Cyprus says Hezbollah plot against Israelis or Jews likely foiled


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I would imagine that Hezbollah is unhappy that there plot was foiled. No dead Jews for them to salivate over.

Cyprus says Hezbollah plot against Israelis or Jews likely foiled

June 15, 2015 2:50pm

(JTA) — A Hezbollah bomb plot against Israel or Jews “most probably” was foiled last month, the foreign minister of Cyprus said.

Cypriot police arrested a 26-year-old Lebanon native with a Canadian passport on May 27 after authorities discovered nearly two tons of ammonium nitrate — a fertilizer that in large quantities can be mixed with other substances to make a powerful explosive — in the basement of a house belonging to the man. The suspect remains in custody.

Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides on Monday confirmed the arrest and the discovery of the explosives, Reuters reported. Asked whether a Hezbollah bomb plot had indeed been foiled, Kasoulides said, “Most probably.”

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Cyprus says Hezbollah plot against Israelis or Jews likely foiled Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Israeli airstrike kills Lebanese Hezbollah leader in Syria...

Lebanese militant leader killed in Israeli raid in Syria - Hezbollah
Sun Dec 20, 2015 - An Israeli air strike killed Samir Qantar, a Hezbollah militant leader, in Damascus on Saturday evening, the Lebanese group and Syrian state media said on Sunday.
Israel welcomed Qantar's death, saying he had been preparing attacks on it from Syrian soil, but stopped short of confirming responsibility for the strike that killed him. A former national security adviser to Israel said he doubted the strike would escalate hostilities between Israel and Iranian-backed Hezbollah, whose last major confrontation was in 2006. Israel has formally kept out of Syria's civil war which started almost five years ago but has bombed Hezbollah targets there without publicly acknowledging these sorties.[/img]
Released Lebanese prisoner Samir Qantar (C) attends a rally at Ain al-Tineh village on the Syrian side in the Golan Heights in front of Majdal Shams village, in the Israeli-occupied area in the 1967 war​

Hezbollah, a powerful Shi'ite Muslim group that has sent hundreds of fighters to Syria to support President Bashar al-Assad against rebels trying to topple him, said Qantar was "martyred" in an Israeli raid on the residential district of Jaramana in the Syrian capital, but gave no details. Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was due to speak on Monday evening as both supporters of the group and Syrian loyalist groups said the death of Qantar would be avenged and not be in vain. Jailed in Israel for his part in a 1979 raid in Israel that killed four people, Qantar, a Druze, was repatriated to Lebanon in 2008 in a prisoner swap with Hezbollah, which he is then believed to have joined.


Syrian army soldiers and civilians stand in front of a damaged building that was hit by an Israeli strike, killing a Lebanese militant leader Samir Qantar, in the Damascus district of Jaramana​

Yaakov Amidror, Israel's former national security adviser, predicted Hezbollah would seek to exact "small revenge" for Qantar's killing, but said Hezbollah, like Iran, was likely too busy fighting in Syria to afford a new front with Israel. "It would not be in their interest, and if they did so, they would have a big problem," Amidror said, alluding to Israel's threats to respond to any major Hezbollah attack with strikes in Lebanon. Hezbollah's official media said Qantar would be buried on Monday in a Shi'ite cemetery in its main stronghold of Dahiya in the southern suburbs of Beirut. The party opened a condolences hall to receive the public. "Such acts of the Zionist regime (Israel), which have become a consistent method, are the most dangerous forms of state terrorism," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari was quoted as saying by Iran's ILNA news agency.


Men place a picture of Lebanese Hezbollah militant leader Samir Qantar, who was killed in an Israeli air strike in Damascus early on Sunday, in Beirut's southern suburbs where his relatives are accepting condolences for his death​

Syrian Information Minister Omran al Zubi pointed the finger at Israel but fell short of blaming it directly. "The party that gains most from the assassination of Qantar is the Zionist enemy whom we have long known for these cowardly attacks," Zubi told Hezbollah's Manar television station. Official Syrian media said an Israeli aerial strike hit a six-storey residential building in Jaramana.

Israeli airstrike kills Lebanese Hezbollah leader in Syria...

Lebanese militant leader killed in Israeli raid in Syria - Hezbollah
Sun Dec 20, 2015 - An Israeli air strike killed Samir Qantar, a Hezbollah militant leader, in Damascus on Saturday evening, the Lebanese group and Syrian state media said on Sunday.
Israel welcomed Qantar's death, saying he had been preparing attacks on it from Syrian soil, but stopped short of confirming responsibility for the strike that killed him. A former national security adviser to Israel said he doubted the strike would escalate hostilities between Israel and Iranian-backed Hezbollah, whose last major confrontation was in 2006. Israel has formally kept out of Syria's civil war which started almost five years ago but has bombed Hezbollah targets there without publicly acknowledging these sorties.[/img]
Released Lebanese prisoner Samir Qantar (C) attends a rally at Ain al-Tineh village on the Syrian side in the Golan Heights in front of Majdal Shams village, in the Israeli-occupied area in the 1967 war​

Hezbollah, a powerful Shi'ite Muslim group that has sent hundreds of fighters to Syria to support President Bashar al-Assad against rebels trying to topple him, said Qantar was "martyred" in an Israeli raid on the residential district of Jaramana in the Syrian capital, but gave no details. Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was due to speak on Monday evening as both supporters of the group and Syrian loyalist groups said the death of Qantar would be avenged and not be in vain. Jailed in Israel for his part in a 1979 raid in Israel that killed four people, Qantar, a Druze, was repatriated to Lebanon in 2008 in a prisoner swap with Hezbollah, which he is then believed to have joined.


Syrian army soldiers and civilians stand in front of a damaged building that was hit by an Israeli strike, killing a Lebanese militant leader Samir Qantar, in the Damascus district of Jaramana​

Yaakov Amidror, Israel's former national security adviser, predicted Hezbollah would seek to exact "small revenge" for Qantar's killing, but said Hezbollah, like Iran, was likely too busy fighting in Syria to afford a new front with Israel. "It would not be in their interest, and if they did so, they would have a big problem," Amidror said, alluding to Israel's threats to respond to any major Hezbollah attack with strikes in Lebanon. Hezbollah's official media said Qantar would be buried on Monday in a Shi'ite cemetery in its main stronghold of Dahiya in the southern suburbs of Beirut. The party opened a condolences hall to receive the public. "Such acts of the Zionist regime (Israel), which have become a consistent method, are the most dangerous forms of state terrorism," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari was quoted as saying by Iran's ILNA news agency.


Men place a picture of Lebanese Hezbollah militant leader Samir Qantar, who was killed in an Israeli air strike in Damascus early on Sunday, in Beirut's southern suburbs where his relatives are accepting condolences for his death​

Syrian Information Minister Omran al Zubi pointed the finger at Israel but fell short of blaming it directly. "The party that gains most from the assassination of Qantar is the Zionist enemy whom we have long known for these cowardly attacks," Zubi told Hezbollah's Manar television station. Official Syrian media said an Israeli aerial strike hit a six-storey residential building in Jaramana.

Kantar turned into dog food.

Israeli airstrike kills Lebanese Hezbollah leader in Syria...

Lebanese militant leader killed in Israeli raid in Syria - Hezbollah
Sun Dec 20, 2015 - An Israeli air strike killed Samir Qantar, a Hezbollah militant leader, in Damascus on Saturday evening, the Lebanese group and Syrian state media said on Sunday.
Israel welcomed Qantar's death, saying he had been preparing attacks on it from Syrian soil, but stopped short of confirming responsibility for the strike that killed him. A former national security adviser to Israel said he doubted the strike would escalate hostilities between Israel and Iranian-backed Hezbollah, whose last major confrontation was in 2006. Israel has formally kept out of Syria's civil war which started almost five years ago but has bombed Hezbollah targets there without publicly acknowledging these sorties.[/img]
Released Lebanese prisoner Samir Qantar (C) attends a rally at Ain al-Tineh village on the Syrian side in the Golan Heights in front of Majdal Shams village, in the Israeli-occupied area in the 1967 war​

Hezbollah, a powerful Shi'ite Muslim group that has sent hundreds of fighters to Syria to support President Bashar al-Assad against rebels trying to topple him, said Qantar was "martyred" in an Israeli raid on the residential district of Jaramana in the Syrian capital, but gave no details. Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was due to speak on Monday evening as both supporters of the group and Syrian loyalist groups said the death of Qantar would be avenged and not be in vain. Jailed in Israel for his part in a 1979 raid in Israel that killed four people, Qantar, a Druze, was repatriated to Lebanon in 2008 in a prisoner swap with Hezbollah, which he is then believed to have joined.


Syrian army soldiers and civilians stand in front of a damaged building that was hit by an Israeli strike, killing a Lebanese militant leader Samir Qantar, in the Damascus district of Jaramana​

Yaakov Amidror, Israel's former national security adviser, predicted Hezbollah would seek to exact "small revenge" for Qantar's killing, but said Hezbollah, like Iran, was likely too busy fighting in Syria to afford a new front with Israel. "It would not be in their interest, and if they did so, they would have a big problem," Amidror said, alluding to Israel's threats to respond to any major Hezbollah attack with strikes in Lebanon. Hezbollah's official media said Qantar would be buried on Monday in a Shi'ite cemetery in its main stronghold of Dahiya in the southern suburbs of Beirut. The party opened a condolences hall to receive the public. "Such acts of the Zionist regime (Israel), which have become a consistent method, are the most dangerous forms of state terrorism," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari was quoted as saying by Iran's ILNA news agency.


Men place a picture of Lebanese Hezbollah militant leader Samir Qantar, who was killed in an Israeli air strike in Damascus early on Sunday, in Beirut's southern suburbs where his relatives are accepting condolences for his death​

Syrian Information Minister Omran al Zubi pointed the finger at Israel but fell short of blaming it directly. "The party that gains most from the assassination of Qantar is the Zionist enemy whom we have long known for these cowardly attacks," Zubi told Hezbollah's Manar television station. Official Syrian media said an Israeli aerial strike hit a six-storey residential building in Jaramana.

"The Americans are nowhere close to Iraq".

Who said that?
"The Americans are nowhere close to Iraq".

Who said that?

Baghdad Bob Jr. has taken up the mantle. At times I think he has something like a ticker tape in his room feeding him news about Syria. The only time he veers from his course occasionally is when it comes to Yemem because the Iranians (backing the Houstis) are friends of his best friend in Syria. Other than that, he really has no other interest in what is going on in the Middle East.

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