Curious.What May Happen If San Fransisco Cannot Get The Funds To Pay All Of It's "Slave Decendants"? Are We Gonna See Another Summer Of 2020?

I heard the cost is 8 billion dollars which they don't have or can borrow. That means the only way to get that money is to raise taxes even more. If this stupidity actually goes through, businesses and residents better get the hell out of that state as fast as they can, even faster than they are already.

Next is how many blacks that get this money will keep their jobs? I doubt many. So then they will have a huge labor shortage along with greatly reduced tourism.
And how do they ensure that the recipients are actually descendants of slaves? Or would that be bad? Then, of course, we have white people who have slaves in their ancestry. Do they get reparations, or is this ultimately just a skin color-based payout, and if so, who makes that call? I just see a giant mess coming out of this.

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