Dad catches 44 year old teacher having sex with his 13 year old son

All upset? Who is all upset? I'm simply saying that this woman is no better than any other child molester. She is a child molester, a pedophile, a criminal, regardless of whether some little boys want to do her or not.

Yawn, whatever....

I do like watching you get all hysterical over this.

Just another symptom of your mental illness, I suppose.
So, basically, some of you are saying that this woman teacher should face no charges because some little boys want to boink their teachers in their fantasies?

I think she should be fired.

That's about it.

Here's the thing, we are already locking up 2 million people in this country, mostly for bullshit things. We are rendering them effectively unemployable and wards of the state.

This woman should not be a teacher. But I really don't feel like spending a lot of money to lock her up and then to pay her welfare for years because she showed really bad judgment with a horny teen boy.
So, basically, some of you are saying that this woman teacher should face no charges because some little boys want to boink their teachers in their fantasies?

I think she should be fired.

That's about it.

Here's the thing, we are already locking up 2 million people in this country, mostly for bullshit things. We are rendering them effectively unemployable and wards of the state.

This woman should not be a teacher. But I really don't feel like spending a lot of money to lock her up and then to pay her welfare for years because she showed really bad judgment with a horny teen boy.

Bad judgement? This is a 40-something-year-old woman! She is not a child who doesn't know any better!
Bad judgement? This is a 40-something-year-old woman! She is not a child who doesn't know any better!

Trump is president. We have had 60 million cases of bad judgement by "adults".

Of course she should go to jail and have mandatory therapy as well. She is a SICK person and needs to be kept away from other people's young impressionable children.

Why not just burn her at the stake? Come on, don't go for half measures, this is about your outrage, not what she did to this kid, who is probably still exchanging hi-fives with all his buddies.
Bad judgement? This is a 40-something-year-old woman! She is not a child who doesn't know any better!

Trump is president. We have had 60 million cases of bad judgement by "adults".

Of course she should go to jail and have mandatory therapy as well. She is a SICK person and needs to be kept away from other people's young impressionable children.

Why not just burn her at the stake? Come on, don't go for half measures, this is about your outrage, not what she did to this kid, who is probably still exchanging hi-fives with all his buddies.

Now here you go, losing your mind like usual. This is why I don't like discussing things with you Joe, you are nuts.
Bottom line, the woman teacher in this scenario is a full grown educated adult who knows what is going on. There was no "manipulation" and it wasn't a case of "bad judgement." It was a full blown crime of sexual molestation. It is against the law, and most parents and other adults support these laws. Case closed. Judge Chrissy has spoken. :D
So, basically, some of you are saying, "well, the child "wanted it." so it's okay for an adult to have sex with him or her? What if it was a gay teacher, and you found him banging your son? Would you still feel it was okay if the child "wanted it?"
No. Wrong again.

If I found a gay teacher with my son, the first thing I would do is NOT freak out. When someone does so he loses any semblance of control for what occurs next.

I'd kill him, immediately. A woman, notsomuch.
Bottom line, the woman teacher in this scenario is a full grown educated adult who knows what is going on. There was no "manipulation" and it wasn't a case of "bad judgement." It was a full blown crime of sexual molestation. It is against the law, and most parents and other adults support these laws. Case closed. Judge Chrissy has spoken.

Whatever... I know you are just so angry at this woman.

A conservative is a person who lives in mortal fear someone out there might be enjoying themselves.

You make yourself look silly, that much is clear. :D I can't believe that you can't even SEE how demented you are! Insanity is a strange thing for sure.

Actually, what i see on this thread is most of the guys are like, "Yeah, I'd have tapped that too, at 13".

So not so much.
Bottom line, the woman teacher in this scenario is a full grown educated adult who knows what is going on. There was no "manipulation" and it wasn't a case of "bad judgement." It was a full blown crime of sexual molestation. It is against the law, and most parents and other adults support these laws. Case closed. Judge Chrissy has spoken.

Whatever... I know you are just so angry at this woman.

A conservative is a person who lives in mortal fear someone out there might be enjoying themselves.

You make yourself look silly, that much is clear. :D I can't believe that you can't even SEE how demented you are! Insanity is a strange thing for sure.

Actually, what i see on this thread is most of the guys are like, "Yeah, I'd have tapped that too, at 13".

So not so much.

Enjoying themselves? By having sex with kids? :eusa_eh: Check yourself, weirdo.

No, another man on this thread claimed this teacher was not attractive. I haven't personally seen her picture, so I can't say. However, looks have nothing at all to do with the adult's pension towards pedophilia.
I'd kill him, immediately. A woman, notsomuch.

Shhhhh.... don't tell ChrisL, she thinks that the women are just as bad as the men.

Dude, you are sick. You should stop posting your nonsense on the internet and seek some help immediately before you harm somebody. I'm not kidding. I'm serious. Something is seriously the matter with you.
So? What does that prove? What do you know of this girl? What do you know of their relationship? Maybe she was a victim of pedophilia herself? Maybe she has a miserable life and a miserable marriage to an old man?

I'm just saying that there are gray areas in relationships.

I lived in a small city. Everybody basically knew everyone.

She came back and taught gym at my high school for 20 years side-by-side with her husband. By all accounts, they were happy.
Enjoying themselves? By having sex with kids? :eusa_eh: Check yourself, weirdo.

No, another man on this thread claimed this teacher was not attractive. I haven't personally seen her picture, so I can't say. However, looks have nothing at all to do with the adult's pension towards pedophilia.

Sounds to me like the 13 year old was enjoying himself quite a lot, probably still doing high-fives with his buddies.
So? What does that prove? What do you know of this girl? What do you know of their relationship? Maybe she was a victim of pedophilia herself? Maybe she has a miserable life and a miserable marriage to an old man?

I'm just saying that there are gray areas in relationships.

She came back and taught gym at my high school for 20 years side-by-side with her husband. By all accounts, they were happy.

Okay, well most victims of child molestation do not end up marrying the perpetrator. They are harmed and there is psychological damage. There have also been cases where they were manipulated into killing or attempting to kill husbands, were stalked, were harassed by these sick people who would call themselves teachers who we entrust our children to. Besides that I have no way of knowing whether your stories are true or not. In most cases, that teacher would have been brought up on charges. Sounds a bit farfetched.

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