DACA illegals sue trump for welfare

Trump does more against illegals than anyone else but he doesnt do near enough. Like going after employers.

You mean giving an illegal a job to make his bed?
he should actually send them back to their country. how's that.

So we should let the employers that hire them (which is the reason that they are here) go free?
Democrats have shown the biggest opposition to e-verify legislation

Nobody is pushing e-verify. It never gets mentioned by anyone.



Really. Where are the votes? Where are the demands for the vote on it? Where is the bill?
It is not impossible. ELIMINATE ALL possible aid. Jail employers who hire them. Refuse admittance into public schools.

The only this that's impossible is rationalizing with a devout leftist

Again, we are NOT going to jail employers. We are going to do nothing to employers. In theory I completely support that. I've argued we should heavily fine and jail those who hire illegals. It's obvious we will not so.........
You can accept failure if you like. Myself I will continue to advocate for what's right

You might advocate for it but you aren't going to do anything that would actually enact it.
I vote for the people that are as closely aligned to my position as possible. And as a business owner I refuse to hire them and have reported them when on commercial jobsites.
So yes, I do my part.

Those people you support are lying to you.
I even sent an email to a local McDonald's franchise in my hometown threatening to report them to ice. Within a week they had new staff that could actually speak and understand English
DACA Illegals Sue to Ensure They Can Use Welfare, Still Get Green Cards
Lol who woulda think it? Illegals wanting free stuff..
"Bbbbbuuuuttttt illegals want to work, they dont want welfare"
"Bbbbbuuuuttttt DACA kids work good jobs. They dont need welfare"
What's even worse is, they say it will effect people of color more. In essence, they are saying people of color are more likely to be poor. How racist.
P.S. it links to the actual filed paperwork.
P.S.S. DACA is unconstitutional. It needs to be thrown in the trash.
Send them all a letter informing them they have won their law suit and to come pick up their check...when they show, load them into a van / bus, drive them across the border, and 'liberate' them.
Their parents are working their assess off for businesses and corporations making very low wages so that "shareholders" can continue to get increasing returns. In return we can at least make sure their kids can eat.
no one forced them to come here
no one forced them to take low pay jobs
If America is such an evil place taking advantage of them why did they come
and by the way they are suing for welfare Food Stamps isn't part of welfare
if any kid goes hungry here in America it is the parents fault not the government

No, no one is forced to come here but the vast majority of us would seek to improve our position in life when offered, especially when you have kids.

If someone offers me a better job than what I have, I'm going to look at taking it. Is that really a bad thing?
If they have been offered a job they can certainly present that offer to immigration authorities and get a work visa.

We should eliminate the Republican signed foreign worker visas. daddy bush 11-29-1990.
Some call for "reparations" (Which I do not support). The argument is that we are not responsible for the actions of our parents (grandparents).

Seems though many of those same people do want to make kids responsible for the actions of their parents here.

Let’s create a fictional parallel to remove the FEELZ and for ease of understanding.
Criminal father robs a bank
Authorities find the father gave the stolen loot to his children
Are we a nation that wouldn’t want to take the stolen loot away from the children because we would view it as “punishing” said children?
Wasn’t this precedent set long ago in this nation?

(Cue the Loons to cry false comparison)

Has nothing to do with "feels". People are either responsible for the actions of their forefather or they are not. We will attempt to recoup what is taken from others which is why we should see that those not paying taxes now, pay taxes also.

No casting spin or gray area....this is simple shit.
Do you take the stolen loot from the children or do you let them keep other people’s money because you don’t want to “punish” them?

Golfing Gator where did you go?

I answered that. You avoid everything. I want them paying taxes to support the programs that helped them.
I want them to go home!

I want all foreign workers to go home.
I’m not real sure...what course of action do you think they should take should SCOTUS fuck up?
Certainly you don’t think we are a nation that rewards children for their parents criminality...right?

I am torn on the whole issue.

I do not want to reward them for their parents actions, but I also do not think we should punish them for their parent's actions. I mean I would never hold your actions against your kids, they did not get to choose their parents.

How about we split the difference, if they are here and a gainfully employed productive member of society we let them stay, the ones that do not fit this description we boot out.
Do you support reparations? If so, then that is punishing children for ancestors actions. If not, nevermind.

Of course I do not support reparations.
Conversely there is no logic in rewarding children in ANY way for crimes committed by parents. Your “logical compromise” is nothing but a ‘kinda reward’ for the parents criminal act.

in what way are they being rewarded? They were brought here without being able to give consent and once here they went to school and got jobs and are productive members of society (since those are the only ones I think we should let stay).

It’s silly in principle, silly in practice and it’s definitely not part of the foundation of America. Where do you see things going....Following your position, one could easily make the argument that children of criminals are “PUNISHED” each time a criminal parent is prosecuted for criminal acts...no?

only if you are arguing that adult children of criminals are being denied jobs because of their parents.
DACA Illegals Sue to Ensure They Can Use Welfare, Still Get Green Cards
Lol who woulda think it? Illegals wanting free stuff..
"Bbbbbuuuuttttt illegals want to work, they dont want welfare"
"Bbbbbuuuuttttt DACA kids work good jobs. They dont need welfare"
What's even worse is, they say it will effect people of color more. In essence, they are saying people of color are more likely to be poor. How racist.
P.S. it links to the actual filed paperwork.
P.S.S. DACA is unconstitutional. It needs to be thrown in the trash.

Round the fuckers up, and throw them out.
he should actually send them back to their country. how's that.

So we should let the employers that hire them (which is the reason that they are here) go free?
Democrats have shown the biggest opposition to e-verify legislation

Nobody is pushing e-verify. It never gets mentioned by anyone.



Really. Where are the votes? Where are the demands for the vote on it? Where is the bill?

The votes for an already established government service?
Their parents are working their assess off for businesses and corporations making very low wages so that "shareholders" can continue to get increasing returns. In return we can at least make sure their kids can eat.
In return???

How bout we follow the law and DEPORT THEM.


And jail the employers that hired them, including tRump.

Jail ANYONE who knowingly hires them including private citizens trying to save a buck on maid or lawn service. Don't want to risk going to jail? Hire a reputable company and let them take the risk.
.........They were brought here without being able to give consent..........

Oh, boo hoo, whaaaaahhhhhh

The pieces of shit are adults NOW aren't they!! They are adults who KNOW that they are here illegally, aren't they!! And they choose to keep being illegals. That choice makes them criminals.

They choose to violate Federal law. Round the fuckers up and throw them in jail and then deport them.
Conversely there is no logic in rewarding children in ANY way for crimes committed by parents. Your “logical compromise” is nothing but a ‘kinda reward’ for the parents criminal act.

in what way are they being rewarded? They were brought here without being able to give consent and once here they went to school and got jobs and are productive members of society (since those are the only ones I think we should let stay).

It’s silly in principle, silly in practice and it’s definitely not part of the foundation of America. Where do you see things going....Following your position, one could easily make the argument that children of criminals are “PUNISHED” each time a criminal parent is prosecuted for criminal acts...no?

only if you are arguing that adult children of criminals are being denied jobs because of their parents.

There’s no way you are struggling with this… I honestly believe you are simply playing stupid now. It is a reward to allow them to stay in the United States….PERIOD.
There’s no way you are struggling with this… I honestly believe you are simply playing stupid now. It is a reward to allow them to stay in the United States….PERIOD.

you are surprised that I view things differently than you?

really? :21::21:
So we should let the employers that hire them (which is the reason that they are here) go free?
Democrats have shown the biggest opposition to e-verify legislation

Nobody is pushing e-verify. It never gets mentioned by anyone.



Really. Where are the votes? Where are the demands for the vote on it? Where is the bill?

The votes for an already established government service?

It's voluntary.
There’s no way you are struggling with this… I honestly believe you are simply playing stupid now. It is a reward to allow them to stay in the United States….PERIOD.

you are surprised that I view things differently than you?

really? :21::21:

No surprise at all… I always take a position that benefits Americans the most and you and your twisted buddies do not.

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