Dad catches 44 year old teacher having sex with his 13 year old son

Oh, the 8, 10 or 12 year old child SAID he was mature enough and ready for an intimate adult type of sexual relationship! That will be the DAY when something like that holds up in a court of law as an excuse for child molestation!
If I found a 12-year-old child in the streets prostituting him or herself, I would be outraged and you can bet the police would be the first ones to find out about it! And they had BETTER resolve the matter immediately.
You are right and what I should have done is past. I made a mistaker by trying to help him at all. I would do something much better at 60 than I did at 30 I am against all that not for it. I was just relating the facts as the appeared.
None of the thinking you have attributed to children is any different than that of the adults. Many adults do not consider the long term consequences of their actions. The biggest difference between adults and children is perspective and information. Sure. Kids are not yet fully matured. They need protection and complete information.When did you decide what you were and decide to have sex. I was 10. I know many others who were at least that young. It was my idea. I had thoughts. Made decisions. Acted to bring about my desire. And so thusly, I was ready.

I should report your posts, considering the things you admitted to with the 12-year-old child. You had him in your home and you apparently gave him money too and you never notified anyone of a child who you knew was being abused and had no parents watching out for him. That is a form of child abuse.

What you did was illegal. A child was being sexually assaulted and you did NOTHING to stop it. In fact, you paid him (or his pimp) money and kept him in your home without notifying the authorities.
I did no such thing madam.

On top of THAT, you are defending intimate sexual relationships between adults and children as young as 8 years old apparently according to your terrible judgment call on whether that child is "ready" or not. Despicable to say the least!!
I am not defending them. Geez. I was just stating what occurred
Or how about this one? "The 8-year-old child MANIPULATED me, a fully grown ADULT, into having sex with him???" Are you serious? You can't be seriously thinking this is any kind of an excuse to have sex with children???
Or how about this one? "The 8-year-old child MANIPULATED me, a fully grown ADULT, into having sex with him???" Are you serious? You can't be seriously thinking this is any kind of an excuse to have sex with children???

A lot of pedos use that excuse
Boys are different from girls.
Trust me when I say this 15 year old boy was not traumatized.

They're different, or society treats it differently? If anything, a 15 year old girl is more mature than a 15 year old boy.

The difference is we STILL have a double standard.

We have different standards because boys are different from girls.
Joe doesn't know the difference between boys and girls.
Boy and girl differences are not the issue here. The issue is right or wrong. Teachers should not be fucking students period. You can either live up to your position of trust or you can not. If you can not live up to the trust of your position, you have got to go period.
Boys are different from girls.
Trust me when I say this 15 year old boy was not traumatized.

They're different, or society treats it differently? If anything, a 15 year old girl is more mature than a 15 year old boy.

The difference is we STILL have a double standard.

We have different standards because boys are different from girls.
That too is something I don't think is right.

Right or wrong it is what it is because boys and girls are different
Boys are different from girls.
Trust me when I say this 15 year old boy was not traumatized.

They're different, or society treats it differently? If anything, a 15 year old girl is more mature than a 15 year old boy.

The difference is we STILL have a double standard.

We have different standards because boys are different from girls.
Joe doesn't know the difference between boys and girls.
Boy and girl differences are not the issue here. The issue is right or wrong. Teachers should not be fucking students period. You can either live up to your position of trust or you can not. If you can not live up to the trust of your position, you have got to go period.

I'm not defending the adult here

I am just pointing out that this kid was not traumatized by the sex but he sure as hell will be made to think he has been traumatized which is the real crime
Boys are different from girls.
Trust me when I say this 15 year old boy was not traumatized.

They're different, or society treats it differently? If anything, a 15 year old girl is more mature than a 15 year old boy.

The difference is we STILL have a double standard.

We have different standards because boys are different from girls.
Joe doesn't know the difference between boys and girls.
Boy and girl differences are not the issue here. The issue is right or wrong. Teachers should not be fucking students period. You can either live up to your position of trust or you can not. If you can not live up to the trust of your position, you have got to go period.

I'm not defending the adult here

I am just pointing out that this kid was not traumatized by the sex but he sure as hell will be made to think he has been traumatized which is the real crime
It depends on the kId. He may or may not feel tramatized. Most likely he is feling like the stud bull. Some people are weak in the head though.
They're different, or society treats it differently? If anything, a 15 year old girl is more mature than a 15 year old boy.

The difference is we STILL have a double standard.

We have different standards because boys are different from girls.
Joe doesn't know the difference between boys and girls.
Boy and girl differences are not the issue here. The issue is right or wrong. Teachers should not be fucking students period. You can either live up to your position of trust or you can not. If you can not live up to the trust of your position, you have got to go period.

I'm not defending the adult here

I am just pointing out that this kid was not traumatized by the sex but he sure as hell will be made to think he has been traumatized which is the real crime
It depends on the kId. He may or may not feel tramatized. Most likely he is feling like the stud bull. Some people are weak in the head though.

This kid will be forced to go into therapy, he will be told how awful it was that this happened.

That's what's going to mess him up
Boys are different from girls.
Trust me when I say this 15 year old boy was not traumatized.

They're different, or society treats it differently? If anything, a 15 year old girl is more mature than a 15 year old boy.

The difference is we STILL have a double standard.

We have different standards because boys are different from girls.
That too is something I don't think is right.

Right or wrong it is what it is because boys and girls are different

It need not nor should it remain what is ostensibly is and has been.
I think it's possible that the laws and the standards have been relaxed alot since you was a kid.
That's probably why.

Meh, not really. she's still facing criminal charges, most people think this is wrong.

What hasn't changed is "the Double Standard". We expect boys to go out and 'Get some", but we want girls to be virgins on their wedding nights.

There would be a whole different level of outrage about this story if it was a male teacher and a 13 year old girl.
Mostly only nobility and royalty or wealthy people went through arranged marriages.

You are half right here. What happened to the peasant classes is that they got married right after someone got pregnant!


You see, up until the 20th century, 14 was practically considered adulthood.

And people owned SLAVES too back then.

I remember having a conversation with someone who was bitching about women getting away with things like this, while the men go to prison. I told that person that it is MOSTLY MEN who want things this way. It is the men who will fight against the prosecution of these kinds of skanks, not other women. Other NORMAL women hate child molesters, no matter what excuses they use for their disgusting fetishes.
I wish I could remember who I was arguing with, as that person said I was "full of shit." Well, here we are again with the men defending child molestation because "yay, sex!" A lot of boys are not interested in sex with old ladies. They want girls their own ages. Most of the women (if not ALL of them) who do these kinds of unspeakable acts against children are totally fucked up individuals that even YOU wouldn't date, but yet it's okay for them to have sex with impressionable young boys? Sick, totally sick.

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