Dads can be prohibited from the delivery room

Creepy no correct yes. The judge is a moron who just pushed a blanket ban on men in the birth room in NJ and I hope realizes their mistake and reverses it. Dunno why he would want to be there anyways but if he was there he should be allowed in the room to see his child born,he had as much to do with it being born as she did because he helped make the child but as usual its feminazi time and mens rights as usual are trampled one.

No, he didn't put a blanket ban on men in the birth room.

He said that if the woman didn't want the man there, the man wasn't allowed.

Big difference.

A man doesn't have a forever right to see a woman just because he once had sex with her, even if they made a child together.

Since the man and woman are no longer together, the man would not have a right to see the child every minute of the day. The man and woman would have to take turns. Birth is one of the times it is the woman's turn.
Then he should have merely made the case about that single person or about ex's or some shit...not about EVERY man being allowed to be banned at a woman's whim. Women in labor aren't in their correct state of mind they are extremely emotional and in pain they can't be expected to make sane decisions.
We come as a package deal take both or none. Simple as that.

Creepy no correct yes. The judge is a moron who just pushed a blanket ban on men in the birth room in NJ and I hope realizes their mistake and reverses it. Dunno why he would want to be there anyways but if he was there he should be allowed in the room to see his child born,he had as much to do with it being born as she did because he helped make the child but as usual its feminazi time and mens rights as usual are trampled one.

You are more than welcome to your OPINION but that ain't how its done anymore and if I would push that ex fiance to take this to SC.This ruling is idiotic and has wide ranging problems with it.

No, you don't. There are no double beds in birthing suites.

So what? I have slept in the hospital bed with my wife because she asked me to...plenty big enough....we are married we do everything together when it comes to things like this....she goes where I go I go where she goes.

I'm sorry. I just don't believe you.
No, he didn't put a blanket ban on men in the birth room.

He said that if the woman didn't want the man there, the man wasn't allowed.

Big difference.

A man doesn't have a forever right to see a woman just because he once had sex with her, even if they made a child together.

Since the man and woman are no longer together, the man would not have a right to see the child every minute of the day. The man and woman would have to take turns. Birth is one of the times it is the woman's turn.
Then he should have merely made the case about that single person or about ex's or some shit...not about EVERY man being allowed to be banned at a woman's whim. Women in labor aren't in their correct state of mind they are extremely emotional and in pain they can't be expected to make sane decisions.
No, you don't. There are no double beds in birthing suites.

So what? I have slept in the hospital bed with my wife because she asked me to...plenty big enough....we are married we do everything together when it comes to things like this....she goes where I go I go where she goes.

I'm sorry. I just don't believe you.

Do you truly think I care?:lol:
There is another, whole list of crimes committed in confining an unwilling woman in a home and denying her medical care for childbirth. Angel Castro could tell you about it if he hadn't killed himself.
When my son was born, Dads weren't supposed to be in the delivery room but in some cases were allowed in. Some nurse ushered my husband in when I was giving birth. I just started screaming "Get him out of here", and he was whisked away with apologies. I cannot imagine a circumstance where the suffering mother wasn't allowed to make that decision. It's an ideal time for a poisoned relationship to really do damage.

I watched my middle daughter be born. It wasn't "beautiful." It was a C section, and it was gross.

I did NOT watch my third daughter's birth.
[quote.=Katznd ogz;8769047]Even. a wife has the right to exclude her husband from visiting her in the hospital.

Yeah..not gonna happen. Can only imagine the kind of marriages or lack thereof you people must have.[/QUOTE]

It's not going to happen [to you]. Because your wife would not do any such thing. For women that do not want the father around they have an absolute right to exclude the man. In this case, there no question of marriage. They weren't married.
When my son was born, Dads weren't supposed to be in the delivery room but in some cases were allowed in. Some nurse ushered my husband in when I was giving birth. I just started screaming "Get him out of here", and he was whisked away with apologies. I cannot imagine a circumstance where the suffering mother wasn't allowed to make that decision. It's an ideal time for a poisoned relationship to really do damage.

I watched my middle daughter be born. It wasn't "beautiful." It was a C section, and it was gross.

I did NOT watch my third daughter's birth.

But it was YOUR choice was it not? Course it ain't beautiful its gross like a saint bernard coming in the cat door but its OUR right to see OUR kids being born.
When my son was born, Dads weren't supposed to be in the delivery room but in some cases were allowed in. Some nurse ushered my husband in when I was giving birth. I just started screaming "Get him out of here", and he was whisked away with apologies. I cannot imagine a circumstance where the suffering mother wasn't allowed to make that decision. It's an ideal time for a poisoned relationship to really do damage.

I watched my middle daughter be born. It wasn't "beautiful." It was a C section, and it was gross.

I did NOT watch my third daughter's birth.

But it was YOUR choice was it not? Course it ain't beautiful its gross like a saint bernard coming in the cat door but its OUR right to see OUR kids being born.

The woman doesn't have a choice but the man does?

Sorry, it just doesn't work that way.

The woman is the one who has to be there during this painful medical procedure. She is the one with the choice of who is there with her.
Even if stretching father's rights to a ridiculous conclusion and he has a right to see the child there is no right to see the child's unwilling mother. She's not in public. She is in a hospital room. If he wants to see the child go to the nursery and wait.
Ok, Onion is clearly a delusional POS, a mere "boyfriend" or ex-whatever wouldn't have much of a case to make, and any reasonable man would respect the mother's wishes anyway, but it seems odd to me that so many are trying to view this as some sort of lewd thrill at 'peeping' a woman's genitalia. I don't think there is much in the way of sexual stimulation going on there in witnessing a woman giving birth, so the whole "you can't see her naked!" doesn't seem to be the relevant focus. I would think that in most cases not wanting a particular individual to be there is based on something more significant than modesty.

Just struck me as odd that so many had commented in that vein.
Creepy no correct yes. The judge is a moron who just pushed a blanket ban on men in the birth room in NJ and I hope realizes their mistake and reverses it. Dunno why he would want to be there anyways but if he was there he should be allowed in the room to see his child born,he had as much to do with it being born as she did because he helped make the child but as usual its feminazi time and mens rights as usual are trampled one.

No, he didn't put a blanket ban on men in the birth room.

He said that if the woman didn't want the man there, the man wasn't allowed.

Big difference.

A man doesn't have a forever right to see a woman just because he once had sex with her, even if they made a child together.

Since the man and woman are no longer together, the man would not have a right to see the child every minute of the day. The man and woman would have to take turns. Birth is one of the times it is the woman's turn.
Then he should have merely made the case about that single person or about ex's or some shit...not about EVERY man being allowed to be banned at a woman's whim. Women in labor aren't in their correct state of mind they are extremely emotional and in pain they can't be expected to make sane decisions.
We come as a package deal take both or none. Simple as that.

Creepy no correct yes. The judge is a moron who just pushed a blanket ban on men in the birth room in NJ and I hope realizes their mistake and reverses it. Dunno why he would want to be there anyways but if he was there he should be allowed in the room to see his child born,he had as much to do with it being born as she did because he helped make the child but as usual its feminazi time and mens rights as usual are trampled one.

You are more than welcome to your OPINION but that ain't how its done anymore and if I would push that ex fiance to take this to SC.This ruling is idiotic and has wide ranging problems with it.

No, you don't. There are no double beds in birthing suites.

So what? I have slept in the hospital bed with my wife because she asked me to...plenty big enough....we are married we do everything together when it comes to things like this....she goes where I go I go where she goes.

So, you think they would let you watch her appendectomy. :lol:

Here's a flash: They wouldn't.
Ok, Onion is clearly a delusional POS, a mere "boyfriend" or ex-whatever wouldn't have much of a case to make, and any reasonable man would respect the mother's wishes anyway, but it seems odd to me that so many are trying to view this as some sort of lewd thrill at 'peeping' a woman's genitalia. I don't think there is much in the way of sexual stimulation going on there in witnessing a woman giving birth, so the whole "you can't see her naked!" doesn't seem to be the relevant focus. I would think that in most cases not wanting a particular individual to be there is based on something more significant than modesty.

Just struck me as odd that so many had commented in that vein.

Good point. Phrasing it that way was just an easy way to illustrate the violation of the right to privacy which forcing one's way into the delivery room would be.

She's vulnerable, she's in pain, she's stressed out, more stress could harm her or the child, but the man demands his "right" to be there no matter how much she objects .... Just no.
I watched my middle daughter be born. It wasn't "beautiful." It was a C section, and it was gross.

I did NOT watch my third daughter's birth.

But it was YOUR choice was it not? Course it ain't beautiful its gross like a saint bernard coming in the cat door but its OUR right to see OUR kids being born.

The woman doesn't have a choice but the man does?

Sorry, it just doesn't work that way.

The woman is the one who has to be there during this painful medical procedure. She is the one with the choice of who is there with her.

Actually, the woman is the recipient of the medical procedure. Unless she is comatose she is the one who signs ALL the consents. The husband might given demographics, but they would still get her siggy on the consent form.

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