Cut Corporate Tax Rates--Remove Loopholes

That's you closet conservative homo's sucking each others dicks. It's called stroking.

And you all suffer from "I'm ok you're ok" syndrom. :eusa_shhh:

Liberals hate competition. You were probably one of those the students who got pissed when someone ruined the curve huh?
4. What do you do that you think is so valuable?

Looks to me that companies/corporations have decided we are all worth less:

Employers, who as recently as October said they were barely modifying their salary budgets for 2009, have changed their tune in December, this time bringing some workers' projected annual pay raises to a low not seen in three decades.

Expect Smaller If Any Pay Increases During 2009 :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

5. Encouraged? Like the plan about buying carbon credits? So a company can decide its cheaper to pollute?

No, companies should be forced/mandated/regulated to become Green.

Who's legal pollution standard? I hope not Chaney's/Delay's!

And this is the most rediculous thing I've ever read:

Corporations should have the freedom to choose their best route based on cost, corporate morality, mission statement, employee and stockholder wish, etc.

Read my lips. FUCK corporate morality. Those corporations have to deal with public morality. Fuck their mission statement and their stockholders wishes.

You have decided to ignore our founding fathers warnings about corporations getting too powerful. You act as if they should be able to run around like Blackwater runs around in Iraq. Above the law, etc. LOL. I know you didn't say that, but you act like each company should be able to act like their own little country. You are mad! Thank God the people you vote for are gone next month.

You are truly an idiot

You continually advance your skills to the changing needs... if you don't, you are no longer a commodity and will soon be asking, like in your career path, if "you want fries with that?"

Many skills are in demand.. many more are on the horizon... those who apply themselves will be with that curve... those that do not will fall to the wayside, or be like you expecting a share of everyone else's earnings

And YES.. encouraged.... we have pollution laws... and those that break the laws are fined and punished... but you do not FORCE a company to go to a system that is not currently viable to meet their needs and still run a profitable business... do you maybe give a tax break to ones that make the investment and have the capital to invest in expanding alternative sources of energy and alternative energy use? Sure... but you do not FORCE an electric company to abandon coal and natural gas to FORCE them to provide wind or solar when it does not meet current needs or allow them the freedom to turn a profit... when alternatives ARE cost effective alternatives, companies will FLOCK to them and other companies will drive their business models to provide them because there is profit to be made

READ MY LIPS.. fuck so-called LIBERAL morality and liberal hypocrisy... you have decided to ignore the founding father's warnings about government getting too powerful and allowing idiots to suck of the tit of those who are industrious

You and your ilk are still against freedom and for FORCE and CONTROL... the nanny or government police state in charge of every decision, every cent of earning, and every aspect of private life and private business... there are still a vast number of us who will not succumb to your hive mentality and steps towards government totalitarian forced control... and we will kick you extreme leftist scum to the curb again, where you belong
You are truly an idiot

You continually advance your skills to the changing needs... if you don't, you are no longer a commodity and will soon be asking, like in your career path, if "you want fries with that?"

Many skills are in demand.. many more are on the horizon... those who apply themselves will be with that curve... those that do not will fall to the wayside, or be like you expecting a share of everyone else's earnings

And YES.. encouraged.... we have pollution laws... and those that break the laws are fined and punished... but you do not FORCE a company to go to a system that is not currently viable to meet their needs and still run a profitable business... do you maybe give a tax break to ones that make the investment and have the capital to invest in expanding alternative sources of energy and alternative energy use? Sure... but you do not FORCE an electric company to abandon coal and natural gas to FORCE them to provide wind or solar when it does not meet current needs or allow them the freedom to turn a profit... when alternatives ARE cost effective alternatives, companies will FLOCK to them and other companies will drive their business models to provide them because there is profit to be made

READ MY LIPS.. fuck so-called LIBERAL morality and liberal hypocrisy... you have decided to ignore the founding father's warnings about government getting too powerful and allowing idiots to suck of the tit of those who are industrious

You and your ilk are still against freedom and for FORCE and CONTROL... the nanny or government police state in charge of every decision, every cent of earning, and every aspect of private life and private business... there are still a vast number of us who will not succumb to your hive mentality and steps towards government totalitarian forced control... and we will kick you extreme leftist scum to the curb again, where you belong

You know what? You're right.

I completely agree with you.
2. Have you seen the economy? Do you know people are losing their life savings? It doesn't have to happen to me before I start to worry. That's my biggest problem with people like you. Randi Rhodes was talking about you last night. You're the, "if it aint happening to me then it aint happening at all" crowd. You guys suck. Selfish pricks.

When is this concept going to get through your skull? When the crux of your argument rests on an inaccurate presumption (i.e. I am arguing what i'm arguing because i'm not feeling the effects of the down economy), it results in the failure of that argument. As with many i am very directly feeling the impact. My hours along with everyone else in my department were just cut this past week by 8 hours a week. That's about $200 a pay check for me. That's not quite half my rent out the window until business picks up. The big difference between you and me is, in finding myself in this situation I really don't see where I'm entitled to expect someone else to improveme the situation I find myself in.

It wasn't some government policy that lead to my hours being cut. It wasn't some evil boss trying to keep his (her's in this case) and screw the rest of us. You complain about the U.S. not making anything anymore. Well the company I work for does actually build things and the fact is because the economy is down, orders for our products are down, which means revenues are down. The decreased level of demand simply doesn't warrant the hours anymore for some employees and in a few cases doesn't warrant their positions at all. That's they way economies are. They cycle. If companies had to abide by all these make believe obligations you think they have it would not allow them to adapt to those cycles, more of them would fail and more people would be out of work.

This is why I believe people like you and RodISHI haven't really thought all that much about your 'business are obligated to take care of their employees schtick'. Fine, if you believe that should companies be allowed to lay people off as economic conditions warrant or should you just be gauranteed the job for life once you're hired?
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You know what? You're right.

I completely agree with you.

Awww.. and little asshole bobo the clown goes and neg reps... boo hoo :rolleyes:

The thing is I know you have your little mentally ill way of thinking and it is not going to change... but I will be here to fight against you with every keystroke and every breath within me.. and I will teach my kids the same way, and I will help teach my friend's kids.... and they will continue to fight against your extremist government control crapola
My hours along with everyone else in my department were just cut this past week by 8 hours a week. That's about $200 a pay check for me. That's not quite half my rent out the window until business picks up. The big difference between you and me is, in finding myself in this situation I really don't see where I'm entitled to expect someone else to improveme the situation I find myself in.

It wasn't some government policy that lead to my hours being cut.

Yes it was.
but I will be here to fight against you with every keystroke and every breath within me.. and I will teach my kids the same way, and I will help teach my friend's kids.... and they will continue to fight against your extremist government control crapola

Just like you were taught to be an ignorant asshole, you'll pass that along to your litter I'm sure.

And I feel the same way about fighting you. The only thing is, I'm a little burned out and you are irrelivent for the next 2 years so:eusa_shhh::eusa_hand:

You didn't win Dave. Please don't assume a negative rep means you won. You just deserved it.
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Just like you were taught to be an ignorant asshole, you'll pass that along to your litter I'm sure.

And I feel the same way about fighting you. The only thing is, I'm a little burned out and you are irrelivent for the next 2 years so:eusa_shhh::eusa_hand:

You didn't win Dave. Please don't assume a negative rep means you won. You just deserved it.

Awww.. poor baby... can't win an argument, provide a valid point, or validate a stance... so neg rep comes out... oh boo hoo :rolleyes:

I teach my kids and as many as I can to be self sufficient.. take personal responsibility... and to embrace freedom over someone, some group, or the government trying to control you

As for me being irrelevant (see, someone can actually spell, you ignorant burger flipper)... having a party win or lose an election does not make one irrelevant... even though you would like it to be, as you stick your fingers in your ears and yell "la la la la la" to try and drown out reality and reason, to stick to your idiotic left wing force and control mentality
Awww.. poor baby... can't win an argument, provide a valid point, or validate a stance... so neg rep comes out... oh boo hoo :rolleyes:

I teach my kids and as many as I can to be self sufficient.. take personal responsibility... and to embrace freedom over someone, some group, or the government trying to control you

As for me being irrelevant (see, someone can actually spell, you ignorant burger flipper)... having a party win or lose an election does not make one irrelevant... even though you would like it to be, as you stick your fingers in your ears and yell "la la la la la" to try and drown out reality and reason, to stick to your idiotic left wing force and control mentality

Maybe another day I'll get into it, but you are just boring me today.
Remind us again how and why you or anyone else is owed something at the expense of others. How equality is only OK when it is of your benefit and inequality is OK when it is to your benefit. Explain where the government gained the authority to take over your or anyone else's personal responsibility. Explain where you are privy to the fruits of someone else's labor.

You've been continually exposed as an entitlement supporting, hive mentality, control freak. Your arguments have been thrashed. Your stances have been shown as being illogical and flat out wrong. You have shown to have no ability to reason or learn from the errors of your ways. You are a hopeless puppet. Your idiocy is legendary. And you are the prime example of what is wrong with the Democratic party, being blindly beholden to far left extremist stances without rhyme, reason or logic. You are what is wrong with this country. You are a joke of a human being.
Remind us again how and why you or anyone else is owed something at the expense of others. How equality is only OK when it is of your benefit and inequality is OK when it is to your benefit. Explain where the government gained the authority to take over your or anyone else's personal responsibility. Explain where you are privy to the fruits of someone else's labor.

This argument is very simple bobo. The above sums up pretty well how people like myself, Dave and Skull feel about people's obligations within a society. So basically there are 3 options.

1) You believe the above. If so, you have utterly failed to form a constructive, persuasive argument that defends that position.

2) We are misrepresenting your position in which case feel free to correct it so we can go from there.

3) (this is the one i personally believe is happening) You don't believe the above, but don't realize the reality of your position about the obligation of business to it's employees results in the above. In which case you hold two beliefs that are irreconcilable.

Take your pick
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This argument is very simple bobo. The above sums up pretty well how people like myself, Dave and Skull feel about people's obligations within a society. So basically there are 3 options.

1) You believe the above. If so, you have utterly failed to form a constructive, persuasive argument that defends that position.

2) We are misrepresenting your position in which case feel free to correct it so we can go from there.

3) (this is the one i personally believe is happening) You don't believe the above, but don't realize the reality of your position about the obligation of business to it's employees results in the above. In which case you hold two beliefs that are irreconcilable.

Take your pick


Personal responsibility and entitlements. :eusa_drool:
Companies are cutting hours because business is slow. Why is business slow? Because corporate elite conservative bankers are being a bunch of whiners. :lol:

So whining by bankers is what is causing a decrease in demand on the part of individuals for our motors? I would LOVE to see you make that link.
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bern... he shows more and more every day and with every post, exactly how much of an idiot he truly is

Personal responsibility and entitlements. :eusa_drool:

Then explain. What level of responsibility do you believe is yours is in providing for you? What are the obligations of your employer toward you as you see it?
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