Dad catches 44 year old teacher having sex with his 13 year old son

wow christl you are going over board here...skull has been married forever to the same woman and he does adore her...skull is a conservative person who does not back down but he wont attack you personally in my experience with him

He already has attacked me here on this forum, MULTIPLE times. Lol.
So, basically, some of you are saying, "well, the child "wanted it." so it's okay for an adult to have sex with him or her? What if it was a gay teacher, and you found him banging your son? Would you still feel it was okay if the child "wanted it?"
A person who is an authority position over a child is NEVER okay having sex with the child. Saying that the child was a willing participant does NOT make it okay. The adult is the one who is expected to show some self control (not that it would be normal for a 13-year-old to make you lose control sexually anyways!)!!!
Children are under the care of their parents or the state because they are known for making BAD decisions. They don't have the knowledge or experience to make a good decision in a lot of situations yet.
sex with a child is never right...or moral.....i do not think the sex of the child makes a difference
So, basically, some of you are saying, "well, the child "wanted it." so it's okay for an adult to have sex with him or her? What if it was a gay teacher, and you found him banging your son? Would you still feel it was okay if the child "wanted it?"
No. Wrong again.
So, basically, some of you are saying, "well, the child "wanted it." so it's okay for an adult to have sex with him or her? What if it was a gay teacher, and you found him banging your son? Would you still feel it was okay if the child "wanted it?"
No. Wrong again.

So, what is it that you disagree with me about then? I'm confused.
So, basically, some of you are saying, "well, the child "wanted it." so it's okay for an adult to have sex with him or her? What if it was a gay teacher, and you found him banging your son? Would you still feel it was okay if the child "wanted it?"
No. Wrong again.

So, what is it that you disagree with me about then? I'm confused.
I disagree with you making the wrong conclusions about other poster's posts.
So, basically, some of you are saying, "well, the child "wanted it." so it's okay for an adult to have sex with him or her? What if it was a gay teacher, and you found him banging your son? Would you still feel it was okay if the child "wanted it?"

The basic philosophy surrounding child sex, wanting it or not, must be the same regarding both male and female. There are some issues involving gay sex and sex in general that differentiate possible activities of boys and girls. For example, girls are not physically mature enough at the same age as a boy might be and therefore precludes having consensual standard sexual activity. I am not making any statements regarding right or wrong. Just a statement of facts.
A person who is an authority position over a child is NEVER okay having sex with the child. Saying that the child was a willing participant does NOT make it okay. The adult is the one who is expected to show some self control (not that it would be normal for a 13-year-old to make you lose control sexually anyways!)!!!
I don't think anyone has asked if skull pilot thinks the teacher was wrong and acted like a molester. All he has been saying is that the boy wasn't traumatized. I agree with him on that if the boy wanted the sex.
So, basically, some of you are saying, "well, the child "wanted it." so it's okay for an adult to have sex with him or her? What if it was a gay teacher, and you found him banging your son? Would you still feel it was okay if the child "wanted it?"
No. Wrong again.

So, what is it that you disagree with me about then? I'm confused.
I disagree with you making the wrong conclusions about other poster's posts.

Seriously? Good Lord. Stick to the topic. Stop worrying about the silly side arguments. :rolleyes:

It is quite clear anyways, that there is a certain type of guy who would be actually PROUD of his child that he was molested by his teacher. That is just . . . sick in so many ways.
A person who is an authority position over a child is NEVER okay having sex with the child. Saying that the child was a willing participant does NOT make it okay. The adult is the one who is expected to show some self control (not that it would be normal for a 13-year-old to make you lose control sexually anyways!)!!!
I don't think anyone has asked if skull pilot thinks the teacher was wrong and acted like a molester. All he has been saying is that the boy wasn't traumatized. I agree with him on that if the boy wanted the sex.

That depends on the boy and the circumstances and the boy's own mental health. There are going to be MANY factors involved. Life is more than just "woo-hoo sex!" :uhoh3:
i dont think anyone said that......skull has made the claim that the boy is not (of fuck i dont have spell check) tramatized (that should have an u somewhere i think) by the act...he has not said it is morally right

i still think he does however justify and rationalize child molestations i got to get my fucking spell check back
Some very impressionable young boys could actually fall "in love" with this teacher. An adult person could play some serious mind fucking games with an impressionable young boy like that. He could be fucked up forever.
no but a lot of life includes hot monkey sex and sexual relations are much different for each one can deny just pretty much want sex questions ask...etc and so forth....women want a deal ...a bargain....a know the one where we stop sucking dick lol

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