Dads can be prohibited from the delivery room

So what? Its his kid as well as hers. If she wants him to support the damn kid he has every right to see it born.

No, he doesn't you fucking sociopath.

You know ORION's position is severely fucked up when I'm wholeheartedly agreeing with Katz and Sunshine, two people who I'm not sure I've ever found common ground with on this board.
Common sense? Did the dad not help making that baby? If it weren't for his genes, they would even be having a child in the first place. This is absolutely ludicrous. This should highlight a flaw in the abortion argument as well. If the father wants to see, have and/or raise the child, the decision shouldn't be solely left up to the woman.

I agree. I respect the wishes of the woman, but if the father wishes to be there to support her, and to witness the birth of the child he helped to create, he has every right to be in that room with her.
Onion would wind up killing his wife during a medical emergency. They'd try to clear the room, he'd refuse to leave, security would be called, precious moments would be lost, she'd be dead.

Good job, asshole.
i am not a fan of a large group in the people have mom, mil, sisters, cousins the whole famn damily....

i think the woman in labor has the right to say who is in the delivery room etc...again boys if you dont want a woman making all these decisions..there is a simple solution....

control your sperm
Common sense? Did the dad not help making that baby? If it weren't for his genes, they would even be having a child in the first place. This is absolutely ludicrous. This should highlight a flaw in the abortion argument as well. If the father wants to see, have and/or raise the child, the decision shouldn't be solely left up to the woman.

I agree. I respect the wishes of the woman, but if the father wishes to be there to support her, and to witness the birth of the child he helped to create, he has every right to be in that room with her.

okay noomi you are assume that all expectant fathers give a damn about the child and the woman...are you gonna force some woman to let a man in that she is no longer with etc or who has beaten her etc....

take this law to its extremes and see where that takes you....

could you imagine trying to give the presence of a man who has beaten you and threatened you?
Just more feminist garbage,they already took away the dad's right to have his child saved from murder aka abortion so this is no surprise.Time to turn to home births if someone tries this shit with me.

How would a home birth help?

If you have broken up with the woman and she has a home birth, you are going to force your way into the house so you can watch her and her nakedness as she delivers the baby? That's a good way to get yourself arrested. :thup:

Sorry, but if the woman doesn't want you in the room with her, you don't have any right to be there.

That's private property so nope. Obviously then we would not be together. If its a hospital its MY child and MY wife I will do as I damn well please. PERIOD.

And I would take my wife to a different hospital. Its my call.

It's the same in EVERY hospital. I have a feeling that you are such a hot head you would be kicked out of them all.

Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

Shut up, tough guy.
LOL think of how that kid was made genius...been there done that

Oh, because she let you see her naked once, she's never allowed to say no after that?


Enjoy your time in prison.

LMAO once...keep reaching for straws feminazi....its funny.

Would you strut around the delivery room calling the nurses "fem-Nazis?" You are being a terrific example of why some dads should not be allowed.

This is not a "right," rather a privilege.

No, tough guy, you can't refuse to leave if asked.
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How would a home birth help?

If you have broken up with the woman and she has a home birth, you are going to force your way into the house so you can watch her and her nakedness as she delivers the baby? That's a good way to get yourself arrested. :thup:

Sorry, but if the woman doesn't want you in the room with her, you don't have any right to be there.

That's private property so nope. Obviously then we would not be together. If its a hospital its MY child and MY wife I will do as I damn well please. PERIOD.

It's the same in EVERY hospital. I have a feeling that you are such a hot head you would be kicked out of them all.

Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

Shut up, tough guy.

Watch it, buddy ... BAD ASS ALERT!!!

Inside the mind of a cowardly poseur like Onion:

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At last, a Judge makes a common sense decision. It should be headlines.

New Jersey Judge: Women Can Block Dads From Delivery Room « CBS Philly

“It’s well established under federal and state law that there is a privacy right when a woman’s in labor.”

Rutgers professor and family law expert Sally Goldfarb says a Passaic County judge made the right call last November in his decision, which was published this week, when he sided with pregnant woman that her ex-fiancee had no legal right to be in the delivery room.

“What this man was seeking to do was really interfere with the woman’s ability to exercise her own choices about giving birth in privacy and that to me falls outside of the rights that a father is legitimately entitled to.”

Can see the logic if it's an interferrence thing and not a beloved husband there to provide support and such. Having the legal right to exclude hostile husbands who've been guilting you into having an abortion or otherwsie being a dick about everything seems fair and sensible. Loving husbands wouldn't be excluded so there's no reason to object to such a precedent.
At last, a Judge makes a common sense decision. It should be headlines.

New Jersey Judge: Women Can Block Dads From Delivery Room « CBS Philly

“It’s well established under federal and state law that there is a privacy right when a woman’s in labor.”

Rutgers professor and family law expert Sally Goldfarb says a Passaic County judge made the right call last November in his decision, which was published this week, when he sided with pregnant woman that her ex-fiancee had no legal right to be in the delivery room.

“What this man was seeking to do was really interfere with the woman’s ability to exercise her own choices about giving birth in privacy and that to me falls outside of the rights that a father is legitimately entitled to.”

Up front, I watched both my children being born. However, if the mother does not want the father there, whether the father is a husband or ex-boyfriend, that should be her right.
At last, a Judge makes a common sense decision. It should be headlines.

New Jersey Judge: Women Can Block Dads From Delivery Room « CBS Philly

“It’s well established under federal and state law that there is a privacy right when a woman’s in labor.”

Rutgers professor and family law expert Sally Goldfarb says a Passaic County judge made the right call last November in his decision, which was published this week, when he sided with pregnant woman that her ex-fiancee had no legal right to be in the delivery room.

“What this man was seeking to do was really interfere with the woman’s ability to exercise her own choices about giving birth in privacy and that to me falls outside of the rights that a father is legitimately entitled to.”

Up front, I watched both my children being born. However, if the mother does not want the father there, whether the father is a husband or ex-boyfriend, that should be her right.

Heck, I was there for my first two grandbabies, but not the third. Nor were his parents for the third. It was just the two of them. I was grateful for the times I was included, and I do not resent the time I was not.

In other words, it's a gift, whether the one included is husband, fiance, boyfriend, or any given family member. Not to be taken for granted, as such.
Can see the logic if it's an interferrence thing and not a beloved husband there to provide support and such. Having the legal right to exclude hostile husbands who've been guilting you into having an abortion or otherwsie being a dick about everything seems fair and sensible. Loving husbands wouldn't be excluded so there's no reason to object to such a precedent.

How do you make that determination? Use one of those machines they used to have at carnivals that told you if you and your other were truly in love?
If it's a loving husband, his wife would say "You are my birthing coach and I want you there" or she would say "I know you love me, but at such a moment I would rather you weren't there, just the doctors". A loving husband would agree to either one because he was a loving husband.

An ex, boyfriend or ex husband isn't a loving husband, by definition. The relationship has already broken down, it is over, he might have moved on with a new pregnant girlfriend. His presence is painful to a woman who certainly doesn't need any more pain in her life at that moment. What's he going to do, hold her hand? Maybe she doesn't want him to touch her, he touched enough. That's why she's there. Such men might just get off at seeing a disliked ex girlfriend or ex wife, especially, an ex wife, in that condition.

Men in the delivery room is a relatively new concept. It came along with the idea of "we're pregnant". There never used to be a "We" in pregnant. He's not pregnant, she is pregnant. There is no "we" in a relationship that has broken down and the parties are separated.
It is a medical procedure.

You don't have the right to be inbetween a dr and their patient.

No matter where your dick has been
If it's a loving husband, his wife would say "You are my birthing coach and I want you there" or she would say "I know you love me, but at such a moment I would rather you weren't there, just the doctors". A loving husband would agree to either one because he was a loving husband.

An ex, boyfriend or ex husband isn't a loving husband, by definition. The relationship has already broken down, it is over, he might have moved on with a new pregnant girlfriend. His presence is painful to a woman who certainly doesn't need any more pain in her life at that moment. What's he going to do, hold her hand? Maybe she doesn't want him to touch her, he touched enough. That's why she's there. Such men might just get off at seeing a disliked ex girlfriend or ex wife, especially, an ex wife, in that condition.

Men in the delivery room is a relatively new concept. It came along with the idea of "we're pregnant". There never used to be a "We" in pregnant. He's not pregnant, she is pregnant. There is no "we" in a relationship that has broken down and the parties are separated.

see you can be compassionate when you try
Coming from someone who opted-out of the Delivery Room experience for the first two childbirths in his family, but relented and participated for the third and final...

Actually, I agree with you, as hard as that is for me to do, in connection with Fathers' Rights...

Playing Devil's Advocate for half-a-mo... a Father has the ethical and moral right - if not always the legal one - to participate in his child's Significant Life Events...

And what better example of a Significant Life Event than Birth itself?

To deny the Father the right to be present at the birth of his child is to deny the Father access to the single most Significant Life Event that his child will ever experience...

It's damned unfair, and it's just not right, ethically or morally, in so many circumstances...

But the flip side of the coin is our much-vaunted, closely-guarded Right to Privacy in connection with Medical Procedures...

Especially those in which the Patient is likely to be in great distress and considerable pain and in which - even in this day-and-age - there is some risk involved...

When Patient Privacy, and the Safety of a mother and child, are at-odds with Fairness, then, sadly, Privacy and Safety must win...

It may very well still be a "Man's World" in a number of respects - here and elsewhere - but there are drawbacks as well, and this is simply one of those that the guys have to accept and abide by, for the Greater Good...

Mind you... most Fathers who are NOT butt-heads and who have a good relationship with the Mother, will NOT experience such problems, so, in actuality, it impacts only a modest minority of prospective Fathers.

I can agree with you, and support the Mother's rights under such circumstances, and agree with the court ruling, but, as a guy, and as a lifelong believer in Father's Rights (not that I've ever had to invoke them myself), I can also sympathize with and feel badly for the Fathers who get shut out of that First Big Event in their child's lives.

For them, I'm sure, it hurts - and it sucks.

"...No one other than the mother and medical staff have a 'right' to be in delivery. And certainly a person who would be upsetting to the mother should not be allowed. Childbirth is no less a medical procedure than your appendectomy and no one has a right to see that either. They even get patient permission for students to observe."

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