Customer service. Where did it go?

Why is it that the R and L can't agree on the one point out of all of this - that American companies should hire American workers?

Because that's a highly discriminatory assertion that belongs in the 19th Century, not 2014.

Liberal Media, I get it that you have the driest sense of humor this board has ever seen ( most likely ) but what happens when you tire of it and want to play it straight? ( egads!) Will it be the boy who cried wolf or do you expect people will quickly catch on to the "new you"?

I speak both French and Spanish well enough to converse but have a hell of a time with French or Spanish accented English.

More proof of my racism?

French, Spanish, and English--a triumvirate of bigotry. All three are European languages and thus simply not inclusive enough. Try learning some real languages, conservatard--like Mandarin, Xhosa, or Quechua. It'll do you a wyrld of good and open your eyes to the white privilege that has saturated your lyfe thus far.
most of the cost is taxes

and you went for the cheap, so you get the corner cuts.

aside from that, companies have to pay more to get service in the middle of nowhere and actually would rather you go with someone else.

Verizon wants off copper wire, so they are actually not taking new business where they don't have fiber, unless its a lot of connections.

per my buddy that works for them
I spent today on the phone. What should have/could have taken maybe an hour went on for so long, I had to plug in my phone in order to get it done.

I wanted to start internet at one of our houses and, since I feel really strongly about doing business with local firms and despise ATT, that's where I started. That house is in a small town, county seat, two local ISPs. Not one of them could do it for a reasonable amount, unless I wanted to go dial up. The big guys have it sewn up.

After 8 really long phone calls, I bit the bullet and called ATT. And got a "customer service rep" in - I don't know - deepest darkest New Delhi. Nope. I don't have anything against other countries hiring and paying their people but I do think US countries should hire Americans. Every damn thing he said, I had to ask him to repeat it. I had to call ATT a second time and got an American-sounding woman in 'new service' but she didn't know what the various plans amounted to. Heck, she couldn't even rattle of the prices of the plans. With each question I asked, she had to put me on hold to look it up. And of course, ATT is the cheapest for what you get. Didn't make a decision but if I can't find anything else, will probably go with ATT.

Then I wanted to discontinue our Direct TV at that house. We've got the full premium pkge at the lake house, $130 and some lesser pkge at the other house for about $90. since we don't watch any TV there, why pay it. It took forever just to discontinue that service but at least US English seemed to be his first language.

We had stopped trash pick up for the summer vacation so I called to have it started again. WCA, national firm because there's no local company. You'd-a thunk I was asking for the controls to a missile silo.

None of these people were outright rude but I got the distinct impression that they really didn't care if they got our business or not. Mostly, they sounded board with it all and I can't really blame them. Every one of the was probably sitting in a crappy little cubicle with a head set on and a photo of their kid in front of them. And they probably have to take the photo with them at the end of their shift because there's another shift coming on after they leave.

I've met fourth-graders who can write better than that.

Get a new hobby.
Why is it that the R and L can't agree on the one point out of all of this - that American companies should hire American workers?
No American company should be forced to do anything.

It goes against freedom.

Why do RWs ALWAYS have to LIE?

Please post a link to where I said that.

EXACTLY where did I use the word "FORCE"?

I am against American companies going offshore for their labor. You can disagree but that's my opinion.
Why is it that the R and L can't agree on the one point out of all of this - that American companies should hire American workers?
No American company should be forced to do anything.

It goes against freedom.
Let Freedom Ring in the death of America.
Let's not confuse the Federal Constitution with State Constitutions, County Constitutions and Municipal Constitutions.
As any home or business owner knows, the US is far from being a land of total liberty, and for good reason.
Total liberty in the hands of humans becomes anarchy.
Why is it that the R and L can't agree on the one point out of all of this - that American companies should hire American workers?

Because that's a highly discriminatory assertion that belongs in the 19th Century, not 2014.

Liberal Media, I get it that you have the driest sense of humor this board has ever seen ( most likely ) but what happens when you tire of it and want to play it straight? ( egads!) Will it be the boy who cried wolf or do you expect people will quickly catch on to the "new you"?

I speak both French and Spanish well enough to converse but have a hell of a time with French or Spanish accented English.

More proof of my racism?

French, Spanish, and English--a triumvirate of bigotry. All three are European languages and thus simply not inclusive enough. Try learning some real languages, conservatard--like Mandarin, Xhosa, or Quechua. It'll do you a wyrld of good and open your eyes to the white privilege that has saturated your lyfe thus far.

Oh, so now its the languages I speak that make me a racist.

Gee whiz.

Who-d a thunk it.

(My bet is you don't speak any of those non-conservatard lanuguages.)
I spent today on the phone. What should have/could have taken maybe an hour went on for so long, I had to plug in my phone in order to get it done.

I wanted to start internet at one of our houses and, since I feel really strongly about doing business with local firms and despise ATT, that's where I started. That house is in a small town, county seat, two local ISPs. Not one of them could do it for a reasonable amount, unless I wanted to go dial up. The big guys have it sewn up.

After 8 really long phone calls, I bit the bullet and called ATT. And got a "customer service rep" in - I don't know - deepest darkest New Delhi. Nope. I don't have anything against other countries hiring and paying their people but I do think US countries should hire Americans. Every damn thing he said, I had to ask him to repeat it. I had to call ATT a second time and got an American-sounding woman in 'new service' but she didn't know what the various plans amounted to. Heck, she couldn't even rattle of the prices of the plans. With each question I asked, she had to put me on hold to look it up. And of course, ATT is the cheapest for what you get. Didn't make a decision but if I can't find anything else, will probably go with ATT.

Then I wanted to discontinue our Direct TV at that house. We've got the full premium pkge at the lake house, $130 and some lesser pkge at the other house for about $90. since we don't watch any TV there, why pay it. It took forever just to discontinue that service but at least US English seemed to be his first language.

We had stopped trash pick up for the summer vacation so I called to have it started again. WCA, national firm because there's no local company. You'd-a thunk I was asking for the controls to a missile silo.

None of these people were outright rude but I got the distinct impression that they really didn't care if they got our business or not. Mostly, they sounded board with it all and I can't really blame them. Every one of the was probably sitting in a crappy little cubicle with a head set on and a photo of their kid in front of them. And they probably have to take the photo with them at the end of their shift because there's another shift coming on after they leave.

I've met fourth-graders who can write better than that.

Get a new hobby.

Uh, yeah, its cuz of the languages I speak.

And, I didn't know I waz gonna be graded by one of our village idiots.
Why is it that the R and L can't agree on the one point out of all of this - that American companies should hire American workers?
No American company should be forced to do anything.

It goes against freedom.

Why do RWs ALWAYS have to LIE?

Please post a link to where I said that.

EXACTLY where did I use the word "FORCE"?

I am against American companies going offshore for their labor. You can disagree but that's my opinion.
at no time has any leftist, in the last 20 years, thought a company should do something and if they didn't, were against the use of force.

You would gleefully support a law to make companies do so, you know it, I know it, the world knows it.
After 8 really long phone calls, I bit the bullet and called ATT. And got a "customer service rep" in - I don't know - deepest darkest New Delhi. Nope. I don't have anything against other countries hiring and paying their people but I do think US countries should hire Americans. Every damn thing he said, I had to ask him to repeat it.

I'm shocked. You're not really an enlightened lybyryl at all, you're every bit as racist as these rabid conservatards. Your "equal rights" avatar is a lie; you hate everyone different from you, as this post proves.

Fellow lybyryls, we've been had. Luddly Neddite is a bigoted Teabagger protectionist in disguise.

Good grief.

As long as there are Americans out of work, I will stick with my belief that US companies should hire US workers. That would be Americans of any and all colors, creeds, religions.

He did sound Indian, he did say he was in India and I DO have trouble understanding heavily accented English.

As for equality - I believe other countries have the equal right to hire their own citizens to work for their companies.

How does any of that make me a racist?

Of course it doesn't make you a racist. If you're paying an American Company for a service in America and you call a help or support line you have the right to be able to speak to someone who can actually help because they can communicate in your native language - English. I imagine the contract was in English? You arranged for the service in English? I've gone through that frustration as well.

Outsourcing jobs to sweatshop labour is an entirely different issue.
After 8 really long phone calls, I bit the bullet and called ATT. And got a "customer service rep" in - I don't know - deepest darkest New Delhi. Nope. I don't have anything against other countries hiring and paying their people but I do think US countries should hire Americans. Every damn thing he said, I had to ask him to repeat it.

I'm shocked. You're not really an enlightened lybyryl at all, you're every bit as racist as these rabid conservatards. Your "equal rights" avatar is a lie; you hate everyone different from you, as this post proves.

Fellow lybyryls, we've been had. Luddly Neddite is a bigoted Teabagger protectionist in disguise.

Good grief.

As long as there are Americans out of work, I will stick with my belief that US companies should hire US workers. That would be Americans of any and all colors, creeds, religions.

He did sound Indian, he did say he was in India and I DO have trouble understanding heavily accented English.

As for equality - I believe other countries have the equal right to hire their own citizens to work for their companies.

How does any of that make me a racist?

Of course it doesn't make you a racist. If you're paying an American Company for a service in America and you call a help or support line you have the right to be able to speak to someone who can actually help because they can communicate in your native language - English. I imagine the contract was in English? You arranged for the service in English? I've gone through that frustration as well.

Outsourcing jobs to sweatshop labour is an entirely different issue.
you have no right to cust srvc at all, let alone in a language you understand
After 8 really long phone calls, I bit the bullet and called ATT. And got a "customer service rep" in - I don't know - deepest darkest New Delhi. Nope. I don't have anything against other countries hiring and paying their people but I do think US countries should hire Americans. Every damn thing he said, I had to ask him to repeat it.

I'm shocked. You're not really an enlightened lybyryl at all, you're every bit as racist as these rabid conservatards. Your "equal rights" avatar is a lie; you hate everyone different from you, as this post proves.

Fellow lybyryls, we've been had. Luddly Neddite is a bigoted Teabagger protectionist in disguise.

Good grief.

As long as there are Americans out of work, I will stick with my belief that US companies should hire US workers. That would be Americans of any and all colors, creeds, religions.

But not of all nationalities, citizenships, and certainly not of all immigration statuses. This is where your bigotry comes into play.

He did sound Indian, he did say he was in India and I DO have trouble understanding heavily accented English.

More blatant, unrepentant racism. Why can you not understand them? Do you not speak English? I've never had trouble understanding anyone from India in my life. In fact, their English is even easier to understand than most Americans'.

As for equality - I believe other countries have the equal right to hire their own citizens to work for their companies.

But only other countries? Why can't American companies hire foreign workers? Do you want to "keep America American" like a good little Ku Kluxer?

In fact, their English is even easier to understand than most Americans'.

certainly since English is one of the official languages of India

Customer service went away when generation gotta have it right now stuck an iPhone up their asses.
After 8 really long phone calls, I bit the bullet and called ATT. And got a "customer service rep" in - I don't know - deepest darkest New Delhi. Nope. I don't have anything against other countries hiring and paying their people but I do think US countries should hire Americans. Every damn thing he said, I had to ask him to repeat it.

I'm shocked. You're not really an enlightened lybyryl at all, you're every bit as racist as these rabid conservatards. Your "equal rights" avatar is a lie; you hate everyone different from you, as this post proves.

Fellow lybyryls, we've been had. Luddly Neddite is a bigoted Teabagger protectionist in disguise.

Good grief.

As long as there are Americans out of work, I will stick with my belief that US companies should hire US workers. That would be Americans of any and all colors, creeds, religions.

He did sound Indian, he did say he was in India and I DO have trouble understanding heavily accented English.

As for equality - I believe other countries have the equal right to hire their own citizens to work for their companies.

How does any of that make me a racist?

Of course it doesn't make you a racist. If you're paying an American Company for a service in America and you call a help or support line you have the right to be able to speak to someone who can actually help because they can communicate in your native language - English. I imagine the contract was in English? You arranged for the service in English? I've gone through that frustration as well.

Outsourcing jobs to sweatshop labour is an entirely different issue.

Well stated.

We vote with our money. Obviously, there are some who are willing to pay for being treated badly. That's exactly why it has become so common.

And, sweatshop labor is one of the reasons why I try to buy American made. I won't shop at WalMart which, of course, the RWs support because all the crap mdse is made in China and China does millions more abortions every year than the US does.
Sorry RWs but I found a local company, better price and no limits. ATT was more money and had a limit on usage.
you have no right to cust srvc at all, let alone in a language you understand

That's just utter nonsense posted purely to be argumentative. After sales service and support is touted as a main selling feature and is wriitten into most modern contracts on everything from homes to IP service to automobiles. Arguing may be entertaining but at least try to maintain a minimum degree of legitimacy.
you have no right to cust srvc at all, let alone in a language you understand

That's just utter nonsense posted purely to be argumentative. After sales service and support is touted as a main selling feature and is wriitten into most modern contracts on everything from homes to IP service to automobiles. Arguing may be entertaining but at least try to maintain a minimum degree of legitimacy.
you have no right.

if they don't give it to you, you do have the right to do biz with another company.

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