Cut Corporate Tax Rates--Remove Loopholes

But Jefferson said:

"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government."

Then how about:
"[Some] seem to think that [civilization's] advance has brought on too complicated a state of society, and that we should gain in happiness by treading back our steps a little way. I think, myself, that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious. I believe it might be much simplified to the relief of those who maintain it." --Thomas Jefferson to William Ludlow, 1824. ME 16:75
And what about this?

Most of the Founders advocated - and all ultimately passed - tariffs to protect domestic industries and workers. Seventy years later, Abraham Lincoln actively stood up for the right for labor to organize, intervening in several strikes to stop corporations and local governments from using hired goon squads to beat and murder strikers.

Did you see me arguing against taxes or tariffs on foreign goods?? Nope... but nice try again, moron

And with those actions by Lincoln, preserving the individual rights and stopping alleged murders by "goon squads"... that is not the same as redistributing goods and services at the expense of others.... but nice try, moron
You are sooooooo wrong my brother. I go about my business and I achieve/save/succeed, etc.

And you cock suckers are the ones who blamed Clinton, Carter, Freddy Mack, Jennifer Granholm. I spent years defending that woman. Now all my Michigan friends see what she was up against. Now they see I was right. It was the dirty southern Republicans in places like Alabama. Fucking traitors to America. Sold out to Toyota and Honda. Sold out to the CEO's who want us to make less, not more. They had record profits while our wages went down. And you were their biggest cheerleader! Faggot!!

Now I'm a faggot, that's/i] constructive. If you're gonna name call at least be accurate about it (i.e. I call you a moron because exemplify all the characteristics of a moron).

If you are going about your business and have to come where you are with minimal reliance on government why is it you feel government needs more revenue? You were able to do it, why can't other people? You obviously have done just fine without having to be protected by big bad corporate America and the GOP, crock o' shit that may be. If most people are as capable as you are why do they need all this government nannying?

I don't blame the southerns or corporations. They'll push for as much as they can. But now that we know who they are and what their agenda is, it's over for them. The free fucking ride is OVER!!! I have more respect for them than a lap dog like you who thinks you belong. Trust me, you don't.

What free ride is that. The only difference between Ford and Toyota in the south is one chose not to unionize. Where exactly is the free ride there? Please delineate for me all these breaks that Toyota in the south gets that Ford doesn't.

And what exactly do you believe I think I belong to? I'm not the one with the endless list of things he thinks he's entitled to. that would be you. I'm not the one who is the house slave, you are the one who is playing the victim in this debate.

I just happen to watch the news and know what the GOP government did to us in the last 8 years. If you aren't complaining, then there is something wrong with you. And if you voted for McCain, then you really don't get it.

CONGRATUFUCKINGLATIONS. YOU WATCH THE NEWS! BRAVO! The news is not reality friend. Listen to yourself. Yeah there is somethign wrong with me because I'm not down on the corner yelling 'gimmie my govment' shit'. While nothing is wrong with you who thinks we need a monostrosity of government to get us all through life okay.
Back on the subject of how much tax corporations pay, Goldman Sachs will be paying 1%:
Dec. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc., which got $10 billion and debt guarantees from the U.S. government in October, expects to pay $14 million in taxes worldwide for 2008 compared with $6 billion in 2007.

The company’s effective income tax rate dropped to 1 percent from 34.1 percent, New York-based Goldman Sachs said today in a statement. The firm reported a $2.3 billion profit for the year after paying $10.9 billion in employee compensation and benefits.
Goldman Sachs, which today reported its first quarterly loss since going public in 1999, lowered its rate with more tax credits as a percentage of earnings and because of “changes in geographic earnings mix,” the company said.
The rate decline looks “a little extreme,” said Robert Willens, president and chief executive officer of tax and accounting advisory firm Robert Willens LLC.

“I was definitely taken aback,” Willens said. “Clearly they have taken steps to ensure that a lot of their income is earned in lower-tax jurisdictions.”

U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett, a Texas Democrat who serves on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, said steps by Goldman Sachs and other banks shifting income to countries with lower taxes is cause for concern.
“This problem is larger than Goldman Sachs,” Doggett said. “With the right hand out begging for bailout money, the left is hiding it offshore.” Worldwide
Back on the subject of how much tax corporations pay, Goldman Sachs will be paying 1%: Worldwide

Which is exactly why no banks should have been bailed out.

Seriously, who cares if corps. pay any taxes? I don't

All profit earned by a corporation is taxed sooner or later. If a low corporate tax is a draw to new corporations to set up shop in this country, what is the objection?
Now I'm a faggot, that's/i] constructive. If you're gonna name call at least be accurate about it (i.e. I call you a moron because exemplify all the characteristics of a moron).

If you are going about your business and have to come where you are with minimal reliance on government why is it you feel government needs more revenue? You were able to do it, why can't other people? You obviously have done just fine without having to be protected by big bad corporate America and the GOP, crock o' shit that may be. If most people are as capable as you are why do they need all this government nannying?

What free ride is that. The only difference between Ford and Toyota in the south is one chose not to unionize. Where exactly is the free ride there? Please delineate for me all these breaks that Toyota in the south gets that Ford doesn't.

And what exactly do you believe I think I belong to? I'm not the one with the endless list of things he thinks he's entitled to. that would be you. I'm not the one who is the house slave, you are the one who is playing the victim in this debate.

CONGRATUFUCKINGLATIONS. YOU WATCH THE NEWS! BRAVO! The news is not reality friend. Listen to yourself. Yeah there is somethign wrong with me because I'm not down on the corner yelling 'gimmie my govment' shit'. While nothing is wrong with you who thinks we need a monostrosity of government to get us all through life okay.

1. jk on the faggot thing. That was just to let out tension.
2. Have you seen the economy? Do you know people are losing their life savings? It doesn't have to happen to me before I start to worry. That's my biggest problem with people like you. Randi Rhodes was talking about you last night. You're the, "if it aint happening to me then it aint happening at all" crowd. You guys suck. Selfish pricks.
3. Toyota got billions in tax breaks to go to Alabama. Much of it was Federal money. Fact.
4. House slave is not a victim. House slave is happy. He thinks life is good. He doesn't want the field slaves to complain because then massa get upset. You are a house slave.

And what do you make of this?

More Americans feel downturn's pain, poll finds
63 percent are hurting, think U.S. has entered long-term economic decline

More Americans hurt by downturn - Washington Post-

WASHINGTON - The deepening recession has eroded the financial standing and optimism of a broad swath of Americans, nearly two-thirds of whom say that they have been hurt by the downturn and that the country has slipped into long-term economic decline.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll also found that a rapidly increasing share of Americans -- 66 percent, up from just over half a year ago -- are worried about maintaining their standard of living. Nearly two in 10 said they or someone living in their household had lost a job in the past few months, and more than a quarter said they had their pay or hours reduced. And 15 percent said that at some point in the past year they fell behind on their rent or mortgage.

It's their fault Bern!!!! All their fault!!!!:cuckoo:
Which is exactly why no banks should have been bailed out.

Seriously, who cares if corps. pay any taxes? I don't

All profit earned by a corporation is taxed sooner or later. If a low corporate tax is a draw to new corporations to set up shop in this country, what is the objection?

They use and use and use and don't give back.

If you "don't care" that corporations don't pay taxes, then you are in favor of paying higher taxes yourself. If they don't, you will.

And explaining this to you is pointless.

All profit earned by a corp is taxed sooner or later? What a fucking joke.:cuckoo:
Back on the subject of how much tax corporations pay, Goldman Sachs will be paying 1%: Worldwide

Ravi, they don't know what they are talking about. Yet somehow they still dominate the conversation. I don't get it.

They live in a fantasy world.

And nothing, I repeat, NOTHING they predicted came true. None of their policies worked out.

It's all spin and bullshit. And 99% of the time, they are morons who don't know what they are saying. 1% of the time it's a rich dude who's just greedy. We're dealing with morons who would be greedy if ever given a chance.

And we see how they are with power. :eusa_whistle:
They use and use and use and don't give back.

If you "don't care" that corporations don't pay taxes, then you are in favor of paying higher taxes yourself. If they don't, you will.

And explaining this to you is pointless.

All profit earned by a corp is taxed sooner or later? What a fucking joke.:cuckoo:

So BooBoo. all those corps just have money under a mattress? they don't ever buy new equipment? they don't ever open a new retail outlet or an office somewhere else?

in fact i bet corporations haven't hired a new employee in 50 years right?

You don't understand business at all. Publicly traded corps pay out their profit which is taxed. You want to tax corps before they pay out their profit then there is less profit in the hands of the people.

The more money in the hand of the private sector, the better is the economy.

And i am not for my taxes being raised, i am for ALL taxes being slashed so that only the most fundamental and basic government services are funded.I am for ending government waste and corruption by removing power from the government and placing it back in our hands. i am for cutting the pay of all politicians so it is the average pay of all Americans. I am for getting the fucking government out of our lives as much as possible.
So BooBoo. all those corps just have money under a mattress? they don't ever buy new equipment? they don't ever open a new retail outlet or an office somewhere else?

in fact i bet corporations haven't hired a new employee in 50 years right?

You don't understand business at all. Publicly traded corps pay out their profit which is taxed. You want to tax corps before they pay out their profit then there is less profit in the hands of the people.

The more money in the hand of the private sector, the better is the economy.

And i am not for my taxes being raised, i am for ALL taxes being slashed so that only the most fundamental and basic government services are funded.I am for ending government waste and corruption by removing power from the government and placing it back in our hands. i am for cutting the pay of all politicians so it is the average pay of all Americans. I am for getting the fucking government out of our lives as much as possible.

We don't make anything anymore. What equipment does a bank need? And that's a good question you brought up Skull. What did happen to all of our money? I mean, we all pay taxes and pay our mortgages. Even if a million don't, there are millions more that do pay every month. So where is all that money? I'll tell you. The top 1% have it. And they didn't spend it, because they aren't stupid. They socked it away.

Meanwhile, you keep saying that people like me are just whiners, because it hasn't happened to you yet. You're one of those guys. Don't be that guy. Don't wait until it happens to you. You think I'm complaining for myself, because you can't fathom caring about others. Plus, I'm smart enough to see I could be next. And I don't want to wait till it gets that bad.

PS. Here is some news for you to chew on. They're all whiners. :cuckoo:

WASHINGTON - The deepening recession has eroded the financial standing and optimism of a broad swath of Americans, nearly two-thirds of whom say that they have been hurt by the downturn and that the country has slipped into long-term economic decline.
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll also found that a rapidly increasing share of Americans -- 66 percent, up from just over half a year ago -- are worried about maintaining their standard of living. Nearly two in 10 said they or someone living in their household had lost a job in the past few months, and more than a quarter said they had their pay or hours reduced. And 15 percent said that at some point in the past year they fell behind on their rent or mortgage.
More Americans hurt by downturn - Washington Post-
First Republicans denied there was a problem, then they tried to deny they caused the problem and now they want to say they know how to fix the problem? And anyone who has a problem is responsible for the problems they have? To an extent yes, but to another extent, NO.

In other words, Republicans are full of shit.
OUCH! Don't shoot the messager! I was pointing out that a country who dropped their corporate tax to 0% is a booming corporate sector and you attack me for pointing that out!
the thing I was trying to point out was that you are comparing a swiss watch to rock.

I know to the left,

You are not remotely qualified to tell any of us what the "left" thinks.
You are not remotely qualified to tell any of us what the "left" thinks.

but you seem to think you are qualified to tell us what the right, the conservatives, the rich etc etc think.
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but you seem to think you are qualified to tell us what the right, the conservatives, the rich etc etc think.

It's so clearly obvious. Tell me if I'm wrong. Republicans think:

The government should sit by like it did for the last 8 years and let corporations destroy the middle class if that's what the free market wants.

Anyone who was in New Orleans during Katrina should have been left to die.

A millionaire should pay as much in taxes as a guy who makes $75K a year.

Corporations should be able to pay us whatever they want.

Corporations should not be required to green because that would cut into their profits.

Middle class and poor people and Democrats caused this economic crisis.

Murder is wrong but for money we can go to war and kill millions.

All government is evil, yet you defended Bush for 8 years when we we told you Bush was the devil.

DeLay was elected House Majority Leader after the 2002 midterm elections, and compelled House Republicans to unite to an unprecedented degree, especially in support of President George W. Bush's agenda.
It's so clearly obvious. Tell me if I'm wrong. Republicans think:

The government should sit by like it did for the last 8 years and let corporations destroy the middle class if that's what the free market wants.

Anyone who was in New Orleans during Katrina should have been left to die.

A millionaire should pay as much in taxes as a guy who makes $75K a year.

Corporations should be able to pay us whatever they want.

Corporations should not be required to green because that would cut into their profits.

Middle class and poor people and Democrats caused this economic crisis.

Murder is wrong but for money we can go to war and kill millions.

All government is evil, yet you defended Bush for 8 years when we we told you Bush was the devil.

DeLay was elected House Majority Leader after the 2002 midterm elections, and compelled House Republicans to unite to an unprecedented degree, especially in support of President George W. Bush's agenda.

You are such an idiot... I would suggest actually thinking, and not blindly parroting what you here on the liberal whack-job Air-America radio shows, from morons like Rhandi Rhodes...

1) Government should stick to what it is constitutionally responsible for and what it was set up to be by the intentions of the founding fathers..
2) The city of New Orleans and their reaction had a huge impact on the situation in New Orleans. Many in trouble in New Orleans failed in their personal responsibility to heed the warnings given. Emergency services were trying to do their jobs in terms of rescuing people. Everyone else in the US is not responsible for rebuilding their houses and neighborhoods and businesses...
3) A millionaire should pay the same % of each dollar earned as anyone else who is a citizen in the US, in income tax. The millionaire will inherently pay more in taxes total, as he earns more.
4) We should be free to have our skills, viability, abilities, knowledge, experience determine what our compensation value is. Companies will pay for the skilled labor they need, and the more difficult the task or the more scarce the labor for that position, the more they will pay. And if we don't like what we are paid, we have the freedom to look elsewhere and the freedom to learn new skills for ourselves.
5) Corporations should be ENCOURAGED to become "green". Corporations should be held to legal pollution and hazard standards (dumping, toxic waste disposal, etc). Corporations should have the freedom to choose their best route based on cost, corporate morality, mission statement, employee and stockholder wish, etc.
6) Many things led to this economic crisis on the plates of many groups. Including unscrupulous government mandates forcing loans to ones who would not qualify, stubborn business leaders, people who don't research and revise their investment strategies, etc. It is not just "the banks" or "the rich" or "evil corporations".
7) Murder is wrong. Warring against enemies is not inherently murder.
8) Government is not evil. Over powerful government, over intrusive government, government entitlements to deadbeats, government wealth redistribution, etc are WRONG. Government and governmental officials will do wrong things. They are human and the government itself when run by humans cannot make only right decisions.

You are wrong... the majority of time you post shit on this board, it is wrong
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It's so clearly obvious. Tell me if I'm wrong. Republicans think:

The government should sit by like it did for the last 8 years and let corporations destroy the middle class if that's what the free market wants.

Anyone who was in New Orleans during Katrina should have been left to die.

A millionaire should pay as much in taxes as a guy who makes $75K a year.

Corporations should be able to pay us whatever they want.

Corporations should not be required to green because that would cut into their profits.

Middle class and poor people and Democrats caused this economic crisis.

Murder is wrong but for money we can go to war and kill millions.

All government is evil, yet you defended Bush for 8 years when we we told you Bush was the devil.

DeLay was elected House Majority Leader after the 2002 midterm elections, and compelled House Republicans to unite to an unprecedented degree, especially in support of President George W. Bush's agenda.

Jesus BooBoo you can barely organize your own thoughts so no you certainly cannot tell me what a republican thinks when you have a hard time cogently telling anyone what you think.
4) We should be free to have our skills, viability, abilities, knowledge, experience determine what our compensation value is. Companies will pay for the skilled labor they need, and the more difficult the task or the more scarce the labor for that position, the more they will pay. And if we don't like what we are paid, we have the freedom to look elsewhere and the freedom to learn new skills for ourselves.
5) Corporations should be ENCOURAGED to become "green". Corporations should be held to legal pollution and hazard standards (dumping, toxic waste disposal, etc). Corporations should have the freedom to choose their best route based on cost, corporate morality, mission statement, employee and stockholder wish, etc.

4. What do you do that you think is so valuable?

Looks to me that companies/corporations have decided we are all worth less:

Employers, who as recently as October said they were barely modifying their salary budgets for 2009, have changed their tune in December, this time bringing some workers' projected annual pay raises to a low not seen in three decades.

Expect Smaller If Any Pay Increases During 2009 :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

5. Encouraged? Like the plan about buying carbon credits? So a company can decide its cheaper to pollute?

No, companies should be forced/mandated/regulated to become Green.

Who's legal pollution standard? I hope not Chaney's/Delay's!

And this is the most rediculous thing I've ever read:

Corporations should have the freedom to choose their best route based on cost, corporate morality, mission statement, employee and stockholder wish, etc.

Read my lips. FUCK corporate morality. Those corporations have to deal with public morality. Fuck their mission statement and their stockholders wishes.

You have decided to ignore our founding fathers warnings about corporations getting too powerful. You act as if they should be able to run around like Blackwater runs around in Iraq. Above the law, etc. LOL. I know you didn't say that, but you act like each company should be able to act like their own little country. You are mad! Thank God the people you vote for are gone next month.
Jesus BooBoo you can barely organize your own thoughts so no you certainly cannot tell me what a republican thinks when you have a hard time cogently telling anyone what you think.

You know, Einstein sat around at a crappy job for years and that's when he came up with his theories. Can you imagine if he turned to one of his stupid co workers and said "e='s mc 2"?

But I think you understand me perfectly Skull. You disagree, but you understand what I'm saying.

And I get positive reps and private em's all the time congratulating me for kicking your asses or being right.

You just don't like someone telling you how full of shit you are. :eusa_shhh:
You know, Einstein sat around at a crappy job for years and that's when he came up with his theories. Can you imagine if he turned to one of his stupid co workers and said "e='s mc 2"?

But I think you understand me perfectly Skull. You disagree, but you understand what I'm saying.

And I get positive reps and private em's all the time congratulating me for kicking your asses or being right.

You just don't like someone telling you how full of shit you are. :eusa_shhh:

Puhlease BooBoo.

You are one of if not the most scatterbrained moonbat here.

But if you like to pretend you're Einstein, go ahead if it makes you feel better.

And if you want to count reps, since it seems to matter to you so much, you'd see that I have more than twice as many as you even though you have more than 3 times as many posts as I.
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Puhlease BooBoo.

You are one of if not the most scatterbrained moonbat here.

But if you like to pretend you're Einstein, go ahead if it makes you feel better.

And if you want to count reps, since it seems to matter to you so much, you'd see that I have more than twice as many as you even though you have more than 3 times as many posts as I.

That's you closet conservative homo's sucking each others dicks. It's called stroking.

And you all suffer from "I'm ok you're ok" syndrom. :eusa_shhh:

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