Dads can be prohibited from the delivery room

As far as this bad relationship is concerned, if the father is being an ass, don't let him anywhere near her. He's forfeited his right to raise the child. In other circumstances, such a ruling could bar well intentioned fathers, who are in stable marriages from witnessing the birth of their own child. I don't know, but in that scenario, that's not right. People don't understand that individual rulings like these can be used as precedent for all the wrong reasons.

The medical staff can bar anyone anytime for any reason. It' their call.

And I would take my wife to a different hospital. Its my call.

Actually I can understand why a woman would want to be alone while giving birth. Orion, stop trolling.
Sorry, but if the woman doesn't want you in the room with her, you don't have any right to be there.

Aside from any question of a 'right,' what man wouldn't have the sense to accede to the mother's wishes in that circumstance?
Just more feminist garbage,they already took away the dad's right to have his child saved from murder aka abortion so this is no surprise.Time to turn to home births if someone tries this shit with me.

How would a home birth help?

If you have broken up with the woman and she has a home birth, you are going to force your way into the house so you can watch her and her nakedness as she delivers the baby? That's a good way to get yourself arrested. :thup:

Sorry, but if the woman doesn't want you in the room with her, you don't have any right to be there.

That's private property so nope. Obviously then we would not be together. If its a hospital its MY child and MY wife I will do as I damn well please. PERIOD.

And I would take my wife to a different hospital. Its my call.

It's the same in EVERY hospital. I have a feeling that you are such a hot head you would be kicked out of them all.

Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

A. This story is not about someone's husband. It's about an ex-fiance.

B. I don't think so. If for some reason your wife did not want you in the delivery room for the medical procedure she was undergoing -- and if she was brave enough to say so -- her needs would trump your desire to be there.

You don't have the right to hang around and gawk at any naked woman during a medical procedure, not even your wife, if the woman doesn't want you there.
Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

Who the hell are you talking to, Eva? I'm sure the smallest nurse in the hospital could keep your wussy ass out of any room she chose, but that's another matter.
Doubtful kid doubtful.

The medical staff can bar anyone anytime for any reason. It' their call.

And I would take my wife to a different hospital. Its my call.

Actually I can understand why a woman would want to be alone while giving birth. Orion, stop trolling.
Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.
How would a home birth help?

If you have broken up with the woman and she has a home birth, you are going to force your way into the house so you can watch her and her nakedness as she delivers the baby? That's a good way to get yourself arrested. :thup:

Sorry, but if the woman doesn't want you in the room with her, you don't have any right to be there.

That's private property so nope. Obviously then we would not be together. If its a hospital its MY child and MY wife I will do as I damn well please. PERIOD.

It's the same in EVERY hospital. I have a feeling that you are such a hot head you would be kicked out of them all.

Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

A. This story is not about someone's husband. It's about an ex-fiance.

B. I don't think so. If for some reason your wife did not want you in the delivery room for the medical procedure she was undergoing -- and if she was brave enough to say so -- her needs would trump your desire to be there.

You don't have the right to hang around and gawk at any naked woman during a medical procedure, not even your wife, if the woman doesn't want you there.

Great I don't care who its about it sets a stupid precedent and now ANY woman can bar her husband or fiance or bf who is the father of the child from the delivery room. If my wife tried that and succeeded she would be signing divorce papers in the hospital. I guarantee you that. We as a couple decided to have kids that gives us BOTH full rights to the child at all times including delivery. You feminist cocksuckers can rot in hell. End of the story.
Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

Who the hell are you talking to, Eva? I'm sure the smallest nurse in the hospital could keep your wussy ass out of any room she chose, but that's another matter.
Doubtful kid doubtful.

Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.
That's private property so nope. Obviously then we would not be together. If its a hospital its MY child and MY wife I will do as I damn well please. PERIOD.

Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

A. This story is not about someone's husband. It's about an ex-fiance.

B. I don't think so. If for some reason your wife did not want you in the delivery room for the medical procedure she was undergoing -- and if she was brave enough to say so -- her needs would trump your desire to be there.

You don't have the right to hang around and gawk at any naked woman during a medical procedure, not even your wife, if the woman doesn't want you there.

Great I don't care who its about it sets a stupid precedent and now ANY woman can bar her husband or fiance or bf who is the father of the child from the delivery room. If my wife tried that and succeeded she would be signing divorce papers in the hospital. I guarantee you that. We as a couple decided to have kids that gives us BOTH full rights to the child at all times including delivery. You feminist cocksuckers can rot in hell. End of the story.

Ex-fiance. An ex-fiance wanted the right to watch is ex while in labor.

If your wife didn't want you there, then fine, serve her with divorce papers. If she doesn't want you there, then maybe it is time for divorce. None of that gives you the right to gawk at a naked woman who doesn't want you gawking at her.

End of story.

You have no right to look at a naked woman against her will. But enjoy forcing yourself into the room where she is lying naked pleading with the nurses to remove you. And enjoy your time in prison.
Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

Who the hell are you talking to, Eva? I'm sure the smallest nurse in the hospital could keep your wussy ass out of any room she chose, but that's another matter.
Doubtful kid doubtful.

Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.
That's private property so nope. Obviously then we would not be together. If its a hospital its MY child and MY wife I will do as I damn well please. PERIOD.

Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

A. This story is not about someone's husband. It's about an ex-fiance.

B. I don't think so. If for some reason your wife did not want you in the delivery room for the medical procedure she was undergoing -- and if she was brave enough to say so -- her needs would trump your desire to be there.

You don't have the right to hang around and gawk at any naked woman during a medical procedure, not even your wife, if the woman doesn't want you there.

Great I don't care who its about it sets a stupid precedent and now ANY woman can bar her husband or fiance or bf who is the father of the child from the delivery room. If my wife tried that and succeeded she would be signing divorce papers in the hospital. I guarantee you that. We as a couple decided to have kids that gives us BOTH full rights to the child at all times including delivery. You feminist cocksuckers can rot in hell. End of the story.

You have no Constitutional right to see a child you claim, but cannot prove, is yours born.
Who the hell are you talking to, Eva? I'm sure the smallest nurse in the hospital could keep your wussy ass out of any room she chose, but that's another matter.
Doubtful kid doubtful.

Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.
A. This story is not about someone's husband. It's about an ex-fiance.

B. I don't think so. If for some reason your wife did not want you in the delivery room for the medical procedure she was undergoing -- and if she was brave enough to say so -- her needs would trump your desire to be there.

You don't have the right to hang around and gawk at any naked woman during a medical procedure, not even your wife, if the woman doesn't want you there.

Great I don't care who its about it sets a stupid precedent and now ANY woman can bar her husband or fiance or bf who is the father of the child from the delivery room. If my wife tried that and succeeded she would be signing divorce papers in the hospital. I guarantee you that. We as a couple decided to have kids that gives us BOTH full rights to the child at all times including delivery. You feminist cocksuckers can rot in hell. End of the story.

Ex-fiance. An ex-fiance wanted the right to watch is ex while in labor.

If your wife didn't want you there, then fine, serve her with divorce papers. If she doesn't want you there, then maybe it is time for divorce. None of that gives you the right to gawk at a naked woman who doesn't want you gawking at her.

End of story.

You have no right to look at a naked woman against her will. But enjoy forcing yourself into the room where she is lying naked pleading with the nurses to remove you. And enjoy your time in prison.
LOL think of how that kid was made genius...been there done that
Who the hell are you talking to, Eva? I'm sure the smallest nurse in the hospital could keep your wussy ass out of any room she chose, but that's another matter.
Doubtful kid doubtful.

Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.
A. This story is not about someone's husband. It's about an ex-fiance.

B. I don't think so. If for some reason your wife did not want you in the delivery room for the medical procedure she was undergoing -- and if she was brave enough to say so -- her needs would trump your desire to be there.

You don't have the right to hang around and gawk at any naked woman during a medical procedure, not even your wife, if the woman doesn't want you there.

Great I don't care who its about it sets a stupid precedent and now ANY woman can bar her husband or fiance or bf who is the father of the child from the delivery room. If my wife tried that and succeeded she would be signing divorce papers in the hospital. I guarantee you that. We as a couple decided to have kids that gives us BOTH full rights to the child at all times including delivery. You feminist cocksuckers can rot in hell. End of the story.

You have no Constitutional right to see a child you claim, but cannot prove, is yours born.
She has no constitutional right to bar me from seeing it born either. Just because some cocksucker in a robe says I can't be in there don't mean jack shit to me or any other sane person.
Doubtful kid doubtful.

Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.

Great I don't care who its about it sets a stupid precedent and now ANY woman can bar her husband or fiance or bf who is the father of the child from the delivery room. If my wife tried that and succeeded she would be signing divorce papers in the hospital. I guarantee you that. We as a couple decided to have kids that gives us BOTH full rights to the child at all times including delivery. You feminist cocksuckers can rot in hell. End of the story.

Ex-fiance. An ex-fiance wanted the right to watch is ex while in labor.

If your wife didn't want you there, then fine, serve her with divorce papers. If she doesn't want you there, then maybe it is time for divorce. None of that gives you the right to gawk at a naked woman who doesn't want you gawking at her.

End of story.

You have no right to look at a naked woman against her will. But enjoy forcing yourself into the room where she is lying naked pleading with the nurses to remove you. And enjoy your time in prison.
LOL think of how that kid was made genius...been there done that

Oh, because she let you see her naked once, she's never allowed to say no after that?


Enjoy your time in prison.
Ex-fiance. An ex-fiance wanted the right to watch is ex while in labor.

If your wife didn't want you there, then fine, serve her with divorce papers. If she doesn't want you there, then maybe it is time for divorce. None of that gives you the right to gawk at a naked woman who doesn't want you gawking at her.

End of story.

You have no right to look at a naked woman against her will. But enjoy forcing yourself into the room where she is lying naked pleading with the nurses to remove you. And enjoy your time in prison.
LOL think of how that kid was made genius...been there done that

Oh, because she let you see her naked once, she's never allowed to say no after that?


Enjoy your time in prison.

LMAO once...keep reaching for straws feminazi....its funny.
At last, a Judge makes a common sense decision. It should be headlines.

New Jersey Judge: Women Can Block Dads From Delivery Room « CBS Philly

“It’s well established under federal and state law that there is a privacy right when a woman’s in labor.”

Rutgers professor and family law expert Sally Goldfarb says a Passaic County judge made the right call last November in his decision, which was published this week, when he sided with pregnant woman that her ex-fiancee had no legal right to be in the delivery room.

“What this man was seeking to do was really interfere with the woman’s ability to exercise her own choices about giving birth in privacy and that to me falls outside of the rights that a father is legitimately entitled to.”
Bullshit. I make a kid I will be in the room when it is born. I have been with all of my kids and will with any future ones as well.
When my son was born, Dads weren't supposed to be in the delivery room but in some cases were allowed in. Some nurse ushered my husband in when I was giving birth. I just started screaming "Get him out of here", and he was whisked away with apologies. I cannot imagine a circumstance where the suffering mother wasn't allowed to make that decision. It's an ideal time for a poisoned relationship to really do damage.

What a bitch. Husband should have divorced you right there on the spot for that stunt.

In reality, twelve years later I kicked his ass out.
Doubtful kid doubtful.

Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.

Great I don't care who its about it sets a stupid precedent and now ANY woman can bar her husband or fiance or bf who is the father of the child from the delivery room. If my wife tried that and succeeded she would be signing divorce papers in the hospital. I guarantee you that. We as a couple decided to have kids that gives us BOTH full rights to the child at all times including delivery. You feminist cocksuckers can rot in hell. End of the story.

Ex-fiance. An ex-fiance wanted the right to watch is ex while in labor.

If your wife didn't want you there, then fine, serve her with divorce papers. If she doesn't want you there, then maybe it is time for divorce. None of that gives you the right to gawk at a naked woman who doesn't want you gawking at her.

End of story.

You have no right to look at a naked woman against her will. But enjoy forcing yourself into the room where she is lying naked pleading with the nurses to remove you. And enjoy your time in prison.
LOL think of how that kid was made genius...been there done that
Doubtful kid doubtful.

Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.

Great I don't care who its about it sets a stupid precedent and now ANY woman can bar her husband or fiance or bf who is the father of the child from the delivery room. If my wife tried that and succeeded she would be signing divorce papers in the hospital. I guarantee you that. We as a couple decided to have kids that gives us BOTH full rights to the child at all times including delivery. You feminist cocksuckers can rot in hell. End of the story.

You have no Constitutional right to see a child you claim, but cannot prove, is yours born.
She has no constitutional right to bar me from seeing it born either. Just because some cocksucker in a robe says I can't be in there don't mean jack shit to me or any other sane person.

Oh yes she does. It's her child. Constitution says parents have rights where their children are concerned. SHE can prove the child is hers. You cannot prove it is yours until after it's born. And then you're on the lab's time schedule.

Amelia is right, you would end up in prison.
Just more feminist garbage,they already took away the dad's right to have his child saved from murder aka abortion so this is no surprise.Time to turn to home births if someone tries this shit with me.

How would a home birth help?

If you have broken up with the woman and she has a home birth, you are going to force your way into the house so you can watch her and her nakedness as she delivers the baby? That's a good way to get yourself arrested. :thup:

Sorry, but if the woman doesn't want you in the room with her, you don't have any right to be there.

That's private property so nope. Obviously then we would not be together. If its a hospital its MY child and MY wife I will do as I damn well please. PERIOD.

And I would take my wife to a different hospital. Its my call.

It's the same in EVERY hospital. I have a feeling that you are such a hot head you would be kicked out of them all.

Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

Grow a brain. If your wife decides she doesn't want you there, in NJ, that's her right. You worried she might get ideas?
An ex anything has no legal rights over any woman. Ex boyfriend, ex fiancée, ex husband or ex one night stand, there are no rights at all. Even stretching it to its most tenuous, a husband asserts some kind of right to be in the delivery room, an EX has no rights at all.
Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

Who the hell are you talking to, Eva? I'm sure the smallest nurse in the hospital could keep your wussy ass out of any room she chose, but that's another matter.
Doubtful kid doubtful.

Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.
That's private property so nope. Obviously then we would not be together. If its a hospital its MY child and MY wife I will do as I damn well please. PERIOD.

Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

A. This story is not about someone's husband. It's about an ex-fiance.

B. I don't think so. If for some reason your wife did not want you in the delivery room for the medical procedure she was undergoing -- and if she was brave enough to say so -- her needs would trump your desire to be there.

You don't have the right to hang around and gawk at any naked woman during a medical procedure, not even your wife, if the woman doesn't want you there.

Great I don't care who its about it sets a stupid precedent and now ANY woman can bar her husband or fiance or bf who is the father of the child from the delivery room. If my wife tried that and succeeded she would be signing divorce papers in the hospital. I guarantee you that. We as a couple decided to have kids that gives us BOTH full rights to the child at all times including delivery. You feminist cocksuckers can rot in hell. End of the story.

I feel sorry for your wife :(
If you imagine for some strange reason that a husband has a right to be with his wife when she doesn't want him there and it isn't medically necessary, try that in a hospital ER room when doctors are trying to work on your wife and see how fast security shows up to remove you. A hospital is PRIVATE property. They don't have to let you through the front door.

We as a couple decided to have kids that gives us BOTH full rights to the child at all times including delivery. You feminist cocksuckers can rot in hell. End of the story.

You don't know how divorce works, do you? Think about it just for a little.

Your ex-wife gets the kids some of the time and you get the kids some of the time. Unless you try out your theory about being allowed to see her naked when she says no. Prison will put a crimp in your visitation time.
Just more feminist garbage,they already took away the dad's right to have his child saved from murder aka abortion so this is no surprise.Time to turn to home births if someone tries this shit with me.

How would a home birth help?

If you have broken up with the woman and she has a home birth, you are going to force your way into the house so you can watch her and her nakedness as she delivers the baby? That's a good way to get yourself arrested. :thup:

Sorry, but if the woman doesn't want you in the room with her, you don't have any right to be there.

That's private property so nope. Obviously then we would not be together. If its a hospital its MY child and MY wife I will do as I damn well please. PERIOD.

And I would take my wife to a different hospital. Its my call.

It's the same in EVERY hospital. I have a feeling that you are such a hot head you would be kicked out of them all.

Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

The determinative factor is that your wife wanted you there. If she wants you there, you will be removed only in extraordinary circumstances. If your wife had not wanted you there, you would have absolutely nothing to say about it. You might run right from the delivery room to your lawyers office to file for divorce, but you would NOT be in that delivery room.
Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.
She has no constitutional right to bar me from seeing it born either. Just because some cocksucker in a robe says I can't be in there don't mean jack shit to me or any other sane person.

I feel sorry for your kids too :(

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