Czech Republic joins 3 other European countries in refusing EU imposed invasion

A lot more countries would gladly join those three if there were not such a pressure on them from Germany and Brussels.

Putin: " One of the EU leaders – a former leader—told me that the ratio of binding decisions adopted by the European Parliament is higher than made by the USSR Supreme Soviet in relation to Soviet republics.

This means that the concentration of power at the top there is very high. Some like it and want to continue down this road of erasing national borders, whereas others do not like it.
Answers to media questions
The EU was stupidity from the start.................Countries should never give up their they can be ruled by commands from other countries.....................

Countries are now growing tired of it, but only stay do to financial black mail by others.
Eastern block countries are very anti-Muslim. They are great places to visit, no hijab wearing refugees, no acts of terrorism.

Western Europe could learn a thing or two from them.
1. One can see that it is possible to lose sovereignty quickly. Consider the European Union. It began in 1957 when six countries signed a treaty agreeing that they would cooperate on certain economic matters. They established the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg to interpret disputes about the treaty.

a. In the 1960’s the Court decreed that if acts of national parliament’s acts came into conflict with the treaty, the treaty would take precedence!

b. In the 1970’s the Court stated that it had precedence over national constitutions!

c. Today, whatever regulations are cranked out by the bureaucrats at the European Commission supersede both parliamentary statutes and national constitutions. This includes any questions about basic rights.

d. Neither does the EU have a constitution, nor does the EU have an army or police force for common control of its borders. Thus it has political superiority over member states, but declines to be responsible for its defense. Inherent in this idea of transcending nation-states is the idea that defense is unimportant.
From a speech by Jeremy Rabkin, professor of law, George Mason School of Law, June 5, 2009 at Washington, D.C. sponsored by Hillsdale College

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