Cyclonus/Agus: Cereal World [TrumpUSA Duty-Free?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should TrumpUSA capitalism generate more forms of consumerism folklore?

What do you think?

This 'capitalism-fashion fable' (inspired by the Michael Moore film Capitalism: A Love Story) is quite political in tone/theme, which is why I didn't feel fully comfy posting it in the Writing section of USMB, but I welcome any comments/feedback!



A radical Internet-blogging self-proclaimed 'democracy-vigilante' named Ajay Satan was writing about pornography/censorship in the modern age of media in TrumpUSA. Ajay would dress up in strange costumes and masks designed to make him look like a radical patriot like Patrick Henry or Edward Abbey(!). One night, Ajay decided to play some Ouija and see if he could invoke the spirit of a 'capitalism-adversary' who'd want to debate with him about TrumpUSA values. Ajay succeeded, and the spirit which emerged was that of a strange shapeless A.I. being named Cyclonus who resembled a humanoid made of pure liquid mercury.


Ajay was frightened, so Cyclonus comforted him by telling him he'd take on the shape/color of a more 'standard' looking robot. Cyclonus transformed himself into a purple-colored jet-fighter robot with a small laser-pistol. Ajay was more secure now and wanted to know about the depth and complexity of the dimension Cyclonus came from and what the robot-being/creature thought about TrumpUSA values. Cyclonus transformed Ajay (with his magical powers!) into a helmeted space-pilot named Agus(!). Now, Cyclonus and Agus were flying around the universe analyzing forms of capitalism in other intelligent civilizations besides Earth.


When Cyclonus and Agus returned to Earth, they began analyzing TrumpUSA capitalism and TrumpUSA values and comparing human civilization with capitalism systems in other intelligent civilizations around the universe they visited. Cyclonus/Agus visited four special civilizations, in four separate galaxies. These civilizations, Xanadu, Templar, Nighto, and Drakon, were similar to TrumpUSA in capitalism scope but exhibited greater forms of teamwork and patriotism. When Cyclonus and Agus returned to Earth, they began studying totems/symbols of TrumpUSA capitalism that made human civilization unique/special.


CYCLONUS: We've seen much intrigue, Ajay!
AGUS: Call me Agus, Cyclonus...
CYCLONUS: Alright, Agus!
AGUS: Yes, we've evaluated capitalism in other civilizations.
CYCLONUS: We're ready to dissect TrumpUSA capitalism/values.
AGUS: We sure are...
CYCLONUS: It seems to me that TrumpUSA is all about drama/chatter!
AGUS: Yes, there's plenty of media confetti and street gossip.
CYCLONUS: Trump is the first celebrity-president since Ronald Reagan.
AGUS: Americans don't trust Reaganomics anymore, Cyclonus...
CYCLONUS: Will they fully embrace Trumponomics?
AGUS: It seems there's ample space for all kinds of market imagination.
CYCLONUS: What do you mean?
AGUS: The marketing of iconic breakfast cereals represents consumerism glee!
CYCLONUS: I can agree with that...
AGUS: Does President Trump like Cap'n Crunch breakfast cereal?
CYCLONUS: Maybe he does!
AGUS: Finding the right endorsements for TrumpUSA capitalism is key.
CYCLONUS: I agree.
AGUS: Let's travel to Mohegan Sun casino in Connecticut.
CYCLONUS: Alright, but why?
AGUS: We can look at the pluralism-symbolic traffic in the Native-American casino!
CYCLONUS: Yes, Mohegan Sun symbolizes TrumpUSA values, to be sure.
AGUS: We can ask patrons if they think President Trump like Cap'n Crunch cereal!
CYCLONUS: Maybe you can become a Cap'n Crunch 'patriot.'
AGUS: Hail to consumerism science...


Cyclonus and Agus learned much while wandering around Mohegan Sun casino. They were disguised as the two Hollywood celebrities Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise. Cyclonus had transformed himself and Agus/Ajay into Hanks/Cruise with his magical power so the casino-patrons and media would think that celebrities were visiting their popular New England casino. You see, that weekend, Hanks and Cruise had traveled together to an island for a secret vacation together and told no one, so Cyclonus decided to exploit the situation. As Hanks and Cruise, Cyclonus and Agus asked Mohegan Sun patrons if they thought President Trump was a big fan of Cap'n Crunch breakfast cereal. The next day, Connecticut newspapers read, "Hanks and Cruise ask patrons if the President loves Cap'n Crunch cereal!"


Cyclonus and Agus then made special artistic renderings of Cap'n Crunch cereal boxes for consumerism-rhetoric Internet blogs for Halloween since Halloween Eve was approaching. Meanwhile, Hanks and Cruise tweeted, "We never visited Mohegan Sun casino last weekend to ask patrons if they thought President Trump liked Cap'n Crunch cereal; the two individuals journalists reported seeing must have been look-alike actors/impostors trying to generate pro-capitalism media chatter/gossip; we have no general problem or special political message about Cap'n Crunch!" Americans around the country thought that there was newfound Cap'n Crunch intrigue and President Trump tweeted, "At least sales of Cap'n Crunch will go through the roof this Halloween..."


Actor Leo DiCaprio was approached by director Woody Allen after Allen read all the news about this strange/funny Cap'n Crunch Halloween pro-consumerism chatter in TrumpUSA. Allen intended to make a film in which DiCaprio would play a radical journalist who unwittingly creates national buzz about Cap'n Crunch cereal after making strange comments about celebrities claiming they shared the cereal at the White House with President Trump. The TrumpUSA-parody film was called Breakfast with Donald, and it earned Allen and DiCaprio Oscars each for Best Picture and Best Actor. Cyclonus/Agus were quite amused/pleased at all this 'TrumpUSA lyricism.'


When Hanks and Cruise wanted in on the action, they decided to contact their comic book writer/artist friend William Gibson about a new comics-enterprise called Archangel Comics which would feature/present a series of stories about aspiring American entrepreneurs trying to exploit TrumpUSA consumerism/capitalism to create new forms of patriotism. The series of pro-TrumpUSA comics co-produced by Hanks/Cruise became quite popular and were featured on comics shows on American TV networks. Cyclonus and Agus/Ajay wondered if TrumpUSA was some kind of 'vehicle' for commercial flowery. Cyclonus bid Agus (Ajay) farewell and told him to keep blogging about TrumpUSA media intrigue. Ajay decided that TrumpUSA just might accomplish what the consumerism-explosive Big '80s could not --- commerce-based free-speech.





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