DACA Trojan Horse


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Y'all know that's what this, right?

Now they say it would be cruel to "punish" innocent kids who came here through no fault of their own.

OK, I can accept that.

NEXT, a year or two down the road, it will be..."hey, you can't deport their PARENTS! That would be breaking up FAMILIES!" What about brothers & sisters? Breaking up families, right?

So we are on the hook for another four or five Mil.

Don't believe the 800,000 bullshit. It is a DAMNABLE LIE! Just like the fictitious 11,000,000...which is actually about three times that.

AND ULTIMATELY, it's all about making these 30 million plus illegals into voting citizens. If you can't see that, you are an idiot.

Irrelevant, even if you consider the probable impact on that number of fraudulent voting by invading foreign criminals. For very wise reasons, that most of you LIbEral fools will never grasp, we have never elected our president by popular vote, and we never will.
Relevant to your post, moron. You stupid shit.

Y'all know that's what this, right?

Now they say it would be cruel to "punish" innocent kids who came here through no fault of their own.

OK, I can accept that.

NEXT, a year or two down the road, it will be..."hey, you can't deport their PARENTS! That would be breaking up FAMILIES!" What about brothers & sisters? Breaking up families, right?

So we are on the hook for another four or five Mil.

Don't believe the 800,000 bullshit. It is a DAMNABLE LIE! Just like the fictitious 11,000,000...which is actually about three times that.

AND ULTIMATELY, it's all about making these 30 million plus illegals into voting citizens. If you can't see that, you are an idiot.
Y'all know that's what this, right?

Now they say it would be cruel to "punish" innocent kids who came here through no fault of their own.

OK, I can accept that.

NEXT, a year or two down the road, it will be..."hey, you can't deport their PARENTS! That would be breaking up FAMILIES!" What about brothers & sisters? Breaking up families, right?

So we are on the hook for another four or five Mil.

Don't believe the 800,000 bullshit. It is a DAMNABLE LIE! Just like the fictitious 11,000,000...which is actually about three times that.

AND ULTIMATELY, it's all about making these 30 million plus illegals into voting citizens. If you can't see that, you are an idiot.
I am am so cynical about this. For instance, we invade Iraq for fraudulent reasons, kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people. And on that same sour note, our local government gives sanctuary to illegal aliens without our permission and they all pretend that it's for some common good that most of us didn't agree to or want either. Well, how about ASKING what WE Americans REALLY want before you politicos jump to major conclusions?
Well, DEMOCRACY is not a very good system of government. If the majority of Americans voted to take away most of Bill Gates' money and give it to "The Poor," (which a majority would probably support), does that make it good policy?

No, I'm satisfied with the current system, where Congress makes our immigration policy (under its powers under Article I), and Congress passes laws codifying that policy, and the President enforces the law. If you don't like the policy, you tell your congressperson, and if he agrees the law might change. The President CANNOT change the law, just because he asked Congress to change it and they told him to shove it up his ass.

The Leftist solution is to pretend that the law is something else, then demand that the politicians enforce the law that they think ought to exist - but doesn't.

Which is idiocy, on steroids. Which is "DACA."
You forgot about all the ones it will incite to come over here.
One must remember, amnesty is a viscous cycle..

Irrelevant, even if you consider the probable impact on that number of fraudulent voting by invading foreign criminals. For very wise reasons, that most of you LIbEral fools will never grasp, we have never elected our president by popular vote, and we never will.
Relevant to your post, moron. You stupid shit.

Something that isn't used to determine the President can't be relevant.

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