Curious; people who nevr admitted Iran wants nukes now say ok obama deal or armageddon


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
don't you love the way the left gets exposed and never bats an eye over it? No they just lie, distort and omit and keep on trucking.
the same people who INSISTED Iran wasn't working on a nuke and it was all a giant conspiracy by the "warmongering right" now say Obama's nuclear deal is the only way to go

idiots and hypocrites
Who, exactly, ever said that Iran didn't want to develop nuclear weapons capability?

It's fucking easy to "win" "debates" when you get to make up what your "opponent" says.
don't you love the way the left gets exposed and never bats an eye over it? No they just lie, distort and omit and keep on trucking.
the same people who INSISTED Iran wasn't working on a nuke and it was all a giant conspiracy by the "warmongering right" now say Obama's nuclear deal is the only way to go

idiots and hypocrites

I concur. They are blind to who is POTUS as long as the puppet is doing the liberal progressive scum bidding. People like LL want to see America dissolved only to be part of a bigger New World Order regime. Hell, they are all for wiping North America out of history books. LL stands for 'Loser Left'

Awesome. Please......make up some more stuff. But...whatever you do.....don't answer the question that I asked.
Who, exactly, ever said that Iran didn't want to develop nuclear weapons capability?

It's fucking easy to "win" "debates" when you get to make up what your "opponent" says.

It's fucking easy to "win" "debates" when you get to make up what your "opponent" says

Like telling people that if the deal isn't approved, there will be war?
Still no names? Who said that Iran wasn't seeking a nuclear weapons program? Anyone important? Anyone here at USMB? Who?
Who, exactly, ever said that Iran didn't want to develop nuclear weapons capability?

It's fucking easy to "win" "debates" when you get to make up what your "opponent" says.

you sad loser; anybody familiar with these message boards has seen that hundreds of times from idiots just like you.

EVEN OBAMA kept the Iranian "breakout time", the time Iran could build a weapon, a secret until very recently,
Yes loon it was people just like you that not so long ago INSISTED Iran was TEN YEARS away from a bomb, now it turns out their breakout time is 2-3 MONTHS
Hey, if some country, say Iran, wanted a nuclear deterrent to keep the narcissistic jackasses out of their beeswax, who are we to stop them?

Oh yeah, Captain America, world police!! You can't have nukes because we have to think twice before bombing you! Keep this cowboy diplomacy up, and Luxembourg will scramble for their own 'last say in diplomacy'!!

No nuke deal? Then Iran is free to act.. Nuclear capability in three years? Wait, the Bush administration said that in 2005!! are citing a bunch of articles that don't support your claim. Have you read them?
Busted: Bibi LIES About Iranian Nukes. All He Wants Is War ...
Feb 24, 2015 - But the primary point is this: There's no evidence Iranian nuclear bombs ... A conservative soul turned Bull-Moose Progressive, he believes that "When ... deal with the Iranian nuclear issue, and how close Iran may be to the bomb. .... you hate JEWS so stop deflecting the false narrative accusations on others ...
Hey, if some country, say Iran, wanted a nuclear deterrent to keep the narcissistic jackasses out of their beeswax, who are we to stop them?

Oh yeah, Captain America, world police!! You can't have nukes because we have to think twice before bombing you! Keep this cowboy diplomacy up, and Luxembourg will scramble for their own 'last say in diplomacy'!!

No nuke deal? Then Iran is free to act.. Nuclear capability in three years? Wait, the Bush administration said that in 2005!!


obama recently ADMITTED the Iranian "breakout time" is 2-3 MONTHS

try again
here is another left-winger as recently as this year saying it is a lie that iran is building nuclear weapons

A Track Record of Lies and War Mongering | Fig Trees and ...
Mar 4, 2015 - Netanyahu is telling the lie about nuclear weapons in Iran since 1992. ... Here a report on YNet (right wing Israeli news) about Nuclear Iran: .... and the height of hubris,to allow this person to peddle his warmongering lies!

The Young Turks - Right Wing Politicians Furious Over Iran ...
Right-wing chickenhawks flip out over the Iran deal. ... for these fear mongering, war mongering, religious right wing extremists paddling this load of BS! ... Martin Ctd Ski In 1992 Bibi claimed Iran was 2-3 years away from a nuclear weapon. .... same as the war in iraq over imaginary wmd's. this is the same, right wing lies just ...

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