Current COVID-19 Mortality Rate: 1.35%

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind

Europe had 55,000 confirmed cases ten days ago. That's how close this is to the 220,000 cases in Europe now. And then there's the difference between "confirmed" cases and cases out there in reality, which makes one heck of a difference concerning the chance to contain this thing without the healthcare system crashing under the workload, not to mention infected and sick healthcare workers.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".
No one called it a hoax stop lying it only harms your case....
Trump called it a Democrat hoax. Then blew it off and went golfing.

What a tard!

You've really downgraded yourself on this one.

While your hatred for Trump has always been apparent (as well as your disdain for his supporters), you've always been pretty good with the numbers.

That isn't the case here.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Since we're pretty much refusing to test anyone unless they're so seriously ill that they need immediate medical care, those numbers are skewed. We should wait on all these numbers. We haven't done enough testing to have a clue.
You aren’t very good at math are you? The fatality rate can only go down with more testing.
New Mexico just had it's first death and the whole place is going into lock down.

My friends over there say it is positively insane.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".

OK just ignore that you are incorrectly stating that positive test results are equal to the number of infections

We do not test everyone for the flu either, yet we have a 0.07% mortality rate....

How'd we get that rate for the Flu without knowing all who tested positive for the Flu?

We never tested the whole country for the flu?

The actuaries and scientists are guessing on that too, just like they are taking educated guesses based on the numbers they do know on this virus.

We test far more people for flu as I said before every Dr's office, hospital and urgent care facility will test people who come in with even mild flu symptoms

We are only testing people with the most severe corona symptoms so the two mortality rates cannot be considered equally correct
Yes, I do agree we are not testing like we do with the flu because testing is very limited! And if we were testing more people, we could be more accurate on the mortality rate, most certainly lower.

But my point is that obviously, most people with the flu, do not go to the doctor either, and are not tested either.....

So they must have a formula to extrapolate to the whole of the population, that the numbers people use to come up with the Flu' s mortality rate, as well.....?
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


you don't actually know the number of total cases all you know is the number of positive test results.
That's the morality rate among confirmed cases and at this point that's be best estimate we have of how dangerous the virus is.
And it's just a guess.

And you'll notice in the OP he said TOTAL cases not total positive test results
Total cases and positive test results are the same thing. The term, positive test result, means the CDC has confirmed the individual has the virus. Until the CDC does this, the term, presumed positive test result, is used. In any case, a mortality rate of 1.35% is very good compared to other developed nations of any size.
No not really.

total cases include people who had the virus, recovered and never got tested


Would you say the total number of people in the US are only the number of registered voters, or only the number of people over 30 years old?

No you wouldn't

well maybe you would
The same metrics are used to determine the mortality for all diseases, idiot. You are just parroting desperate talking points from the same propagandists who told you this virus was a hoax.
and they are still wrong

Sorry, but I trust the science more than a dipshit on a forum.

There has to be a common metric. Not some imaginary bullshit.

The common metric says the flu has a mortality rate of 0.1%, and right now the mortality rate for COVID-19 in the US is thirteen and a half times higher.


So just ignore the fact that every single person who walks into any DR's office can get a rapid flu test but only some people meet the threshold for a corona test for which they have to drive to some testing center with a prescription to get tested.

This is remedial analytical thinking. When nearly 100% of people with even the mildest symptoms of the flu are tested and a smaller percentage of people with only the most severe corona symptoms are getting tested the mortality rates calculated for the latter will be less accurate in direct proportion to the difference in percentage of the number of tests performed.
It takes months to develop a good test and then it gets modified several times...we started the seasonal flu test a year ago....the corona test needed time to configure...and produce....I say we did a hell of a job if you ask me....
tests for corona virus have existed for years

My wife has them done at her vet clinic on a regular basis. Since all corona viruses share common markers it's not a big deal we just don't have enough test kits but the ones we do have are more than adequate

Now Blues - There are no tests for COVID-19 at veterinary clinics. COVIDs are a massive family of viruses. The test your wife is taking won't cover this one.

Animals and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Key Points
  • Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some cause illness in people and others cause illness in certain types of animals.
  • Coronaviruses that infect animals can become able to infect people, but this is rare.
  • We do not know the exact source of the current outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
  • We do not have evidence that companion animals, including pets, can spread COVID-19.
  • We do not have evidence to suggest that imported animals or animal products imported pose a risk for spreading the 2019 novel coronavirus in the United States.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".
Trump never said the Chinese virus was a hoax, he said it would be the next hoax the Dimsocialists tried to use against him, like Russia collusion. But don't do any thinking on your own. Your handlers told you to think that, and like a good little sheep you are spewing their bullshit.

So, now that you have hindsight............tell us exactly what you would have done that Trump didn't do. Be specific.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Since we're pretty much refusing to test anyone unless they're so seriously ill that they need immediate medical care, those numbers are skewed. We should wait on all these numbers. We haven't done enough testing to have a clue.
You aren’t very good at math are you? The fatality rate can only go down with more testing.
??? That was my point.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".

OK just ignore that you are incorrectly stating that positive test results are equal to the number of infections

We do not test everyone for the flu either, yet we have a 0.07% mortality rate....

How'd we get that rate for the Flu without knowing all who tested positive for the Flu?

We never tested the whole country for the flu?

The actuaries and scientists are guessing on that too, just like they are taking educated guesses based on the numbers they do know on this virus.

We test far more people for flu as I said before every Dr's office, hospital and urgent care facility will test people who come in with even mild flu symptoms

We are only testing people with the most severe corona symptoms so the two mortality rates cannot be considered equally correct
Yes, I do agree we are not testing like we do with the flu because testing is very limited! And if we were testing more people, we could be more accurate on the mortality rate, most certainly lower.

But my point is that obviously, most people with the flu, do not go to the doctor either, and are not tested either.....

So they must have a formula to extrapolate to the whole of the population, that the numbers people use to come up with the Flu' s mortality rate, as well.....?

Possibly but once again we have decades of data for seasonal influenza and only a few months worth of data for this corona strain.

So I think the same caveats apply
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".
No one called it a hoax stop lying it only harms your case....
Trump called it a Democrat hoax. Then blew it off and went golfing.

What a tard!
He did not tard...stop lying or no one will ever take you seriously here have been lying for two weeks now....
Someone here takes him seriously?
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
Italy diagnosed their first case they same day we did.

Okay, you go with that.

The Intercept?
And their first local case on 2-22
Edited, headline did not match story
Last edited:
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
This is just you hoping for the worst for America. We are not a month behind Italy. Italy is still behind us. Because the EU never closed its borders between member states, and because Italy is a prime tourist location, its population infected people continued to enter Italy even as the crisis grew to an unsupportable size. To make matters worse, Italy has a much older population than the US, so it mortality rate is naturally much higher.

If you look at the statistics for EU countries, those with a high rate of tourism have a high rate of infection and those with a lower rate of tourism have a lower rate of infection. President Trump's early action to cut off travel from countries with high infection rates is the reason we have a so much lower mortality rate than most other developed countries of any size.
Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind

Europe had 55,000 confirmed cases ten days ago. That's how close this is to the 220,000 cases in Europe now. And then there's the difference between "confirmed" cases and cases out there in reality, which makes one heck of a difference concerning the chance to contain this thing without the healthcare system crashing under the workload, not to mention infected and sick healthcare workers.

And that is the point. You will crash the healthcare system regardless of when it gets out. You don't have years to figure this out. Especially given that we don't know what kind of reinfection potential exists.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".
No one called it a hoax stop lying it only harms your case....
Trump called it a Democrat hoax. Then blew it off and went golfing.

What a tard!
He did not tard...stop lying or no one will ever take you seriously here have been lying for two weeks now....
Someone here takes him seriously?


As near as I can tell, the flu has killed a lot more people that conrona over the same time frame.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".
No one called it a hoax stop lying it only harms your case....
Trump called it a Democrat hoax. Then blew it off and went golfing.

What a tard!
He did not tard...stop lying or no one will ever take you seriously here have been lying for two weeks now....

Yes, he did. :28 in:

And Fox News did too.


You conveniently missed the most important part....the beginning when he said the democrats are politicizing the corona virus...he never called the virus a hoax only the politicization of it....everything the dems do is a hoax....they are the hoax party....

Don't expect Blaine Sweeter to have any critical thinking skills of his own.

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