Curious- Do the Protesters Have Jobs?

I like how the baby libtards were outside with generic signs protesting Trump's SCOTUS pick while he was inside announcing who it was.
I like how the baby libtards were outside with generic signs protesting Trump's SCOTUS pick while he was inside announcing who it was.

Kind of like all the prep work Obamer put into coloring the White House in faggot queer colors BEFORE SCOTUS reached a decision

While this might sound like a rhetorical question, I'm interested to hear how one justifies working hours protesting.


Why yes, they do have jobs. They are paid protestors!

I like how the baby libtards were outside with generic signs protesting Trump's SCOTUS pick while he was inside announcing who it was.

Kind of like all the prep work Obamer put into coloring the White House in faggot queer colors BEFORE SCOTUS reached a decision

At least President Obama had a diversified administration made up of both Democrats and Republicans, different nationalities that reflected the U.S.!!!!

Meawhile, the fat pot bellied 70 year Prick....known as Putin's Puppet, has selected a majority all white administration and cabinet! Keeping with "Make America Fascist Again.
Reflecting the US is a luxury we cannot afford right now. We need people who actually know what they are doing.
While this might sound like a rhetorical question, I'm interested to hear how one justifies working hours protesting.


Sure they do. They are professional protesters and I'd bet they are being paid quite well. LOL

At least the protesters aren't brain dead red state conserva-tards.

They need to get out of Mom and Dad's basement and get a job

The protesters need avoid working for conservative business owners and of course avoid socializing with conservatives from red states!!!
Reflecting the US is a luxury we cannot afford right now. We need people who actually know what they are doing.
Well that's not Dictator Trump nor his Oligarchy cabinet and appointments......all of which are millionaires and billionaires who specialize in BANKRUPTCIES!!!! What could possibly GO WRONG!!!
Would you care to clarify?

Sick leave or vacation leave

And what great companies offer such flexibility?

People often take off weekends. Dumbass.

But what about the other 5 days of the week?

The Tea Partiers didn't have jobs.

And that is in part to Obama lying about shovel ready jobs.

And, I can't recall any Tea Party patriots protesting at airports

Don't try to rewrite fuckin history. Them redneck tea party bitches may not have been at the air ports but them welfare whores were all over the fuckin place.
Welfare Whores from Philadelphia, Detroit, NYC, Chicago, LA, Atlanta........
While this might sound like a rhetorical question, I'm interested to hear how one justifies working hours protesting.


Sure they do. They are professional protesters and I'd bet they are being paid quite well. LOL

At least the protesters aren't brain dead red state conserva-tards.

They need to get out of Mom and Dad's basement and get a job

Typical 20th Century conservative response.

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