D.L. Hughley: White men don't get to decide what racism is

Thursday on CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” comedian D.L. Hughley said “white men” did not get to decide what racism was during a discussion of the state of race relations in the era of President Donald Trump.

D.L. Hughley: 'White Men Don’t Get to Decide What Racism Is’ | Breitbart


This is the prefect example of how retards lead their own weak minded sheep into the " race trap" .

When losers begin to realize pointing out race in everything and anything actually makes the accuser racist because anyone racist , it seems they are the loons who point it out in every situation.

Perhaps it’s not as black and white as you think. Pun intended. How about you try opening your mind and thinking about it for a minute instead of being hateful and reactive. Ask some questions and engage in a good natured debate about it.

The asshole says that he wants everyone treated the same, in the same article he says he wants to forbid white people from having a say.

That is clearly moronic and indefensible.

And hateful, and divisive.
Doesn’t sound like you really understand what he was trying to say. Why doesn’t he think white people have a say?

His stated justification for his racism, is that whites have been bad about identifying racism in the past.

I understand what he is stating clearly. He is moronic and hateful and divisive.
I don’t think you are understanding. The argument is that whites have not and do not experience racism like blacks have and do therefore they are not qualified to engage at the same level. Does that make sense to you?

It is one I have heard before, but not the one this particular lib made, this time.

Both arguments are deeply flawed and deny the very concept of Reason.

You do not have to have person experience with something to discuss it.

As a wise man once said, I do not have any personal experience with killing homeless people. I have never killed a homeless person, nor been a homeless person that was killed.

Yet, I can take the position that killing a homeless person is wrong and discuss the issue.

When blacks or libs try to invent reasons that whites or anyone can't discuss racism or any other issues,

they are just trying to cowardly dodge defending their positions on their actual merits.

IRONICALLY, as, in this case their rationalization for dismissing the remarks they don't like, is based on the race of their enemies,

their position is actually racism.
Perhaps it’s not as black and white as you think. Pun intended. How about you try opening your mind and thinking about it for a minute instead of being hateful and reactive. Ask some questions and engage in a good natured debate about it.

The asshole says that he wants everyone treated the same, in the same article he says he wants to forbid white people from having a say.

That is clearly moronic and indefensible.

And hateful, and divisive.
Doesn’t sound like you really understand what he was trying to say. Why doesn’t he think white people have a say?

His stated justification for his racism, is that whites have been bad about identifying racism in the past.

I understand what he is stating clearly. He is moronic and hateful and divisive.
I don’t think you are understanding. The argument is that whites have not and do not experience racism like blacks have and do therefore they are not qualified to engage at the same level. Does that make sense to you?

It is one I have heard before, but not the one this particular lib made, this time.

Both arguments are deeply flawed and deny the very concept of Reason.

You do not have to have person experience with something to discuss it.

As a wise man once said, I do not have any personal experience with killing homeless people. I have never killed a homeless person, nor been a homeless person that was killed.

Yet, I can take the position that killing a homeless person is wrong and discuss the issue.

When blacks or libs try to invent reasons that whites or anyone can't discuss racism or any other issues,

they are just trying to cowardly dodge defending their positions on their actual merits.

IRONICALLY, as, in this case their rationalization for dismissing the remarks they don't like, is based on the race of their enemies,

their position is actually racism.
Well I agree that it is irresponsible to say that somebody can’t discuss something, I don’t care what it is. But the argument of saying that one group is not capable of understanding the issue at the same level as another group, does make sense.

It’s like men trying to tell women how to handle misogyny or pregnancies or domestic abuse or rape etc. They can talk about it but they don’t really get it like women do. Get the point?
I would love one of these pricks who use that bs race card, to be in an emergency situation have a white help them out of it and they say No thanks you are white" ..........

question is would the white say fk you cause your black and don't want that white man help LOL.......

Racist Places and Orgs I will never help (yep. I've decided they are "RACIST!"):
South Africa
Blacks knocking on my white door trying to scam me
United Negro College Fund
Lol....nobody cares what that guy says. And anyway, it was on CNN so how many people were actually watching? :iyfyus.jpg:
Thursday on CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” comedian D.L. Hughley said “white men” did not get to decide what racism was during a discussion of the state of race relations in the era of President Donald Trump.

D.L. Hughley: 'White Men Don’t Get to Decide What Racism Is’ | Breitbart


This is the prefect example of how retards lead their own weak minded sheep into the " race trap" .

When losers begin to realize pointing out race in everything and anything actually makes the accuser racist because anyone racist , it seems they are the loons who point it out in every situation.

Perhaps it’s not as black and white as you think. Pun intended. How about you try opening your mind and thinking about it for a minute instead of being hateful and reactive. Ask some questions and engage in a good natured debate about it.

The asshole says that he wants everyone treated the same, in the same article he says he wants to forbid white people from having a say.

That is clearly moronic and indefensible.

And hateful, and divisive.
Doesn’t sound like you really understand what he was trying to say. Why doesn’t he think white people have a say?
He didn't say white people. He said white men.

Is he a sexist racist bigot?
Thursday on CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” comedian D.L. Hughley said “white men” did not get to decide what racism was during a discussion of the state of race relations in the era of President Donald Trump.

D.L. Hughley: 'White Men Don’t Get to Decide What Racism Is’ | Breitbart


This is the prefect example of how retards lead their own weak minded sheep into the " race trap" .

When losers begin to realize pointing out race in everything and anything actually makes the accuser racist because anyone racist , it seems they are the loons who point it out in every situation.

Perhaps it’s not as black and white as you think. Pun intended. How about you try opening your mind and thinking about it for a minute instead of being hateful and reactive. Ask some questions and engage in a good natured debate about it.

The asshole says that he wants everyone treated the same, in the same article he says he wants to forbid white people from having a say.

That is clearly moronic and indefensible.

And hateful, and divisive.
Doesn’t sound like you really understand what he was trying to say. Why doesn’t he think white people have a say?
He didn't say white people. He said white men.

Is he a sexist racist bigot?
You mean the ones who have historically been the offenders? Yeah, that makes sense. I don’t think you understand the arguement either. Try first understand before you react with your critiques
Thursday on CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” comedian D.L. Hughley said “white men” did not get to decide what racism was during a discussion of the state of race relations in the era of President Donald Trump.

D.L. Hughley: 'White Men Don’t Get to Decide What Racism Is’ | Breitbart


This is the prefect example of how retards lead their own weak minded sheep into the " race trap" .

When losers begin to realize pointing out race in everything and anything actually makes the accuser racist because anyone racist , it seems they are the loons who point it out in every situation.

Perhaps it’s not as black and white as you think. Pun intended. How about you try opening your mind and thinking about it for a minute instead of being hateful and reactive. Ask some questions and engage in a good natured debate about it.

The asshole says that he wants everyone treated the same, in the same article he says he wants to forbid white people from having a say.

That is clearly moronic and indefensible.

And hateful, and divisive.
Doesn’t sound like you really understand what he was trying to say. Why doesn’t he think white people have a say?
He didn't say white people. He said white men.

Is he a sexist racist bigot?
You mean the ones who have historically been the offenders? Yeah, that makes sense. I don’t think you understand the arguement either. Try first understand before you react with your critiques
He says a certain race and gender is verboten. The same race and gender that freed his ilk.
Not really eagle but I do lean rather heavily left ,,,especially with a guy like trump in our WH
Oh.........your still butt hurt because you lost......oh well.
It's not so much losing eagle but seeing the results of the loss You elected some one mentally ill He wants to pick a fight with the world,,,,all except those here kissing his butt
Oh......are you scared that someone is challenging unfair trade practices...........waah.

He called out N. Korea.............are they firing the missiles.......

NATO.............pay your fair share...............OMFG......

No wonder you need a safe space in the left.............poor thing.
Guess you haven't heard trump voters hurt and soon to be hurt, wailing ? NO ONE wins a trade war and China won't give up easily Doesn't bother you we're losing our trading partners as they go elsewhere?? Trump is a fool and many still with him know it
Whatever................pain happens when you argue trade with the big boys.............This will be negotiated and work out in the Wash.........

You just would have stood bye and let them continue fucking us............You would have signed TPP and handed over our trade deals to another foreign court...............Fuck that............

We knew that China wouldn't just lift it's skirt and say do me.............perhaps you need to grow a set.
Tell all those trump voters losing their asses to grow a set
Perhaps it’s not as black and white as you think. Pun intended. How about you try opening your mind and thinking about it for a minute instead of being hateful and reactive. Ask some questions and engage in a good natured debate about it.

The asshole says that he wants everyone treated the same, in the same article he says he wants to forbid white people from having a say.

That is clearly moronic and indefensible.

And hateful, and divisive.
Doesn’t sound like you really understand what he was trying to say. Why doesn’t he think white people have a say?
He didn't say white people. He said white men.

Is he a sexist racist bigot?
You mean the ones who have historically been the offenders? Yeah, that makes sense. I don’t think you understand the arguement either. Try first understand before you react with your critiques
He says a certain race and gender is verboten. The same race and gender that freed his ilk.
Listen to yourself man...
The asshole says that he wants everyone treated the same, in the same article he says he wants to forbid white people from having a say.

That is clearly moronic and indefensible.

And hateful, and divisive.
Doesn’t sound like you really understand what he was trying to say. Why doesn’t he think white people have a say?
He didn't say white people. He said white men.

Is he a sexist racist bigot?
You mean the ones who have historically been the offenders? Yeah, that makes sense. I don’t think you understand the arguement either. Try first understand before you react with your critiques
He says a certain race and gender is verboten. The same race and gender that freed his ilk.
Listen to yourself man...
I'm not a man, lady.
Aciei sit de duplici (Latin just works better in most instances)... 'It cuts both ways'. I'm not saying that DL Hughley isn't 60% correct but at a certain point being a minority, entrenched in victim mentality long enough one manifestly exhibits the same rancorous ideology that they are bemoaning.
Doesn’t sound like you really understand what he was trying to say. Why doesn’t he think white people have a say?
He didn't say white people. He said white men.

Is he a sexist racist bigot?
You mean the ones who have historically been the offenders? Yeah, that makes sense. I don’t think you understand the arguement either. Try first understand before you react with your critiques
He says a certain race and gender is verboten. The same race and gender that freed his ilk.
Listen to yourself man...
I'm not a man, lady.
Good to know, thanks. I have the same point
As pointed out by others earlier, words have meanings that cannot be changed, regardless of one's position with respect to the word. This simple fact is totally inconceivable to today's Left.

In today's Leftist Bubble, any statement that makes anyone uncomfortable - even if the statement is demonstrably true - can be fuel to accuse the speaker of being a bigot, racist, misogynist, "homo-phobe," "trans-phone," or what have you.
He didn't say white people. He said white men.

Is he a sexist racist bigot?
You mean the ones who have historically been the offenders? Yeah, that makes sense. I don’t think you understand the arguement either. Try first understand before you react with your critiques
He says a certain race and gender is verboten. The same race and gender that freed his ilk.
Listen to yourself man...
I'm not a man, lady.
Good to know, thanks. I have the same point
Funny how you kiss the butt of a racist black man, desperate for his approval, while showing contempt for a common sense black woman. Seems strange to me, but then you are a self hating white liberal.
He didn't say white people. He said white men.

Is he a sexist racist bigot?
You mean the ones who have historically been the offenders? Yeah, that makes sense. I don’t think you understand the arguement either. Try first understand before you react with your critiques
He says a certain race and gender is verboten. The same race and gender that freed his ilk.
Listen to yourself man...
I'm not a man, lady.
Good to know, thanks. I have the same point
You're welcome. :)
Oh.........your still butt hurt because you lost......oh well.
It's not so much losing eagle but seeing the results of the loss You elected some one mentally ill He wants to pick a fight with the world,,,,all except those here kissing his butt
Oh......are you scared that someone is challenging unfair trade practices...........waah.

He called out N. Korea.............are they firing the missiles.......

NATO.............pay your fair share...............OMFG......

No wonder you need a safe space in the left.............poor thing.
Guess you haven't heard trump voters hurt and soon to be hurt, wailing ? NO ONE wins a trade war and China won't give up easily Doesn't bother you we're losing our trading partners as they go elsewhere?? Trump is a fool and many still with him know it
Whatever................pain happens when you argue trade with the big boys.............This will be negotiated and work out in the Wash.........

You just would have stood bye and let them continue fucking us............You would have signed TPP and handed over our trade deals to another foreign court...............Fuck that............

We knew that China wouldn't just lift it's skirt and say do me.............perhaps you need to grow a set.
Tell all those trump voters losing their asses to grow a set
Who da fuck is losing.........The game is still in play..........and negotiations are going.........You surrendered before the fight even started....

Go to the bleachers and wave a pom pom.
First of all, who the hell IS D.L. Hughley? Are we supposed to know who this person is? And, well he/she is entitled to it's opinion. So did he/she put on his/her RUBY slippers and wish logic to go away, because it doesn't work that way. Hitler tried that, and it didn't work. Dictating what people can say. So, this clown better get past his/her arrogant ass self.

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