Dad catches 44 year old teacher having sex with his 13 year old son

Enjoying themselves? By having sex with kids? :eusa_eh: Check yourself, weirdo.

No, another man on this thread claimed this teacher was not attractive. I haven't personally seen her picture, so I can't say. However, looks have nothing at all to do with the adult's pension towards pedophilia.

Sounds to me like the 13 year old was enjoying himself quite a lot, probably still doing high-fives with his buddies.

Okay, well this just shows me your maturity level.
Of course. Why would anyone expect differently?

Well, because we have a double standard. We expect our boys to go out and get some, and we expect girls to be virgins until their wedding nights.

A comedy called "30 year old virgin" wouldn't be funny if the protagonist was a chick.

No we expect our children to go to school for learning, not getting sexed up by their loser adult teachers.
Think about it. What kind of a loser would have sex with a 13-year-old child anyways? A complete loser and mental case would do something like that. Somebody who probably has no business being around anyone else's children or even their own! They are child predators for goodness sakes, and here we have Joe defending child predators yet AGAIN.
Okay, well this just shows me your maturity level.

Meh, you mean I actually remember what it was like to be a teenage boy, um, yeah.

No we expect our children to go to school for learning, not getting sexed up by their loser adult teachers.

I agree, this woman SHOULD NOT BE A TEACHER.

But I can think of a whole lot of other teachers I had who shouldn't have been teachers, either, and none of them were having sex with anyone.
Okay, well most victims of child molestation do not end up marrying the perpetrator. They are harmed and there is psychological damage. There have also been cases where they were manipulated into killing or attempting to kill husbands, were stalked, were harassed by these sick people who would call themselves teachers who we entrust our children to. Besides that I have no way of knowing whether your stories are true or not. In most cases, that teacher would have been brought up on charges. Sounds a bit farfetched.

It really happened. I met him at my high school reunion six years ago and had a nice visit with him.

The former Prime Minister of Canada, Brian Mulroney, met his wife when he was 33 and she was 16 or 17. They're still married, 40 years later.

I do agree with you generally, though.

One of my roommates in college wound up being fired as a gym teacher for having sexually explicit conversations with his female students that had gone on for years. Nobody was overly surprised when we heard. He had been a muscle-headed poseur in university.
Okay, well this just shows me your maturity level.

Meh, you mean I actually remember what it was like to be a teenage boy, um, yeah.

No we expect our children to go to school for learning, not getting sexed up by their loser adult teachers.

I agree, this woman SHOULD NOT BE A TEACHER.

But I can think of a whole lot of other teachers I had who shouldn't have been teachers, either, and none of them were having sex with anyone.

Having sex with CHILDREN IS A CRIME, you moron!
Of course. Why would anyone expect differently?

Well, because we have a double standard. We expect our boys to go out and get some, and we expect girls to be virgins until their wedding nights.

A comedy called "30 year old virgin" wouldn't be funny if the protagonist was a chick.

No. I realize that is the narrative you want to portray about society, but it is not true.
I raised a boy and a girl.
I didn't want either one to have sex in high school.
But a 13 year old boy is not going to be damaged by the sex as much as a girl. It's just true. That is not a double standard, it is reality.
Not everything is equal. That is a HUGE part of the liberal mind. Proportionality is lost to you people.

Edit: Not to say it is okay for this sick woman to do this, it is and should be a crime. Just saying the boy is not hurt like the girl.
Having sex with CHILDREN IS A CRIME, you moron!

Lots of things are crimes that probably shouldn't be. What's your point?

Sorry, for most of history, teens were old enough to get married and assume adult responsibility. Something frankly, I wish we could teach to Pajama Boy at 26 living with his parents...

No. I realize that is the narrative you want to portray about society, but it is not true.
I raised a boy and a girl.
I didn't want either one to have sex in high school.
But a 13 year old boy is not going to be damaged by the sex as much as a girl. It's just true. That is not a double standard, it is reality.
Not everything is equal. That is a HUGE part of the liberal mind. Proportionality is lost to you people.

How is a 13 year old boy or girl more damaged? Okay, maybe she might get preggers, so there's that.

We do have a double standard. Most of it rooted in parochial ideas that a woman is property to be transferred from father to husband, and there's a obligation to keep that property intact. (Check out the Bible, where it is demanded that parents help stone their own daughter if she wasn't a virgin on her wedding night.)

How many girls were stoned do death in olden times because their hymens got torn in other ways?
No. I realize that is the narrative you want to portray about society, but it is not true.
I raised a boy and a girl.
I didn't want either one to have sex in high school.
But a 13 year old boy is not going to be damaged by the sex as much as a girl. It's just true. That is not a double standard, it is reality.
Not everything is equal. That is a HUGE part of the liberal mind. Proportionality is lost to you people.

Edit: Not to say it is okay for this sick woman to do this, it is and should be a crime. Just saying the boy is not hurt like the girl.

I don't know if the girl would be more "damaged" by it than the boy.

I think it's an easy assumption to make since we're guys.

I think it's probably more dependent on the individual than the sex.
No. I realize that is the narrative you want to portray about society, but it is not true.
I raised a boy and a girl.
I didn't want either one to have sex in high school.
But a 13 year old boy is not going to be damaged by the sex as much as a girl. It's just true. That is not a double standard, it is reality.
Not everything is equal. That is a HUGE part of the liberal mind. Proportionality is lost to you people.

How is a 13 year old boy or girl more damaged? Okay, maybe she might get preggers, so there's that.

We do have a double standard. Most of it rooted in parochial ideas that a woman is property to be transferred from father to husband, and there's a obligation to keep that property intact. (Check out the Bible, where it is demanded that parents help stone their own daughter if she wasn't a virgin on her wedding night.)

How many girls were stoned do death in olden times because their hymens got torn in other ways?

This just shows that you know absolutely NOTHING about women on top of being a deranged proponent for adult/child sex. :dunno:
Boys are different from girls.
Trust me when I say this boy was not traumatized.

You don’t know that. Some young boys do suffer negative psychological effects from these types of improper relationships. Many of these predator women are extremely manipulative and prey on boys who are troubled or emotionally damaged.

And it doesn’t matter if the boy enjoyed it or not. An adult, especially one who’s a teacher shouldn’t be having sex with a child. As someone who’s taught middle school, I can’t imagine ever taking advantage of a student like that.

Courts are not hard enough on these female predators.

I already said I am not defending the adult here.

But this kid is going to be forced into therapy and told that he had this horrible thing done to him. That IMO is the real crime

Again, how do you know this boy isn't negatively affected?

No. I realize that is the narrative you want to portray about society, but it is not true.
I raised a boy and a girl.
I didn't want either one to have sex in high school.
But a 13 year old boy is not going to be damaged by the sex as much as a girl. It's just true. That is not a double standard, it is reality.
Not everything is equal. That is a HUGE part of the liberal mind. Proportionality is lost to you people.

Edit: Not to say it is okay for this sick woman to do this, it is and should be a crime. Just saying the boy is not hurt like the girl.

I don't know if the girl would be more "damaged" by it than the boy.

I think it's an easy assumption to make since we're guys.

I think it's probably more dependent on the individual than the sex.

I don't think so at all.
For a grown man to get a young teen girl to have sex with him, is going to usually require considerable emotional manipulation.
He is going to have to "mind fuck" her before he actually does the real thing.
With a boy, if he finds the adult woman attractive, he will not have to be manipulated into it. The opportunity presents itself, most boys would go for it.
Afterwards, the girl has to deal with feeling like a fool and so terrible used.
The boy is just going to miss the sex. Sure it is heavily likely he also fell for the woman emotionally, but guys get over that as quick as they find a replacement.

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