DACA wasn’t a bipartisan program at commencement...why a bipartisan solution now?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Hussein Obeaner and Democrats shoved the unconstitutional program down the throats of the GOP and good hard working Americans back in 2012. Why does it make any sense now that a “deal” be made?
Tell the “kids” to be happy with their free ride to this point and send them back to their SHITHOLE.......TODAY!
Hussein Obeaner and Democrats shoved the unconstitutional program down the throats of the GOP and good hard working Americans back in 2012. Why does it make any sense now that a “deal” be made?
Tell the “kids” to be happy with their free ride to this point and send them back to their SHITHOLE.......TODAY!

Sorry, Buddy, trump is going to blink on DACA... so you better get used to your new neighbor, Paco.
Hussein Obeaner and Democrats shoved the unconstitutional program down the throats of the GOP and good hard working Americans back in 2012. Why does it make any sense now that a “deal” be made?
Tell the “kids” to be happy with their free ride to this point and send them back to their SHITHOLE.......TODAY!

Sorry, Buddy, trump is going to blink on DACA... so you better get used to your new neighbor, Paco.

Haha....Paco and his family of 17 can’t afford the utilities to live next to me...not really worried about that.
Hussein fucked GOOD Americans and through another 800k foreigners on the backs of hard working people without the approval of the people. Why not un-fuck Americans without considering a “deal”?
Simple shit...where’s all the trivia?
I dunno why this absurd deal isn't scrapped. The GOP are not acting like members of the GOP.

I completely agree.
The GOP refuses to pull their heads from their asses and toughen up...Meanwhile the DNC becomes more hardcore and “gangster” everyday.
The GOP better find their nutsacks and learn to play dirty...and it better happen fast.
Haha....Paco and his family of 17 can’t afford the utilities to live next to me...not really worried about that.
Hussein fucked GOOD Americans and through another 800k foreigners on the backs of hard working people without the approval of the people. Why not un-fuck Americans without considering a “deal”?
Simple shit...where’s all the trivia?

Well, there's common decency that we don't punish people for what their parents did, but I don't think you understand that concept.
Haha....Paco and his family of 17 can’t afford the utilities to live next to me...not really worried about that.
Hussein fucked GOOD Americans and through another 800k foreigners on the backs of hard working people without the approval of the people. Why not un-fuck Americans without considering a “deal”?
Simple shit...where’s all the trivia?

Well, there's common decency that we don't punish people for what their parents did, but I don't think you understand that concept.

True, but should we reward children for their parents crimes?
That’s quite a precedent to set...no?
“A bullshit petty crime”......REALLY?
How do you define petty? What other crime is a greater fiscal burden to good, hard working Americans?

Actually, undocumented immigrants are an economic benefit to Americans.

They do the jobs Americans don't want to do.

If they weren't, they wouldn't be here.
“A bullshit petty crime”......REALLY?
How do you define petty? What other crime is a greater fiscal burden to good, hard working Americans?

Actually, undocumented immigrants are an economic benefit to Americans.

They do the jobs Americans don't want to do.

If they weren't, they wouldn't be here.

Joe, we’ve done this way too many times bud....don’t make a fool of yourself again. I’ll start copying and pasting like nobody’s business....AGAIN!
Joe, we’ve done this way too many times bud....don’t make a fool of yourself again. I’ll start copying and pasting like nobody’s business....AGAIN!

I'm sure nobody wants to see your Stormfront Propaganda again... but if you want to, fine.

Problem is, DACA is happening, baby. If Trump doesn't sign something, the courts will just impose it.
Joe, we’ve done this way too many times bud....don’t make a fool of yourself again. I’ll start copying and pasting like nobody’s business....AGAIN!

I'm sure nobody wants to see your Stormfront Propaganda again... but if you want to, fine.

Problem is, DACA is happening, baby. If Trump doesn't sign something, the courts will just impose it.

You’re a scholar of the great constitution...enlighten me, on how the courts can extend an EXPIRING executive action set forth by a president of The United States?
Further, consider this; Hussein himself admitted there was no way to construct a constitutional DACA Bill...Remember, he created a workaround, not by EO but by calling DACA an “Executive Action”.
True, but should we reward children for their parents crimes?
That’s quite a precedent to set...no?

Considering it was a bullshit petty crime, um, yeah, I'm okay with it.

A country ruled by fiat serves no one well. Corruption and ignoring the rule of law is what made so many of the 'home' countries unlivable to begin with. Many of these are not kids - being in their 20's and 30's. They've had the benefit of public schooling and public health - paid for by the citizens of this country without their consent.

Obama and the Dems held both houses of Congress his first 2 years and did nothing to enact immigration reform. It was more important as a political tool when left unresolved. Obama knew well that DACA was only temporary and outside his authority to make it otherwise - that's not the way to handle an issue you claim is a humanitarian problem. But it is the way for a politician who likes using wedges to divide the country...a last laugh, so to speak. He carelessly tossed about a number of land mines for future administrations and congresses.

as an aside - While illegals may be doing jobs other Americans 'won't do', and for less money than Americans 'will work for', the only statement that makes is that the American welfare system is too generous to the able bodied. What a country.
True, but should we reward children for their parents crimes?
That’s quite a precedent to set...no?

Considering it was a bullshit petty crime, um, yeah, I'm okay with it.

A country ruled by fiat serves no one well. Corruption and ignoring the rule of law is what made so many of the 'home' countries unlivable to begin with. Many of these are not kids - being in their 20's and 30's. They've had the benefit of public schooling and public health - paid for by the citizens of this country without their consent.

Obama and the Dems held both houses of Congress his first 2 years and did nothing to enact immigration reform. It was more important as a political tool when left unresolved. Obama knew well that DACA was only temporary and outside his authority to make it otherwise - that's not the way to handle an issue you claim is a humanitarian problem. But it is the way for a politician who likes using wedges to divide the country...a last laugh, so to speak. He carelessly tossed about a number of land mines for future administrations and congresses.

as an aside - While illegals may be doing jobs other Americans 'won't do', and for less money than Americans 'will work for', the only statement that makes is that the American welfare system is too generous to the able bodied. What a country.

Very well articulated....”political land mines” is a great way to describe many of Hussein’s actions left behind.. The $10 trillion spent and passed on to many generations, Obeaner Care, unsustainable and short term and of course DACA, an unconstitutional program from the onset just to name a few.
These were things Hussein did during his reign as emperor knowing full well that someone would be left with the task of cleaning up after him later. His followers are too ignorant to realize that it was Hussein who made promises that he knew couldn’t be kept in the long term.
You’re a scholar of the great constitution...enlighten me, on how the courts can extend an EXPIRING executive action set forth by a president of The United States?
Further, consider this; Hussein himself admitted there was no way to construct a constitutional DACA Bill...Remember, he created a workaround, not by EO but by calling DACA an “Executive Action”.

Okay, you keep telling yourself that... but the Courts have already told Trump he has to keep giving them extentions...

The smart thing to do would be to take the deal and declare victory... but Trump is too stupid to do that.
Has the funding for he wall been secured?


I believe, it's time to control the democrat vote grabbing habit with other means then.
Since only about 10% of Americans support deporting the DACA people, I'd say that a 'bi-partisan' solution that doesn't deport them would be a blessing for the GOP.
Bipartisan solutions are more solid and likely to last.

Kind of like our Constitution.
You’re a scholar of the great constitution...enlighten me, on how the courts can extend an EXPIRING executive action set forth by a president of The United States?
Further, consider this; Hussein himself admitted there was no way to construct a constitutional DACA Bill...Remember, he created a workaround, not by EO but by calling DACA an “Executive Action”.

Okay, you keep telling yourself that... but the Courts have already told Trump he has to keep giving them extentions...

The smart thing to do would be to take the deal and declare victory... but Trump is too stupid to do that.

NO, NO, NO Joe boy.
One court in the filthy 9th circuit ruled on it.
SCOTUS will shred this program in a hot second. You know this.

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