Dad catches 44 year old teacher having sex with his 13 year old son

Boys are different from girls.
Trust me when I say this boy was not traumatized.

You don’t know that. Some young boys do suffer negative psychological effects from these types of improper relationships. Many of these predator women are extremely manipulative and prey on boys who are troubled or emotionally damaged.

And it doesn’t matter if the boy enjoyed it or not. An adult, especially one who’s a teacher shouldn’t be having sex with a child. As someone who’s taught middle school, I can’t imagine ever taking advantage of a student like that.

Courts are not hard enough on these female predators.

I already said I am not defending the adult here.

But this kid is going to be forced into therapy and told that he had this horrible thing done to him. That IMO is the real crime

Again, how do you know this boy isn't negatively affected?
I think it's possible that the laws and the standards have been relaxed alot since you was a kid.
That's probably why.

Meh, not really. she's still facing criminal charges, most people think this is wrong.

What hasn't changed is "the Double Standard". We expect boys to go out and 'Get some", but we want girls to be virgins on their wedding nights.

There would be a whole different level of outrage about this story if it was a male teacher and a 13 year old girl.
It's not a double standard. It's human nature. And idealistic, naive lefties still think they're above human nature.
I remember having a conversation with someone who was bitching about women getting away with things like this, while the men go to prison. I told that person that it is MOSTLY MEN who want things this way. It is the men who will fight against the prosecution of these kinds of skanks, not other women. Other NORMAL women hate child molesters, no matter what excuses they use for their disgusting fetishes.

Yawn.... the point is, we still have a double standard on this issue... the justice system treats these women different than they treat men in the same situation.

I wish I could remember who I was arguing with, as that person said I was "full of shit." Well, here we are again with the men defending child molestation because "yay, sex!" A lot of boys are not interested in sex with old ladies. They want girls their own ages. Most of the women (if not ALL of them) who do these kinds of unspeakable acts against children are totally fucked up individuals that even YOU wouldn't date, but yet it's okay for them to have sex with impressionable young boys? Sick, totally sick.

Or a reality that most of us at 15 would have happily fucked the hot teacher. And a lot of girls would fuck the hot male teacher. The thing is, you suffer from the conservative disease where you completely forget what you were like when you were young.

Maybe the solution is to do what the Catholics did, separate the boys and girls the minute they hit puberty and give them teachers of their own gender.

Oh...wait. The Catholics... Hmmmm... maybe not so much.
It's not a double standard. It's human nature. And idealistic, naive lefties still think they're above human nature.

and conservatives forget what things were like when they were young...

the point is, the "Double Standard" doesn't really work. If the boys are all getting some and the girls are all virgins, where are the boys getting it from?
I remember having a conversation with someone who was bitching about women getting away with things like this, while the men go to prison. I told that person that it is MOSTLY MEN who want things this way. It is the men who will fight against the prosecution of these kinds of skanks, not other women. Other NORMAL women hate child molesters, no matter what excuses they use for their disgusting fetishes.

Yawn.... the point is, we still have a double standard on this issue... the justice system treats these women different than they treat men in the same situation.

I wish I could remember who I was arguing with, as that person said I was "full of shit." Well, here we are again with the men defending child molestation because "yay, sex!" A lot of boys are not interested in sex with old ladies. They want girls their own ages. Most of the women (if not ALL of them) who do these kinds of unspeakable acts against children are totally fucked up individuals that even YOU wouldn't date, but yet it's okay for them to have sex with impressionable young boys? Sick, totally sick.

Or a reality that most of us at 15 would have happily fucked the hot teacher. And a lot of girls would fuck the hot male teacher. The thing is, you suffer from the conservative disease where you completely forget what you were like when you were young.

Maybe the solution is to do what the Catholics did, separate the boys and girls the minute they hit puberty and give them teachers of their own gender.

Oh...wait. The Catholics... Hmmmm... maybe not so much.

Something surely is the matter with you, weirdo.
I remember having a conversation with someone who was bitching about women getting away with things like this, while the men go to prison. I told that person that it is MOSTLY MEN who want things this way. It is the men who will fight against the prosecution of these kinds of skanks, not other women. Other NORMAL women hate child molesters, no matter what excuses they use for their disgusting fetishes.

Yawn.... the point is, we still have a double standard on this issue... the justice system treats these women different than they treat men in the same situation.

I wish I could remember who I was arguing with, as that person said I was "full of shit." Well, here we are again with the men defending child molestation because "yay, sex!" A lot of boys are not interested in sex with old ladies. They want girls their own ages. Most of the women (if not ALL of them) who do these kinds of unspeakable acts against children are totally fucked up individuals that even YOU wouldn't date, but yet it's okay for them to have sex with impressionable young boys? Sick, totally sick.

Or a reality that most of us at 15 would have happily fucked the hot teacher. And a lot of girls would fuck the hot male teacher. The thing is, you suffer from the conservative disease where you completely forget what you were like when you were young.

Maybe the solution is to do what the Catholics did, separate the boys and girls the minute they hit puberty and give them teachers of their own gender.

Oh...wait. The Catholics... Hmmmm... maybe not so much.

Mmm, no. I've never wanted to have sex with a teacher. Just because some of you are deranged and suffer from mental illness doesn't mean everyone else does too.
I wish I could remember who I was arguing with, as that person said I was "full of shit." Well, here we are again with the men defending child molestation because "yay, sex!" A lot of boys are not interested in sex with old ladies. They want girls their own ages. Most of the women (if not ALL of them) who do these kinds of unspeakable acts against children are totally fucked up individuals that even YOU wouldn't date, but yet it's okay for them to have sex with impressionable young boys? Sick, totally sick.

You are, of course, correct.

A 44 year-old shouldn't be sleeping with a 13 year-old, no matter what the sex of the adult.

The thing is though that I'd bet that 99% of guys had a fantasy of bedding a teacher when they were teenagers.

When I was 14, I wanted to bang my art teacher. As did every other guy in my class. And in all the other classes, too. She was damn hot!

So, for a lot of guys, we remember that. That's why guys pooh-pooh reports of teenage boys having sex with their teachers.

Even though you are completely correct.
Most (like 99.9%) of the teachers I had, nobody would want to have sex with them. Fucking gross!
Most (like 99.9%) of the teachers I had, nobody would want to have sex with them. Fucking gross!


We had this widow who openly flirted with guys in her class. She even told me she thought that one of the guys in class was cute.

But she wasn't attractive at all.

And she was a screwball.

Of course, had she been hot, being a screwball wouldn't have mattered at all. One of her students would have nailed her.
Something surely is the matter with you, weirdo.

Naw, I'm just a realist. I went to a Catholic School, where the football coach showed gay porn to his players, and this went on for years before someone finally put a stop to it.

(And mind you, this was back in the 1970's, when you had to set up a projector and shit.)

I also remember the one female teacher we had in Jr. Lit class with her slit skirts that were a hit with the boys when she was explaining MacBeth. (And getting most of it wrong.)
The best was when we convinced this one hot young thing who was our student-teacher to take a shower.

That was AWESOME!!!!
Mmm, no. I've never wanted to have sex with a teacher. Just because some of you are deranged and suffer from mental illness doesn't mean everyone else does too.

okay, sure, whatever, but you are being really touchy on this subject. I just find it funny to watch the moralists get all upset.
Most (like 99.9%) of the teachers I had, nobody would want to have sex with them. Fucking gross!


We had this widow who openly flirted with guys in her class. She even told me she thought that one of the guys in class was cute.

But she wasn't attractive at all.

And she was a screwball.

Of course, had she been hot, being a screwball wouldn't have mattered at all. One of her students would have nailed her.

Okay, well the students and the little boys don't make the rules. It doesn't really matter if they want to have sex with their teacher or not. That is really irrelevant when it comes to child molestation. Children are children because they don't know any better and don't always make good decisions for themselves, their futures, their lives. IF a child molester shows an attraction to them, they probably feel as if they are special, not realizing that the adult is a sexual predator of children.
Mmm, no. I've never wanted to have sex with a teacher. Just because some of you are deranged and suffer from mental illness doesn't mean everyone else does too.

okay, sure, whatever, but you are being really touchy on this subject. I just find it funny to watch the moralists get all upset.

All upset? Who is all upset? I'm simply saying that this woman is no better than any other child molester. She is a child molester, a pedophile, a criminal, regardless of whether some little boys want to do her or not.
Okay, well the students and the little boys don't make the rules. It doesn't really matter if they want to have sex with their teacher or not. That is really irrelevant when it comes to child molestation. Children are children because they don't know any better and don't always make good decisions for themselves, their futures, their lives. IF a child molester shows an attraction to them, they probably feel as if they are special, not realizing that the adult is a sexual predator of children.

Of course, you're basically right.

But it's not always necessarily cut and dried.

My gym teacher started an affair with one of his students, even though he was married. I think she was 16 and he was in his 30s. That was nearly 30 years ago. He wound up leaving his wife and marrying her. They're still married today.
Also, there is definitely something seriously wrong with a grown woman who would have sex with a child. IF that woman focuses in on YOUR child, you should be concerned for your child's well being, and this goes beyond the "sexual encounter."

Like I said earlier in this thread, there are women out there who would tear your little boy apart emotionally and in other ways. Anyone with half a brain would realize that there is something wrong with the adult person in the equation and that they are possibly dangerous (in one way or another) to their child's well-being and healthy development into a healthy adult capable of having healthy adult relationships. These things also will affect how your male child views females in the future.
Okay, well the students and the little boys don't make the rules. It doesn't really matter if they want to have sex with their teacher or not. That is really irrelevant when it comes to child molestation. Children are children because they don't know any better and don't always make good decisions for themselves, their futures, their lives. IF a child molester shows an attraction to them, they probably feel as if they are special, not realizing that the adult is a sexual predator of children.

Of course, you're basically right.

But it's not always necessarily cut and dried.

My gym teacher started an affair with one of his students, even though he was married. I think she was 16 and he was in his 30s. That was nearly 30 years ago. He wound up leaving his wife and marrying her. They're still married today.

So? What does that prove? What do you know of this girl? What do you know of their relationship? Maybe she was a victim of pedophilia herself? Maybe she has a miserable life and a miserable marriage to an old man?
It is wrong in every way for a teacher to have any kind of sexual relationship with a student. Wrong and sick. Period. End of story. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
All upset? Who is all upset? I'm simply saying that this woman is no better than any other child molester. She is a child molester, a pedophile, a criminal, regardless of whether some little boys want to do her or not.

Yawn, whatever....

I do like watching you get all hysterical over this.

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