DACA, illegals, blah, blah...Does anyone consider their offspring? I bet the GOP does.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We always seem to be talking about the here and now...Do we lose sight of the big picture?
"It's just 800k DACA 'kids'...these 'kids' are amazing individuals."
Is it really just 800k? Bear in mind these people procreate like Genghis Khan.
Fast forward two generations....What's the real number?
Did Reagan really think he was only granting amnesty to 3.5 million back in 1986? I'm thinking someone forgot to do some simple arithmetic. That 3.5 million is probably more like 35 million today...no?
So what's the point you ask?
Consider this....four in ten LEGAL Hispanics receive welfare and free everything compliments of taxpayers. They commit the second most violent crime, they are second to blacks in incarceration rate per capita. They lead or are a close second in almost every negative category.
Sometimes I wonder how even Liberals are able to look past the facts and champion illegals from Mexico. How does a merit based immigration system not make sense? Even Liberals with very little sense should agree with merit based immigration.
Why would anyone (other than illegals and barely legals) want to push the U.S. closer and closer to the third world? We are what are citizens are...no?
The GOP has complete clarity on this issue and I doubt very seriously that they think 800k DACA kids is what they're really looking at.
We always seem to be talking about the here and now...Do we lose sight of the big picture?
"It's just 800k DACA 'kids'...these 'kids' are amazing individuals."
Is it really just 800k? Bear in mind these people procreate like Genghis Khan.
Fast forward two generations....What's the real number?
Did Reagan really think he was only granting amnesty to 3.5 million back in 1986? I'm thinking someone forgot to do some simple arithmetic. That 3.5 million is probably more like 35 million today...no?
So what's the point you ask?
Consider this....four in ten LEGAL Hispanics receive welfare and free everything compliments of taxpayers. They commit the second most violent crime, they are second to blacks in incarceration rate per capita. They lead or are a close second in almost every negative category.
Sometimes I wonder how even Liberals are able to look past the facts and champion illegals from Mexico. How does a merit based immigration system not make sense? Even Liberals with very little sense should agree with merit based immigration.
Why would anyone (other than illegals and barely legals) want to push the U.S. closer and closer to the third world? We are what are citizens are...no?
The GOP has complete clarity on this issue and I doubt very seriously that they think 800k DACA kids is what they're really looking at.

Okay, so you threw out a bunch of claims there with no proof, like "Four out of ten hispanics get welfare"> Where do you even get this shit from?

The thing is, all the racist, nasty mean spirited bullshit your inbred cracker ass says about Hispanics today was said about the Germans, Irish, Italians and Poles a hundred years ago.

THe most useless Americans are Southern White Trash.
Illegals can't get welfare .

You must have missed where it was said that "four in ten LEGAL Hispanics" suckle the .GOV tit and "receive free everything compliments of taxpayers"
BUT you actually bring up a good point....more importantly you further validate mine with regard to their offspring....You see, the anchor baby, money tree or human lotto ticket as I like to call them provides the vehicle and platform to welfare and citizenship for Guadalupe and Enrique.
Funny how Guadalupe and Enrique, the low iQ thirdworld illegals can put that all together yet self proclaimed "smart" Liberals can not....I'm not making this shit up folks.
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We always seem to be talking about the here and now...Do we lose sight of the big picture?
"It's just 800k DACA 'kids'...these 'kids' are amazing individuals."
Is it really just 800k? Bear in mind these people procreate like Genghis Khan.
Fast forward two generations....What's the real number?
Did Reagan really think he was only granting amnesty to 3.5 million back in 1986? I'm thinking someone forgot to do some simple arithmetic. That 3.5 million is probably more like 35 million today...no?
So what's the point you ask?
Consider this....four in ten LEGAL Hispanics receive welfare and free everything compliments of taxpayers. They commit the second most violent crime, they are second to blacks in incarceration rate per capita. They lead or are a close second in almost every negative category.
Sometimes I wonder how even Liberals are able to look past the facts and champion illegals from Mexico. How does a merit based immigration system not make sense? Even Liberals with very little sense should agree with merit based immigration.
Why would anyone (other than illegals and barely legals) want to push the U.S. closer and closer to the third world? We are what are citizens are...no?
The GOP has complete clarity on this issue and I doubt very seriously that they think 800k DACA kids is what they're really looking at.

Okay, so you threw out a bunch of claims there with no proof, like "Four out of ten hispanics get welfare"> Where do you even get this shit from?

The thing is, all the racist, nasty mean spirited bullshit your inbred cracker ass says about Hispanics today was said about the Germans, Irish, Italians and Poles a hundred years ago.

THe most useless Americans are Southern White Trash.

Sorry anchor baby Joe...grab your straight jacket and roll up in the fetal position.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.

"The thing is, all the racist, nasty mean spirited bullshit your inbred cracker ass says about Hispanics today was said about the Germans, Irish, Italians and Poles a hundred years ago."
By "nasty mean spirited bullshit" do you really mean the TRUTH "my inbred cracker ass says"?
You gotta let go of shit that happened centuries ago bud...you're suppose to be "Progressive" remember?
Move forward Loon...different times, different world son.
Don't be so paranoid of facts and truth bud...you'll be okay.

"THe most useless Americans are Southern White Trash."
Nobody gives two shits about the 2% Loon...well, I guess you Whackos do...you'll fight to the death to see to it that men with beards in dresses can shit next to my 14 year old daughter...haha
Sorry anchor baby Joe...grab your straight jacket and roll up in the fetal position.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.

Okay, guy, the problem here is that you are lumping in things like Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment into this number.

Second, you are conflating "HIspanic" with "Illegal".

Nobody gives two shits about the 2% Loon...well, I guess you Whackos do...you'll fight to the death to see to it that men with beards in dresses can shit next to my 14 year old daughter...haha

Only because it annoys your inbred, bible thumping morons.
Sorry anchor baby Joe...grab your straight jacket and roll up in the fetal position.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.

Okay, guy, the problem here is that you are lumping in things like Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment into this number.

Second, you are conflating "HIspanic" with "Illegal".

Nobody gives two shits about the 2% Loon...well, I guess you Whackos do...you'll fight to the death to see to it that men with beards in dresses can shit next to my 14 year old daughter...haha

Only because it annoys your inbred, bible thumping morons.

Oh Anchor Joe...I don't believe those numbers include things that aren't defined as welfare such as unemployment. Did you read otherwise?

"Second, you are conflating "HIspanic" with "Illegal"."
What does that even mean? Are you suggesting that illegal Hispanics have the potential to be more productive than legal Hispanics?

"Only because it annoys your inbred, bible thumping morons."
When you say "inbred, bible thumping morons" do you really mean; "high quality, hard working, productive, law abiding REAL Americans"?
That's what the barely Americans usually mean with that statement.
Okay, so you threw out a bunch of claims there with no proof, like "Four out of ten hispanics get welfare"> Where do you even get this shit from?

The thing is, all the racist, nasty mean spirited bullshit your inbred cracker ass says about Hispanics today was said about the Germans, Irish, Italians and Poles a hundred years ago.

THe most useless Americans are Southern White Trash.
"Useless" to the Democrat Party machine (that used to exist)
Illegals can't get welfare .

"Typically, any proof an illegal alien provides as evidence of legal status, regardless of its fraudulent nature, will satisfy social services agencies that determine the person's benefit eligibility because an intake clerk simply cannot make the determination that someone is an illegal alien. Therefore, the law is usually overlooked and illegal aliens manage to qualify for state and local benefits."

What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive?
Illegals can't get welfare .

"Typically, any proof an illegal alien provides as evidence of legal status, regardless of its fraudulent nature, will satisfy social services agencies that determine the person's benefit eligibility because an intake clerk simply cannot make the determination that someone is an illegal alien. Therefore, the law is usually overlooked and illegal aliens manage to qualify for state and local benefits."

What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive?

Here in Mexifornia if you're brown and you ask for the tit you get the tit.
They'll bend over backwards here and work rigorously to see to it that any brownie that makes the request is quickly fulfilled.

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