Cuomo: Dems won’t call out Ilhan Omar due to retribution fears


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Cuomo: Dems won’t call out Ilhan Omar due to retribution fears

Cuomo: Dems won’t call out Ilhan Omar due to retribution fears
3/18/19 ~~ By Carl Campinile
Gov. Andrew Cuomo charged Monday that the Democratic Party’s response to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic remarks was “muted” because too many of the party’s officials are fearful of retribution.... “You’ve had on the Democratic side voices of anti-Semitism. And I think some people were reluctant to vociferously stand up and condemn it because the whole political environment is so charged now,” Cuomo said on WAMC radio.... Cuomo was asked about the watered-down resolution passed by the House that condemned all forms of bigotry, not just anti-Semitism.
“Whatever you say, you’re going to get criticized by the other side … It was muted. It was muted because too many people feared the retaliation of this reptilian political moment, right? Lash out or run away,” Cuomo said.

Hmm....., Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats afraid to silence this spokeswoman anti-Semitic terrorism, because they are afraid of terror. They make terror work...
I don’t care how Progressive Marxist Socialists and the media are spinning this. The Democrat Party is on the verge of imploding. The extreme socialists and the extreme, extreme socialists can no longer co-exist with each other. Just as it happened nearly one hundred years ago. The extremists of the Party will begin the culling of those that don't go along with the pogrom
Strange isn't it, PMS Dem Leftists have no fear insulting or attacking Christians (who they say are violent) but dare not insult Muslims (who they say are peaceful).

Libs allied themselves with progs, islam, socialist and marxist ambitions. They hate america to the core.
Sure seems funny the Dem leadership doesn't come down on that death cult bitch like a ton of bricks.

Gotta wonder why not??

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