DACA...the "hot potato" now in congress' inept hands....

As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
More proof we're turning into Nazi Germany.

we're Nazi Germany because we enforce the laws?


You freaking dumbass--you're going to send kids that were educated in this country to a foreign country to compete with American kids that are here. Meaning they'll be as asset to the foreign country and not us. They'll be paying taxes there, not here. Do you have the slightest idea how economically stupid that is?

There is aging population in this country, called baby boomers. Back in the 1950's average kid size per family were 4, over the last several decades family size has been reduced to 2 or less. Right now 10K baby boomers are retiring into social security/medicare on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 9 to 10 years, adding an additional 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Social Security/Medicare is the reason we're constantly having to raise the debt ceiling. Right now 1 working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China.

1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2. Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Raise the eligibility to 75 years old.
4. Means testing (meaning take from the wealthy to give to the poorer)
5. Keep younger kids that grew up in this country & were educated in this country, (right here) so they can support these funds--while also paying Federal & State taxes.

We do NOT have the younger population to ever pay for military spending, education, whatever, etc. etc. etc. But as usual you dumbass's never look beyond the tips of your nose.


Last edited:
As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
More proof we're turning into Nazi Germany.

we're Nazi Germany because we enforce the laws?


You freaking dumbass--you're going to send kids that were educated in this country to a foreign country to compete with American kids that are here. Meaning they'll be as asset to the foreign country and not us. They'll be paying taxes there, not here. Do you have the slightest idea how economically stupid that is?

There is aging population in this country, called baby boomers. Back in the 1950's average kid size per family were 4, over the last several decades family size has been reduced to 2 or less. Right now 10K baby boomers are retiring into social security/medicare on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 9 to 10 years, adding an additional 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Social Security/Medicare is the reason we're constantly having to raise the debt ceiling. Right now 1 working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China.

1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2. Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Raise the eligibility to 75 years old.
4. Means testing (meaning take from the wealthy to give to the poorer)
5. Keep younger kids that grew up in this country & were educated in this country, (right here) so they can support these funds--while also paying Federal & State taxes.

We do NOT have the younger population to ever pay for military spending, education, whatever, etc. etc. etc. But as usual you dumbass's never look beyond the tips of your nose.


That's your reasoning to allow people in violation of immigration laws to stay?

Go away, little girl...

adults are speaking.
As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
More proof we're turning into Nazi Germany.

we're Nazi Germany because we enforce the laws?


You freaking dumbass--you're going to send kids that were educated in this country to a foreign country to compete with American kids that are here. Meaning they'll be as asset to the foreign country and not us. They'll be paying taxes there, not here. Do you have the slightest idea how economically stupid that is?

There is aging population in this country, called baby boomers. Back in the 1950's average kid size per family were 4, over the last several decades family size has been reduced to 2 or less. Right now 10K baby boomers are retiring into social security/medicare on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 9 to 10 years, adding an additional 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Social Security/Medicare is the reason we're constantly having to raise the debt ceiling. Right now 1 working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China.

1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2. Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Raise the eligibility to 75 years old.
4. Means testing (meaning take from the wealthy to give to the poorer)
5. Keep younger kids that grew up in this country & were educated in this country, (right here) so they can support these funds--while also paying Federal & State taxes.

We do NOT have the younger population to ever pay for military spending, education, whatever, etc. etc. etc. But as usual you dumbass's never look beyond the tips of your nose.


That's your reasoning to allow people in violation of immigration laws to stay?

Go away, little girl...

adults are speaking.

Ronald Reagan gave us the largest and longest economic expansion in this Nation's history. So what did he do that other Presidents didn't? With a swipe of the pen he legalized all illegals in this country.


They came out of their hiding places, got real jobs, and started paying real taxes. They bought American made cars, had homes built, started thier own business's and hired other Americans. They bought furniture, T.V's, applicances, electronics, went to school and paid for college educations. They had no fear and they set loose the greatest, longest lasting economic expansion in this nation's history.

While we're discussing this issue you might want to waddle to your nearest grocery store and take a look at the price of beef right now. Migrant workers are not crossing the border to help farmers & ranchers turn out their product. We have dairy farmers in Maine that can't get the help they need. We have fruits & vegatables rotting on the vine. You will notice price increases on beef, chicken, milk, eggs, fruit and vegi's. So when your grocery bills are skyrocketing all you need to do is look in the mirror and point your finger at your Ass Clown President to blame for it. American citizens WILL NOT DO back breaking work for minumim wage.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill
Last edited:
As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
More proof we're turning into Nazi Germany.

we're Nazi Germany because we enforce the laws?


You freaking dumbass--you're going to send kids that were educated in this country to a foreign country to compete with American kids that are here. Meaning they'll be as asset to the foreign country and not us. They'll be paying taxes there, not here. Do you have the slightest idea how economically stupid that is?

There is aging population in this country, called baby boomers. Back in the 1950's average kid size per family were 4, over the last several decades family size has been reduced to 2 or less. Right now 10K baby boomers are retiring into social security/medicare on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 9 to 10 years, adding an additional 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Social Security/Medicare is the reason we're constantly having to raise the debt ceiling. Right now 1 working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China.

1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2. Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Raise the eligibility to 75 years old.
4. Means testing (meaning take from the wealthy to give to the poorer)
5. Keep younger kids that grew up in this country & were educated in this country, (right here) so they can support these funds--while also paying Federal & State taxes.

We do NOT have the younger population to ever pay for military spending, education, whatever, etc. etc. etc. But as usual you dumbass's never look beyond the tips of your nose.


That's your reasoning to allow people in violation of immigration laws to stay?

Go away, little girl...

adults are speaking.

Ronald Reagan gave us the largest and longest economic expansion in this Nation's history. So what did he do that other Presidents didn't? With a swipe of the pen he legalized all illegals in this country.


They can out of their hiding places, got real jobs, and started paying real taxes. They bought American made cars, had homes built, started thier own business's and hired other Americans. They bought furniture, T.V's, applicances, electronics, went to school and paid for college educations. They had no fear and they set loose the greatest economic expansion in this nation's history.

While we're discussing this issue you might want to waddle to your nearest grocery store and take a look at the price of beef right now. Migrant workers are not crossing the border to help farmers & ranchers turn out their product. We have dairy farmers in Maine that can't get the help they need. We have fruits & vegatables rotting on the vine. You will notice price increases on beef, chicken, milk, eggs, fruit and vegi's. So when your grocery bills are skyrocketing all you need to do is look in the mirror and point your finger at your Ass Clown President to blame for it.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill
With a swipe of the pen he legalized all illegals in this country.
Didn't really have much of a choice, did he?

Congress passed it with enough votes to make a veto useless.
More proof we're turning into Nazi Germany.

we're Nazi Germany because we enforce the laws?


You freaking dumbass--you're going to send kids that were educated in this country to a foreign country to compete with American kids that are here. Meaning they'll be as asset to the foreign country and not us. They'll be paying taxes there, not here. Do you have the slightest idea how economically stupid that is?

There is aging population in this country, called baby boomers. Back in the 1950's average kid size per family were 4, over the last several decades family size has been reduced to 2 or less. Right now 10K baby boomers are retiring into social security/medicare on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 9 to 10 years, adding an additional 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Social Security/Medicare is the reason we're constantly having to raise the debt ceiling. Right now 1 working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China.

1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2. Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Raise the eligibility to 75 years old.
4. Means testing (meaning take from the wealthy to give to the poorer)
5. Keep younger kids that grew up in this country & were educated in this country, (right here) so they can support these funds--while also paying Federal & State taxes.

We do NOT have the younger population to ever pay for military spending, education, whatever, etc. etc. etc. But as usual you dumbass's never look beyond the tips of your nose.


That's your reasoning to allow people in violation of immigration laws to stay?

Go away, little girl...

adults are speaking.

Ronald Reagan gave us the largest and longest economic expansion in this Nation's history. So what did he do that other Presidents didn't? With a swipe of the pen he legalized all illegals in this country.


They can out of their hiding places, got real jobs, and started paying real taxes. They bought American made cars, had homes built, started thier own business's and hired other Americans. They bought furniture, T.V's, applicances, electronics, went to school and paid for college educations. They had no fear and they set loose the greatest economic expansion in this nation's history.

While we're discussing this issue you might want to waddle to your nearest grocery store and take a look at the price of beef right now. Migrant workers are not crossing the border to help farmers & ranchers turn out their product. We have dairy farmers in Maine that can't get the help they need. We have fruits & vegatables rotting on the vine. You will notice price increases on beef, chicken, milk, eggs, fruit and vegi's. So when your grocery bills are skyrocketing all you need to do is look in the mirror and point your finger at your Ass Clown President to blame for it.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill
With a swipe of the pen he legalized all illegals in this country.
Didn't really have much of a choice, did he?

Congress passed it with enough votes to make a veto useless.

You might that one again--:badgrin:

"As the nation's attention turns back to the fractured debate over immigration, it might be helpful to remember that in 1986, Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law.

Nowadays, conservative commentators like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh often invoke the former president as a champion of the conservative agenda. Sean Hannity of Fox News even has a regular segment called "What Would Reagan Do?"

Simpson, however, sees a different person in the president he called a "dear friend."Reagan "knew that it was not right for people to be abused," Simpson says. "Anybody who's here illegally is going to be abused in some way, either financially [or] physically. They have no rights."
Peter Robinson, a former Reagan speechwriter, agrees. "It was in Ronald Reagan's bones — it was part of his understanding of America — that the country was fundamentally open to those who wanted to join us here."

Reagan said as much himself in a televised debate with Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale in 1984." I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," he said."
A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants

Obviously Ronald Reagan wanted all illegals to be legal, he pushed this bill and then signed it.

And they continued to do it.
Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing in extending amnesty to family members who were not covered by the last major overhaul of immigration law in 1986.
Reagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

This is the difference between Ronald Reagan and your Ass Clown.



Here is Doug Elmets a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan, to remind you what Ronald Reagan was like.

we're Nazi Germany because we enforce the laws?


You freaking dumbass--you're going to send kids that were educated in this country to a foreign country to compete with American kids that are here. Meaning they'll be as asset to the foreign country and not us. They'll be paying taxes there, not here. Do you have the slightest idea how economically stupid that is?

There is aging population in this country, called baby boomers. Back in the 1950's average kid size per family were 4, over the last several decades family size has been reduced to 2 or less. Right now 10K baby boomers are retiring into social security/medicare on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 9 to 10 years, adding an additional 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Social Security/Medicare is the reason we're constantly having to raise the debt ceiling. Right now 1 working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China.

1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2. Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Raise the eligibility to 75 years old.
4. Means testing (meaning take from the wealthy to give to the poorer)
5. Keep younger kids that grew up in this country & were educated in this country, (right here) so they can support these funds--while also paying Federal & State taxes.

We do NOT have the younger population to ever pay for military spending, education, whatever, etc. etc. etc. But as usual you dumbass's never look beyond the tips of your nose.


That's your reasoning to allow people in violation of immigration laws to stay?

Go away, little girl...

adults are speaking.

Ronald Reagan gave us the largest and longest economic expansion in this Nation's history. So what did he do that other Presidents didn't? With a swipe of the pen he legalized all illegals in this country.


They can out of their hiding places, got real jobs, and started paying real taxes. They bought American made cars, had homes built, started thier own business's and hired other Americans. They bought furniture, T.V's, applicances, electronics, went to school and paid for college educations. They had no fear and they set loose the greatest economic expansion in this nation's history.

While we're discussing this issue you might want to waddle to your nearest grocery store and take a look at the price of beef right now. Migrant workers are not crossing the border to help farmers & ranchers turn out their product. We have dairy farmers in Maine that can't get the help they need. We have fruits & vegatables rotting on the vine. You will notice price increases on beef, chicken, milk, eggs, fruit and vegi's. So when your grocery bills are skyrocketing all you need to do is look in the mirror and point your finger at your Ass Clown President to blame for it.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill
With a swipe of the pen he legalized all illegals in this country.
Didn't really have much of a choice, did he?

Congress passed it with enough votes to make a veto useless.

You might that one again--:badgrin:

"As the nation's attention turns back to the fractured debate over immigration, it might be helpful to remember that in 1986, Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law.

Nowadays, conservative commentators like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh often invoke the former president as a champion of the conservative agenda. Sean Hannity of Fox News even has a regular segment called "What Would Reagan Do?"

Simpson, however, sees a different person in the president he called a "dear friend."Reagan "knew that it was not right for people to be abused," Simpson says. "Anybody who's here illegally is going to be abused in some way, either financially [or] physically. They have no rights."
Peter Robinson, a former Reagan speechwriter, agrees. "It was in Ronald Reagan's bones — it was part of his understanding of America — that the country was fundamentally open to those who wanted to join us here."

Reagan said as much himself in a televised debate with Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale in 1984." I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," he said."
A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants

Obviously Ronald Reagan wanted all illegals to be legal, he pushed this bill and then signed it.

And they continued to do it.
Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing in extending amnesty to family members who were not covered by the last major overhaul of immigration law in 1986.
Reagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

This is the difference between Ronald Reagan and your Ass Clown.



Here is Doug Elmets a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan, to remind you what Ronald Reagan was like.

My ass clown?

I didn't vote for him.

I didn't vote for your ass clown either

and like I said earlier, he didn't have much of a choice, considering how the vote in Congress went.

  • Passed the Senate on September 19, 1985 (69–30)
  • Passed the House on October 9, 1986 (voice vote after incorporating H.R. 3810, passed 230–166)
  • Reported by the joint conference committee on October 14, 1986; agreed to by the House on October 15, 1986 (238–173) and by the Senate on October 17, 1986 (63–24)
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia

AND, unlike Obamas pen and phone legislation, that immigration plan went thru Congress.
we're Nazi Germany because we enforce the laws?


There is really NO existing law....pro or con.....that addresses the UNIQUE situation for the so-called "Dreamers".......

The GOP-led Congress needs some balls to address the issue.....and if they can't, then Trump needs to grow a pair and do something....as he repeatedly stated during his campaign.......

Trump needs to either sign an EO rejecting DACA or continuing what Obama has enacted.
We're Nazi Germany because Trumps' psychotic racist republican base, want a pure country of white folk. No brown people allowed.

The Nazi-like scenario would become a reality WHEN we begin rounding up "dreamers" for deportation.....
we're Nazi Germany because we enforce the laws?


There is really NO existing law....pro or con.....that addresses the UNIQUE situation for the so-called "Dreamers".......

The GOP-led Congress needs some balls to address the issue.....and if they can't, then Trump needs to grow a pair and do something....as he repeatedly stated during his campaign.......

Trump needs to either sign an EO rejecting DACA or continuing what Obama has enacted.

they are, by definition, in this country illegally.

We have laws on the books, and have had for some time, on how to handle people here illegally.

Wonder if they have a Brain Drain service for people like you?

(to get rid of all that nasty sludge)
I find your earlier comment interesting...

"we're Nazi Germany because we enforce the laws?"

...in a thread about the "repeal" of a law.

the 'repeal' of an executive order.

Congress makes immigration laws, not president with a pen and a phone.
U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 8 - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 8 - Powers of Congress

- "To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..."

"Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen or national after he or she fulfills the requirements established by Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)."
- How to Apply for Naturalization





As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .

Do you even know what's in the constitution.


Just stfu and you won't look so stupid.

Wonder if they have a Brain Drain service for people like you?

(to get rid of all that nasty sludge)
I find your earlier comment interesting...

"we're Nazi Germany because we enforce the laws?"

...in a thread about the "repeal" of a law.

the 'repeal' of an executive order.

Congress makes immigration laws, not president with a pen and a phone.
the executive allocates resources approved by congress to most effectively carry out the laws in a way to most benefit the nation. The DOJ could, for example, increase the funds going to arrest those in illegal arms sales.

The Courts typically defer to decisions by the executive as to how to use money appropriated to an agency/dept. In this case, Obama actually issued an EO setting up regulations to force congress's hand.

I disagree this is now in Congress's hands. Trump can reverse course at any time. It's a policitcal gift to the dems. Latinos are not motivated by immigration, but they are motivated by fairness, and culturally these people are American.
You freaking dumbass--you're going to send kids that were educated in this country to a foreign country to compete with American kids that are here. Meaning they'll be as asset to the foreign country and not us. They'll be paying taxes there, not here. Do you have the slightest idea how economically stupid that is?

There is aging population in this country, called baby boomers. Back in the 1950's average kid size per family were 4, over the last several decades family size has been reduced to 2 or less. Right now 10K baby boomers are retiring into social security/medicare on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 9 to 10 years, adding an additional 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Social Security/Medicare is the reason we're constantly having to raise the debt ceiling. Right now 1 working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China.

1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2. Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Raise the eligibility to 75 years old.
4. Means testing (meaning take from the wealthy to give to the poorer)
5. Keep younger kids that grew up in this country & were educated in this country, (right here) so they can support these funds--while also paying Federal & State taxes.

We do NOT have the younger population to ever pay for military spending, education, whatever, etc. etc. etc. But as usual you dumbass's never look beyond the tips of your nose.


That's your reasoning to allow people in violation of immigration laws to stay?

Go away, little girl...

adults are speaking.

Ronald Reagan gave us the largest and longest economic expansion in this Nation's history. So what did he do that other Presidents didn't? With a swipe of the pen he legalized all illegals in this country.


They can out of their hiding places, got real jobs, and started paying real taxes. They bought American made cars, had homes built, started thier own business's and hired other Americans. They bought furniture, T.V's, applicances, electronics, went to school and paid for college educations. They had no fear and they set loose the greatest economic expansion in this nation's history.

While we're discussing this issue you might want to waddle to your nearest grocery store and take a look at the price of beef right now. Migrant workers are not crossing the border to help farmers & ranchers turn out their product. We have dairy farmers in Maine that can't get the help they need. We have fruits & vegatables rotting on the vine. You will notice price increases on beef, chicken, milk, eggs, fruit and vegi's. So when your grocery bills are skyrocketing all you need to do is look in the mirror and point your finger at your Ass Clown President to blame for it.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill
With a swipe of the pen he legalized all illegals in this country.
Didn't really have much of a choice, did he?

Congress passed it with enough votes to make a veto useless.

You might that one again--:badgrin:

"As the nation's attention turns back to the fractured debate over immigration, it might be helpful to remember that in 1986, Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law.

Nowadays, conservative commentators like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh often invoke the former president as a champion of the conservative agenda. Sean Hannity of Fox News even has a regular segment called "What Would Reagan Do?"

Simpson, however, sees a different person in the president he called a "dear friend."Reagan "knew that it was not right for people to be abused," Simpson says. "Anybody who's here illegally is going to be abused in some way, either financially [or] physically. They have no rights."
Peter Robinson, a former Reagan speechwriter, agrees. "It was in Ronald Reagan's bones — it was part of his understanding of America — that the country was fundamentally open to those who wanted to join us here."

Reagan said as much himself in a televised debate with Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale in 1984." I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," he said."
A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants

Obviously Ronald Reagan wanted all illegals to be legal, he pushed this bill and then signed it.

And they continued to do it.
Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing in extending amnesty to family members who were not covered by the last major overhaul of immigration law in 1986.
Reagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

This is the difference between Ronald Reagan and your Ass Clown.



Here is Doug Elmets a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan, to remind you what Ronald Reagan was like.

My ass clown?

I didn't vote for him.

I didn't vote for your ass clown either


Oh I don't believe that, you voted for Trump. You're all over this board defending him. You're not a "never Trump" Moderate Republican so you voted for him. He was the one that was promising to do away with DACA--you're on here defending his decision. 7 milliion people voted a 3rd party ticket in this election, and I imagine most of them wished they had voted for Hillary Clinton.

Your first mistake was making this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, your second mistake was not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep the Ass Clown out of the Oval office.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause is all about in the Constitution, (that is also impeachable) if Democrats do not want to go along with the current set-up.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

So Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond
That's your reasoning to allow people in violation of immigration laws to stay?

Go away, little girl...

adults are speaking.

Ronald Reagan gave us the largest and longest economic expansion in this Nation's history. So what did he do that other Presidents didn't? With a swipe of the pen he legalized all illegals in this country.


They can out of their hiding places, got real jobs, and started paying real taxes. They bought American made cars, had homes built, started thier own business's and hired other Americans. They bought furniture, T.V's, applicances, electronics, went to school and paid for college educations. They had no fear and they set loose the greatest economic expansion in this nation's history.

While we're discussing this issue you might want to waddle to your nearest grocery store and take a look at the price of beef right now. Migrant workers are not crossing the border to help farmers & ranchers turn out their product. We have dairy farmers in Maine that can't get the help they need. We have fruits & vegatables rotting on the vine. You will notice price increases on beef, chicken, milk, eggs, fruit and vegi's. So when your grocery bills are skyrocketing all you need to do is look in the mirror and point your finger at your Ass Clown President to blame for it.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill
With a swipe of the pen he legalized all illegals in this country.
Didn't really have much of a choice, did he?

Congress passed it with enough votes to make a veto useless.

You might that one again--:badgrin:

"As the nation's attention turns back to the fractured debate over immigration, it might be helpful to remember that in 1986, Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law.

Nowadays, conservative commentators like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh often invoke the former president as a champion of the conservative agenda. Sean Hannity of Fox News even has a regular segment called "What Would Reagan Do?"

Simpson, however, sees a different person in the president he called a "dear friend."Reagan "knew that it was not right for people to be abused," Simpson says. "Anybody who's here illegally is going to be abused in some way, either financially [or] physically. They have no rights."
Peter Robinson, a former Reagan speechwriter, agrees. "It was in Ronald Reagan's bones — it was part of his understanding of America — that the country was fundamentally open to those who wanted to join us here."

Reagan said as much himself in a televised debate with Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale in 1984." I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," he said."
A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants

Obviously Ronald Reagan wanted all illegals to be legal, he pushed this bill and then signed it.

And they continued to do it.
Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing in extending amnesty to family members who were not covered by the last major overhaul of immigration law in 1986.
Reagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

This is the difference between Ronald Reagan and your Ass Clown.



Here is Doug Elmets a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan, to remind you what Ronald Reagan was like.

My ass clown?

I didn't vote for him.

I didn't vote for your ass clown either


Oh I don't believe that, you voted for Trump. You're all over this board defending him. You're not a "never Trump" person so you voted for him. He was the one that was promising to remove DACA--you're on here defending his decision. 7 milliion people voted a 3rd party ticket in this election, and I imagine most of them wished they had voted for Hillary Clinton.

You're first mistake was making this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, your second mistake was not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep the Ass Clown out of the Oval office.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause is all about in the Constitution, (that is also impeachable) if Democrats do not want to go along with the current set-up.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

So Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond

Of course you don't believe it.

You think everyone is as partisan as you are.

Bud, check my posts before an after the election.

this is the first election since 1968 I haven't voted for a presidential candidate.

and the nominees we had scared the crap out of me...

I didn't think America had sunk that low.
Do you even know what's in the constitution.


Just stfu and you won't look so stupid.

Moron....learn something beside getting your education from FOX and Rush

Obama’s actions were well within the scope of executive authority under the Constitution. In a world where authorities can prosecute only a small fraction of lawbreakers, all presidents inevitably make policy choices about which violations of federal law to prosecute and which to ignore. Such choices are inevitably affected by policy preferences. Obama’s decision to defer deportation is in line with those of past presidents.

For example, the use of marijuana is against the law, yet if we had to prosecute ALL who violate this law, we would have nothing else done.....

It's called PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION....Look it up.

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