Dad catches 44 year old teacher having sex with his 13 year old son

If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.
certainly someone taught him that men can like young boys and he could make lots of money that way. I think he was a young gay kid who found an expression of his independence and rebelliousness. I heard him make statements to the fact that he preferred males. I was not interested in him that way. I felt sorry for him. Being taken advantage of by that man. Apparently he was being pimped and the man would take all his money. Jerk needs jail in my opinion. But that was 30 years ago.

Any person who had sex with that child was taking advantage of him and is a complete scumbag.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.

I often wondered what happened to that kid. However, if big heterosexuals come from little heterosexuals, big homosexuals come from little ones. I was ten years old when I first had sex. Not with an adult. So I know from personal experience kids are interested in sex and motivate to engage.

That doesn't matter. Kids do all kinds of stupid things. That is why they are kids and NOT adults. Not that adults don't do stupid things too, but they at least have had a chance to grow up.
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

That is how most of them justify their actions. They say that the child "wanted it." I think they sometimes honestly believe that too. They are very sick people.

I don't quite understand why you would think that no child ever could possible have the idea to engage with an adult for sex of their own volition. I think you should reconsider the available data. Again I am not justifying or attempting to rationalize the moral issues. I am just analyzing the data, following the logic and evidence.

That is the same "logic" as if a 13-year-old kid came up to you and said, "hey buddy, let's snuff some paint together!" and you go and do it. If you are influenced by a 13-year-old or really any AGE child, then you have some issues.

Just an FYI, I am using "you" in a general sense, not referring to you personally of course. :)

Without the sense of force, no one will do anything they don't wish to do. I think I can pretty much guarantee you that aside from force no boy would willingly engage in homosexual acts with a man unless he wanted to. So how do you explain the boy who wants to? Is is still molestation? Reality here. Not rationale dependent upon preferred behavior. This stuff really happens. Think. Why does it happen. Why would this motivate one?
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.
certainly someone taught him that men can like young boys and he could make lots of money that way. I think he was a young gay kid who found an expression of his independence and rebelliousness. I heard him make statements to the fact that he preferred males. I was not interested in him that way. I felt sorry for him. Being taken advantage of by that man. Apparently he was being pimped and the man would take all his money. Jerk needs jail in my opinion. But that was 30 years ago.

So I'm curious now, how and why you got to know a 12-year-old boy prostitute and never called the authorities? You know, to get this child off the streets and maybe into a warm safe home with loving adults who would care about him and not use or exploit him to sick fuckers for money or sex?
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

That is how most of them justify their actions. They say that the child "wanted it." I think they sometimes honestly believe that too. They are very sick people.

I don't quite understand why you would think that no child ever could possible have the idea to engage with an adult for sex of their own volition. I think you should reconsider the available data. Again I am not justifying or attempting to rationalize the moral issues. I am just analyzing the data, following the logic and evidence.

That is the same "logic" as if a 13-year-old kid came up to you and said, "hey buddy, let's snuff some paint together!" and you go and do it. If you are influenced by a 13-year-old or really any AGE child, then you have some issues.

Just an FYI, I am using "you" in a general sense, not referring to you personally of course. :)

Without the sense of force, no one will do anything they don't wish to do. I think I can pretty much guarantee you that aside from force no boy would willingly engage in homosexual acts with a man unless he wanted to. So how do you explain the boy who wants to? Is is still molestation? Reality here. Not rationale dependent upon preferred behavior. This stuff really happens. Think. Why does it happen. Why would this motivate one?

Bullshit. It happens all the time because they are desperate people, and desperate people do desperate things. Yes, I'm sure a lot of children just dream of becoming a child prostitute and having sex with dirty old disgusting men!
If you are sexually attracted to a 13-year-old and find them to be "sexy", then you have some serious fucking issues and need to be institutionalized so that you cannot be around children at all.

I've heard stories where child molesters have claimed that a 4-year-old child "seduced" them. Sick is what they are! Every last one of them.

I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

That is how most of them justify their actions. They say that the child "wanted it." I think they sometimes honestly believe that too. They are very sick people.

I don't quite understand why you would think that no child ever could possible have the idea to engage with an adult for sex of their own volition. I think you should reconsider the available data. Again I am not justifying or attempting to rationalize the moral issues. I am just analyzing the data, following the logic and evidence.

That is the same "logic" as if a 13-year-old kid came up to you and said, "hey buddy, let's snuff some paint together!" and you go and do it. If you are influenced by a 13-year-old or really any AGE child, then you have some issues.

Just an FYI, I am using "you" in a general sense, not referring to you personally of course. :)

Without the sense of force, no one will do anything they don't wish to do. I think I can pretty much guarantee you that aside from force no boy would willingly engage in homosexual acts with a man unless he wanted to. So how do you explain the boy who wants to? Is is still molestation? Reality here. Not rationale dependent upon preferred behavior. This stuff really happens. Think. Why does it happen. Why would this motivate one?

For someone who claims they are not trying to justify sex between children and adults, you sure are trying hard. Do you think we are STUPID or something? Please.
I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.

I often wondered what happened to that kid. However, if big heterosexuals come from little heterosexuals, big homosexuals come from little ones. I was ten years old when I first had sex. Not with an adult. So I know from personal experience kids are interested in sex and motivate to engage.

That doesn't matter. Kids do all kinds of stupid things. That is why they are kids and NOT adults. Not that adults don't do stupid things too, but they at least have had a chance to grow up.

Adults do the same stupid things kids do. Some of them are just more elaborate. Kids are nothing more than little adults. The have the same emotions. The same overall desires. The same behaviors based upon their sex and their perspective of self and place. Fact is some people aren't ready when their forty and some are ready when they are ten. General statements are good for examples but they lose when they are applied individually.
Children who were raised in secure, loving, warm environments usually have no need or desire to go have sex with any adults. The children who are doing this are usually acting out as a result of abuse or an unsafe home and unloving home environment. Unfortunately, some people are piss poor parents and even sexually abuse their OWN children. I'm sure they would tell you that their child loved it though. They were just expressing "love." Good grief, that is sick beyond belief.
No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.

I often wondered what happened to that kid. However, if big heterosexuals come from little heterosexuals, big homosexuals come from little ones. I was ten years old when I first had sex. Not with an adult. So I know from personal experience kids are interested in sex and motivate to engage.

That doesn't matter. Kids do all kinds of stupid things. That is why they are kids and NOT adults. Not that adults don't do stupid things too, but they at least have had a chance to grow up.

Adults do the same stupid things kids do. Some of them are just more elaborate. Kids are nothing more than little adults. The have the same emotions. The same overall desires. The same behaviors based upon their sex and their perspective of self and place. Fact is some people aren't ready when their forty and some are ready when they are ten. General statements are good for examples but they lose when they are applied individually.

They are not "little adults," and this fact is proven by science and MRI brain scans and CAT scans of the adolescent brain.
I imagine there are instances in which the child was the perpetrator. However, there is no way such a claim could be made for a four year old. This is absolutely sick. There is not a possible motivator or constructive experience to be gained here.

No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.
certainly someone taught him that men can like young boys and he could make lots of money that way. I think he was a young gay kid who found an expression of his independence and rebelliousness. I heard him make statements to the fact that he preferred males. I was not interested in him that way. I felt sorry for him. Being taken advantage of by that man. Apparently he was being pimped and the man would take all his money. Jerk needs jail in my opinion. But that was 30 years ago.

So I'm curious now, how and why you got to know a 12-year-old boy prostitute and never called the authorities? You know, to get this child off the streets and maybe into a warm safe home with loving adults who would care about him and not use or exploit him to sick fuckers for money or sex?

You are right I didn't call the police. I maybe should have but I was 30 years younger then. I tried to help him myself. I let him stay at my house for a few days. But he would disappear for hours and then come back with hundreds of dollars. I ended up telling him he had to go. I couldn't have that. I do not agree with childhood prostitution by any means. I haven't always done the right thing. But I had no sex with this boy. I just tried to help. It didn't work. I failed.
Children notoriously don't think of unintended consequences, are risk takers, are impulsive, want instant gratification, make bad decisions, are self centered and inexperienced and not very knowledgeable generally speaking.
No, children do not make adults sexually molest them.

A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.
certainly someone taught him that men can like young boys and he could make lots of money that way. I think he was a young gay kid who found an expression of his independence and rebelliousness. I heard him make statements to the fact that he preferred males. I was not interested in him that way. I felt sorry for him. Being taken advantage of by that man. Apparently he was being pimped and the man would take all his money. Jerk needs jail in my opinion. But that was 30 years ago.

So I'm curious now, how and why you got to know a 12-year-old boy prostitute and never called the authorities? You know, to get this child off the streets and maybe into a warm safe home with loving adults who would care about him and not use or exploit him to sick fuckers for money or sex?

You are right I didn't call the police. I maybe should have but I was 30 years younger then. I tried to help him myself. I let him stay at my house for a few days. But he would disappear for hours and then come back with hundreds of dollars. I ended up telling him he had to go. I couldn't have that. I do not agree with childhood prostitution by any means. I haven't always done the right thing. But I had no sex with this boy. I just tried to help. It didn't work. I failed.

That's because you cannot HELP this boy. He might need intensive therapy and may NEVER have a normal life. That is what happens to a lot of child molestation victims. Some of them feel like they are worthless and only good for one thing, sex. That is just totally sick and unacceptable. There is absolutely no excuse or justification for any adult having any kind of sexual/intimate relationship with ANY child.
Children who were raised in secure, loving, warm environments usually have no need or desire to go have sex with any adults. The children who are doing this are usually acting out as a result of abuse or an unsafe home and unloving home environment. Unfortunately, some people are piss poor parents and even sexually abuse their OWN children. I'm sure they would tell you that their child loved it though. They were just expressing "love." Good grief, that is sick beyond belief.

I might agree this is the case is many but not all. In my experience I was having sex at ten out of desire and enjoyment.. I wasn't forced or coerced in any fashion. I am certainly not the only ten year old in history who willingly and actively sought out sex and sexual situations. And it hasn't harmed me. In fact I believe I have a more realistic perspective upon the whole thing than many who see evidence but deny it out of personal wish.
Children notoriously don't think of unintended consequences, are risk takers, are impulsive, want instant gratification, make bad decisions, are self centered and inexperienced and not very knowledgeable generally speaking.

Sounds like many adults I know. Very little difference between adults and children except the perspective of experience and learned knowledge.
A number of years ago I had an experience that was extremely enlightening. Something occurred that I had not thought possible and caused me some serious thought. I met a 12 year old male prostitute. No I was not interested. I ended up getting into a fight on the street with a guy who was trying to pimp the kid. I did all I could to help the kid but believe it or not he was willingly taking dates with men for money. He just loved it. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't be associated with such a thing. I divorced myself from that situation quite quickly.

He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.
certainly someone taught him that men can like young boys and he could make lots of money that way. I think he was a young gay kid who found an expression of his independence and rebelliousness. I heard him make statements to the fact that he preferred males. I was not interested in him that way. I felt sorry for him. Being taken advantage of by that man. Apparently he was being pimped and the man would take all his money. Jerk needs jail in my opinion. But that was 30 years ago.

So I'm curious now, how and why you got to know a 12-year-old boy prostitute and never called the authorities? You know, to get this child off the streets and maybe into a warm safe home with loving adults who would care about him and not use or exploit him to sick fuckers for money or sex?

You are right I didn't call the police. I maybe should have but I was 30 years younger then. I tried to help him myself. I let him stay at my house for a few days. But he would disappear for hours and then come back with hundreds of dollars. I ended up telling him he had to go. I couldn't have that. I do not agree with childhood prostitution by any means. I haven't always done the right thing. But I had no sex with this boy. I just tried to help. It didn't work. I failed.

That's because you cannot HELP this boy. He might need intensive therapy and may NEVER have a normal life. That is what happens to a lot of child molestation victims. Some of them feel like they are worthless and only good for one thing, sex. That is just totally sick and unacceptable. There is absolutely no excuse or justification for any adult having any kind of sexual/intimate relationship with ANY child.

I really don't think that was the case here. He was a kid who found out he liked it and kept doing it. Certainly the money was a major motivation. But he still wouldn't have done it had he felt any particular revulsion.
He was probably already molested as a young child. It is common for children who were victims of molestation to become promiscuous. A lot of times they equate "love" with sex. Sad, he will probably end up dead, beaten or with a sexually transmitted disease. More than likely he will die long before his time because he never had a chance at a normal happy life.
certainly someone taught him that men can like young boys and he could make lots of money that way. I think he was a young gay kid who found an expression of his independence and rebelliousness. I heard him make statements to the fact that he preferred males. I was not interested in him that way. I felt sorry for him. Being taken advantage of by that man. Apparently he was being pimped and the man would take all his money. Jerk needs jail in my opinion. But that was 30 years ago.

So I'm curious now, how and why you got to know a 12-year-old boy prostitute and never called the authorities? You know, to get this child off the streets and maybe into a warm safe home with loving adults who would care about him and not use or exploit him to sick fuckers for money or sex?

You are right I didn't call the police. I maybe should have but I was 30 years younger then. I tried to help him myself. I let him stay at my house for a few days. But he would disappear for hours and then come back with hundreds of dollars. I ended up telling him he had to go. I couldn't have that. I do not agree with childhood prostitution by any means. I haven't always done the right thing. But I had no sex with this boy. I just tried to help. It didn't work. I failed.

That's because you cannot HELP this boy. He might need intensive therapy and may NEVER have a normal life. That is what happens to a lot of child molestation victims. Some of them feel like they are worthless and only good for one thing, sex. That is just totally sick and unacceptable. There is absolutely no excuse or justification for any adult having any kind of sexual/intimate relationship with ANY child.

I really don't think that was the case here. He was a kid who found out he liked it and kept doing it. Certainly the money was a major motivation. But he still wouldn't have done it had he felt any particular revulsion.

That is not true at all. There are plenty of former male prostitutes and current ones who do not like what they do. Did I not explain the psyche of a child molestation victim clear enough for you the last time? Just because a 12 year old child THINKS something is good for him or cool or whatever doesn't mean that it is and it is CERTAINLY not a good decision.
Children notoriously don't think of unintended consequences, are risk takers, are impulsive, want instant gratification, make bad decisions, are self centered and inexperienced and not very knowledgeable generally speaking.

Sounds like many adults I know. Very little difference between adults and children except the perspective of experience and learned knowledge.

You know, I've heard these arguments before. They are not going to work. You are certainly not as clever as you think you are.
R.I. documentary focuses on underground world of male prostitutes

“I went back to the areas where I used to sell myself, and I’d see kids there who were just like me,” he said.

Their lives are defined by a combination of drugs, homelessness, mental illness and abuse. While some men have wives or girlfriends, they turn tricks with men to support their drug addiction. They work in alleys, adult bookstores, parking lots along Allens Avenue and through dating apps, where they advertise “PNP” — the initials for “party and play,” meaning drugs and sex.

They risk HIV with shared needles and sex without condoms. They risk death from overdoses and violence.

“What we see overwhelmingly is trauma,” said Colleen Daley Ndoye, executive director of Project Weber-RENEW, “but the stigma associated with male sex workers makes it so much worse.”

Filmmaker Dio Traverso began following Holcomb on his outreach work, and their encounters with male sex workers became “Invisible.”

Since its debut in Providence four years ago, “Invisible” has won the grand prize at the 2014 FLICKERS Rhode Island International Film Festival and has been shown at gay and lesbian film festivals in Austin, Texas, and Berlin, Germany.

“Most people were really moved by it,” said producer Gavin Myers, “and a lot of people were surprised that the issue hadn’t been known to them.”

The film helped health-care officials understand the needs of male sex workers, Holcomb said. Weeks after the film’s debut, he said, Project Weber received its first grant. By fall, it had opened a drop-in center for men on Allens Avenue to provide HIV and hepatitis C tests, needle exchanges, Narcan kits, condoms, food and clothing. The center also refers people for housing, health care and counseling.

Last year, Project Weber merged with Project RENEW, which has a drop-in center in the West End for women involved in street-level prostitution.

The state Department of Health has awarded the group a $30,000 grant for rapid HIV and hep-C testing and $50,000 in funding for its peer-advocate program. Health director Dr. Nicole Alexander-Scott is a supporter, saying that Project Weber-RENEW “gives a voice to people who are all too often voiceless in society.”

About 220 men have come to Project Weber’s drop-in center on Allens Avenue, though few have gotten out of the life, Holcomb said. “The lifestyle, and shame, and guilt, and trauma inflicted upon them all play a role in the recovery process.”

He understands. He says the stress of running Project Weber caused him to relapse, and he had to let other people run the organization. He has been sober since May 15 and is now a consultant for Project Weber.

Holcomb, 40, said he hopes that the film will bring awareness to a new audience.

“What I really want is people to see this to change people’s perception about addiction and what drives people to addiction, and the underlying issues,” he said recently. “And, the possibility that people can break out of the cycle.”
Hardly a week goes by that a story like this comes along.

Dad allegedly finds 13-year-old child having sex with Bay City teacher

BAY CITY, Texas (KTRK) --
A Bay City man claims he found his 13-year-old child having sex with a 44-year-old teacher in the back seat of a car over Christmas vacation.

Rachel Gonzalez is now facing charges for having an improper relationship between an educator and student.

Police said the Bay City High School teacher allegedly had sex with the teen two weeks ago.

Investigators said they found evidence on the child's phone of an ongoing relationship.

Gonzalez has been booked in the Bay City jail.

Dad allegedly finds 13-year-old child having sex with teacher

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