Dad catches 44 year old teacher having sex with his 13 year old son

Hardly a week goes by that a story like this comes along.

Dad allegedly finds 13-year-old child having sex with Bay City teacher

BAY CITY, Texas (KTRK) --
A Bay City man claims he found his 13-year-old child having sex with a 44-year-old teacher in the back seat of a car over Christmas vacation.

Rachel Gonzalez is now facing charges for having an improper relationship between an educator and student.

Police said the Bay City High School teacher allegedly had sex with the teen two weeks ago.

Investigators said they found evidence on the child's phone of an ongoing relationship.

Gonzalez has been booked in the Bay City jail.

Dad allegedly finds 13-year-old child having sex with teacher

Well, things have gotten so bad, it's not as if it would be shocking if true. :rolleyes-41:
certainly someone taught him that men can like young boys and he could make lots of money that way. I think he was a young gay kid who found an expression of his independence and rebelliousness. I heard him make statements to the fact that he preferred males. I was not interested in him that way. I felt sorry for him. Being taken advantage of by that man. Apparently he was being pimped and the man would take all his money. Jerk needs jail in my opinion. But that was 30 years ago.

So I'm curious now, how and why you got to know a 12-year-old boy prostitute and never called the authorities? You know, to get this child off the streets and maybe into a warm safe home with loving adults who would care about him and not use or exploit him to sick fuckers for money or sex?

You are right I didn't call the police. I maybe should have but I was 30 years younger then. I tried to help him myself. I let him stay at my house for a few days. But he would disappear for hours and then come back with hundreds of dollars. I ended up telling him he had to go. I couldn't have that. I do not agree with childhood prostitution by any means. I haven't always done the right thing. But I had no sex with this boy. I just tried to help. It didn't work. I failed.

That's because you cannot HELP this boy. He might need intensive therapy and may NEVER have a normal life. That is what happens to a lot of child molestation victims. Some of them feel like they are worthless and only good for one thing, sex. That is just totally sick and unacceptable. There is absolutely no excuse or justification for any adult having any kind of sexual/intimate relationship with ANY child.

I really don't think that was the case here. He was a kid who found out he liked it and kept doing it. Certainly the money was a major motivation. But he still wouldn't have done it had he felt any particular revulsion.

That is not true at all. There are plenty of former male prostitutes and current ones who do not like what they do. Did I not explain the psyche of a child molestation victim clear enough for you the last time? Just because a 12 year old child THINKS something is good for him or cool or whatever doesn't mean that it is and it is CERTAINLY not a good decision.

Your definitive victim was explained clearly enough. The thing is, that it doesn't apply to all those child/adult sex cases and it didn't apply to this kid. I know you would like to believe (why exactly I don't understand) that all children who become involved in child/adult sex are forced or actual victims. Many children are true. But not all. Believing that this is so is rather narrow in perspective. Again I do not engage in this but I have known some who were. Curious I ask questions. I have a tendency to believe that thinking on a subject and coming to a conclusion without coercive thought or trickery and then acting upon such an idea as to make it come to be so is indicative of the individual ready for that thought. To put it simply is a child conceives of the idea of doing something sexual, plans it, does it, all without specific input is ready for the knowledge. Doesn't matter if their 8 or 80.
So I'm curious now, how and why you got to know a 12-year-old boy prostitute and never called the authorities? You know, to get this child off the streets and maybe into a warm safe home with loving adults who would care about him and not use or exploit him to sick fuckers for money or sex?

You are right I didn't call the police. I maybe should have but I was 30 years younger then. I tried to help him myself. I let him stay at my house for a few days. But he would disappear for hours and then come back with hundreds of dollars. I ended up telling him he had to go. I couldn't have that. I do not agree with childhood prostitution by any means. I haven't always done the right thing. But I had no sex with this boy. I just tried to help. It didn't work. I failed.

That's because you cannot HELP this boy. He might need intensive therapy and may NEVER have a normal life. That is what happens to a lot of child molestation victims. Some of them feel like they are worthless and only good for one thing, sex. That is just totally sick and unacceptable. There is absolutely no excuse or justification for any adult having any kind of sexual/intimate relationship with ANY child.

I really don't think that was the case here. He was a kid who found out he liked it and kept doing it. Certainly the money was a major motivation. But he still wouldn't have done it had he felt any particular revulsion.

That is not true at all. There are plenty of former male prostitutes and current ones who do not like what they do. Did I not explain the psyche of a child molestation victim clear enough for you the last time? Just because a 12 year old child THINKS something is good for him or cool or whatever doesn't mean that it is and it is CERTAINLY not a good decision.

Your definitive victim was explained clearly enough. The thing is, that it doesn't apply to all those child/adult sex cases and it didn't apply to this kid. I know you would like to believe (why exactly I don't understand) that all children who become involved in child/adult sex are forced or actual victims. Many children are true. But not all. Believing that this is so is rather narrow in perspective. Again I do not engage in this but I have known some who were. Curious I ask questions. I have a tendency to believe that thinking on a subject and coming to a conclusion without coercive thought or trickery and then acting upon such an idea as to make it come to be so is indicative of the individual ready for that thought. To put it simply is a child conceives of the idea of doing something sexual, plans it, does it, all without specific input is ready for the knowledge. Doesn't matter if their 8 or 80.

It certainly does matter if they are 8 or 80! Yes it does. Children do not understand the long term consequences of their actions. That is why we consider them "children." Brain scans of the adolescent brain show that the frontal lobes are not firing in children like they are in adults. There are areas of the brain that are not yet "matured."
Hardly a week goes by that a story like this comes along.

Dad allegedly finds 13-year-old child having sex with Bay City teacher

BAY CITY, Texas (KTRK) --
A Bay City man claims he found his 13-year-old child having sex with a 44-year-old teacher in the back seat of a car over Christmas vacation.

Rachel Gonzalez is now facing charges for having an improper relationship between an educator and student.

Police said the Bay City High School teacher allegedly had sex with the teen two weeks ago.

Investigators said they found evidence on the child's phone of an ongoing relationship.

Gonzalez has been booked in the Bay City jail.

Dad allegedly finds 13-year-old child having sex with teacher

Just because I don"t agree with it doesn't mean it isn't real. I don't believe in sex with children. It happens. Both willingly and otherwise. To deny something is to leave it undealt with.The thing is to determine the exact cause of such and to make it unharmful.
Hardly a week goes by that a story like this comes along.

Dad allegedly finds 13-year-old child having sex with Bay City teacher

BAY CITY, Texas (KTRK) --
A Bay City man claims he found his 13-year-old child having sex with a 44-year-old teacher in the back seat of a car over Christmas vacation.

Rachel Gonzalez is now facing charges for having an improper relationship between an educator and student.

Police said the Bay City High School teacher allegedly had sex with the teen two weeks ago.

Investigators said they found evidence on the child's phone of an ongoing relationship.

Gonzalez has been booked in the Bay City jail.

Dad allegedly finds 13-year-old child having sex with teacher

Just because I don"t agree with it doesn't mean it isn't real. I don't believe in sex with children. It happens. Both willingly and otherwise. To deny something is to leave it undealt with.The thing is to determine the exact cause of such and to make it unharmful.

Just don't do it. Problem solved.
You are right I didn't call the police. I maybe should have but I was 30 years younger then. I tried to help him myself. I let him stay at my house for a few days. But he would disappear for hours and then come back with hundreds of dollars. I ended up telling him he had to go. I couldn't have that. I do not agree with childhood prostitution by any means. I haven't always done the right thing. But I had no sex with this boy. I just tried to help. It didn't work. I failed.

That's because you cannot HELP this boy. He might need intensive therapy and may NEVER have a normal life. That is what happens to a lot of child molestation victims. Some of them feel like they are worthless and only good for one thing, sex. That is just totally sick and unacceptable. There is absolutely no excuse or justification for any adult having any kind of sexual/intimate relationship with ANY child.

I really don't think that was the case here. He was a kid who found out he liked it and kept doing it. Certainly the money was a major motivation. But he still wouldn't have done it had he felt any particular revulsion.

That is not true at all. There are plenty of former male prostitutes and current ones who do not like what they do. Did I not explain the psyche of a child molestation victim clear enough for you the last time? Just because a 12 year old child THINKS something is good for him or cool or whatever doesn't mean that it is and it is CERTAINLY not a good decision.

Your definitive victim was explained clearly enough. The thing is, that it doesn't apply to all those child/adult sex cases and it didn't apply to this kid. I know you would like to believe (why exactly I don't understand) that all children who become involved in child/adult sex are forced or actual victims. Many children are true. But not all. Believing that this is so is rather narrow in perspective. Again I do not engage in this but I have known some who were. Curious I ask questions. I have a tendency to believe that thinking on a subject and coming to a conclusion without coercive thought or trickery and then acting upon such an idea as to make it come to be so is indicative of the individual ready for that thought. To put it simply is a child conceives of the idea of doing something sexual, plans it, does it, all without specific input is ready for the knowledge. Doesn't matter if their 8 or 80.

It certainly does matter if they are 8 or 80! Yes it does. Children do not understand the long term consequences of their actions. That is why we consider them "children." Brain scans of the adolescent brain show that the frontal lobes are not firing in children like they are in adults. There are areas of the brain that are not yet "matured."

None of the thinking you have attributed to children is any different than that of the adults. Many adults do not consider the long term consequences of their actions. The biggest difference between adults and children is perspective and information. Sure. Kids are not yet fully matured. They need protection and complete information.When did you decide what you were and decide to have sex. I was 10. I know many others who were at least that young. It was my idea. I had thoughts. Made decisions. Acted to bring about my desire. And so thusly, I was ready.
That's because you cannot HELP this boy. He might need intensive therapy and may NEVER have a normal life. That is what happens to a lot of child molestation victims. Some of them feel like they are worthless and only good for one thing, sex. That is just totally sick and unacceptable. There is absolutely no excuse or justification for any adult having any kind of sexual/intimate relationship with ANY child.

I really don't think that was the case here. He was a kid who found out he liked it and kept doing it. Certainly the money was a major motivation. But he still wouldn't have done it had he felt any particular revulsion.

That is not true at all. There are plenty of former male prostitutes and current ones who do not like what they do. Did I not explain the psyche of a child molestation victim clear enough for you the last time? Just because a 12 year old child THINKS something is good for him or cool or whatever doesn't mean that it is and it is CERTAINLY not a good decision.

Your definitive victim was explained clearly enough. The thing is, that it doesn't apply to all those child/adult sex cases and it didn't apply to this kid. I know you would like to believe (why exactly I don't understand) that all children who become involved in child/adult sex are forced or actual victims. Many children are true. But not all. Believing that this is so is rather narrow in perspective. Again I do not engage in this but I have known some who were. Curious I ask questions. I have a tendency to believe that thinking on a subject and coming to a conclusion without coercive thought or trickery and then acting upon such an idea as to make it come to be so is indicative of the individual ready for that thought. To put it simply is a child conceives of the idea of doing something sexual, plans it, does it, all without specific input is ready for the knowledge. Doesn't matter if their 8 or 80.

It certainly does matter if they are 8 or 80! Yes it does. Children do not understand the long term consequences of their actions. That is why we consider them "children." Brain scans of the adolescent brain show that the frontal lobes are not firing in children like they are in adults. There are areas of the brain that are not yet "matured."

None of the thinking you have attributed to children is any different than that of the adults. Many adults do not consider the long term consequences of their actions. The biggest difference between adults and children is perspective and information. Sure. Kids are not yet fully matured. They need protection and complete information.When did you decide what you were and decide to have sex. I was 10. I know many others who were at least that young. It was my idea. I had thoughts. Made decisions. Acted to bring about my desire. And so thusly, I was ready.

This is the dumbest thing I have ever read, well one of. Ten year old children have no business having sex. They have not even reached puberty yet in most cases. Now you are talking about true pedophilia, and anyone having sex with 10-year-old children needs to be locked away from society. That is a sexual predator of children.
Hardly a week goes by that a story like this comes along.

Dad allegedly finds 13-year-old child having sex with Bay City teacher

BAY CITY, Texas (KTRK) --
A Bay City man claims he found his 13-year-old child having sex with a 44-year-old teacher in the back seat of a car over Christmas vacation.

Rachel Gonzalez is now facing charges for having an improper relationship between an educator and student.

Police said the Bay City High School teacher allegedly had sex with the teen two weeks ago.

Investigators said they found evidence on the child's phone of an ongoing relationship.

Gonzalez has been booked in the Bay City jail.

Dad allegedly finds 13-year-old child having sex with teacher

Just because I don"t agree with it doesn't mean it isn't real. I don't believe in sex with children. It happens. Both willingly and otherwise. To deny something is to leave it undealt with.The thing is to determine the exact cause of such and to make it unharmful.

Just don't do it. Problem solved.

I agree. Don"t do it. Wish it were that simple. A horny 10 year old with desire destroys the plan before it starts. Any other practical ideas to take the hurt out of something that is going to happen? Thats what is needed.
That's because you cannot HELP this boy. He might need intensive therapy and may NEVER have a normal life. That is what happens to a lot of child molestation victims. Some of them feel like they are worthless and only good for one thing, sex. That is just totally sick and unacceptable. There is absolutely no excuse or justification for any adult having any kind of sexual/intimate relationship with ANY child.

I really don't think that was the case here. He was a kid who found out he liked it and kept doing it. Certainly the money was a major motivation. But he still wouldn't have done it had he felt any particular revulsion.

That is not true at all. There are plenty of former male prostitutes and current ones who do not like what they do. Did I not explain the psyche of a child molestation victim clear enough for you the last time? Just because a 12 year old child THINKS something is good for him or cool or whatever doesn't mean that it is and it is CERTAINLY not a good decision.

Your definitive victim was explained clearly enough. The thing is, that it doesn't apply to all those child/adult sex cases and it didn't apply to this kid. I know you would like to believe (why exactly I don't understand) that all children who become involved in child/adult sex are forced or actual victims. Many children are true. But not all. Believing that this is so is rather narrow in perspective. Again I do not engage in this but I have known some who were. Curious I ask questions. I have a tendency to believe that thinking on a subject and coming to a conclusion without coercive thought or trickery and then acting upon such an idea as to make it come to be so is indicative of the individual ready for that thought. To put it simply is a child conceives of the idea of doing something sexual, plans it, does it, all without specific input is ready for the knowledge. Doesn't matter if their 8 or 80.

It certainly does matter if they are 8 or 80! Yes it does. Children do not understand the long term consequences of their actions. That is why we consider them "children." Brain scans of the adolescent brain show that the frontal lobes are not firing in children like they are in adults. There are areas of the brain that are not yet "matured."

None of the thinking you have attributed to children is any different than that of the adults. Many adults do not consider the long term consequences of their actions. The biggest difference between adults and children is perspective and information. Sure. Kids are not yet fully matured. They need protection and complete information.When did you decide what you were and decide to have sex. I was 10. I know many others who were at least that young. It was my idea. I had thoughts. Made decisions. Acted to bring about my desire. And so thusly, I was ready.

I should report your posts, considering the things you admitted to with the 12-year-old child. You had him in your home and you apparently gave him money too and you never notified anyone of a child who you knew was being abused and had no parents watching out for him. That is a form of child abuse.
Hardly a week goes by that a story like this comes along.

Dad allegedly finds 13-year-old child having sex with Bay City teacher

BAY CITY, Texas (KTRK) --
A Bay City man claims he found his 13-year-old child having sex with a 44-year-old teacher in the back seat of a car over Christmas vacation.

Rachel Gonzalez is now facing charges for having an improper relationship between an educator and student.

Police said the Bay City High School teacher allegedly had sex with the teen two weeks ago.

Investigators said they found evidence on the child's phone of an ongoing relationship.

Gonzalez has been booked in the Bay City jail.

Dad allegedly finds 13-year-old child having sex with teacher

Just because I don"t agree with it doesn't mean it isn't real. I don't believe in sex with children. It happens. Both willingly and otherwise. To deny something is to leave it undealt with.The thing is to determine the exact cause of such and to make it unharmful.

Just don't do it. Problem solved.

I agree. Don"t do it. Wish it were that simple. A horny 10 year old with desire destroys the plan before it starts. Any other practical ideas to take the hurt out of something that is going to happen? Thats what is needed.

We already do. We put child predators in jail where they belong. What we need to do is make the penalties harsher.
I really don't think that was the case here. He was a kid who found out he liked it and kept doing it. Certainly the money was a major motivation. But he still wouldn't have done it had he felt any particular revulsion.

That is not true at all. There are plenty of former male prostitutes and current ones who do not like what they do. Did I not explain the psyche of a child molestation victim clear enough for you the last time? Just because a 12 year old child THINKS something is good for him or cool or whatever doesn't mean that it is and it is CERTAINLY not a good decision.

Your definitive victim was explained clearly enough. The thing is, that it doesn't apply to all those child/adult sex cases and it didn't apply to this kid. I know you would like to believe (why exactly I don't understand) that all children who become involved in child/adult sex are forced or actual victims. Many children are true. But not all. Believing that this is so is rather narrow in perspective. Again I do not engage in this but I have known some who were. Curious I ask questions. I have a tendency to believe that thinking on a subject and coming to a conclusion without coercive thought or trickery and then acting upon such an idea as to make it come to be so is indicative of the individual ready for that thought. To put it simply is a child conceives of the idea of doing something sexual, plans it, does it, all without specific input is ready for the knowledge. Doesn't matter if their 8 or 80.

It certainly does matter if they are 8 or 80! Yes it does. Children do not understand the long term consequences of their actions. That is why we consider them "children." Brain scans of the adolescent brain show that the frontal lobes are not firing in children like they are in adults. There are areas of the brain that are not yet "matured."

None of the thinking you have attributed to children is any different than that of the adults. Many adults do not consider the long term consequences of their actions. The biggest difference between adults and children is perspective and information. Sure. Kids are not yet fully matured. They need protection and complete information.When did you decide what you were and decide to have sex. I was 10. I know many others who were at least that young. It was my idea. I had thoughts. Made decisions. Acted to bring about my desire. And so thusly, I was ready.

This is the dumbest thing I have ever read, well one of. Ten year old children have no business having sex. They have not even reached puberty yet in most cases. Now you are talking about true pedophilia, and anyone having sex with 10-year-old children needs to be locked away from society. That is a sexual predator of children.

You miss the point. I do not engage with children. I am just saying that it happens for a variety of reasons. Not all unwilling. That is the reality. Until one is able to clearly see the problem it will continue to do harm.
That is not true at all. There are plenty of former male prostitutes and current ones who do not like what they do. Did I not explain the psyche of a child molestation victim clear enough for you the last time? Just because a 12 year old child THINKS something is good for him or cool or whatever doesn't mean that it is and it is CERTAINLY not a good decision.

Your definitive victim was explained clearly enough. The thing is, that it doesn't apply to all those child/adult sex cases and it didn't apply to this kid. I know you would like to believe (why exactly I don't understand) that all children who become involved in child/adult sex are forced or actual victims. Many children are true. But not all. Believing that this is so is rather narrow in perspective. Again I do not engage in this but I have known some who were. Curious I ask questions. I have a tendency to believe that thinking on a subject and coming to a conclusion without coercive thought or trickery and then acting upon such an idea as to make it come to be so is indicative of the individual ready for that thought. To put it simply is a child conceives of the idea of doing something sexual, plans it, does it, all without specific input is ready for the knowledge. Doesn't matter if their 8 or 80.

It certainly does matter if they are 8 or 80! Yes it does. Children do not understand the long term consequences of their actions. That is why we consider them "children." Brain scans of the adolescent brain show that the frontal lobes are not firing in children like they are in adults. There are areas of the brain that are not yet "matured."

None of the thinking you have attributed to children is any different than that of the adults. Many adults do not consider the long term consequences of their actions. The biggest difference between adults and children is perspective and information. Sure. Kids are not yet fully matured. They need protection and complete information.When did you decide what you were and decide to have sex. I was 10. I know many others who were at least that young. It was my idea. I had thoughts. Made decisions. Acted to bring about my desire. And so thusly, I was ready.

This is the dumbest thing I have ever read, well one of. Ten year old children have no business having sex. They have not even reached puberty yet in most cases. Now you are talking about true pedophilia, and anyone having sex with 10-year-old children needs to be locked away from society. That is a sexual predator of children.

You miss the point. I do not engage with children. I am just saying that it happens for a variety of reasons. Not all unwilling. That is the reality. Until one is able to clearly see the problem it will continue to do harm.

And we've already established, the CHILD does not determine what happens in an adult/child situation. It is the adult who is in control ALWAYS. If you cannot be in control of yourself when around children, then you need to turn yourself in and get yourself some help.
I really don't think that was the case here. He was a kid who found out he liked it and kept doing it. Certainly the money was a major motivation. But he still wouldn't have done it had he felt any particular revulsion.

That is not true at all. There are plenty of former male prostitutes and current ones who do not like what they do. Did I not explain the psyche of a child molestation victim clear enough for you the last time? Just because a 12 year old child THINKS something is good for him or cool or whatever doesn't mean that it is and it is CERTAINLY not a good decision.
I never gave him any money. I did nothing but try to help. That was 30 years ago. I am not saying that is good. In fact I thionk it is very wrong. I am just saying it happens.
Your definitive victim was explained clearly enough. The thing is, that it doesn't apply to all those child/adult sex cases and it didn't apply to this kid. I know you would like to believe (why exactly I don't understand) that all children who become involved in child/adult sex are forced or actual victims. Many children are true. But not all. Believing that this is so is rather narrow in perspective. Again I do not engage in this but I have known some who were. Curious I ask questions. I have a tendency to believe that thinking on a subject and coming to a conclusion without coercive thought or trickery and then acting upon such an idea as to make it come to be so is indicative of the individual ready for that thought. To put it simply is a child conceives of the idea of doing something sexual, plans it, does it, all without specific input is ready for the knowledge. Doesn't matter if their 8 or 80.

It certainly does matter if they are 8 or 80! Yes it does. Children do not understand the long term consequences of their actions. That is why we consider them "children." Brain scans of the adolescent brain show that the frontal lobes are not firing in children like they are in adults. There are areas of the brain that are not yet "matured."

None of the thinking you have attributed to children is any different than that of the adults. Many adults do not consider the long term consequences of their actions. The biggest difference between adults and children is perspective and information. Sure. Kids are not yet fully matured. They need protection and complete information.When did you decide what you were and decide to have sex. I was 10. I know many others who were at least that young. It was my idea. I had thoughts. Made decisions. Acted to bring about my desire. And so thusly, I was ready.

I should report your posts, considering the things you admitted to with the 12-year-old child. You had him in your home and you apparently gave him money too and you never notified anyone of a child who you knew was being abused and had no parents watching out for him. That is a form of child abuse.
Your definitive victim was explained clearly enough. The thing is, that it doesn't apply to all those child/adult sex cases and it didn't apply to this kid. I know you would like to believe (why exactly I don't understand) that all children who become involved in child/adult sex are forced or actual victims. Many children are true. But not all. Believing that this is so is rather narrow in perspective. Again I do not engage in this but I have known some who were. Curious I ask questions. I have a tendency to believe that thinking on a subject and coming to a conclusion without coercive thought or trickery and then acting upon such an idea as to make it come to be so is indicative of the individual ready for that thought. To put it simply is a child conceives of the idea of doing something sexual, plans it, does it, all without specific input is ready for the knowledge. Doesn't matter if their 8 or 80.

It certainly does matter if they are 8 or 80! Yes it does. Children do not understand the long term consequences of their actions. That is why we consider them "children." Brain scans of the adolescent brain show that the frontal lobes are not firing in children like they are in adults. There are areas of the brain that are not yet "matured."

None of the thinking you have attributed to children is any different than that of the adults. Many adults do not consider the long term consequences of their actions. The biggest difference between adults and children is perspective and information. Sure. Kids are not yet fully matured. They need protection and complete information.When did you decide what you were and decide to have sex. I was 10. I know many others who were at least that young. It was my idea. I had thoughts. Made decisions. Acted to bring about my desire. And so thusly, I was ready.

This is the dumbest thing I have ever read, well one of. Ten year old children have no business having sex. They have not even reached puberty yet in most cases. Now you are talking about true pedophilia, and anyone having sex with 10-year-old children needs to be locked away from society. That is a sexual predator of children.

You miss the point. I do not engage with children. I am just saying that it happens for a variety of reasons. Not all unwilling. That is the reality. Until one is able to clearly see the problem it will continue to do harm.

And we've already established, the CHILD does not determine what happens in an adult/child situation. It is the adult who is in control ALWAYS. If you cannot be in control of yourself when around children, then you need to turn yourself in and get yourself some help.

You are misunderstanding my position.
That is not true at all. There are plenty of former male prostitutes and current ones who do not like what they do. Did I not explain the psyche of a child molestation victim clear enough for you the last time? Just because a 12 year old child THINKS something is good for him or cool or whatever doesn't mean that it is and it is CERTAINLY not a good decision.
I never gave him any money. I did nothing but try to help. That was 30 years ago. I am not saying that is good. In fact I thionk it is very wrong. I am just saying it happens.
Your definitive victim was explained clearly enough. The thing is, that it doesn't apply to all those child/adult sex cases and it didn't apply to this kid. I know you would like to believe (why exactly I don't understand) that all children who become involved in child/adult sex are forced or actual victims. Many children are true. But not all. Believing that this is so is rather narrow in perspective. Again I do not engage in this but I have known some who were. Curious I ask questions. I have a tendency to believe that thinking on a subject and coming to a conclusion without coercive thought or trickery and then acting upon such an idea as to make it come to be so is indicative of the individual ready for that thought. To put it simply is a child conceives of the idea of doing something sexual, plans it, does it, all without specific input is ready for the knowledge. Doesn't matter if their 8 or 80.

It certainly does matter if they are 8 or 80! Yes it does. Children do not understand the long term consequences of their actions. That is why we consider them "children." Brain scans of the adolescent brain show that the frontal lobes are not firing in children like they are in adults. There are areas of the brain that are not yet "matured."

None of the thinking you have attributed to children is any different than that of the adults. Many adults do not consider the long term consequences of their actions. The biggest difference between adults and children is perspective and information. Sure. Kids are not yet fully matured. They need protection and complete information.When did you decide what you were and decide to have sex. I was 10. I know many others who were at least that young. It was my idea. I had thoughts. Made decisions. Acted to bring about my desire. And so thusly, I was ready.

I should report your posts, considering the things you admitted to with the 12-year-old child. You had him in your home and you apparently gave him money too and you never notified anyone of a child who you knew was being abused and had no parents watching out for him. That is a form of child abuse.

What you did was illegal. A child was being sexually assaulted and you did NOTHING to stop it. In fact, you paid him (or his pimp) money and kept him in your home without notifying the authorities.
If I found a 12-year-old child in the streets prostituting him or herself, I would be outraged and you can bet the police would be the first ones to find out about it! And they had BETTER resolve the matter immediately.
I never gave him any money. I did nothing but try to help. That was 30 years ago. I am not saying that is good. In fact I thionk it is very wrong. I am just saying it happens.
Your definitive victim was explained clearly enough. The thing is, that it doesn't apply to all those child/adult sex cases and it didn't apply to this kid. I know you would like to believe (why exactly I don't understand) that all children who become involved in child/adult sex are forced or actual victims. Many children are true. But not all. Believing that this is so is rather narrow in perspective. Again I do not engage in this but I have known some who were. Curious I ask questions. I have a tendency to believe that thinking on a subject and coming to a conclusion without coercive thought or trickery and then acting upon such an idea as to make it come to be so is indicative of the individual ready for that thought. To put it simply is a child conceives of the idea of doing something sexual, plans it, does it, all without specific input is ready for the knowledge. Doesn't matter if their 8 or 80.

It certainly does matter if they are 8 or 80! Yes it does. Children do not understand the long term consequences of their actions. That is why we consider them "children." Brain scans of the adolescent brain show that the frontal lobes are not firing in children like they are in adults. There are areas of the brain that are not yet "matured."

None of the thinking you have attributed to children is any different than that of the adults. Many adults do not consider the long term consequences of their actions. The biggest difference between adults and children is perspective and information. Sure. Kids are not yet fully matured. They need protection and complete information.When did you decide what you were and decide to have sex. I was 10. I know many others who were at least that young. It was my idea. I had thoughts. Made decisions. Acted to bring about my desire. And so thusly, I was ready.

I should report your posts, considering the things you admitted to with the 12-year-old child. You had him in your home and you apparently gave him money too and you never notified anyone of a child who you knew was being abused and had no parents watching out for him. That is a form of child abuse.

What you did was illegal. A child was being sexually assaulted and you did NOTHING to stop it. In fact, you paid him (or his pimp) money and kept him in your home without notifying the authorities.
I did no such thing madam.
It certainly does matter if they are 8 or 80! Yes it does. Children do not understand the long term consequences of their actions. That is why we consider them "children." Brain scans of the adolescent brain show that the frontal lobes are not firing in children like they are in adults. There are areas of the brain that are not yet "matured."

None of the thinking you have attributed to children is any different than that of the adults. Many adults do not consider the long term consequences of their actions. The biggest difference between adults and children is perspective and information. Sure. Kids are not yet fully matured. They need protection and complete information.When did you decide what you were and decide to have sex. I was 10. I know many others who were at least that young. It was my idea. I had thoughts. Made decisions. Acted to bring about my desire. And so thusly, I was ready.

I should report your posts, considering the things you admitted to with the 12-year-old child. You had him in your home and you apparently gave him money too and you never notified anyone of a child who you knew was being abused and had no parents watching out for him. That is a form of child abuse.

What you did was illegal. A child was being sexually assaulted and you did NOTHING to stop it. In fact, you paid him (or his pimp) money and kept him in your home without notifying the authorities.
I did no such thing madam.

On top of THAT, you are defending intimate sexual relationships between adults and children as young as 8 years old apparently according to your terrible judgment call on whether that child is "ready" or not. Despicable to say the least!!

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