DACA...the "hot potato" now in congress' inept hands....

What it tells me is that, at least with the Dreamers, Congress will not boot them out.
IMO the politicians / govt are probably never going to /boot/ the vast majority of them out anyway. Contrary to the LIE the media has been pushing, the US govt aren't going to go 'ROUNDING UP' anyone, especially 'CHILDREN'.

That was Bill Clinton's / Janet Reno's thing:

With that deadline fast approaching, a new NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll finds that nearly two-thirds of Americans support DACA, “which protects those who were brought in the United States as undocumented children from being deported”.

Survey respondents had a generally sympathetic stance toward unauthorized immigrants, with 71 per cent saying they should have a chance to pursue legal status versus the 26 per cent who favored deportation.

Majority of Americans support programme for young immigrants Trump could be on verge of closing
Thank you for sharing that - seriously. That being said, I put absolutely NO trust in ANY poll, no matter who posts / reports them, especially when I know nothing about the demographics, the specific questions that were asked, etc....

As part of my major I learned in college how to create polls, how to manipulate polls into providing any feedback you want.

As far as your 'bolded' part above - how 71% believe they should have a chance to pursue a legal status' - THEY ALWAYS HAD THAT, BEFORE EVER COMING / BEING BROUGHT HERE ILLEGALLY! The US Immigration system provides that opportunity / method. The problem is the tidal wave of illegals who have come into the United States CHOSE to disrespect / not to obey our laws.

I understand some of these people were brought her as kids by their illegal parents. Some of them were brought here by the US govt. Forgive me for saying so, but sucks to be them. That's life - those are the breaks.

The DACA law was not created by Barry to be a temp worker program but was meant from the start to be a way to grant AMNESTY. Illegal Visa Overstays actually outnumber illegals coming across the border.

Visa overstays outnumber illegal border crossings; trend likely to continue
- Overstays have exceeded those entering illegally every year since 2007, and there have been half a million more overstays than illegal entries since 2007.

The US Govt, Congress, knows damn-well that the Department of immigrations is so back-logged and under-manned that most overstays will never be tracked down if they simply do not show back up / leave. They know it is a problem but refuse to fix it. If they thought it was a bad enough problem they would suspend issuing Visas until they came up with a plan to get it under control. Issuing Visas has become an un-official way to allow (eventual) illegals into the country.
An E-Verify program would really help cut those numbers down because they couldn't work if they couldn't prove citizenship....jobs are the main reason they come here....
An E-Verify program would really help cut those numbers down because they couldn't work if they couldn't prove citizenship....jobs are the main reason they come here....

Yes it would...but that would be 'cruel' and 'heartless'...
Well, yes, but so far, Trump hasn't actually referred to them as the "Nuremberg Laws"...yet.

But, I'm curious how many Latino children have cursed you, become violent with you, lied about you, and stolen your property? Since you want to deport them all, I am guessing that a couple of million have. Or, was it just 20, and you have decided that those 20 is a fair representation of all of them? Or was it actually "zero", and you are just using hateful rhetoric to justify you bigotry?
Well, yes, but so far, Trump hasn't actually referred to them as the "Nuremberg Laws"...yet.

But, I'm curious how many Latino children have cursed you, become violent with you, lied about you, and stolen your property? Since you want to deport them all, I am guessing that a couple of million have. Or, was it just 20, and you have decided that those 20 is a fair representation of all of them? Or was it actually "zero", and you are just using hateful rhetoric to justify you bigotry?
The only one spewing rhetoric is you. The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota. It is the law of the land and with out a doubt it predates Adolf Hitler being elected as Chancellor of Germany. Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. Sell your bullshit some place else.

Again most of those DACA children are adults now. Anyone here illegally needs to be sent back to their own country. Several million illegally voting in elections should bother most citizens. Having the knowledge that employers that hire illegals are taking away from employers who do things legally should also raise the ire of most citizens also but you conveniently fail to say anything about that. Neither do you mention those American citizens displaced workers who were put out of work in favor of cheap illegal labor. Plant and spread your lies with someone else that may buy your chit I don't.

Feel free to take the time to watch the videos in this thread. I grew up with people that used to live in those areas.

What California Residents Really Think of Sanctuary City Status

Several million illegals voting in elections? Would you have a link for that? I mean, other than a bald faced unsupported lie from the pathological Liar in Chief, Trump?

And all these Americans who were put out of work by illegals, I am assuming that you would include the illegals that rebuilt New Orleans, after Katrina, although i can't imagine why, because it was impossible for us to find any Americans who were willing to rebuild after Katrina. You see, the Mexican came, and slept in the park and under bridges, because there were no accommodations. They ate cold food, because there were no restaurants. Or maybe you are talking about the Imperial Valley, which I pass through from time to time. Farmers are letting produce rot in the fields since immigration has been reduced, and there are, oddly enough, no Americans interested in picking oranges in 110 degree sunshine.

Embrace your bigotry, Rod. You should be proud of it. The children who were brought here and raised here, know no other home. They filed and paid their taxes. They had money withdrawn for Social Security and Medicare, which they will never see, but which will benefit you. They cleaned your motel rooms, which can not fill those jobs with anglos. As for stealing your land, I don't think so. My house, for example, has a Saguaro in the front that was alive when this land belonged to Mexico.
You stupid lazy fuck I gave you the thread link with the info in it but you didn't take the time to look at it. You are telling us that you supported human trafficking to fix your house you cheap chintzy prick. Go flagellate yourself you moron. Its not a practice I believe in but I do believe in the law. You are a whining self deprecating piece of garbage. If you don't like the laws on the books in this country get out and take your socialist agenda shit with you.

Sometimes, Rod, I don't think you like me.

But that aside, I hired whoever I could to repair my house. I didn't see you down in New Orleans offering to help, and Jimmy Carter was already working on a job in the Lower 9th Ward.FEMA didn't get around to delivering my flood insurance claim check for 6 months, which is also when they got around to bringing me a FEMA trailer. So, all of us in New Orleans did what we had to do with the resources we had.

Now, I know this is going to give you a stroke, so I should not tell you, but I will. I now live 40 miles from the Mexican border. There is a guy by the name of Juan who prunes my grapefruit and orange trees, as well as other handyman jobs from time to time. Now, I have no idea if Juan is an illegal alien or not. I have never asked. But, frankly, I don't give a rat's ass. Juan is the 4th guy I hired to do this stuff for me. The previous 3 were all anglo. The first didn't show up at all. The 2nd showed up drunk. The third one showed up, stole my power saw and tool box, and disappeared. I have recommended Juan to all my neighbors. He seems to be doing well. Last time he showed up with a newer pickup than his old one.

Is your name Juan?

No, my name is Tonto, Paleface.
The only one spewing rhetoric is you. The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota. It is the law of the land and with out a doubt it predates Adolf Hitler being elected as Chancellor of Germany. Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. Sell your bullshit some place else.

Again most of those DACA children are adults now. Anyone here illegally needs to be sent back to their own country. Several million illegally voting in elections should bother most citizens. Having the knowledge that employers that hire illegals are taking away from employers who do things legally should also raise the ire of most citizens also but you conveniently fail to say anything about that. Neither do you mention those American citizens displaced workers who were put out of work in favor of cheap illegal labor. Plant and spread your lies with someone else that may buy your chit I don't.

Feel free to take the time to watch the videos in this thread. I grew up with people that used to live in those areas.

What California Residents Really Think of Sanctuary City Status

Several million illegals voting in elections? Would you have a link for that? I mean, other than a bald faced unsupported lie from the pathological Liar in Chief, Trump?

And all these Americans who were put out of work by illegals, I am assuming that you would include the illegals that rebuilt New Orleans, after Katrina, although i can't imagine why, because it was impossible for us to find any Americans who were willing to rebuild after Katrina. You see, the Mexican came, and slept in the park and under bridges, because there were no accommodations. They ate cold food, because there were no restaurants. Or maybe you are talking about the Imperial Valley, which I pass through from time to time. Farmers are letting produce rot in the fields since immigration has been reduced, and there are, oddly enough, no Americans interested in picking oranges in 110 degree sunshine.

Embrace your bigotry, Rod. You should be proud of it. The children who were brought here and raised here, know no other home. They filed and paid their taxes. They had money withdrawn for Social Security and Medicare, which they will never see, but which will benefit you. They cleaned your motel rooms, which can not fill those jobs with anglos. As for stealing your land, I don't think so. My house, for example, has a Saguaro in the front that was alive when this land belonged to Mexico.
You stupid lazy fuck I gave you the thread link with the info in it but you didn't take the time to look at it. You are telling us that you supported human trafficking to fix your house you cheap chintzy prick. Go flagellate yourself you moron. Its not a practice I believe in but I do believe in the law. You are a whining self deprecating piece of garbage. If you don't like the laws on the books in this country get out and take your socialist agenda shit with you.

Sometimes, Rod, I don't think you like me.

But that aside, I hired whoever I could to repair my house. I didn't see you down in New Orleans offering to help, and Jimmy Carter was already working on a job in the Lower 9th Ward.FEMA didn't get around to delivering my flood insurance claim check for 6 months, which is also when they got around to bringing me a FEMA trailer. So, all of us in New Orleans did what we had to do with the resources we had.

Now, I know this is going to give you a stroke, so I should not tell you, but I will. I now live 40 miles from the Mexican border. There is a guy by the name of Juan who prunes my grapefruit and orange trees, as well as other handyman jobs from time to time. Now, I have no idea if Juan is an illegal alien or not. I have never asked. But, frankly, I don't give a rat's ass. Juan is the 4th guy I hired to do this stuff for me. The previous 3 were all anglo. The first didn't show up at all. The 2nd showed up drunk. The third one showed up, stole my power saw and tool box, and disappeared. I have recommended Juan to all my neighbors. He seems to be doing well. Last time he showed up with a newer pickup than his old one.

Is your name Juan?

No, my name is Tonto, Paleface.

You missed the joke
Several million illegals voting in elections? Would you have a link for that? I mean, other than a bald faced unsupported lie from the pathological Liar in Chief, Trump?

And all these Americans who were put out of work by illegals, I am assuming that you would include the illegals that rebuilt New Orleans, after Katrina, although i can't imagine why, because it was impossible for us to find any Americans who were willing to rebuild after Katrina. You see, the Mexican came, and slept in the park and under bridges, because there were no accommodations. They ate cold food, because there were no restaurants. Or maybe you are talking about the Imperial Valley, which I pass through from time to time. Farmers are letting produce rot in the fields since immigration has been reduced, and there are, oddly enough, no Americans interested in picking oranges in 110 degree sunshine.

Embrace your bigotry, Rod. You should be proud of it. The children who were brought here and raised here, know no other home. They filed and paid their taxes. They had money withdrawn for Social Security and Medicare, which they will never see, but which will benefit you. They cleaned your motel rooms, which can not fill those jobs with anglos. As for stealing your land, I don't think so. My house, for example, has a Saguaro in the front that was alive when this land belonged to Mexico.
You stupid lazy fuck I gave you the thread link with the info in it but you didn't take the time to look at it. You are telling us that you supported human trafficking to fix your house you cheap chintzy prick. Go flagellate yourself you moron. Its not a practice I believe in but I do believe in the law. You are a whining self deprecating piece of garbage. If you don't like the laws on the books in this country get out and take your socialist agenda shit with you.

Sometimes, Rod, I don't think you like me.

But that aside, I hired whoever I could to repair my house. I didn't see you down in New Orleans offering to help, and Jimmy Carter was already working on a job in the Lower 9th Ward.FEMA didn't get around to delivering my flood insurance claim check for 6 months, which is also when they got around to bringing me a FEMA trailer. So, all of us in New Orleans did what we had to do with the resources we had.

Now, I know this is going to give you a stroke, so I should not tell you, but I will. I now live 40 miles from the Mexican border. There is a guy by the name of Juan who prunes my grapefruit and orange trees, as well as other handyman jobs from time to time. Now, I have no idea if Juan is an illegal alien or not. I have never asked. But, frankly, I don't give a rat's ass. Juan is the 4th guy I hired to do this stuff for me. The previous 3 were all anglo. The first didn't show up at all. The 2nd showed up drunk. The third one showed up, stole my power saw and tool box, and disappeared. I have recommended Juan to all my neighbors. He seems to be doing well. Last time he showed up with a newer pickup than his old one.

Is your name Juan?

No, my name is Tonto, Paleface.

You missed the joke

So did you.
As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
Yeah I'm sure those protected by DACA will be fine. But saying that isn't much comfort to them with a hostile President that lacks morals in charge.

Its hostile to deport them the fuck back to their own damn country after they broke our laws?
If they were innocent children when they came here, yes.

Do you know how many have been pimped out to prostitution and drug trafficking while in Obama's detention centers? Of course you don't. By your logic we should let a billion poor kids into our country, why not throw the doors open hell they can live in your house and you can pay for their food, education, and healthcare how about that? How many can you take 6? 8?

Try learning something before you say something so utterly stupid that you can't prove, idiot.

"Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year."
María Teresa Kumar on Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 in an interview on "Meet the Press"

According to the Social Security Administration, there were nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States in January 2009. Factoring out kids, nonworking immigrants and those working in the underground economy and not paying taxes, the Social Security Administration estimated about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants who worked and paid Social Security taxes in 2010.

This group and their employers generated about $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010. The administration then subtracted about $1 billion in benefits that could’ve been received in 2010 from earnings in years when workers were unauthorized. Workers and employers contribute roughly the same amount.

In a 2014 Vice News piece, the Social Security Administration’s chief actuary Stephen C. Goss affirmed the $12 billion contribution.

Social Security Administration analysts said "a relatively small portion" of those who could draw benefits do so."""""

How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes?

Estimated? Get some actual numbers. What would you expect from a hispanic other than jockeying for a bunch of wetbacks?
As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
Yeah I'm sure those protected by DACA will be fine. But saying that isn't much comfort to them with a hostile President that lacks morals in charge.

Its hostile to deport them the fuck back to their own damn country after they broke our laws?
If they were innocent children when they came here, yes.

Do you know how many have been pimped out to prostitution and drug trafficking while in Obama's detention centers? Of course you don't. By your logic we should let a billion poor kids into our country, why not throw the doors open hell they can live in your house and you can pay for their food, education, and healthcare how about that? How many can you take 6? 8?

Try learning something before you say something so utterly stupid that you can't prove, idiot.

"Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year."
María Teresa Kumar on Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 in an interview on "Meet the Press"

According to the Social Security Administration, there were nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States in January 2009. Factoring out kids, nonworking immigrants and those working in the underground economy and not paying taxes, the Social Security Administration estimated about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants who worked and paid Social Security taxes in 2010.

This group and their employers generated about $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010. The administration then subtracted about $1 billion in benefits that could’ve been received in 2010 from earnings in years when workers were unauthorized. Workers and employers contribute roughly the same amount.

In a 2014 Vice News piece, the Social Security Administration’s chief actuary Stephen C. Goss affirmed the $12 billion contribution.

Social Security Administration analysts said "a relatively small portion" of those who could draw benefits do so."""""

How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes?

Look dummy, now subtract $5 billion a year in tax refund fraud, then subtract billions more in welfare, housing, food, education illegals are a net loss to our country. Goddamn pull your head out of your ass.
Yeah I'm sure those protected by DACA will be fine. But saying that isn't much comfort to them with a hostile President that lacks morals in charge.

Its hostile to deport them the fuck back to their own damn country after they broke our laws?
If they were innocent children when they came here, yes.

Do you know how many have been pimped out to prostitution and drug trafficking while in Obama's detention centers? Of course you don't. By your logic we should let a billion poor kids into our country, why not throw the doors open hell they can live in your house and you can pay for their food, education, and healthcare how about that? How many can you take 6? 8?

Try learning something before you say something so utterly stupid that you can't prove, idiot.

"Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year."
María Teresa Kumar on Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 in an interview on "Meet the Press"

According to the Social Security Administration, there were nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States in January 2009. Factoring out kids, nonworking immigrants and those working in the underground economy and not paying taxes, the Social Security Administration estimated about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants who worked and paid Social Security taxes in 2010.

This group and their employers generated about $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010. The administration then subtracted about $1 billion in benefits that could’ve been received in 2010 from earnings in years when workers were unauthorized. Workers and employers contribute roughly the same amount.

In a 2014 Vice News piece, the Social Security Administration’s chief actuary Stephen C. Goss affirmed the $12 billion contribution.

Social Security Administration analysts said "a relatively small portion" of those who could draw benefits do so."""""

How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes?

Look dummy, now subtract $5 billion a year in tax refund fraud, then subtract billions more in welfare, housing, food, education illegals are a net loss to our country. Goddamn pull your head out of your ass.

Well, if it says so in Breitbart, it must be true.....
Its hostile to deport them the fuck back to their own damn country after they broke our laws?
If they were innocent children when they came here, yes.

Do you know how many have been pimped out to prostitution and drug trafficking while in Obama's detention centers? Of course you don't. By your logic we should let a billion poor kids into our country, why not throw the doors open hell they can live in your house and you can pay for their food, education, and healthcare how about that? How many can you take 6? 8?

Try learning something before you say something so utterly stupid that you can't prove, idiot.

"Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year."
María Teresa Kumar on Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 in an interview on "Meet the Press"

According to the Social Security Administration, there were nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States in January 2009. Factoring out kids, nonworking immigrants and those working in the underground economy and not paying taxes, the Social Security Administration estimated about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants who worked and paid Social Security taxes in 2010.

This group and their employers generated about $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010. The administration then subtracted about $1 billion in benefits that could’ve been received in 2010 from earnings in years when workers were unauthorized. Workers and employers contribute roughly the same amount.

In a 2014 Vice News piece, the Social Security Administration’s chief actuary Stephen C. Goss affirmed the $12 billion contribution.

Social Security Administration analysts said "a relatively small portion" of those who could draw benefits do so."""""

How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes?

Look dummy, now subtract $5 billion a year in tax refund fraud, then subtract billions more in welfare, housing, food, education illegals are a net loss to our country. Goddamn pull your head out of your ass.

Well, if it says so in Breitbart, it must be true.....

The federal government says so dimwit, just when we thought you couldn't look more ignorant you prove us wrong.
If they were innocent children when they came here, yes.

Do you know how many have been pimped out to prostitution and drug trafficking while in Obama's detention centers? Of course you don't. By your logic we should let a billion poor kids into our country, why not throw the doors open hell they can live in your house and you can pay for their food, education, and healthcare how about that? How many can you take 6? 8?

Try learning something before you say something so utterly stupid that you can't prove, idiot.

"Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year."
María Teresa Kumar on Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 in an interview on "Meet the Press"

According to the Social Security Administration, there were nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States in January 2009. Factoring out kids, nonworking immigrants and those working in the underground economy and not paying taxes, the Social Security Administration estimated about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants who worked and paid Social Security taxes in 2010.

This group and their employers generated about $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010. The administration then subtracted about $1 billion in benefits that could’ve been received in 2010 from earnings in years when workers were unauthorized. Workers and employers contribute roughly the same amount.

In a 2014 Vice News piece, the Social Security Administration’s chief actuary Stephen C. Goss affirmed the $12 billion contribution.

Social Security Administration analysts said "a relatively small portion" of those who could draw benefits do so."""""

How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes?

Look dummy, now subtract $5 billion a year in tax refund fraud, then subtract billions more in welfare, housing, food, education illegals are a net loss to our country. Goddamn pull your head out of your ass.

Well, if it says so in Breitbart, it must be true.....

The federal government says so dimwit, just when we thought you couldn't look more ignorant you prove us wrong.

Wow! The federal government is aware of $5 billion in tax fraud per year, and does nothing about about it! Sounds like Trump needs to fire his head of the IRS!
Do you know how many have been pimped out to prostitution and drug trafficking while in Obama's detention centers? Of course you don't. By your logic we should let a billion poor kids into our country, why not throw the doors open hell they can live in your house and you can pay for their food, education, and healthcare how about that? How many can you take 6? 8?

Try learning something before you say something so utterly stupid that you can't prove, idiot.

"Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year."
María Teresa Kumar on Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 in an interview on "Meet the Press"

According to the Social Security Administration, there were nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States in January 2009. Factoring out kids, nonworking immigrants and those working in the underground economy and not paying taxes, the Social Security Administration estimated about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants who worked and paid Social Security taxes in 2010.

This group and their employers generated about $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010. The administration then subtracted about $1 billion in benefits that could’ve been received in 2010 from earnings in years when workers were unauthorized. Workers and employers contribute roughly the same amount.

In a 2014 Vice News piece, the Social Security Administration’s chief actuary Stephen C. Goss affirmed the $12 billion contribution.

Social Security Administration analysts said "a relatively small portion" of those who could draw benefits do so."""""

How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes?

Look dummy, now subtract $5 billion a year in tax refund fraud, then subtract billions more in welfare, housing, food, education illegals are a net loss to our country. Goddamn pull your head out of your ass.

Well, if it says so in Breitbart, it must be true.....

The federal government says so dimwit, just when we thought you couldn't look more ignorant you prove us wrong.

Wow! The federal government is aware of $5 billion in tax fraud per year, and does nothing about about it! Sounds like Trump needs to fire his head of the IRS!

Goddamn you are DUMB, yes pea brain the issue has been debated in congress. The IRS punted it back to congress saying they need congress to act to end the fraud. Goddamn avoid electric appliances you are a danger to yourself.
So sick of DACA, of illegality ...... of liberals and all their progressive s**t :mad-61:

As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
More proof we're turning into Nazi Germany.
Try learning something before you say something so utterly stupid that you can't prove, idiot.

"Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year."
María Teresa Kumar on Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 in an interview on "Meet the Press"

According to the Social Security Administration, there were nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States in January 2009. Factoring out kids, nonworking immigrants and those working in the underground economy and not paying taxes, the Social Security Administration estimated about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants who worked and paid Social Security taxes in 2010.

This group and their employers generated about $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010. The administration then subtracted about $1 billion in benefits that could’ve been received in 2010 from earnings in years when workers were unauthorized. Workers and employers contribute roughly the same amount.

In a 2014 Vice News piece, the Social Security Administration’s chief actuary Stephen C. Goss affirmed the $12 billion contribution.

Social Security Administration analysts said "a relatively small portion" of those who could draw benefits do so."""""

How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes?

Look dummy, now subtract $5 billion a year in tax refund fraud, then subtract billions more in welfare, housing, food, education illegals are a net loss to our country. Goddamn pull your head out of your ass.

Well, if it says so in Breitbart, it must be true.....

The federal government says so dimwit, just when we thought you couldn't look more ignorant you prove us wrong.

Wow! The federal government is aware of $5 billion in tax fraud per year, and does nothing about about it! Sounds like Trump needs to fire his head of the IRS!

Goddamn you are DUMB, yes pea brain the issue has been debated in congress. The IRS punted it back to congress saying they need congress to act to end the fraud. Goddamn avoid electric appliances you are a danger to yourself.

They need congress to act to end fraud? I find that very confusing. Tax fraud is illegal, or it would not be fraud. Since when does congress have to act to stop something that is already illegal?
As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
More proof we're turning into Nazi Germany.

we're Nazi Germany because we enforce the laws?

As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .

Agreed, Trump might as well put an atom bomb in the middle of the Republican party and set it off. :blowup: The black souls or should I say the 4th Reich of the Republican is in play here. There are too many Tea Party extremists in the house to ever pass a new DACA bill. I think the Republican Senate would probably pass something knowing what the consequences to the party are, but not in the house. These rats crawl out from under rocks to appeal to the far right--and they are going to do what their asshole base wants them to do.

Trump knew damn good an well that there would never be an immigration bill coming out of the house. That was evident over the repeal/replace Obamacare--& he did away with DACA anyway--just so he could throw a bone to his ever dwindling base of asshole--racist pig supporters.

This is Trump's way of destroying the Republican party--and he's doing a damn great job--- You can color Ted Cruz gone, Thank God--they have a 40% legal voting Latino population in that state. And 19% of the voting population in this country are legal Hispanic citizens, that probably aren't real happy with what the Republican party just did to their nieces and nephews.


They're nothing but a bunch of Fucking Nazi's--Facists PIGS

DO NOT forget to vote in 2018!!!! Send them all to HELL.

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