"cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years, "

Nope. The people that raise their prices to take advantage of more money in the system cause inflation. If they didnt raise their prices there would be no inflation.

Are you really this ignorant about the economy or are you just trolling? I hope you're trolling!

Updated on July 23, 2021

Inflation check: These companies are raising their prices

The Fed says inflation is 'transitory' but Wall Street and Main Street are not so sure​

By Dejaris Holt

As inflationary rates hit a 13-year high in the U.S., many companies are raising prices to offset higher costs for materials such as aluminum and lumber, in addition to rising prices for gas and vehicles.

According to AAA, gas prices are averaging $3.15 per gallon, the highest in at least seven years.

You have a billionaire "mentor", Milk Weed? Of course you do! And he's "awesome" too? Of course he is! Is he here in the room now?
You're right. I just thought I'd let him have his little fantasy.
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Government hasn't paid much attention to breaking up monopolies since Carter and Reagan. Look at how Bush II and Obama handled those monopolies responsible for the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

In 2004 the FBI warned about an epidemic of mortgage fraud that would cause a financial crisis if not prosecuted:

Bill Black Pt 8/9 — The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One

"So the FBI comes back and says to Mukasey, Attorney General under Bush, the way you’ve got this set up is a recipe for failure because what we know works, the thing we used in the savings and loan debacle, the thing we used in Enron is task forces, and there are essential to dealing with large amounts of really sophisticated fraud.

"And you need to have a task force against mortgage fraud. And Mukasey refuses and he refuses on the grounds that and I quote, 'it’s just the equivalent of white-collar street crime,...'"

Obama's reactions to Wall Street's criminal monopolies was just as anemic:

"So it would have been so simple for the Obama administration to be the heroes. It was set up for them to be the heroes. All they had to do was what they said they were going to do. And as I say, their first act was to unwind this insane decision by the attorney general under Bush, Mukasey, that forbade any task force and they created a task force, so good right?..."

"So they decided almost immediately that they weren’t even going to try to bring criminal cases.

"They turned it into a civil case and then they said on top of that, we’re not going to sue the CEOs, and the CFOs, and the people in the C-suite, that got incredibly rich by blowing up our world economy and predating on blacks and Latinx folks.

"We will virtually eliminate such suits.

"There were only about six against prominent folks."

Government is not the problem.
Rich people are the problem.
When rich people control government, the problem gets worse.
I agree that government hasn't done its job regarding monopolies, however, isn't that like saying small government failed, so we are going to make it a whole lot bigger? If a small government did its job, would you still find it objectionable? I'm going to edit this, because clearly, large government isn't doing squat about monopolies either, as you yourself pointed out. The point is the same. If a small government did its job, wouldn't people be better off?
I dont spend much time on stupid hypotheticals there are no answers to. That would involve predicting what ventures those billionaires would be involved in and how that would affect me.
So you have no clue in spite of the fact you advocate stripping people of the wealth THEY earned along with the millions of jobs they created. You're just jealous and need to take them down to your level.

Childish. If you come up with an answer to any of those questions, feel free to add them at any time.

Don't concern yourself unduly, those feeding you that Kool Aid you guzzle down, have no clue either. They just know that it will play well with their base.
Again, what difference does it make to you if I, or anyone, has half a billion dollars or a billion dollars? If I have a billion dollars, specifically how many came out of your pocket?
How many billionaire dollars came from society's pocket?
Since billionaires are created by the politically constructed laws and institutions and billionaire dollars bribe corrupt politicians to advance their interests over the majority of society, billionaire dollars come from privatizing profit and socializing cost.
That makes as much sense as saying no laws should ban theft since billionaires acquire their wealth by stealing from those who produce the surplus..

Amazon employees become poorer as Bezo’s becomes richer. Is this your premise? The gap may become larger, but that doesn’t mean the employees are suffering. If a fellow employee gets the same 3% raise I do but has a higher salary, does that mean that I am suffering because he got a larger monetary raise that I did?
Then by a business and run it that way.

you have no right to force it on others.
Capitalism forces workers to accept less than their labor is worth.
Why do you support that theft?

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

"In the United States, the real average weekly wage for production and non-supervisory employees has been declining since 1972. As illustrated in Figure 1 below, it peaked at $345.62 in 1972, and it was as low as $263.95 in 1996. As of July 2015, the real average weekly wage was $303.70, which is still below the real average weekly wage in 1964."
Capitalism forces workers to accept less than their labor is worth.
Why do you support that theft?

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

"In the United States, the real average weekly wage for production and non-supervisory employees has been declining since 1972. As illustrated in Figure 1 below, it peaked at $345.62 in 1972, and it was as low as $263.95 in 1996. As of July 2015, the real average weekly wage was $303.70, which is still below the real average weekly wage in 1964."
If you think you're not getting paid enough for your labor then it's up to you to either make your labor more valuable to employers or work for yourself
Capitalism forces workers to accept less than their labor is worth.
Why do you support that theft?

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

"In the United States, the real average weekly wage for production and non-supervisory employees has been declining since 1972. As illustrated in Figure 1 below, it peaked at $345.62 in 1972, and it was as low as $263.95 in 1996. As of July 2015, the real average weekly wage was $303.70, which is still below the real average weekly wage in 1964."
Capitalism forces no such theft. The value of labor is STRICTLY a subkjective agreement between employee and employer

Third parties cannot measure said value; Marx was a proven drooling fool and his value theory of labor was not a theory at all it was a stupid delusional rant;
Start by saying what the government does with our taxes is only to a small degree what is best for our country. Then acknowledge that hard and uneven as it is, Its are duty as Americans to pay our share of taxes. What we are not doing is demanding that they are used wisely.
It's a point of principle. It's outright theft.

You would get 15 or 20-years in jail for walking into a bank, with a gun and walking out with millions even if you used the excuse like the bank won't miss it, they've got tens of billions in reserve and the money would be insured anyway too.

But legally it would be ok to just take half of wealthy folks money?

One is illegal and carries a hefty prison sentence but the other is morally acceptable and correct?

It's not outright theft. Our Constitution specifically empowers the Congress to levy and collect taxes, which means it isn't illegal for them to exercise that power. Since theft is by definition an illegal act, taxing people and companies is not theft.

But whether it's morally acceptable is another story, IMHO that's really up to us to decide as citizens and voters. That's one reason why we have elections, if the incumbents are doing something that we think is immoral or wrong, then we have the ability to vote them out of office. Or in some cases, remove them from office (impeachment).
It's not outright theft. Our Constitution specifically empowers the Congress to levy and collect taxes, which means it isn't illegal for them to exercise that power. Since theft is by definition an illegal act, taxing people and companies is not theft.
That implies the government can't steal. I categorically deny thatproposition. Governments often expropriates private property, and there's no way that isn't stealing. During the 30s the NAZI government confiscated the property of Jews before sending them to the concentration camps. It was all done according to German law..
That implies the government can't steal. I categorically deny thatproposition. Governments often expropriates private property, and there's no way that isn't stealing. During the 30s the NAZI government confiscated the property of Jews before sending them to the concentration camps. It was all done according to German law..

Remember when Obama said the Obamacare mandate was not a tax but a penalty, and the Supreme Court said no, it's a tax. That's because the gov't cannot expropriate private property (money) unless it is a tax, otherwise it would be stealing. The gov't has a right to tax it's citizens, it is specifically stated in our Constitution and is therefore LEGAL and not stealing. The Obamacare penalty was IMHO an attempt at stealing that the SCOTUS recognized and changed. And there are some specific limits/restrictions for the gov'ts ability to tax us; as long as the gov't does not violate those restrictions, they have a legal right to levy and collect taxes. What they do and how they do it might not be moral but it IS legal. and that ain't stealing.
Remember when Obama said the Obamacare mandate was not a tax but a penalty, and the Supreme Court said no, it's a tax. That's because the gov't cannot expropriate private property (money) unless it is a tax, otherwise it would be stealing. The gov't has a right to tax it's citizens, it is specifically stated in our Constitution and is therefore LEGAL and not stealing. The Obamacare penalty was IMHO an attempt at stealing that the SCOTUS recognized and changed. And there are some specific limits/restrictions for the gov'ts ability to tax us; as long as the gov't does not violate those restrictions, they have a legal right to levy and collect taxes. What they do and how they do it might not be moral but it IS legal. and that ain't stealing.
How benevolent of the Supreme Court to take property simply by redefining words. Taxation is legalized theft. That's the bottom line. It doesn't matter what the government calls it.

If the government confiscated your home and called it a tax, would that make you OK with it?

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