Dads can be prohibited from the delivery room

Ex-fiance. An ex-fiance wanted the right to watch is ex while in labor.

If your wife didn't want you there, then fine, serve her with divorce papers. If she doesn't want you there, then maybe it is time for divorce. None of that gives you the right to gawk at a naked woman who doesn't want you gawking at her.

End of story.

You have no right to look at a naked woman against her will. But enjoy forcing yourself into the room where she is lying naked pleading with the nurses to remove you. And enjoy your time in prison.
LOL think of how that kid was made genius...been there done that
You have no Constitutional right to see a child you claim, but cannot prove, is yours born.
She has no constitutional right to bar me from seeing it born either. Just because some cocksucker in a robe says I can't be in there don't mean jack shit to me or any other sane person.

Oh yes she does. It's her child. Constitution says parents have rights where their children are concerned. SHE can prove the child is hers. You cannot prove it is yours until after it's born. And then you're on the lab's time schedule.

Amelia is right, you would end up in prison.
More feminazi babble...this is hilarious.
How would a home birth help?

If you have broken up with the woman and she has a home birth, you are going to force your way into the house so you can watch her and her nakedness as she delivers the baby? That's a good way to get yourself arrested. :thup:

Sorry, but if the woman doesn't want you in the room with her, you don't have any right to be there.

That's private property so nope. Obviously then we would not be together. If its a hospital its MY child and MY wife I will do as I damn well please. PERIOD.

It's the same in EVERY hospital. I have a feeling that you are such a hot head you would be kicked out of them all.

Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

Grow a brain. If your wife decides she doesn't want you there, in NJ, that's her right. You worried she might get ideas?
No way in hell we would live in NJ much less visit it. What an armpit.
How would a home birth help?

If you have broken up with the woman and she has a home birth, you are going to force your way into the house so you can watch her and her nakedness as she delivers the baby? That's a good way to get yourself arrested. :thup:

Sorry, but if the woman doesn't want you in the room with her, you don't have any right to be there.

That's private property so nope. Obviously then we would not be together. If its a hospital its MY child and MY wife I will do as I damn well please. PERIOD.

It's the same in EVERY hospital. I have a feeling that you are such a hot head you would be kicked out of them all.

Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

The determinative factor is that your wife wanted you there. If she wants you there, you will be removed only in extraordinary circumstances. If your wife had not wanted you there, you would have absolutely nothing to say about it. You might run right from the delivery room to your lawyers office to file for divorce, but you would NOT be in that delivery room.

I said I was going to be there. She had no choice in the matter she knew damn well I was going to be there. Child birth is something a couple goes through just like the sex was something a couple does and every Dr appt and every thing from picking a name out to picking the bedding and crib out ALL done together. There was no need to ask. We both knew I would be course my wife isn't a fucking feminazi either.She is a traditional woman.
Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.
She has no constitutional right to bar me from seeing it born either. Just because some cocksucker in a robe says I can't be in there don't mean jack shit to me or any other sane person.

I feel sorry for your kids too :(
I'm crushed. A feminazi feels sorry for my wife and children. :lol::lol:
Actually a woman HAS a constitutional right to privacy that she does not relinquish because she at pme to,e took off her pants and spreads her legs. This judge made the correct decision. If you think that you cannot be prevented from violating the woman's right to privacy there is a prison cell waiting for you and Bubba has a hard on.
I said I was going to be there. She had no choice in the matter she knew damn well I was going to be there. Child birth is something a couple goes through just like the sex was something a couple does and every Dr appt and every thing from picking a name out to picking the bedding and crib out ALL done together. There was no need to ask. We both knew I would be course my wife isn't a fucking feminazi either.She is a traditional woman.

What are you afraid of?
There's a man trying to get into his wife's lactation classes. There's another one that needs to have reality pound on his little pointy head. Hector Cruz is his name. Denial of reality just seems to be an epidemic.
LOL think of how that kid was made genius...been there done that

She has no constitutional right to bar me from seeing it born either. Just because some cocksucker in a robe says I can't be in there don't mean jack shit to me or any other sane person.

Oh yes she does. It's her child. Constitution says parents have rights where their children are concerned. SHE can prove the child is hers. You cannot prove it is yours until after it's born. And then you're on the lab's time schedule.

Amelia is right, you would end up in prison.
More feminazi babble...this is hilarious.

No way in hell we would live in NJ much less visit it. What an armpit.
That's private property so nope. Obviously then we would not be together. If its a hospital its MY child and MY wife I will do as I damn well please. PERIOD.

Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

The determinative factor is that your wife wanted you there. If she wants you there, you will be removed only in extraordinary circumstances. If your wife had not wanted you there, you would have absolutely nothing to say about it. You might run right from the delivery room to your lawyers office to file for divorce, but you would NOT be in that delivery room.

I said I was going to be there. She had no choice in the matter she knew damn well I was going to be there. Child birth is something a couple goes through just like the sex was something a couple does and every Dr appt and every thing from picking a name out to picking the bedding and crib out ALL done together. There was no need to ask. We both knew I would be course my wife isn't a fucking feminazi either.She is a traditional woman.

Yes, you are big on that 'women are chattel' thinking. We get that. But SHE is the patient and SHE has rights. YOU can be removed.
Try to keep me out of the birth room. I saw every single one of my kids born and I will continue to do so. Try and stop me.PLEASE!

Who the hell are you talking to, Eva? I'm sure the smallest nurse in the hospital could keep your wussy ass out of any room she chose, but that's another matter.
Doubtful kid doubtful. .

Not even a little doubtful, wuss. What you are really all about is all too transparent, Captain Flaccid.
I'm sure O.R.I.O.N is not as creepy as he is coming off here.

Good for him that he has a wife who wants him around.

The judge was still correct. And may O.R.I.O.N never have to learn about the legal limitations placed on a man who is no longer welcome to be around his wife or former wife.
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I said I was going to be there. She had no choice in the matter she knew damn well I was going to be there. Child birth is something a couple goes through just like the sex was something a couple does and every Dr appt and every thing from picking a name out to picking the bedding and crib out ALL done together. There was no need to ask. We both knew I would be course my wife isn't a fucking feminazi either.She is a traditional woman.

What are you afraid of?

That the doctor's eyes will linger too long on the perineum. :badgrin:
Or that a gay nurse will do a hand job. :badgrin:
Or that there will be a switcheroo. :badgrin:

The truly paranoid ALWAYS have a reason. :D


Paranoia serves them well in prison. :D
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At last, a Judge makes a common sense decision. It should be headlines.

New Jersey Judge: Women Can Block Dads From Delivery Room « CBS Philly

“It’s well established under federal and state law that there is a privacy right when a woman’s in labor.”

Rutgers professor and family law expert Sally Goldfarb says a Passaic County judge made the right call last November in his decision, which was published this week, when he sided with pregnant woman that her ex-fiancee had no legal right to be in the delivery room.

“What this man was seeking to do was really interfere with the woman’s ability to exercise her own choices about giving birth in privacy and that to me falls outside of the rights that a father is legitimately entitled to.”

No one other than the mother and medical staff have a 'right' to be in delivery. And certainly a person who would be upsetting to the mother should not be allowed. Childbirth is no less a medical procedure than your appendectomy and no one has a right to see that either. They even get patient permission for students to observe.
I fully agree. The soon to be dad should be in the waiting room pacing back and forth, wearing a groove right through the floor. The way it used to be a generation or two ago.
Oh yes she does. It's her child. Constitution says parents have rights where their children are concerned. SHE can prove the child is hers. You cannot prove it is yours until after it's born. And then you're on the lab's time schedule.

Amelia is right, you would end up in prison.
More feminazi babble...this is hilarious.

No way in hell we would live in NJ much less visit it. What an armpit.
The determinative factor is that your wife wanted you there. If she wants you there, you will be removed only in extraordinary circumstances. If your wife had not wanted you there, you would have absolutely nothing to say about it. You might run right from the delivery room to your lawyers office to file for divorce, but you would NOT be in that delivery room.

I said I was going to be there. She had no choice in the matter she knew damn well I was going to be there. Child birth is something a couple goes through just like the sex was something a couple does and every Dr appt and every thing from picking a name out to picking the bedding and crib out ALL done together. There was no need to ask. We both knew I would be course my wife isn't a fucking feminazi either.She is a traditional woman.

Yes, you are big on that 'women are chattel' thinking. We get that. But SHE is the patient and SHE has rights. YOU can be removed.
We come as a package deal take both or none. Simple as that.
I'm sure O.R.I.O.N is not as creepy as he is coming off here.

Good for him that he has a wife who wants him around.

The judge was still correct. And may O.R.I.O.N never have to learn about the legal limitations placed on a man who is no longer welcome to be around his wife or former wife.
Creepy no correct yes. The judge is a moron who just pushed a blanket ban on men in the birth room in NJ and I hope realizes their mistake and reverses it. Dunno why he would want to be there anyways but if he was there he should be allowed in the room to see his child born,he had as much to do with it being born as she did because he helped make the child but as usual its feminazi time and mens rights as usual are trampled one.

At last, a Judge makes a common sense decision. It should be headlines.

New Jersey Judge: Women Can Block Dads From Delivery Room « CBS Philly

“It’s well established under federal and state law that there is a privacy right when a woman’s in labor.”

Rutgers professor and family law expert Sally Goldfarb says a Passaic County judge made the right call last November in his decision, which was published this week, when he sided with pregnant woman that her ex-fiancee had no legal right to be in the delivery room.

“What this man was seeking to do was really interfere with the woman’s ability to exercise her own choices about giving birth in privacy and that to me falls outside of the rights that a father is legitimately entitled to.”

No one other than the mother and medical staff have a 'right' to be in delivery. And certainly a person who would be upsetting to the mother should not be allowed. Childbirth is no less a medical procedure than your appendectomy and no one has a right to see that either. They even get patient permission for students to observe.
I fully agree. The soon to be dad should be in the waiting room pacing back and forth, wearing a groove right through the floor. The way it used to be a generation or two ago.
You are more than welcome to your OPINION but that ain't how its done anymore and if I would push that ex fiance to take this to SC.This ruling is idiotic and has wide ranging problems with it.
Creepy no correct yes. The judge is a moron who just pushed a blanket ban on men in the birth room in NJ and I hope realizes their mistake and reverses it. Dunno why he would want to be there anyways but if he was there he should be allowed in the room to see his child born,he had as much to do with it being born as she did because he helped make the child but as usual its feminazi time and mens rights as usual are trampled one.

No, he didn't put a blanket ban on men in the birth room.

He said that if the woman didn't want the man there, the man wasn't allowed.

Big difference.

A man doesn't have a forever right to see a woman just because he once had sex with her, even if they made a child together.

Since the man and woman are no longer together, the man would not have a right to see the child every minute of the day. The man and woman would have to take turns. Birth is one of the times it is the woman's turn.
More feminazi babble...this is hilarious.

No way in hell we would live in NJ much less visit it. What an armpit.

I said I was going to be there. She had no choice in the matter she knew damn well I was going to be there. Child birth is something a couple goes through just like the sex was something a couple does and every Dr appt and every thing from picking a name out to picking the bedding and crib out ALL done together. There was no need to ask. We both knew I would be course my wife isn't a fucking feminazi either.She is a traditional woman.

Yes, you are big on that 'women are chattel' thinking. We get that. But SHE is the patient and SHE has rights. YOU can be removed.
We come as a package deal take both or none. Simple as that.

Creepy no correct yes. The judge is a moron who just pushed a blanket ban on men in the birth room in NJ and I hope realizes their mistake and reverses it. Dunno why he would want to be there anyways but if he was there he should be allowed in the room to see his child born,he had as much to do with it being born as she did because he helped make the child but as usual its feminazi time and mens rights as usual are trampled one.

No one other than the mother and medical staff have a 'right' to be in delivery. And certainly a person who would be upsetting to the mother should not be allowed. Childbirth is no less a medical procedure than your appendectomy and no one has a right to see that either. They even get patient permission for students to observe.
I fully agree. The soon to be dad should be in the waiting room pacing back and forth, wearing a groove right through the floor. The way it used to be a generation or two ago.
You are more than welcome to your OPINION but that ain't how its done anymore and if I would push that ex fiance to take this to SC.This ruling is idiotic and has wide ranging problems with it.

No, you don't. There are no double beds in birthing suites.
I'm sure O.R.I.O.N is not as creepy as he is coming off here.

I'm betting he's even worse.

I could go along with that. I've dealt with a lot of his type. I never worked L & D, but I would bet he is just like the guy who cornered me demanding to know why his wife wasn't 'fixed' yet because he is a roofer and when he is called in on a job, he does the job and that's the end of it. And I wasn't an NP then, just a peon staff nurse. There are some real asshole men on this earth, and I came to understand why their wives were in psych beds.
Creepy no correct yes. The judge is a moron who just pushed a blanket ban on men in the birth room in NJ and I hope realizes their mistake and reverses it. Dunno why he would want to be there anyways but if he was there he should be allowed in the room to see his child born,he had as much to do with it being born as she did because he helped make the child but as usual its feminazi time and mens rights as usual are trampled one.

No, he didn't put a blanket ban on men in the birth room.

He said that if the woman didn't want the man there, the man wasn't allowed.

Big difference.

A man doesn't have a forever right to see a woman just because he once had sex with her, even if they made a child together.

Since the man and woman are no longer together, the man would not have a right to see the child every minute of the day. The man and woman would have to take turns. Birth is one of the times it is the woman's turn.
Then he should have merely made the case about that single person or about ex's or some shit...not about EVERY man being allowed to be banned at a woman's whim. Women in labor aren't in their correct state of mind they are extremely emotional and in pain they can't be expected to make sane decisions.
Yes, you are big on that 'women are chattel' thinking. We get that. But SHE is the patient and SHE has rights. YOU can be removed.
We come as a package deal take both or none. Simple as that.

Creepy no correct yes. The judge is a moron who just pushed a blanket ban on men in the birth room in NJ and I hope realizes their mistake and reverses it. Dunno why he would want to be there anyways but if he was there he should be allowed in the room to see his child born,he had as much to do with it being born as she did because he helped make the child but as usual its feminazi time and mens rights as usual are trampled one.

I fully agree. The soon to be dad should be in the waiting room pacing back and forth, wearing a groove right through the floor. The way it used to be a generation or two ago.
You are more than welcome to your OPINION but that ain't how its done anymore and if I would push that ex fiance to take this to SC.This ruling is idiotic and has wide ranging problems with it.

No, you don't. There are no double beds in birthing suites.

So what? I have slept in the hospital bed with my wife because she asked me to...plenty big enough....we are married we do everything together when it comes to things like this....she goes where I go I go where she goes.
An ex boyfriend has no rights to anything concerning his ex girlfriend. He has no right to see her unclothed. He has no right to anything concerning her medical care. She has an absolute right to have him removed if he came in her room for a visit. He has no rights to a delivery room visit.
Even a wife has the right to exclude her husband from visiting her in the hospital.

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