Current COVID-19 Mortality Rate: 1.35%

Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
This is just you hoping for the worst for America. We are not a month behind Italy. Italy is still behind us. Because the EU never closed its borders between member states, and because Italy is a prime tourist location, its population infected people continued to enter Italy even as the crisis grew to an unsupportable size. To make matters worse, Italy has a much older population than the US, so it mortality rate is naturally much higher.

If you look at the statistics for EU countries, those with a high rate of tourism have a high rate of infection and those with a lower rate of tourism have a lower rate of infection. President Trump's early action to cut off travel from countries with high infection rates is the reason we have a so much lower mortality rate than most other developed countries of any size.

No, Europe is closer to China. That is why what we've been looking at is 4-8 weeks behind.

And no, I am not hoping for the worst for 'Murica - That's ridiculous.

Trump's travel bans were mostly ineffective. The axe murderer was already in the house when they were initiated.
Europe had 55,000 confirmed cases ten days ago. That's how close this is to the 220,000 cases in Europe now. And then there's the difference between "confirmed" cases and cases out there in reality, which makes one heck of a difference concerning the chance to contain this thing without the healthcare system crashing under the workload, not to mention infected and sick healthcare workers.
And that is the point. You will crash the healthcare system regardless of when it gets out. You don't have years to figure this out. Especially given that we don't know what kind of reinfection potential exists.

Yeah, that's crap. The choice is this:

1. Let the pandemic run its course, and crash the healthcare system.

2. Take measures now (social distancing etc.) to avoid this until...
- there is a therapeutic to avoid hospitalization, severe illness, or death.
- there is a vaccine to prevent sickness in case of an infection.

That should be easy enough to figure out.
We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.
No we won't US death rates are already flattening out...and warmer temps do weaken this virus and spring is here....
Warmer temps don't seem to be weakening the virus in Louisiana where the temps are in the 80's and 90.
Last week it was below 70 during the day for about 4 days lows at night were 40's 50's.....that is when they upticked in new cases...after a few weeks of warm weather this thing will weaken...
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


It's important to note that those are all folks who have contracted the virus not the percentage of the total population and of those, most fatalities were already standing on death's doorstep.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Since we're pretty much refusing to test anyone unless they're so seriously ill that they need immediate medical care, those numbers are skewed. We should wait on all these numbers. We haven't done enough testing to have a clue.

I have had to post OL this because so many in America are not taking this COVID-19 seriously and it is NOTHING like just having the flu. This is possibly my longest ever post and I think it is the most important post I will ever have posted.

First last week I was tested for COVID-19 and the result was Negative. This is great of course, but because of my Government job I am having to visit certain areas that now require me to wear a full Hazmat suit and these things are a BASTARD, they are so hot it's incredible, or I don't know maybe it's just me that get's very warm wearing them.

I post this as someone who for three weeks has had their ENTIRE LIFE turned upside down after my existing Government position, my own Ministry was told to coordinate with the Ministry of Health into a Government COVID-19 Task Force locking EVERYTHING DOWN to protect the population (more on what we have been doing below after the two links, but I am not able to go into specifics as it would violate Government Protocol.)

At your current rate America will pass China for most COVID-19 Total Cases in approx 7 days, you are as right now 19,000 Total Cases behind them you have 7.460 New Cases today and China has 47 New Cases today.

I think this time next week either America or Italy will be in first place and China down to third place after them being number one place since the beginning.

The Italy Total Cases they are 7.000 behind China as of now with 5.210 New Cases today.

The Top Three of COVID-19 now are:

China Total Cases 81.218 New Cases 47
Italy Total Cases 74.386 New Cases 5.210
USA Total Cases 62.316 New Cases 7.460

Stay safe the SHTF in America VERY soon with COVID-19 and remember THIS today in Britain they say goodbye to a girl age 21 years in age with NO existing medical problems she died of COVID-19. This is NOT just a virus that infects those aged 70 and over, this is a virus that is infecting ALL age groups. This is NOT just a virus that infects those with pre-existing conditions.

View attachment 315210

View attachment 315211

This is NOT hyperbole, this is NOT a HOAX, this is REAL and it's about do you want to live or do you want to die, it's about do you want to stay safe or do you want to think you are immortal. You are NOT being asked to do a great deal, you are just being asked to for approx 21 days to 30 days to REDUCE to the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM your social interactions. It is NOT that difficult to do. You are being asked to do this for approx 21 days to 30 days so that YOUR nations health system can get a grip, so that THEY can NOT go BEHIND the curve but attempt to get AHEAD of the curve. If you get behind the curve you lose control, if you get ahead of the curve you can hope to flatten the curve.

To reduce the risk of getting COVID-19 or of spreading COVID-19 (you CAN have it, many are showing no symptoms UNTIL they have been tested, this is WHY the majority of New Cases in EVERY nation is getting higher every day because more testing is now occuring and this is how the infected are being found etc)

So to reduce the risks to YOU and to OTHERS in your community you must do the following for approx 21-30 days:

Stay INDOORS. ONLY go out to buy food or medicines. Wear protective gloves to go out, keep them on INSIDE stores etc. Wearing a MASK over your mouth and nose will NOT prevent you from getting COVID-19. Do NOT stand nearer than EIGHT FEET to another person. Make sure you are NOT near anyone displaying symptoms of coughing OR sweating on the forehead, IF ANYONE in the store is displaying these symptoms then ALERT store staff and ask that the person is asked to LEAVE the store. OUTDOORS in stores do NOT touch your face, this NOT to touch your nose, ears or eyes. WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP AND SCRUB UNDER YOUR NAILS WITH A NAILBRUSH AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME and THROW AWAY the protective gloves, use a fresh pair of protective gloves next time you go out. ISOLATE from elderly family members, keep in touch with them via phone, email etc DO NOT GO AND PHYSICALLY VISIT THEM.

I post this as someone who for three weeks has been working in a Government COVID-19 Task Force locking EVERYTHING DOWN to protect the population. I have been in PMs for these three weeks basically updating some peoples at this forum privately about the IMMENSE STRUGGLE we are having CONTAINING this monster, I have been pre-warning these Americans NOT to laugh this off as some minor thing but to take seriously this the pre-warning. To those who THINK this is no worse than flu, you do not know what you are talking about. The other day we were shown some XRays of COVID-19 patients lungs and it was HORRIFIC, this was a cross section of age groups from 25-35, 45-55, 55-65 NOBODY was even over 70 years in age, the lungs are FULL of fluid.

COVID-19 the first few days you get flu like symptoms of fever and dry cough OR you might NOT have ANY symptoms and within 2 days this bastard goes from that intoi double pneumonia.

So the IDIOTS in nations who are going to parks, beaches, bars, meeting with groups of friends etc they could have NO symptoms but as they are NOT tested they COULD have COVID-19 and then by their behaviour are spreading it..

The situation in Italy, think of this, the situation in Italy now began with two Chinese tourists who had COVID-19. And look at what has resulted in Italy with just TWO PEOPLES who initially were infected.

I thought the British govt run healthcare system was awesome.
We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.
No we won't US death rates are already flattening out...and warmer temps do weaken this virus and spring is here....
Warmer temps don't seem to be weakening the virus in Louisiana where the temps are in the 80's and 90.
Last week it was below 70 during the day for about 4 days lows at night were 40's 50's.....that is when they upticked in new cases...after a few weeks of warm weather this thing will weaken...

Repeating a Trump Hunch. Hardly science. Nobody knows how warmer weather will affect this particular virus yet.
Comforting news to the 737 family members.

This is just the beginning. NYC is the new Italy. Son of a friend of mine who lives in Brooklyn has all the symptoms and is self-quarantining. I don't know if he's called a doctor or not. But cases are going to explode in New Orleans, Texas and Florida. And our healthcare system is NOT capable of handling the patient load.


Name one hospital that can't handle the current load.

Europe had 55,000 confirmed cases ten days ago. That's how close this is to the 220,000 cases in Europe now. And then there's the difference between "confirmed" cases and cases out there in reality, which makes one heck of a difference concerning the chance to contain this thing without the healthcare system crashing under the workload, not to mention infected and sick healthcare workers.
And that is the point. You will crash the healthcare system regardless of when it gets out. You don't have years to figure this out. Especially given that we don't know what kind of reinfection potential exists.

Yeah, that's crap. The choice is this:

1. Let the pandemic run its course, and crash the healthcare system.

2. Take measures now (social distancing etc.) to avoid this until...
- there is a therapeutic to avoid hospitalization, severe illness, or death.
- there is a vaccine to prevent sickness in case of an infection.

That should be easy enough to figure out.

Sorry dude,

But it's the way it's working now.

The health care systems are crashing as it is.

The economy is crashing too. That bring a lot of other ills with it.

Not to mention morons like the Governmor of New Mexico essentially instilling panic in everyone.

You have no guarantees you'll ever get to point two or three.....

Time to wise up.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".
No one called it a hoax stop lying it only harms your case....
Trump called it a Democrat hoax. Then blew it off and went golfing.

What a tard!
No he never called it hoax, you fell for a media created lie. don't be so easily fooled!

Snopes says: What's False Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

Fact Checker says: Fact-checkers: Trump never said coronavirus was “a hoax”

“The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” President Trump said at his campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina. “One of my people came up to me and said ‘Mr. President they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well.’ They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation.”

“This is their [Democrats] new hoax,” Trump added.

You fell for that lie.....
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
This is just you hoping for the worst for America. We are not a month behind Italy. Italy is still behind us. Because the EU never closed its borders between member states, and because Italy is a prime tourist location, its population infected people continued to enter Italy even as the crisis grew to an unsupportable size. To make matters worse, Italy has a much older population than the US, so it mortality rate is naturally much higher.

If you look at the statistics for EU countries, those with a high rate of tourism have a high rate of infection and those with a lower rate of tourism have a lower rate of infection. President Trump's early action to cut off travel from countries with high infection rates is the reason we have a so much lower mortality rate than most other developed countries of any size.

No, Europe is closer to China. That is why what we've been looking at is 4-8 weeks behind.

And no, I am not hoping for the worst for 'Murica - That's ridiculous.

Trump's travel bans were mostly ineffective. The axe murderer was already in the house when they were initiated.
lol Europe is closer to China? No, the EU did not ban travel from China as the US did, ant that's why we are ahead of Europe, not behind. The EU is only now tentatively considering following the US example and banning travel from places with high infection rates.
Comforting news to the 737 family members.

This is just the beginning. NYC is the new Italy. Son of a friend of mine who lives in Brooklyn has all the symptoms and is self-quarantining. I don't know if he's called a doctor or not. But cases are going to explode in New Orleans, Texas and Florida. And our healthcare system is NOT capable of handling the patient load.


Name one hospital that can't handle the current load.


Italy is having big issues.

I don't know what New York is doing...they are the state with 1/2 the total cases.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
Italy diagnosed their first case they same day we did.

Okay, you go with that.

The Intercept?
And their first local case on 2-22

We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.

You hope we will become Italy, but there is no basis in fact to support your hope for this.

Yes there is actually - I don't make this shit up, I listen to the doctors and scientists. We are on precisely the same trajectory.

And NO - suggesting that a fellow American hopes we become Italy is unAmerican and goofy.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".

Well, we made it to post #8 before Trump got blamed. Congratulations.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".
No one called it a hoax stop lying it only harms your case....
Trump called it a Democrat hoax. Then blew it off and went golfing.

What a tard!

Another f-ing lie! Is it impossible for you to tell the truth?
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".
No one called it a hoax stop lying it only harms your case....
Trump called it a Democrat hoax. Then blew it off and went golfing.

What a tard!
He did not tard...stop lying or no one will ever take you seriously here have been lying for two weeks now....

Yes, he did. :28 in:

And Fox News did too.


You got a video that isn't edited?

Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Since we're pretty much refusing to test anyone unless they're so seriously ill that they need immediate medical care, those numbers are skewed. We should wait on all these numbers. We haven't done enough testing to have a clue.

I have had to post OL this because so many in America are not taking this COVID-19 seriously and it is NOTHING like just having the flu. This is possibly my longest ever post and I think it is the most important post I will ever have posted.

First last week I was tested for COVID-19 and the result was Negative. This is great of course, but because of my Government job I am having to visit certain areas that now require me to wear a full Hazmat suit and these things are a BASTARD, they are so hot it's incredible, or I don't know maybe it's just me that get's very warm wearing them.

I post this as someone who for three weeks has had their ENTIRE LIFE turned upside down after my existing Government position, my own Ministry was told to coordinate with the Ministry of Health into a Government COVID-19 Task Force locking EVERYTHING DOWN to protect the population (more on what we have been doing below after the two links, but I am not able to go into specifics as it would violate Government Protocol.)

At your current rate America will pass China for most COVID-19 Total Cases in approx 7 days, you are as right now 19,000 Total Cases behind them you have 7.460 New Cases today and China has 47 New Cases today.

I think this time next week either America or Italy will be in first place and China down to third place after them being number one place since the beginning.

The Italy Total Cases they are 7.000 behind China as of now with 5.210 New Cases today.

The Top Three of COVID-19 now are:

China Total Cases 81.218 New Cases 47
Italy Total Cases 74.386 New Cases 5.210
USA Total Cases 62.316 New Cases 7.460

Stay safe the SHTF in America VERY soon with COVID-19 and remember THIS today in Britain they say goodbye to a girl age 21 years in age with NO existing medical problems she died of COVID-19. This is NOT just a virus that infects those aged 70 and over, this is a virus that is infecting ALL age groups. This is NOT just a virus that infects those with pre-existing conditions.

View attachment 315210

View attachment 315211

This is NOT hyperbole, this is NOT a HOAX, this is REAL and it's about do you want to live or do you want to die, it's about do you want to stay safe or do you want to think you are immortal. You are NOT being asked to do a great deal, you are just being asked to for approx 21 days to 30 days to REDUCE to the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM your social interactions. It is NOT that difficult to do. You are being asked to do this for approx 21 days to 30 days so that YOUR nations health system can get a grip, so that THEY can NOT go BEHIND the curve but attempt to get AHEAD of the curve. If you get behind the curve you lose control, if you get ahead of the curve you can hope to flatten the curve.

To reduce the risk of getting COVID-19 or of spreading COVID-19 (you CAN have it, many are showing no symptoms UNTIL they have been tested, this is WHY the majority of New Cases in EVERY nation is getting higher every day because more testing is now occuring and this is how the infected are being found etc)

So to reduce the risks to YOU and to OTHERS in your community you must do the following for approx 21-30 days:

Stay INDOORS. ONLY go out to buy food or medicines. Wear protective gloves to go out, keep them on INSIDE stores etc. Wearing a MASK over your mouth and nose will NOT prevent you from getting COVID-19. Do NOT stand nearer than EIGHT FEET to another person. Make sure you are NOT near anyone displaying symptoms of coughing OR sweating on the forehead, IF ANYONE in the store is displaying these symptoms then ALERT store staff and ask that the person is asked to LEAVE the store. OUTDOORS in stores do NOT touch your face, this NOT to touch your nose, ears or eyes. WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP AND SCRUB UNDER YOUR NAILS WITH A NAILBRUSH AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME and THROW AWAY the protective gloves, use a fresh pair of protective gloves next time you go out. ISOLATE from elderly family members, keep in touch with them via phone, email etc DO NOT GO AND PHYSICALLY VISIT THEM.

I post this as someone who for three weeks has been working in a Government COVID-19 Task Force locking EVERYTHING DOWN to protect the population. I have been in PMs for these three weeks basically updating some peoples at this forum privately about the IMMENSE STRUGGLE we are having CONTAINING this monster, I have been pre-warning these Americans NOT to laugh this off as some minor thing but to take seriously this the pre-warning. To those who THINK this is no worse than flu, you do not know what you are talking about. The other day we were shown some XRays of COVID-19 patients lungs and it was HORRIFIC, this was a cross section of age groups from 25-35, 45-55, 55-65 NOBODY was even over 70 years in age, the lungs are FULL of fluid.

COVID-19 the first few days you get flu like symptoms of fever and dry cough OR you might NOT have ANY symptoms and within 2 days this bastard goes from that intoi double pneumonia.

So the IDIOTS in nations who are going to parks, beaches, bars, meeting with groups of friends etc they could have NO symptoms but as they are NOT tested they COULD have COVID-19 and then by their behaviour are spreading it..

The situation in Italy, think of this, the situation in Italy now began with two Chinese tourists who had COVID-19. And look at what has resulted in Italy with just TWO PEOPLES who initially were infected.


I feel it is my duty as a human being to make this above post. I have been pre-warning Americans about this MONSTER and I feel too many Americans are still not taking this bastard seriously. I make the above post as a human being for other human beings, there is NO POLITICS involved, I do not care if you are Left or Right or Independent or Green or No Politics, we are ALL MORTAL, NOBODY is invincible, we ALL turn to dust. Life is NOT a game, you only get one life, you should value it and when a MONSTER is on the loose like COVID-19 when we have NO CURE then you NEED to pay attention to this and not play games with YOUR life or ANYONE else's life.

Stay Safe. We will win.
Comforting news to the 737 family members.

This is just the beginning. NYC is the new Italy. Son of a friend of mine who lives in Brooklyn has all the symptoms and is self-quarantining. I don't know if he's called a doctor or not. But cases are going to explode in New Orleans, Texas and Florida. And our healthcare system is NOT capable of handling the patient load.


Name one hospital that can't handle the current load.


You haven't been paying attention. The current load is NOT what the load will be in a couple of weeks. MANY hospitals are close to a breaking point.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".
No one called it a hoax stop lying it only harms your case....
Trump called it a Democrat hoax. Then blew it off and went golfing.

What a tard!
Trump said it was a hoax that the media is blaming him, you dolt. As usual, you dufuses take snippets out of context so you can satisfy your TDS cravings.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".
No one called it a hoax stop lying it only harms your case....
Trump called it a Democrat hoax. Then blew it off and went golfing.

What a tard!
He did not tard...stop lying or no one will ever take you seriously here have been lying for two weeks now....

Yes, he did. :28 in:

And Fox News did too.


Nice selective editing, moron! The DNC did this for you, didn't they?
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Since we're pretty much refusing to test anyone unless they're so seriously ill that they need immediate medical care, those numbers are skewed. We should wait on all these numbers. We haven't done enough testing to have a clue.

I have had to post OL this because so many in America are not taking this COVID-19 seriously and it is NOTHING like just having the flu. This is possibly my longest ever post and I think it is the most important post I will ever have posted.

First last week I was tested for COVID-19 and the result was Negative. This is great of course, but because of my Government job I am having to visit certain areas that now require me to wear a full Hazmat suit and these things are a BASTARD, they are so hot it's incredible, or I don't know maybe it's just me that get's very warm wearing them.

I post this as someone who for three weeks has had their ENTIRE LIFE turned upside down after my existing Government position, my own Ministry was told to coordinate with the Ministry of Health into a Government COVID-19 Task Force locking EVERYTHING DOWN to protect the population (more on what we have been doing below after the two links, but I am not able to go into specifics as it would violate Government Protocol.)

At your current rate America will pass China for most COVID-19 Total Cases in approx 7 days, you are as right now 19,000 Total Cases behind them you have 7.460 New Cases today and China has 47 New Cases today.

I think this time next week either America or Italy will be in first place and China down to third place after them being number one place since the beginning.

The Italy Total Cases they are 7.000 behind China as of now with 5.210 New Cases today.

The Top Three of COVID-19 now are:

China Total Cases 81.218 New Cases 47
Italy Total Cases 74.386 New Cases 5.210
USA Total Cases 62.316 New Cases 7.460

Stay safe the SHTF in America VERY soon with COVID-19 and remember THIS today in Britain they say goodbye to a girl age 21 years in age with NO existing medical problems she died of COVID-19. This is NOT just a virus that infects those aged 70 and over, this is a virus that is infecting ALL age groups. This is NOT just a virus that infects those with pre-existing conditions.

View attachment 315210

View attachment 315211

This is NOT hyperbole, this is NOT a HOAX, this is REAL and it's about do you want to live or do you want to die, it's about do you want to stay safe or do you want to think you are immortal. You are NOT being asked to do a great deal, you are just being asked to for approx 21 days to 30 days to REDUCE to the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM your social interactions. It is NOT that difficult to do. You are being asked to do this for approx 21 days to 30 days so that YOUR nations health system can get a grip, so that THEY can NOT go BEHIND the curve but attempt to get AHEAD of the curve. If you get behind the curve you lose control, if you get ahead of the curve you can hope to flatten the curve.

To reduce the risk of getting COVID-19 or of spreading COVID-19 (you CAN have it, many are showing no symptoms UNTIL they have been tested, this is WHY the majority of New Cases in EVERY nation is getting higher every day because more testing is now occuring and this is how the infected are being found etc)

So to reduce the risks to YOU and to OTHERS in your community you must do the following for approx 21-30 days:

Stay INDOORS. ONLY go out to buy food or medicines. Wear protective gloves to go out, keep them on INSIDE stores etc. Wearing a MASK over your mouth and nose will NOT prevent you from getting COVID-19. Do NOT stand nearer than EIGHT FEET to another person. Make sure you are NOT near anyone displaying symptoms of coughing OR sweating on the forehead, IF ANYONE in the store is displaying these symptoms then ALERT store staff and ask that the person is asked to LEAVE the store. OUTDOORS in stores do NOT touch your face, this NOT to touch your nose, ears or eyes. WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP AND SCRUB UNDER YOUR NAILS WITH A NAILBRUSH AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME and THROW AWAY the protective gloves, use a fresh pair of protective gloves next time you go out. ISOLATE from elderly family members, keep in touch with them via phone, email etc DO NOT GO AND PHYSICALLY VISIT THEM.

I post this as someone who for three weeks has been working in a Government COVID-19 Task Force locking EVERYTHING DOWN to protect the population. I have been in PMs for these three weeks basically updating some peoples at this forum privately about the IMMENSE STRUGGLE we are having CONTAINING this monster, I have been pre-warning these Americans NOT to laugh this off as some minor thing but to take seriously this the pre-warning. To those who THINK this is no worse than flu, you do not know what you are talking about. The other day we were shown some XRays of COVID-19 patients lungs and it was HORRIFIC, this was a cross section of age groups from 25-35, 45-55, 55-65 NOBODY was even over 70 years in age, the lungs are FULL of fluid.

COVID-19 the first few days you get flu like symptoms of fever and dry cough OR you might NOT have ANY symptoms and within 2 days this bastard goes from that intoi double pneumonia.

So the IDIOTS in nations who are going to parks, beaches, bars, meeting with groups of friends etc they could have NO symptoms but as they are NOT tested they COULD have COVID-19 and then by their behaviour are spreading it..

The situation in Italy, think of this, the situation in Italy now began with two Chinese tourists who had COVID-19. And look at what has resulted in Italy with just TWO PEOPLES who initially were infected.


I feel it is my duty as a human being to make this above post. I have been pre-warning Americans about this MONSTER and I feel too many Americans are still not taking this bastard seriously. I make the above post as a human being for other human beings, there is NO POLITICS involved, I do not care if you are Left or Right or Independent or Green or No Politics, we are ALL MORTAL, NOBODY is invincible, we ALL turn to dust. Life is NOT a game, you only get one life, you should value it and when a MONSTER is on the loose like COVID-19 when we have NO CURE then you NEED to pay attention to this and not play games with YOUR life or ANYONE else's life.

Stay Safe. We will win.
You are correct, cars have to be STOPPED. After all, cars are the biggest killer of all.

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