Dads can be prohibited from the delivery room

Even if stretching father's rights to a ridiculous conclusion and he has a right to see the child there is no right to see the child's unwilling mother. She's not in public. She is in a hospital room. If he wants to see the child go to the nursery and wait.

And even then, he cannot immediately prove the child is his.
A man has no right to see the mother of that child under any circumstances certainly not when she is undergoing a medical procedure. I can imagine nothing worse for a woman than to be forced to have someone she despises with her in the birthing room. At the very least it would complicate the delivery.

Couples who are together no doubt discuss the matter and know in advance what the father will be able to do. A couple no longer on speaking terms do not have this option.

When my son was born they had a mirror set up so I could see what was going on. I tried to kick the mirror out. I was so distraught, hitting the nurses and trying to kick that mirror out that they removed it. If the hospital would remove a mirror to keep a mother calm, they will certainly remove a person.
Ok, Onion is clearly a delusional POS, a mere "boyfriend" or ex-whatever wouldn't have much of a case to make, and any reasonable man would respect the mother's wishes anyway, but it seems odd to me that so many are trying to view this as some sort of lewd thrill at 'peeping' a woman's genitalia. I don't think there is much in the way of sexual stimulation going on there in witnessing a woman giving birth, so the whole "you can't see her naked!" doesn't seem to be the relevant focus. I would think that in most cases not wanting a particular individual to be there is based on something more significant than modesty.

Just struck me as odd that so many had commented in that vein.

There isn't, I took those remarks as striking at his appearing overly possessive of "his woman" . And a probable reason why.
Ok, Onion is clearly a delusional POS, a mere "boyfriend" or ex-whatever wouldn't have much of a case to make, and any reasonable man would respect the mother's wishes anyway, but it seems odd to me that so many are trying to view this as some sort of lewd thrill at 'peeping' a woman's genitalia. I don't think there is much in the way of sexual stimulation going on there in witnessing a woman giving birth, so the whole "you can't see her naked!" doesn't seem to be the relevant focus. I would think that in most cases not wanting a particular individual to be there is based on something more significant than modesty.

Just struck me as odd that so many had commented in that vein.

Good point. Phrasing it that way was just an easy way to illustrate the violation of the right to privacy which forcing one's way into the delivery room would be.

She's vulnerable, she's in pain, she's stressed out, more stress could harm her or the child, but the man demands his "right" to be there no matter how much she objects .... Just no.
If a guy is a relationship where he ain't got the respect from the woman to allow him in the room for his own kids birth then he needs to beat feet.He has that right to see his child born just as much as the mother does. Feminazis can put it however you want that doesn't change that fact.
Ok, Onion is clearly a delusional POS, a mere "boyfriend" or ex-whatever wouldn't have much of a case to make, and any reasonable man would respect the mother's wishes anyway, but it seems odd to me that so many are trying to view this as some sort of lewd thrill at 'peeping' a woman's genitalia. I don't think there is much in the way of sexual stimulation going on there in witnessing a woman giving birth, so the whole "you can't see her naked!" doesn't seem to be the relevant focus. I would think that in most cases not wanting a particular individual to be there is based on something more significant than modesty.

Just struck me as odd that so many had commented in that vein.

Good point. Phrasing it that way was just an easy way to illustrate the violation of the right to privacy which forcing one's way into the delivery room would be.

She's vulnerable, she's in pain, she's stressed out, more stress could harm her or the child, but the man demands his "right" to be there no matter how much she objects .... Just no.
If a guy is a relationship where he ain't got the respect from the woman to allow him in the room for his own kids birth then he needs to beat feet.He has that right to see his child born just as much as the mother does. Feminazis can put it however you want that doesn't change that fact.

The mother has a "right" to see her child born?

The mother is required to be there. It's not about rights.

If the man's presence would stress the mother out, he has no right. If he doesn't care about whether or not his presence would harm the mother, then that does not bode well for his future relationship with the child.

And that's all I have to say on this. Doesn't matter whether you think you are correct or not. You can protest all you want. The mother's wants and needs win out since she is the one who is going through the medical procedure. Bye bye.
If a guy is a relationship where he ain't got the respect from the woman to allow him in the room for his own kids birth then he needs to beat feet
Hey, bubblehead. That's not the point
He has that right to see his child born just as much as the mother does.


Feminazis can put it however you want that doesn't change that fact.

Technically we don't see it either we're generally preoccupied. :eusa_whistle: But we have to be there
Ok, Onion is clearly a delusional POS, a mere "boyfriend" or ex-whatever wouldn't have much of a case to make, and any reasonable man would respect the mother's wishes anyway, but it seems odd to me that so many are trying to view this as some sort of lewd thrill at 'peeping' a woman's genitalia. I don't think there is much in the way of sexual stimulation going on there in witnessing a woman giving birth, so the whole "you can't see her naked!" doesn't seem to be the relevant focus. I would think that in most cases not wanting a particular individual to be there is based on something more significant than modesty.

Just struck me as odd that so many had commented in that vein.

Good point. Phrasing it that way was just an easy way to illustrate the violation of the right to privacy which forcing one's way into the delivery room would be.

She's vulnerable, she's in pain, she's stressed out, more stress could harm her or the child, but the man demands his "right" to be there no matter how much she objects .... Just no.
If a guy is a relationship where he ain't got the respect from the woman to allow him in the room for his own kids birth then he needs to beat feet.He has that right to see his child born just as much as the mother does. Feminazis can put it however you want that doesn't change that fact.

Listen to yourself. If the guy is in a relationship.... that's what you said. If there is a relationship. Suppose there is no relationship? They were dating and broke up. They are in the middle of a divorce. They barely knew each other. No relationship. Now how many rights does he have? He has no right to see her just because he feels like it. A restraining order is not out of the question.

I understand that in this case the couple broke up four months prior to the child's birth and no longer spoke. What was that about being in a relationship again?
Good point. Phrasing it that way was just an easy way to illustrate the violation of the right to privacy which forcing one's way into the delivery room would be.

She's vulnerable, she's in pain, she's stressed out, more stress could harm her or the child, but the man demands his "right" to be there no matter how much she objects .... Just no.
If a guy is a relationship where he ain't got the respect from the woman to allow him in the room for his own kids birth then he needs to beat feet.He has that right to see his child born just as much as the mother does. Feminazis can put it however you want that doesn't change that fact.

The mother has a "right" to see her child born?

The mother is required to be there. It's not about rights.

If the man's presence would stress the mother out, he has no right. If he doesn't care about whether or not his presence would harm the mother, then that does not bode well for his future relationship with the child.

And that's all I have to say on this. Doesn't matter whether you think you are correct or not. You can protest all you want. The mother's wants and needs win out since she is the one who is going through the medical procedure. Bye bye.
Try me. Just try forcing me out when its my kid being feminazis will be one of the groups cleansed when the time comes.
Good point. Phrasing it that way was just an easy way to illustrate the violation of the right to privacy which forcing one's way into the delivery room would be.

She's vulnerable, she's in pain, she's stressed out, more stress could harm her or the child, but the man demands his "right" to be there no matter how much she objects .... Just no.
If a guy is a relationship where he ain't got the respect from the woman to allow him in the room for his own kids birth then he needs to beat feet.He has that right to see his child born just as much as the mother does. Feminazis can put it however you want that doesn't change that fact.

Listen to yourself. If the guy is in a relationship.... that's what you said. If there is a relationship. Suppose there is no relationship? They were dating and broke up. They are in the middle of a divorce. They barely knew each other. No relationship. Now how many rights does he have? He has no right to see her just because he feels like it. A restraining order is not out of the question.

I understand that in this case the couple broke up four months prior to the child's birth and no longer spoke. What was that about being in a relationship again?

So what? Its his kid as well as hers. If she wants him to support the damn kid he has every right to see it born.
Actually no. He has no right to see it born which is just what the judge said. He has no rights over the mother at all. He has no right to see her without her permission in the hospital or in her living room.
Technically we don't see it either we're generally preoccupied. :eusa_whistle: But we have to be there

See, if it were we men who gave birth the C-section rate would be 100% and a mighty array of drugs would as policy be employed to ensure total lack of consciousness or memory of the event. In fact, I'm guessing the entire 3rd trimester would long since have been transferred to a birthing pod that science fiction cannot even imagine.
Good point. Phrasing it that way was just an easy way to illustrate the violation of the right to privacy which forcing one's way into the delivery room would be.

She's vulnerable, she's in pain, she's stressed out, more stress could harm her or the child, but the man demands his "right" to be there no matter how much she objects .... Just no.
If a guy is a relationship where he ain't got the respect from the woman to allow him in the room for his own kids birth then he needs to beat feet.He has that right to see his child born just as much as the mother does. Feminazis can put it however you want that doesn't change that fact.

Listen to yourself. If the guy is in a relationship.... that's what you said. If there is a relationship. Suppose there is no relationship? They were dating and broke up. They are in the middle of a divorce. They barely knew each other. No relationship. Now how many rights does he have? He has no right to see her just because he feels like it. A restraining order is not out of the question.

I understand that in this case the couple broke up four months prior to the child's birth and no longer spoke. What was that about being in a relationship again?

In that situation, a TRO would take too long. They would just call hospital security and boot him out on his ass. Hospital security guards are not ambivalent.
If a guy is a relationship where he ain't got the respect from the woman to allow him in the room for his own kids birth then he needs to beat feet.He has that right to see his child born just as much as the mother does. Feminazis can put it however you want that doesn't change that fact.

The mother has a "right" to see her child born?

The mother is required to be there. It's not about rights.

If the man's presence would stress the mother out, he has no right. If he doesn't care about whether or not his presence would harm the mother, then that does not bode well for his future relationship with the child.

And that's all I have to say on this. Doesn't matter whether you think you are correct or not. You can protest all you want. The mother's wants and needs win out since she is the one who is going through the medical procedure. Bye bye.
Try me. Just try forcing me out when its my kid being feminazis will be one of the groups cleansed when the time comes.
If a guy is a relationship where he ain't got the respect from the woman to allow him in the room for his own kids birth then he needs to beat feet.He has that right to see his child born just as much as the mother does. Feminazis can put it however you want that doesn't change that fact.

Listen to yourself. If the guy is in a relationship.... that's what you said. If there is a relationship. Suppose there is no relationship? They were dating and broke up. They are in the middle of a divorce. They barely knew each other. No relationship. Now how many rights does he have? He has no right to see her just because he feels like it. A restraining order is not out of the question.

I understand that in this case the couple broke up four months prior to the child's birth and no longer spoke. What was that about being in a relationship again?

So what? Its his kid as well as hers. If she wants him to support the damn kid he has every right to see it born.

Not true. And no court in this country would allow you to withhold support because you couldn't witness the birth. Assuming the child did prove by DNA testing to be yours.
If a guy is a relationship where he ain't got the respect from the woman to allow him in the room for his own kids birth then he needs to beat feet.He has that right to see his child born just as much as the mother does. Feminazis can put it however you want that doesn't change that fact.

Listen to yourself. If the guy is in a relationship.... that's what you said. If there is a relationship. Suppose there is no relationship? They were dating and broke up. They are in the middle of a divorce. They barely knew each other. No relationship. Now how many rights does he have? He has no right to see her just because he feels like it. A restraining order is not out of the question.

I understand that in this case the couple broke up four months prior to the child's birth and no longer spoke. What was that about being in a relationship again?

In that situation, a TRO would take too long. They would just call hospital security and boot him out on his ass. Hospital security guards are not ambivalent.
True. Hospital security guards are not persuaded by protestations of rights either.
Try me. Just try forcing me out when its my kid being born...

Who do you think you're kidding, Onion? You would be thrown out on your fragile little ass in a heartbeat and you know it. This little 'performance' only reinforces the impression EVERYONE has of you as a scrawny, craven little coward making noise to make up for the ability to make any real impression on the world. Guess what? You're a worthless little worm now, you will be a worthless little worm until you pass, and then you will be promptly forgotten. Deal with it, loser.
Try me. Just try forcing me out when its my kid being feminazis will be one of the groups cleansed when the time comes.

If your wife decided she didn't want you in the delivery room the least of your problems will be a couple of woman. Men on the staff who care more about her and your child will do the escorting if you go all tough guy at the hospital.

What's wrong with you?, you claim this isn't an issue in your relationship but go all bat shit crazy about it?
It takes a special kind of monster to want to be in the delivery room knowing he's not wanted. You know that on some level he's getting off on seeing this woman bloody and in pain. the 1920s , and up to nowadays really, men never had any desire to enter the delivery room...

what is the urge? why, what for....

bleeding hearts that's all.

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