Dad catches 44 year old teacher having sex with his 13 year old son

A woman who is sexually attracted to little boys is NOT a normal woman. She is a fucked up mess of a woman and could be potentially dangerous, a stalker, someone who would use her authority to hurt the victim, and many, many other scenarios that I probably cannot even think of right now. To encourage such behavior is nothing more than ignorance and stupidity.
It's difficult to say how this affects any pre or early teenager.
That being said, she needs to be fired and not teach anymore. SHE is definitely not stable.
It's difficult to say how this affects any pre or early teenager.
That being said, she needs to be fired and not teach anymore. SHE is definitely not stable.

She should face charges too, like any man who did the same thing with a 13-year-old student would. There is just no excuse at ALL for anyone having sex with children.
It's difficult to say how this affects any pre or early teenager.
That being said, she needs to be fired and not teach anymore. SHE is definitely not stable.

She should face charges too, like any man who did the same thing with a 13-year-old student would. There is just no excuse at ALL for anyone having sex with children.

I agree. It has nothing to do with whether the boy was traumatized or not, and only to do with the fact that it's illegal and unethical, not to mention many other things....
It's difficult to say how this affects any pre or early teenager.
That being said, she needs to be fired and not teach anymore. SHE is definitely not stable.

She should face charges too, like any man who did the same thing with a 13-year-old student would. There is just no excuse at ALL for anyone having sex with children.

I agree. It has nothing to do with whether the boy was traumatized or not, and only to do with the fact that it's illegal and unethical, not to mention many other things....

Well, this we can agree on, and probably because we are both mothers to sons. :D
Boys are different from girls.
Trust me when I say this boy was not traumatized.

You don’t know that. Some young boys do suffer negative psychological effects from these types of improper relationships. Many of these predator women are extremely manipulative and prey on boys who are troubled or emotionally damaged.

And it doesn’t matter if the boy enjoyed it or not. An adult, especially one who’s a teacher shouldn’t be having sex with a child. As someone who’s taught middle school, I can’t imagine ever taking advantage of a student like that.

Courts are not hard enough on these female predators.
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Bottom line. Unstable people should not be teaching kids in school.

A 44 y/o woman having sex with a 13 y/o is not stable.
Any guy here who claims he didn't, at least for a moment, think to himself "niiiiiiice" when he saw this story is a liar.:rock:
Why would you think that though? Just because of sex? What is WRONG with you guys?
Boys are horny little devils. It just is what it is. Hopefully, somewhere in our twenties, we begin to slow down on that. Maybe.
Any guy here who claims he didn't, at least for a moment, think to himself "niiiiiiice" when he saw this story is a liar.:rock:
Why would you think that though? Just because of sex? What is WRONG with you guys?
Boys are horny little devils. It just is what it is. Hopefully, somewhere in our twenties, we begin to slow down on that. Maybe.

No, I think they just get worse with age. It's really pathetic.
Any guy here who claims he didn't, at least for a moment, think to himself "niiiiiiice" when he saw this story is a liar.:rock:
Why would you think that though? Just because of sex? What is WRONG with you guys?
Boys are horny little devils. It just is what it is. Hopefully, somewhere in our twenties, we begin to slow down on that. Maybe.

No, I think they just get worse with age. It's really pathetic.
Any guy here who claims he didn't, at least for a moment, think to himself "niiiiiiice" when he saw this story is a liar.:rock:
Why would you think that though? Just because of sex? What is WRONG with you guys?
Boys are horny little devils. It just is what it is. Hopefully, somewhere in our twenties, we begin to slow down on that. Maybe.

No, I think they just get worse with age. It's really pathetic.

Shoes? Don't bring shoes into this bud! They are completely innocent of any wrongdoing! :mad:
I have 40 pairs of shoes (give or take) and I would never molest a little boy! Good grief, just saying that is . . . disturbing. Something is wrong with people. Something in the water I suppose. :uhoh3:
Boys are different from girls.
Trust me when I say this boy was not traumatized.

You don’t know that. Some young boys do suffer negative psychological effects from these types of improper relationships. Many of these predator women are extremely manipulative and prey on boys who are troubled or emotionally damaged.

And it doesn’t matter if the boy enjoyed it or not. An adult, especially one who’s a teacher shouldn’t be having sex with a child. As someone who’s taught middle school, I can’t imagine ever taking advantage of a student like that.

Courts are not hard enough on these female predators.

I already said I am not defending the adult here.

But this kid is going to be forced into therapy and told that he had this horrible thing done to him. That IMO is the real crime
The problem here is that the woman is mentally deranged and could be a hugely BAD influence on the child or even harm him in some way (either physically or emotionally). You don't pat your kid on the back for sleeping with an adult crazy person. That makes YOU a crazy person.

The women who do these things either have ulterior motives (that are usually not good ones), or they are just bat shit crazy and even GROWN men would avoid them and the heartache they would cause.

I'm just saying that this boy was not traumatized.
I'll wager he'll say it was one of the best experiences he will ever have
Did you catch the pic of the teach? I'm thinking he won't say that at all.

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