"cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years, "

It's not outright theft. Our Constitution specifically empowers the Congress to levy and collect taxes, which means it isn't illegal for them to exercise that power. Since theft is by definition an illegal act, taxing people and companies is not theft.

But whether it's morally acceptable is another story, IMHO that's really up to us to decide as citizens and voters. That's one reason why we have elections, if the incumbents are doing something that we think is immoral or wrong, then we have the ability to vote them out of office. Or in some cases, remove them from office (impeachment).
It is outright theft. Even if the government makes it LEGAL.

By your logic there was no murder of jews or anyone else during the holocaust because the government made it legal to kill those people.
The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has traditionally reported that 49 states must balance their budgets, with Vermont being the exception.
There is no authority above the states, i.e. Federal authority.
So why does the United States Federal government not have a similar requirement that 49 of the 50 states have..i.e. balanced budgets?
So why does the United States Federal government not have a similar requirement that 49 of the 50 states have..i.e. balanced budgets?

Because the politicians of both parties do not want to tie their own hands when it comes to taxing and spending. For the most part, they don't care about future generations and debt, their interest only extends to the next election.
So says Bernie Sanders...https://berniesanders.com/issues/tax-extreme-wealth/
He says ..."Will raise an estimated $4.35 trillion over the next decade"
That's $435 billion additional tax revenue per year.
Right now... if the top 1% of US households (164 million households) or 1.64 million earn
$1,700,000 per year and pay right now about 20% of all federal tax revenue.
BUT if Bernie and the majority of the ignorant people on this board have their way...
according to Bernie these "billionaires" will have "cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years,"
Hmmm... so if Bernie has his way and cuts these evil billionaires wealth in half... how will Bernie pay for the next 15 years?
Remember he is counting on these "billionaires" to pay $435 billion a year from their wealth which according to his plan will be reduced every year.
Which means the tax payments will be reduced. It's just simple economics.

Bernie is a moron. If he were able to force through this kind of confiscatory punishment to the wealthy, it wouldn't produce anywhere near the money he suggests.

A tax on wealth would require the billionaire to liquidate holdings to pay, and that would reduce the price of stocks, and thus their wealth.

Further, the behavior of billionaires would change. A lot would flee the country, retire and quit producing income, etc.

Taxation of the type Crazy Bernie suggests will change behavior.
ou are gow 200,000,000 die for a Socialist utopia. May your Marxist re solution burn hell
Bernie is a moron. If he were able to force through this kind of confiscatory punishment to the wealthy, it wouldn't produce anywhere near the money he suggests.

A tax on wealth would require the billionaire to liquidate holdings to pay, and that would reduce the price of stocks, and thus their wealth.

Further, the behavior of billionaires would change. A lot would flee the country, retire and quit producing income, etc.

Taxation of the type Crazy Bernie suggests will change behavior.

Bernie doesn't care whatever the ramifications are of a wealth tax. He wants to hammer the wealthy whether it makes good economic sense to do it or not. I believe Obama was the same way, when asked if he would tax the rich more if it meant less revenue he said yes because it would be only fair. He was talking I think about the capital gains tax, but the point is the same: screw the rich regardless of the consequences. And a lot of other democrats feel the same way.
No they are not currency is but the rest os not. The Stock market on wall strreet predated the US government by many years.
Governments charter corporations which are the source for all private fortunes.

How the Stock Market Was Started & by Whom

"To most people, the name Wall Street is synonymous with stock exchange.

"According to the Library of Congress, the market on Wall Street opened May 17, 1792 on the corner of Wall Street and Broadway.

"Twenty-four supply brokers signed the Buttonwood Agreement outside 68 Wall St. in New York, underneath a buttonwood tree. On March 8, 1817 the group renamed itself the New York Stock and Exchange Board and moved off the street into 40 Wall St."
As inflationary rates hit a 13-year high in the U.S., many companies are raising prices to offset higher costs for materials such as aluminum and lumber, in addition to rising prices for gas and vehicles.
Do you see how gullible you are? Its right there in your post. Just like I said companies are the ones raising prices. Prices don't just go up by themselves. Someone has to say "Hey people have a lot of money. Lets raise prices."
Do you see how gullible you are? Its right there in your post. Just like I said companies are the ones raising prices. Prices don't just go up by themselves. Someone has to say "Hey people have a lot of money. Lets raise prices."
And so you solution is to TAX 100% the money that people make creating, producing and servicing all the necessities and niceties you have? That makes sense? What does that do? The companies will do 1 or both activities: raise prices or move offshore.
Either way YOU are the loser as you buy the iPhones, pay your internet, buy your gourmet food, buy your Nikes,etc. YOU pay for it! Not the companies.
Governments charter corporations which are the source for all private fortunes.

How the Stock Market Was Started & by Whom

"To most people, the name Wall Street is synonymous with stock exchange.

"According to the Library of Congress, the market on Wall Street opened May 17, 1792 on the corner of Wall Street and Broadway.

"Twenty-four supply brokers signed the Buttonwood Agreement outside 68 Wall St. in New York, underneath a buttonwood tree. On March 8, 1817 the group renamed itself the New York Stock and Exchange Board and moved off the street into 40 Wall St."
How do you expect things like offshore oil rigs and jet airliners to get created without corporations?
Where did you get that retarded conclusion from? There is nothing like that in my post.
Your comment: Someone has to say "Hey people have a lot of money. Lets raise prices."
Did you not write that?
Did a machine say that...because that's novel!
Sooner or later, you run out of Billionaires' Money:

Feed Your Family on $10 Billion a Day

Seems like these days I hear a lot of whiney whiners whining about "out of control government spending" and "insane deficits" and such, trying to make hay out of a bunch of pointy-head boring finance hooey. Sure, $3.7 trillion of spending sounds like a big number. "Oh, boo-hoo, how are we going to get $3.7 trillion dollars? We're broke, boo-hoo-hoo," whine the whiners. What these skinflint crybabies fail to realize is that $3.7 trillion is for an entire year - which translates into only a measly $10 billion per day!

Mister, I call that a bargain. Especially since it pays for all of us - you and me, the whole American family. Like all families, we Americas have to pay for things - health, food, safety, uncle Dave America with his drinking problem. And when little Billy America wants that new quad runner they promised, do Mom and Dad America deny him? No, they get a second job at Circle K, because they know little Billy might have one of his episodes and burn down the house.

So let's all sit down together as an American family with a calendar and make a yearly budget. First, let's lock in the $3.7 trillion of critical family spending priorities; now let's get to work on collecting the pay-as-we-go $10 billion daily cash flow we need.

12:01 AM, January 1
Let's start the year out right by going after some evil corporations and their obscene profits. And who is more evil than those twin spawns of Lucifer himself, Exxon Mobil and Walmart? Together these two largest American industrial behemoths raked in, between them, $34 billion in 2010 global profits. Let's teach 'em both a lesson and confiscate it for the public good. This will get us through...

9:52 AM January 4
Okay, maybe I underestimated our take. But we shouldn't let Exxon and Walmart distract us from all those other corporate profiteers out there worth shaking down. In fact, why don't we grab every cent of 2010 profit made by the other 498 members of the Fortune 500? That will net us another, let's see, $357 billion! Enough to get us to...

Do you see how gullible you are? Its right there in your post. Just like I said companies are the ones raising prices. Prices don't just go up by themselves. Someone has to say "Hey people have a lot of money. Lets raise prices."
Who would raise prices if not companies that produce goods and services? Why would companies raise prices absent any external influence?

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