Cyber security experts release damning report why the dnc was not hacked by the Russians


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The FBI, CIA and NSA claim that the DNC emails published by WIKILEAKS on July 26, 2016 were obtained via a Russian hack, but more than three years after the alleged “hack” no forensic evidence has been produced to support that claim. In fact, the available forensic evidence contradicts the official account that blames the leak of the DNC emails on a Russian internet “intrusion”. The existing evidence supports an alternative explanation–the files taken from the DNC on between 23 and 25 May 2016 and were copied onto a file storage device, such as a thumb drive.

EXCLUSIVE... Cyber-Security Experts Release Damning Report: Why The DNC Was Not Hacked By the Russians

Oh imagine that ! Then imagine how many won't ever know this ever took place nor knows this article even exist.

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