all leftists that will lie to themselves over and over to try and convince themselves leftism isn't a failure.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
You're so full of shit, your name should be Outhouse.

You see, there are three types of leftists:

There's the leftist that doesn't do any research and just spouts what they here on social media or from their leftist friends. Example, Penelope.

There's the leftists that knows what their saying is all lies but repeats it for political gain. Example rightwinger.

Then there's the Care4all leftists that will lie to themselves over and over to try and convince themselves leftism isn't a failure.
They should visit Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. Socialist shitholes. Literally. Shit everywhere.
The numbers quoted above INCLUDED the NH resident deaths that occurred in hospitals.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?

I am open to the idea that the orders were not as harmful as has been stated but you are using data points that are not relevant. The ratio of people outside of nursing homes to in nursing homes says, quite literally, nothing whatsoever about the impact of the states handling of covid patients in nursing homes.

What would matter is the ratio of total nursing home residents to total that died in nursing homes. The real question is what the actual numbers are as well. Has NY amended the information they put out considering that they have already admitted that they were putting out incorrect information?

I am unaware if they have amended the information or not and that makes any comparison suspect from the get go unless the information has been corrected.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?
What else did Cuomo’s NY data tell you? You never link. We know why.

This is from August:
6,600 residents and staff of long-term care facilities have died of COVID-19 in the state—the second-highest LTC death toll of any state. And this number may be an undercount, according to recent reporting by the Associated Press.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?

I am open to the idea that the orders were not as harmful as has been stated but you are using data points that are not relevant. The ratio of people outside of nursing homes to in nursing homes says, quite literally, nothing whatsoever about the impact of the states handling of covid patients in nursing homes.

What would matter is the ratio of total nursing home residents to total that died in nursing homes. The real question is what the actual numbers are as well. Has NY amended the information they put out considering that they have already admitted that they were putting out incorrect information?

I am unaware if they have amended the information or not and that makes any comparison suspect from the get go unless the information has been corrected.
I saw that information earlier on the percent of nursing covid deaths to total nursing home patients earlier..... let me see if I can find it..... might have been an AARP article..... it was a listing by state, and if memory serves, NY State was in the middle of the pack...

I agree with you, nursing homes in most all states, have done a really crappy job on protecting their residents early on and perhaps it is still really bad....

Getting info on nursing homes on covid deaths from various states is like pulling teeth.... I've been looking in to it for the past year....It's near impossible to get information to compare....

I do know we have improved a little.... because the covid nursing resident deaths as a percentage to total covid deaths back in September was 41%, and the latest article I just read is saying it is now 39%.

Jiminey Cricket! 40% of deaths from nursing homes.....!!!! That just ain't right! It's neglect! Imho!!!! First off, the nursing aides working there likely initially brought it in to the nursing homes, or maybe family members visiting relatives in nursing homes? And I had read early on, that the these nursing aides many times work in multiple facilities of the nursing home owner... (usually some corporation.) So those aides, not wearing n95 mask protection properly, or not at all, were spreading it from nursing home to nursing home, unaware that they were even sick because they were asymptomatic, perhaps?

Anyway, if I come across that data on nursing home patient deaths from covid vs total nursing home occupants, I will link it back to your response post here.
Cuz science.
The guy is a total psychopath. Seriously, And everyone that carried his water and celebrated him for the last year has the same blood on their hands he does.
View attachment 457883

Let me see... Placing COVID positive patients with COVID negative people who are highly susceptible to infection from the virus..... Cuomo really is that stupid or just that big of a psychopathic murderer... I'm going with the later as he was trying to make Trump look bad....
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?

I am open to the idea that the orders were not as harmful as has been stated but you are using data points that are not relevant. The ratio of people outside of nursing homes to in nursing homes says, quite literally, nothing whatsoever about the impact of the states handling of covid patients in nursing homes.

What would matter is the ratio of total nursing home residents to total that died in nursing homes. The real question is what the actual numbers are as well. Has NY amended the information they put out considering that they have already admitted that they were putting out incorrect information?

I am unaware if they have amended the information or not and that makes any comparison suspect from the get go unless the information has been corrected.
I saw that information earlier on the percent of nursing covid deaths to total nursing home patients earlier..... let me see if I can find it..... might have been an AARP article..... it was a listing by state, and if memory serves, NY State was in the middle of the pack...

I agree with you, nursing homes in most all states, have done a really crappy job on protecting their residents early on and perhaps it is still really bad....

Getting info on nursing homes on covid deaths from various states is like pulling teeth.... I've been looking in to it for the past year....It's near impossible to get information to compare....

I do know we have improved a little.... because the covid nursing resident deaths as a percentage to total covid deaths back in September was 41%, and the latest article I just read is saying it is now 39%.

Jiminey Cricket! 40% of deaths from nursing homes.....!!!! That just ain't right! It's neglect! Imho!!!! First off, the nursing aides working there likely initially brought it in to the nursing homes, or maybe family members visiting relatives in nursing homes? And I had read early on, that the these nursing aides many times work in multiple facilities of the nursing home owner... (usually some corporation.) So those aides, not wearing n95 mask protection properly, or not at all, were spreading it from nursing home to nursing home, unaware that they were even sick because they were asymptomatic, perhaps?

Anyway, if I come across that data on nursing home patient deaths from covid vs total nursing home occupants, I will link it back to your response post here.
This is likely the AARP data you are looking for:

Which puts NY somewhere in the middle though, again, I do not know what numbers they are using. We know the nursing home deaths were misreported - they have admitted that much. I am unaware if they ever corrected that error.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?

You're covering for him, which helps him get away with killing all those people. Why would you do that?
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
Hun, you do know that NY got snagged about LYING about the number of dead right? NY had the highest number of nursing home deaths.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?

I am open to the idea that the orders were not as harmful as has been stated but you are using data points that are not relevant. The ratio of people outside of nursing homes to in nursing homes says, quite literally, nothing whatsoever about the impact of the states handling of covid patients in nursing homes.

What would matter is the ratio of total nursing home residents to total that died in nursing homes. The real question is what the actual numbers are as well. Has NY amended the information they put out considering that they have already admitted that they were putting out incorrect information?

I am unaware if they have amended the information or not and that makes any comparison suspect from the get go unless the information has been corrected.
I saw that information earlier on the percent of nursing covid deaths to total nursing home patients earlier..... let me see if I can find it..... might have been an AARP article..... it was a listing by state, and if memory serves, NY State was in the middle of the pack...

I agree with you, nursing homes in most all states, have done a really crappy job on protecting their residents early on and perhaps it is still really bad....

Getting info on nursing homes on covid deaths from various states is like pulling teeth.... I've been looking in to it for the past year....It's near impossible to get information to compare....

I do know we have improved a little.... because the covid nursing resident deaths as a percentage to total covid deaths back in September was 41%, and the latest article I just read is saying it is now 39%.

Jiminey Cricket! 40% of deaths from nursing homes.....!!!! That just ain't right! It's neglect! Imho!!!! First off, the nursing aides working there likely initially brought it in to the nursing homes, or maybe family members visiting relatives in nursing homes? And I had read early on, that the these nursing aides many times work in multiple facilities of the nursing home owner... (usually some corporation.) So those aides, not wearing n95 mask protection properly, or not at all, were spreading it from nursing home to nursing home, unaware that they were even sick because they were asymptomatic, perhaps?

Anyway, if I come across that data on nursing home patient deaths from covid vs total nursing home occupants, I will link it back to your response post here.
My Grandmother 101 lives in a nursing home because of several health issues------------up till this November they were able to keep the virus out and away from patients despite several staff getting earlier in the year. Keeping infected patients out worked. My grandmother apparently had the virus in December as did I and my husband----from separate sources---she was sick a couple of days and recovered quickly which is better than my hubby.

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