Current Governor Approval Ratings

One should not throw stones if they live in a glass house. Both Ore-gone and Washed up are real works of art. Both are neck to neck in the race toward the bottom. The question should be which one has a population base with enough of a backbone to take their state back first? My bets Washed up for the simple fact Ore-gones full of Californians.
In Washington we have these freaks from California bottled up in King county so the fight is still on. Oregon is a lost cause imo, it's been overrun. If Dem assholes ever implement a state income tax in Washington though it's game over. That's the only thing constraining them. Once they sink their vamp fangs into peoples paychecks the battle is lost. And they keep trying.
Have you noticed more moderate Dems are warning Dems they look like insane whack jobs and need to move to the right and stop with the racist/woke crap. It's falling on deaf ears imo.

It is. They're stuck on retarded and going deeper with that ship. I saw a bill maher clip of him laughing at the dems saying they were going to get thumped because of their whacked mandates and policies.
After the election last year there were many angry and disappointed Trump supporters, me included. But the ray of sunshine that occurred to me is that now the Dims have to actually Govern. There are no more excuses. You control the Executive and Legislative Branches of Government.

And lets be honest, there are few things in the Universe more stupid than a Dim. :D

So is it any wonder Pedo Joe and the Whore of Babylon have screwed everything up? And in Congress the Dim Leadership is Pelosi and Crying' Chuck Schumer? What could possibly go wrong? :lol:

Nope, the people gave the Dims a chance and as expected they have failed miserably. Now it is time for chickens to come home to roost. :)
Sing it sister!
The Morning Consult published the approval ratings of all 50 governors. The most popular governor is Phil Scott (R-VT) with an approval rating of 79%. The least popular governor is Kate Brown (D-OR) with an approval of 43%. Of the top ten most popular governors, nine are Republicans and one is a Democrat (Ned Lamont D-CT). Of the 12 governors at 50% or below, five are Republicans and seven are Democrats and there are a few more barely hovering above 50%.

If 2022 turns out to be the wave year many are predicting there could be a lot of changes among state executives next year

Brad little of Idaho at 55%???? lol
More like 5.5%
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Sounds like the only people that want him in the US Senate are probably right-wing partisans, but he thinks he can do to best for the people of Vermont as Governors. If you are serving the needs and direction of government for the people of your state, there is no question, Governor is the strongest position to do it. If you want to serve the party, possibly congress might be a better spot. This guy has bipartisan support and is apparently very effective, doing what he is doing. Can't blame him a bit. We need more politicians caring more about the people they serve, than the party, they are a member of.

As someone originally from Massachusetts, it's always intrigued me how popular Republican governors tend to be in the northeast despite the states (with the exception of New Hampshire) being so lopsidedly Democratic.
As someone originally from Massachusetts, it's always intrigued me how popular Republican governors tend to be in the northeast despite the states (with the exception of New Hampshire) being so lopsidedly Democratic.
I think it is really the same almost everywhere, as far as local elections go. State citizens mostly want their taxes to not be raised, crime be addressed effectively as possible, not to be Fkd with, without good reason, and not to be embarrassed by outlandish behavior of the one they elect. Republicans, historically had these as mainstays of who they were at state and local level.
Both Houses of Congress have become cesspools on both sides of the fence for loudmouthed prima donnas, caring more about what they think party cred should be, than giving a damn about the country.
The Morning Consult published the approval ratings of all 50 governors. The most popular governor is Phil Scott (R-VT) with an approval rating of 79%. The least popular governor is Kate Brown (D-OR) with an approval of 43%. Of the top ten most popular governors, nine are Republicans and one is a Democrat (Ned Lamont D-CT). Of the 12 governors at 50% or below, five are Republicans and seven are Democrats and there are a few more barely hovering above 50%.

If 2022 turns out to be the wave year many are predicting there could be a lot of changes among state executives next year

If you are at 50% or higher, you are likely in good shape. A second thing to consider is what the alternative is. In Oregon, a right wing extremist would be the most likely alternative. Brown may have low approval ratings, but she is unlikely to lose to a right wing extremist. Also worth nothing that Scott, Baker and Hogan could not win in red states. They would be considered RINOs by the RINOs.
I think the upcoming election in 2022 will be the biggest repudiation of far left wing politics in American History. The question is where do the Dims go after they get crushed?

Do they moderate themselves or double down on stupid?

Based on the Virginia result and aftermath my guess is they double down on stupid. :(

It is the Republicans who are the extreme right wing fascists. They are not moderating in the least bit. The lesson Democrats need to take from Virginia is that they need to run a extreme grassroots campaign and they need to run non-professional politicians unlike McAuliffe.
FINALLY, my state is best at something.

Oregon is now #1 in recognizing Stalinist pieces of shit!

Breaking News: Oregon Democrat mob riots - Police in Portland, Oregon, declared a riot in the downtown area Friday night after a protest following the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict became violent and destructive near the Multnomah County Justice Center, authorities said. Rioters were throwing objects at officers, smashing windows and damaging the justice center's front gate, FOX 12 of Oregon reported. The rioters smashed the rear window of a police cruiser, windows from the city print shop and tagged the justice center building, police said.
Breaking News: Oregon Democrat mob riots - Police in Portland, Oregon, declared a riot in the downtown area Friday night after a protest following the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict became violent and destructive near the Multnomah County Justice Center, authorities said. Rioters were throwing objects at officers, smashing windows and damaging the justice center's front gate, FOX 12 of Oregon reported. The rioters smashed the rear window of a police cruiser, windows from the city print shop and tagged the justice center building, police said.
And both Kate and Ted say "thank you comrades!"
If 2022 turns out to be the wave year many are predicting there could be a lot of changes among state executives next year

Democrats are heading for a MEAT-GRINDER next year for what they've done these past 18 months!


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