Cut the Crap, Kay Hagan: 97.9% of PAC Money Raised Last Quarter Came from Out-of-Stat


College Conservative
Jun 1, 2012
In the past few weeks, a strategy has seemed to emerge from Hagan’s campaign, one to which her supporters have eagerly latched. Hagan is going to attempt to tie Thom Tillis to the Koch Brothers and ride that conspiratorial connection all the way until November.

Democrats like to push this conspiracy that the Kochs are responsible for purchasing elections across the country and using Republican candidates as “puppets” once they are elected to office. If you have seen the movie “The Campaign” with Will Ferrell, the fictional Motch brothers are meant to be a cynical parody of the real-life Kochs.

Democrats, like Hagan, are quick to point to the Koch Brothers as evil puppet-masters who control Republican candidates like yes-man marionettes. They are also quick to ignore that Koch Industries ranks 59th in total political contributions behind 18 different labor unions, which primarily contribute to Democrats.


In fact, out of the $360,157.72 Senator Hagan reported raising from PACs on her Year-End report, I could find only $7,700 that came from PAC’s located in North Carolina. That means 97.9% of the money Hagan raised from PAC’s between October 1st and December 31st of last year came from out-of-state. I’d be willing to bet that same percentage would carry over to the $2,712,701.71 she has raised from PAC’s in the election cycle to-date.

So to Hagan and all of her supporters, cut the crap. When you accuse Thom Tillis of being a “Koch Brothers puppet” and selling out to out-of-state donors, your darling Senator is just as guilty.

Hagan is going to have to run on her record, and pushing these ridiculous conspiracies paints the picture of a Senator with one foot out the door, running from a failed healthcare law, her unwavering support for an unpopular President, and a pitiful record.

Read more at Cut The Crap, Kay Hagan: 97.9% of PAC Money Raised Last Quarter Came From Out-Of-State -
Kay might as well start looking for retirement property. In 2014.....she is toast.

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