Zone1 D.C. Council approves money to study reparations for Black residents


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Victor Hugo“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”― Victor Hugo

This is a fact. And despite all the opposition from one faction of Americans, the demand for black reparations continues to move forward. I'm 63 and I might not get them, but in the future young blacks will. When I was a kid, 63 year old blacks fought for civil rights they knew they would never see. Whites then, like some now, laughed and made snarky comments just like what we see today. But what those blacks fought for came to be. And the same thing will happen for reparations.

D.C. Council approves money to study reparations for Black residents​

A commission to study reparations for Black Washingtonians descended from enslaved people or affected by Jim Crow-era institutional racism is about to move forward after securing funding in the D.C. Council’s 2025 budget, meaning the District is likely to join localities nationwide in searching for concrete ways to reckon with slavery’s generational harm.

Council member Kenyan R. McDuffie (I-At Large), who introduced the legislation to create the task force, said the $1.5 million in “pre-funding” ensures that the nine-member reparations task force could hit the ground running if and when the council advances his bill. He said he is expecting to mark up his legislation, the Reparations Foundation Fund and Task Force Establishment Act, in the fall; nine council members co-sponsored the legislation, making passage likely if it gets a vote.

Under McDuffie’s proposal, the task force would explore ways to deliver restitution to Black residents harmed by generations of racism and institutional discrimination, starting with slavery, in a city that has some of the starkest racial wealth disparities in the nation. The legislation also directs the D.C. Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking to develop a database of slaveholding records — such as insurance policies that enslavers took out on people they owned. That piece is also included in the budget, McDuffie said.

I think you don’t get to really start chipping away at that racial wealth gap without an understanding of the history and the impact of industry, government policies that contributed to some of the outcomes that we still see today,” McDuffie said, pointing to a 2016 Urban Institute study finding that White households in D.C. have 81 times the wealth of Black households.

So its like this, If I die without getting reparations I will be honored to be an ancestor known for fighting to create a future whereby blacks will have finally achieved economic equality.
Victor Hugo“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”― Victor Hugo

This is a fact. And despite all the opposition from one faction of Americans, the demand for black reparations continues to move forward. I'm 63 and I might not get them, but in the future young blacks will. When I was a kid, 63 year old blacks fought for civil rights they knew they would never see. Whites then, like some now, laughed and made snarky comments just like what we see today. But what those blacks fought for came to be. And the same thing will happen for reparations.

D.C. Council approves money to study reparations for Black residents​

A commission to study reparations for Black Washingtonians descended from enslaved people or affected by Jim Crow-era institutional racism is about to move forward after securing funding in the D.C. Council’s 2025 budget, meaning the District is likely to join localities nationwide in searching for concrete ways to reckon with slavery’s generational harm.

Council member Kenyan R. McDuffie (I-At Large), who introduced the legislation to create the task force, said the $1.5 million in “pre-funding” ensures that the nine-member reparations task force could hit the ground running if and when the council advances his bill. He said he is expecting to mark up his legislation, the Reparations Foundation Fund and Task Force Establishment Act, in the fall; nine council members co-sponsored the legislation, making passage likely if it gets a vote.

Under McDuffie’s proposal, the task force would explore ways to deliver restitution to Black residents harmed by generations of racism and institutional discrimination, starting with slavery, in a city that has some of the starkest racial wealth disparities in the nation. The legislation also directs the D.C. Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking to develop a database of slaveholding records — such as insurance policies that enslavers took out on people they owned. That piece is also included in the budget, McDuffie said.

I think you don’t get to really start chipping away at that racial wealth gap without an understanding of the history and the impact of industry, government policies that contributed to some of the outcomes that we still see today,” McDuffie said, pointing to a 2016 Urban Institute study finding that White households in D.C. have 81 times the wealth of Black households.

So its like this, If I die without getting reparations I will be honored to be an ancestor known for fighting to create a future whereby blacks will have finally achieved economic equality.
At least reparations in DC would come from a slave district. DC was one of the Union governments that allowed slavery in the ACW. But it still won’t happen, your fantasy will never fly, your great grandchildren won’t even see reparations.
If I die without getting reparations I will be honored to be an ancestor known for fighting to create a future whereby blacks will have finally achieved economic equality.

For blacks to achieve economic equality, they'll have to do as well as whites in school, stop having kids out of wedlock and stop "interacting with our justice system".

If you can't show them how, they'll never succeed.

Get crackin'!!!
Victor Hugo“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”― Victor Hugo

This is a fact. And despite all the opposition from one faction of Americans, the demand for black reparations continues to move forward. I'm 63 and I might not get them, but in the future young blacks will. When I was a kid, 63 year old blacks fought for civil rights they knew they would never see. Whites then, like some now, laughed and made snarky comments just like what we see today. But what those blacks fought for came to be. And the same thing will happen for reparations.

D.C. Council approves money to study reparations for Black residents​

A commission to study reparations for Black Washingtonians descended from enslaved people or affected by Jim Crow-era institutional racism is about to move forward after securing funding in the D.C. Council’s 2025 budget, meaning the District is likely to join localities nationwide in searching for concrete ways to reckon with slavery’s generational harm.

Council member Kenyan R. McDuffie (I-At Large), who introduced the legislation to create the task force, said the $1.5 million in “pre-funding” ensures that the nine-member reparations task force could hit the ground running if and when the council advances his bill. He said he is expecting to mark up his legislation, the Reparations Foundation Fund and Task Force Establishment Act, in the fall; nine council members co-sponsored the legislation, making passage likely if it gets a vote.

Under McDuffie’s proposal, the task force would explore ways to deliver restitution to Black residents harmed by generations of racism and institutional discrimination, starting with slavery, in a city that has some of the starkest racial wealth disparities in the nation. The legislation also directs the D.C. Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking to develop a database of slaveholding records — such as insurance policies that enslavers took out on people they owned. That piece is also included in the budget, McDuffie said.

I think you don’t get to really start chipping away at that racial wealth gap without an understanding of the history and the impact of industry, government policies that contributed to some of the outcomes that we still see today,” McDuffie said, pointing to a 2016 Urban Institute study finding that White households in D.C. have 81 times the wealth of Black households.

So its like this, If I die without getting reparations I will be honored to be an ancestor known for fighting to create a future whereby blacks will have finally achieved economic equality.
reparations ??? must be election season again .. you are the perfect mark for the dems ..
No one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government made the Fort Laramie treaty with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. No one living in 1980 was alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold tresspass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done the 1800’s when no one living in 1980 was alive. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars.

United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians :: 448 U.S. 371 (1980) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center, United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians, 448 U.S. 371 (1980)

These are not the only reparations that have been given. There is no valid argument against reparations to blacks. Only racist opposition based on the attitude of:

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”

Lawrence Bobo, James R. Kluegel, and Ryan A, Smith, “Laissez-Faire Racism: The Crystallization of a ‘Kindler, Genter’ Anti-black Ideology” (Russell Sage Foundation: June 1996, Copyright 1996.

Whites really need to shut up about this because in the 20th century alone:

" Finding that approximately 120 billion 1950s dollars—or more than 1.239 quintillion 2019 dollars—were invested to subsidize and create white-American wealth through homeownership.."

"The U.S. government’s housing practices—from the New Deal until the 1968 Fair Housing Act and its 1988 Amendments—to reveal that although the New Deal’s national housing programs revolutionized homeownership and home equity in the United States, the U.S. government’s federal housing programs were racially discriminatory. Specifically, and quite shockingly, the U.S. government actively created and promulgated racist neighborhood rating systems that constructed black neighborhoods and black property as unstable, volatile, hazardous, and not worthy of investment. Using these racist rating systems, the federal government endorsed racial covenants and invested federal money into the creation and accumulation of white wealth, the value of whiteness, white suburbia, and white homeownership. Meanwhile, the government denied blacks federal housing funding, fueling black stigma and barring black-Americans from the invaluable twentieth century opportunities of homeownership and home equity."

Now since the govrrnment handed whites increased wealth, it is evil to deny others the same thing done the same way. It is EVIL to be given what whites have been given, then complain about how wrong it is when others ask for the same thing. It is EVIL to lie about how things are equal when you have more because policies excluded others. Finally, IT IS EVIL TO TRY TELLING OTHERS THAT RACISM DOES NOT EXIST WHEN YOU ARE PRACTICING IT WHILE MAKING THAT CLAIM.

Do not tell anyone how this is a christian nation.
Comparisons of net worth between white and black households are meaningless when you don’t factor for beahvior that leads to that discrepancy: most prominently, the 72% out-of-wedlock birthrate.

I would like to see a comparison of white and black households where the grandparents were married, and then the parents were married - and where the savings and investment philosophies were the same. It is a fact that blacks spend a higher % of their disposable income than do whites.
No one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government made the Fort Laramie treaty with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. No one living in 1980 was alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold tresspass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done the 1800’s when no one living in 1980 was alive. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars.

United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians :: 448 U.S. 371 (1980) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center, United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians, 448 U.S. 371 (1980)

These are not the only reparations that have been given. There is no valid argument against reparations to blacks. Only racist opposition based on the attitude of:

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”

Lawrence Bobo, James R. Kluegel, and Ryan A, Smith, “Laissez-Faire Racism: The Crystallization of a ‘Kindler, Genter’ Anti-black Ideology” (Russell Sage Foundation: June 1996, Copyright 1996.

Whites really need to shut up about this because in the 20th century alone:

" Finding that approximately 120 billion 1950s dollars—or more than 1.239 quintillion 2019 dollars—were invested to subsidize and create white-American wealth through homeownership.."

"The U.S. government’s housing practices—from the New Deal until the 1968 Fair Housing Act and its 1988 Amendments—to reveal that although the New Deal’s national housing programs revolutionized homeownership and home equity in the United States, the U.S. government’s federal housing programs were racially discriminatory. Specifically, and quite shockingly, the U.S. government actively created and promulgated racist neighborhood rating systems that constructed black neighborhoods and black property as unstable, volatile, hazardous, and not worthy of investment. Using these racist rating systems, the federal government endorsed racial covenants and invested federal money into the creation and accumulation of white wealth, the value of whiteness, white suburbia, and white homeownership. Meanwhile, the government denied blacks federal housing funding, fueling black stigma and barring black-Americans from the invaluable twentieth century opportunities of homeownership and home equity."

Now since the govrrnment handed whites increased wealth, it is evil to deny others the same thing done the same way. It is EVIL to be given what whites have been given, then complain about how wrong it is when others ask for the same thing. It is EVIL to lie about how things are equal when you have more because policies excluded others. Finally, IT IS EVIL TO TRY TELLING OTHERS THAT RACISM DOES NOT EXIST WHEN YOU ARE PRACTICING IT WHILE MAKING THAT CLAIM.

Do not tell anyone how this is a Christian nation.

They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars.

The Indians were a nation we had a treaty with, you......not so much.

Finding that approximately 120 billion 1950s dollars—or more than 1.239 quintillion 2019 dollars—were invested to subsidize and create white-American wealth through homeownership.."

The total value of the US housing market is less than $50 trillion you moron.
Get out of here with that black math.


Racism exists. I'll pray that you purge your evil feelings about others.
Victor Hugo“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”― Victor Hugo

This is a fact. And despite all the opposition from one faction of Americans, the demand for black reparations continues to move forward. I'm 63 and I might not get them, but in the future young blacks will. When I was a kid, 63 year old blacks fought for civil rights they knew they would never see. Whites then, like some now, laughed and made snarky comments just like what we see today. But what those blacks fought for came to be. And the same thing will happen for reparations.

D.C. Council approves money to study reparations for Black residents​

A commission to study reparations for Black Washingtonians descended from enslaved people or affected by Jim Crow-era institutional racism is about to move forward after securing funding in the D.C. Council’s 2025 budget, meaning the District is likely to join localities nationwide in searching for concrete ways to reckon with slavery’s generational harm.

Council member Kenyan R. McDuffie (I-At Large), who introduced the legislation to create the task force, said the $1.5 million in “pre-funding” ensures that the nine-member reparations task force could hit the ground running if and when the council advances his bill. He said he is expecting to mark up his legislation, the Reparations Foundation Fund and Task Force Establishment Act, in the fall; nine council members co-sponsored the legislation, making passage likely if it gets a vote.

Under McDuffie’s proposal, the task force would explore ways to deliver restitution to Black residents harmed by generations of racism and institutional discrimination, starting with slavery, in a city that has some of the starkest racial wealth disparities in the nation. The legislation also directs the D.C. Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking to develop a database of slaveholding records — such as insurance policies that enslavers took out on people they owned. That piece is also included in the budget, McDuffie said.

I think you don’t get to really start chipping away at that racial wealth gap without an understanding of the history and the impact of industry, government policies that contributed to some of the outcomes that we still see today,” McDuffie said, pointing to a 2016 Urban Institute study finding that White households in D.C. have 81 times the wealth of Black households.

So its like this, If I die without getting reparations I will be honored to be an ancestor known for fighting to create a future whereby blacks will have finally achieved economic equality.
This is walking around money for black activists

$1.5 mil buys a lot of party time
A White family headed by the mother (and no father) is four times more likely to be living in poverty than an intact Black family (with the father in the home).

Please explain to that White woman where she can go to collect her White Privilege.

The late Rush H. Limbaugh III had an expression he used to identify people who basically made their living selling racism (e.g., The "Rev" Al Sharpton). He called them "Race Pimps." Race Pimps (like those council members) are the only ones who will benefit from talk of reparations. No American will ever actually collect reparations for slavery. But if it makes some people feel better, I suppose talking about it is relatively harmless.
A White family headed by the mother (and no father) is four times more likely to be living in poverty than an intact Black family (with the father in the home).

Please explain to that White woman where she can go to collect her White Privilege.

The late Rush H. Limbaugh III had an expression he used to identify people who basically made their living selling racism (e.g., The "Rev" Al Sharpton). He called them "Race Pimps." Race Pimps (like those council members) are the only ones who will benefit from talk of reparations. No American will ever actually collect reparations for slavery. But if it makes some people feel better, I suppose talking about it is relatively harmless.

But if it makes some people feel better, I suppose talking about it is relatively harmless.

Sadly, it makes people feel worse. Some, because they feel they're owed something they aren't.
Others, because they feel they're being punished for things they didn't do.
Victor Hugo“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”― Victor Hugo

This is a fact. And despite all the opposition from one faction of Americans, the demand for black reparations continues to move forward. I'm 63 and I might not get them, but in the future young blacks will. When I was a kid, 63 year old blacks fought for civil rights they knew they would never see. Whites then, like some now, laughed and made snarky comments just like what we see today. But what those blacks fought for came to be. And the same thing will happen for reparations.

D.C. Council approves money to study reparations for Black residents​

A commission to study reparations for Black Washingtonians descended from enslaved people or affected by Jim Crow-era institutional racism is about to move forward after securing funding in the D.C. Council’s 2025 budget, meaning the District is likely to join localities nationwide in searching for concrete ways to reckon with slavery’s generational harm.

Council member Kenyan R. McDuffie (I-At Large), who introduced the legislation to create the task force, said the $1.5 million in “pre-funding” ensures that the nine-member reparations task force could hit the ground running if and when the council advances his bill. He said he is expecting to mark up his legislation, the Reparations Foundation Fund and Task Force Establishment Act, in the fall; nine council members co-sponsored the legislation, making passage likely if it gets a vote.

Under McDuffie’s proposal, the task force would explore ways to deliver restitution to Black residents harmed by generations of racism and institutional discrimination, starting with slavery, in a city that has some of the starkest racial wealth disparities in the nation. The legislation also directs the D.C. Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking to develop a database of slaveholding records — such as insurance policies that enslavers took out on people they owned. That piece is also included in the budget, McDuffie said.

I think you don’t get to really start chipping away at that racial wealth gap without an understanding of the history and the impact of industry, government policies that contributed to some of the outcomes that we still see today,” McDuffie said, pointing to a 2016 Urban Institute study finding that White households in D.C. have 81 times the wealth of Black households.

So its like this, If I die without getting reparations I will be honored to be an ancestor known for fighting to create a future whereby blacks will have finally achieved economic equality.
Why should young blacks, who have not been enslaved or given unfair laws and policies, be given reparations? Because they are amongst a lot of greedy, lazy MFs.
Victor Hugo“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”― Victor Hugo

This is a fact. And despite all the opposition from one faction of Americans, the demand for black reparations continues to move forward. I'm 63 and I might not get them, but in the future young blacks will. When I was a kid, 63 year old blacks fought for civil rights they knew they would never see. Whites then, like some now, laughed and made snarky comments just like what we see today. But what those blacks fought for came to be. And the same thing will happen for reparations.

D.C. Council approves money to study reparations for Black residents​

A commission to study reparations for Black Washingtonians descended from enslaved people or affected by Jim Crow-era institutional racism is about to move forward after securing funding in the D.C. Council’s 2025 budget, meaning the District is likely to join localities nationwide in searching for concrete ways to reckon with slavery’s generational harm.

Council member Kenyan R. McDuffie (I-At Large), who introduced the legislation to create the task force, said the $1.5 million in “pre-funding” ensures that the nine-member reparations task force could hit the ground running if and when the council advances his bill. He said he is expecting to mark up his legislation, the Reparations Foundation Fund and Task Force Establishment Act, in the fall; nine council members co-sponsored the legislation, making passage likely if it gets a vote.

Under McDuffie’s proposal, the task force would explore ways to deliver restitution to Black residents harmed by generations of racism and institutional discrimination, starting with slavery, in a city that has some of the starkest racial wealth disparities in the nation. The legislation also directs the D.C. Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking to develop a database of slaveholding records — such as insurance policies that enslavers took out on people they owned. That piece is also included in the budget, McDuffie said.

I think you don’t get to really start chipping away at that racial wealth gap without an understanding of the history and the impact of industry, government policies that contributed to some of the outcomes that we still see today,” McDuffie said, pointing to a 2016 Urban Institute study finding that White households in D.C. have 81 times the wealth of Black households.

So its like this, If I die without getting reparations I will be honored to be an ancestor known for fighting to create a future whereby blacks will have finally achieved economic equality.
No slaves or slaveholders are alive today.

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