Dad catches 44 year old teacher having sex with his 13 year old son

Women can be just as dangerous and predatory as men in some cases. It is more rare for women, but it happens sometimes. This is no "better" than if it was a man teacher preying on 13-year-old girl students.

Children are master manipulators. They have their own ideas and agendas. It isn't always the adult who initiates things and is certainly not the only one capable of taking advantage of someone. Children do manipulate and take advantage of adults.
Women can be just as dangerous and predatory as men in some cases. It is more rare for women, but it happens sometimes. This is no "better" than if it was a man teacher preying on 13-year-old girl students.

Children are master manipulators. They have their own ideas and agendas. It isn't always the adult who initiates things and is certainly not the only one capable of taking advantage of someone. Children do manipulate and take advantage of adults.

Stupid and weak adults who are mentally or emotionally disabled perhaps!
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.
The point here is, as an adult, it is up to YOU to display self control, be a good influence, be the BEST you can be, not be a depraved lunatic running around having sex with 13-year-old boys and girls.

You are quite correct. Adding the picture of a manic adult engaging thusly is an emotional point. The act itself can be gentle and careful. I am not saying this is right or wrong. Again, I am just stating a fact.

It doesn't matter if you are gentle and careful. You don't have sex with kids! They are fucked up individuals and need to stay away from kids if they can't be around them without wanting to "sex them up!"

Again I am just making observations. Looking at things as they are not as I would want them to be. Anyone taking advantage of anyone else's youth and inexperience is indeed very wrong. As the adult one does have the responsibility to act appropriately.
These types of adults IMAGINE that children are trying to seduce them, even 4 year old children. They talk themselves into believing that the children welcome and want them to commit sex acts and use them as sex toys. They are some of the most sick and depraved and DANGEROUS people in our society. They are completely mentally ill.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

That is how most of them justify their actions. They say that the child "wanted it." I think they sometimes honestly believe that too. They are very sick people.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.
I am anti death penalty, but I HATE child molesters so much that I would enjoy watching them receive the death penalty. I think they are the LOWEST life forms walking on our planet and having to share our society with and have our children exposed to. They should be culled from existence, IMO. They are only a step above (if that) a murderer, IMO. It is just such a scummy and low life thing to do.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

Because he is a messed up kid. Adults who take advantage of messed up kids are scum.
Most of the time, rape, molestation,etc. is men's territory. Occasionally, you get a woman who is into that shit too though. I think because it is so rare that is more "acceptable" and some people might even see the woman as being a victim of the boy, which is utterly ridiculous. Those are people who view women as not much more than children anyways.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

That is how most of them justify their actions. They say that the child "wanted it." I think they sometimes honestly believe that too. They are very sick people.

I don't quite understand why you would think that no child ever could possible have the idea to engage with an adult for sex of their own volition. I think you should reconsider the available data. Again I am not justifying or attempting to rationalize the moral issues. I am just analyzing the data, following the logic and evidence.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

That is how most of them justify their actions. They say that the child "wanted it." I think they sometimes honestly believe that too. They are very sick people.

I don't quite understand why you would think that no child ever could possible have the idea to engage with an adult for sex of their own volition. I think you should reconsider the available data. Again I am not justifying or attempting to rationalize the moral issues. I am just analyzing the data, following the logic and evidence.

What logic is that? Like I told you, as an adult, you don't have sex with kids. Period. If you do it, you will go to jail and no one will be feeling sorry. In fact, most parents would just as soon kill you. Don't do it.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

Because he is a messed up kid. Adults who take advantage of messed up kids are scum.

You are correct. Adults who take advantage of children are not good people. Children are our greatest treasure and they should be treated as such.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.

I often wondered what happened to that kid. However, if big heterosexuals come from little heterosexuals, big homosexuals come from little ones. I was ten years old when I first had sex. Not with an adult. So I know from personal experience kids are interested in sex and motivate to engage.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

That is how most of them justify their actions. They say that the child "wanted it." I think they sometimes honestly believe that too. They are very sick people.

I don't quite understand why you would think that no child ever could possible have the idea to engage with an adult for sex of their own volition. I think you should reconsider the available data. Again I am not justifying or attempting to rationalize the moral issues. I am just analyzing the data, following the logic and evidence.

That is the same "logic" as if a 13-year-old kid came up to you and said, "hey buddy, let's snuff some paint together!" and you go and do it. If you are influenced by a 13-year-old or really any AGE child, then you have some issues.

Just an FYI, I am using "you" in a general sense, not referring to you personally of course. :)
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.
certainly someone taught him that men can like young boys and he could make lots of money that way. I think he was a young gay kid who found an expression of his independence and rebelliousness. I heard him make statements to the fact that he preferred males. I was not interested in him that way. I felt sorry for him. Being taken advantage of by that man. Apparently he was being pimped and the man would take all his money. Jerk needs jail in my opinion. But that was 30 years ago.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.
certainly someone taught him that men can like young boys and he could make lots of money that way. I think he was a young gay kid who found an expression of his independence and rebelliousness. I heard him make statements to the fact that he preferred males. I was not interested in him that way. I felt sorry for him. Being taken advantage of by that man. Apparently he was being pimped and the man would take all his money. Jerk needs jail in my opinion. But that was 30 years ago.

What were you doing spending so much time with this child and not calling the authorities?

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