Dads can be prohibited from the delivery room

I can agree with you, and support the Mother's rights under such circumstances, and agree with the court ruling, but, as a guy, and as a lifelong believer in Father's Rights (not that I've ever had to invoke them myself), I can also sympathize with and feel badly for the Fathers who get shut out of that First Big Event in their child's lives.

This just doesn't work for me. It's not really an accomplishment for the child. I may be the last to get this, but I thought being in the room was more for supporting the mother and less about making dad feel good or special. The added bonus of seeing your child first I get, but if that's your reason for being there I would want you out too.
Yup. Actions have consequences. Men can't treat women like so much garbage, and then expect to be treated any different.
That cuts both ways, I'm sure.

Yes, many men are trying to keep women out of the delivery room when giving birth.

Translation: Cuts both ways. Women can't treat men like so much garbage, and then expect to be treated well, in other matters, either.

I was painting with a slightly broader brush than the Delivery Room, as a good-natured counterpoint to what I suspected was a little Man-bashing.

But you were so busy with the Bashing part that you didn't pick up on that.

Oh well... not the end of the world.
I can agree with you, and support the Mother's rights under such circumstances, and agree with the court ruling, but, as a guy, and as a lifelong believer in Father's Rights (not that I've ever had to invoke them myself), I can also sympathize with and feel badly for the Fathers who get shut out of that First Big Event in their child's lives.

This just doesn't work for me. It's not really an accomplishment for the child. I may be the last to get this, but I thought being in the room was more for supporting the mother and less about making dad feel good or special. The added bonus of seeing your child first I get, but if that's your reason for being there I would want you out too.
I hear what you're saying, and I respect it.

I will merely say that a Couple rolls into a Labor Room as a Couple, and emerges as a Trinity.

The one time (out of three) that I DID participate in the Delivery Room, I went into that room wanting my wife to know that I loved her, and that I was not going to abandon her in her pain and troubles - a hand to hold, and another loving hand to wipe her brow - as she struggled to bring a new life into the world.

I also went into that room because I knew that I had missed something with the births of my first two children, and that childbirth was a special thing, and that that would be my last chance, and that I wanted to see at least one of my children born.

As you can see, I had two reasons for being there, and my wife and I had discussed those motives repeatedly and very thoroughly, during LaMaz (sp?) classes, and in the weeks leading up to the childbirth, and she not only approved of both reasons, but was delighted about the 'witnessing for our child' part of it.

It wasn't an Either-Or choice of motives for me - it was both - and my wife - God bless her - was just fine with that - before, during and after - and I'm grateful and content that it was so.

I saw my littlest daughter take her very first breath on this plane of existence and the rush that I felt at that moment and the rush that I feel now recalling that day, years later, will always be with me - rooted deep in my psyche or soul.

If a Father is ONLY there for the child, well... yeah... I see your point... but I probably made the mistake of assuming that most folks would concede the 'obvious' or 'gimme' - that the Father was there mostly for the Mother, walking into the Delivery Room, but also with the perfectly understandable and honest and loving motive of being there for the Child, as well.

Hope that bit of clarification helps a little.
The law isn't for loving couples, it's for couples whose last communication was six months ago when he called her a fucking **** and she spit in his face.
The law isn't for loving couples, it's for couples whose last communication was six months ago when he called her a fucking **** and she spit in his face.

As with more laws though it will be used to prevent actual dads say a married couple from being in the delivery room. You know and I know it.
The law isn't for loving couples, it's for couples whose last communication was six months ago when he called her a fucking **** and she spit in his face.

As with more laws though it will be used to prevent actual dads say a married couple from being in the delivery room. You know and I know it.

If it was a married couple and the relationship had broken down to the point where the woman says "Get him the fuck out of here, I don't want to see his bastard face" he SHOULD be prohibited from even so much as peeking through the door.

What you are thinking of, is a situation where a husband and father wanted to be there and the wife and mother wanted him there, and someone else prohibited from him being there. That happens all the time, as soon as there is some complication, something starts to go wrong, the doctor says "clear the room" and everyone who isn't essential is gone, they leave on their own or security comes to show them the door.

Try it in an Emergency Room, you are there holding your wife's hand after a car accident. Something goes wrong, they call for a crash cart, and you are told, "You have to leave now. Wait outside." Just try not leaving, you will be tackled and dragged out.

This shouldn't be as hard to figure out as you are trying to make it. If it wasn't a delivery room, if it was just a hospital room and an unwanted visitor came to visit, maybe during baby feeding time, and the mother rang for a nurse and said "I don't want him here, take him away, make him leave". Do you think for one moment that unwanted visitor would remain one more second? Not a single protestation that it's his baby and he has a right to see his child feeding would be accepted.
The hospital's obligation is to the patient mother and making sure she is comfortable Not making sure that a father's feelings are taken into consideration.
Discrimination against men...not a will be the last thing if it ever happens to be given equal rights...we have no right to stop a woman from murdering our babies and now we have no rights to see our children born. Feminazis win again...time is coming soon I hope though...
Discrimination against men...not a will be the last thing if it ever happens to be given equal rights...we have no right to stop a woman from murdering our babies and now we have no rights to see our children born. Feminazis win again...time is coming soon I hope though...

What time, Onion?
Discrimination against men...not a will be the last thing if it ever happens to be given equal rights...we have no right to stop a woman from murdering our babies and now we have no rights to see our children born. Feminazis win again...time is coming soon I hope though...

control your sperm then.....that is how a man can exercise his rights...once you ejaculate into the body of a woman.....your sperm becomes her property
Ehhh WRONG. Like I said discrimination against men its obviously the last discrimination allowed.
Discrimination against men...not a will be the last thing if it ever happens to be given equal rights...we have no right to stop a woman from murdering our babies and now we have no rights to see our children born. Feminazis win again...time is coming soon I hope though...

Is English your first language?
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Discrimination against men...not a will be the last thing if it ever happens to be given equal rights...we have no right to stop a woman from murdering our babies and now we have no rights to see our children born. Feminazis win again...time is coming soon I hope though...

control your sperm then.....that is how a man can exercise his rights...once you ejaculate into the body of a woman.....your sperm becomes her property

This is not a productive line of reasoning.

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