Cuomo in a fix


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Cuomo says NY tax revenues have dropped by $2.3 billion --

I almost pity the baby killer......almost.

New York is losing billions due to over taxation?

I thought not having enough taxes is why they gave the boot to Amazon and Bezos and the 25,000 jobs?

Well, Cuomo, who once said America was never great, I'm sure can still win reelection in Libtard New York, either that or California.

Looks like New York needs to loosen those drug laws so citizens who chose to stay can self medicate.
Yeah NY and IL are in the midst of an implosion. And according to the sources used by OAN The net "revenue" of illegals is highly negative, not the positive numbers that came out in W's administration. That conforms to the jobs and homeowner exodus from both states. If you buy into your own BS you will get hurt.
1. Allow FRACKING which will create upstate jobs, and tax revenue.

2. Lower individual tax rates. Communities need to stop paying government employees huge pensions and benefits way above what the private sector pays.
Yeah . Cause if Trumps tax code f-over blue states .

From your article: Cuomo attributed the revenue drop in December and January largely to the new federal tax code, as well as volatility in the stock market and other uncertainties
Why should the Feds, and thus people in other states subsidize those states that charge exorbitant state and local income, and property taxes? Why can't they control their spending, and lower their tax rates?
Why should the Feds, and thus people in other states subsidize those states that charge exorbitant state and local income, and property taxes? Why can't they control their spending, and lower their tax rates?

That would result in fewer kick backs to make the pols rich.
Why should the Feds, and thus people in other states subsidize those states that charge exorbitant state and local income, and property taxes? Why can't they control their spending, and lower their tax rates?

That would result in fewer kick backs to make the pols rich.

The bigger the budgets, the higher the taxes, the bigger their piece of the pie. That's why Democrats, and Establishment Republicans love bigger, and bigger government.
Why should the Feds, and thus people in other states subsidize those states that charge exorbitant state and local income, and property taxes? Why can't they control their spending, and lower their tax rates?

That would result in fewer kick backs to make the pols rich.

The bigger the budgets, the higher the taxes, the bigger their piece of the pie. That's why Democrats, and Establishment Republicans love bigger, and bigger government.


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