Dads can be prohibited from the delivery room

sure its a good line of bitch about men's right blah blah blah well guess what.....once you give up your sperm you no more rights to the said sperm or products of that sperm but the child is still entitled to be supported....that seems to be a real problem for those who do not control their sperm....not so much for those who do
Discrimination against men...not a will be the last thing if it ever happens to be given equal rights...we have no right to stop a woman from murdering our babies and now we have no rights to see our children born. Feminazis win again...time is coming soon I hope though...

Is English you're first language?

Maybe maybe not...:D
Discrimination against men...not a will be the last thing if it ever happens to be given equal rights...we have no right to stop a woman from murdering our babies and now we have no rights to see our children born. Feminazis win again...time is coming soon I hope though...

Is English you're first language?

Is it yours? *Note the lack of an apostrophe*
Discrimination against men...not a will be the last thing if it ever happens to be given equal rights...we have no right to stop a woman from murdering our babies and now we have no rights to see our children born. Feminazis win again...time is coming soon I hope though...

Is English you're first language?

Is it yours? *Note the lack of an apostrophe*

Aren't you special?
Doubtful kid doubtful.

Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.

Great I don't care who its about it sets a stupid precedent and now ANY woman can bar her husband or fiance or bf who is the father of the child from the delivery room. If my wife tried that and succeeded she would be signing divorce papers in the hospital. I guarantee you that. We as a couple decided to have kids that gives us BOTH full rights to the child at all times including delivery. You feminist cocksuckers can rot in hell. End of the story.

Ex-fiance. An ex-fiance wanted the right to watch is ex while in labor.

If your wife didn't want you there, then fine, serve her with divorce papers. If she doesn't want you there, then maybe it is time for divorce. None of that gives you the right to gawk at a naked woman who doesn't want you gawking at her.

End of story.

You have no right to look at a naked woman against her will. But enjoy forcing yourself into the room where she is lying naked pleading with the nurses to remove you. And enjoy your time in prison.
LOL think of how that kid was made genius...been there done that
Doubtful kid doubtful.

Not trolling, I created the damn kid I will see it born if I choose to.

Great I don't care who its about it sets a stupid precedent and now ANY woman can bar her husband or fiance or bf who is the father of the child from the delivery room. If my wife tried that and succeeded she would be signing divorce papers in the hospital. I guarantee you that. We as a couple decided to have kids that gives us BOTH full rights to the child at all times including delivery. You feminist cocksuckers can rot in hell. End of the story.

You have no Constitutional right to see a child you claim, but cannot prove, is yours born.
She has no constitutional right to bar me from seeing it born either. Just because some cocksucker in a robe says I can't be in there don't mean jack shit to me or any other sane person.

I am sure in some instances a woman in labor does have that right to protect herself and the baby in the health sense.

A stressed labor can cause the baby distress and if an ex or overbearing husband is causing stress in the situation I would imagine that they can be told to leave the room for the welfare of the baby so the labor and delivery goes smoothly.
At last, a Judge makes a common sense decision. It should be headlines.

New Jersey Judge: Women Can Block Dads From Delivery Room « CBS Philly

“It’s well established under federal and state law that there is a privacy right when a woman’s in labor.”

Rutgers professor and family law expert Sally Goldfarb says a Passaic County judge made the right call last November in his decision, which was published this week, when he sided with pregnant woman that her ex-fiancee had no legal right to be in the delivery room.

“What this man was seeking to do was really interfere with the woman’s ability to exercise her own choices about giving birth in privacy and that to me falls outside of the rights that a father is legitimately entitled to.”

To hell with the Garden State judge and women's rights.
The law isn't for loving couples, it's for couples whose last communication was six months ago when he called her a fucking **** and she spit in his face.

And that is fair enough, as long as it isn't used for women to simply deny their partner the right to watch the birth of their child.
The law isn't for loving couples, it's for couples whose last communication was six months ago when he called her a fucking **** and she spit in his face.

And that is fair enough, as long as it isn't used for women to simply deny their partner the right to watch the birth of their child.

Which of course is as much of her right as having an abortion is. Now you wouldn't want a man to be able to veto an abortion would you ? Suppose a man wanted to watch his child being born and she wanted an abortion. Let's make it easy, first trimester.
Technically we don't see it either we're generally preoccupied. :eusa_whistle: But we have to be there

See, if it were we men who gave birth the C-section rate would be 100% and a mighty array of drugs would as policy be employed to ensure total lack of consciousness or memory of the event. In fact, I'm guessing the entire 3rd trimester would long since have been transferred to a birthing pod that science fiction cannot even imagine.

My first was born under the old 'the doctor is god, he knows and controls all' model. My next the dads could watch and they did the number with the mirror so the mother could as well. I was strangely disinterested in what went on in the mirror. When I was in nursing school we all had to watch a live birth. I got my call one afternoon to watch a C-section. The mother weighted over 300 lb and they thought the birth would be safer to 'take' the baby than to let her deliver. I have never seen so much fat in my life, raw sliced open fat. The more they stitched the less the stitches wanted to hold. I thought she would die because they couldn't get her stitched up. The baby was OK, but I've never seen a human being that color. I thought they weren't going to get the baby to ever breathe at first, though. By the time I saw both of mine, they were both breathing and a fairly nice color. There were a few in my class, like myself, who were married and had children. We all agreed that if we had known anything about it we wouldn't have.

Another story comes to mind. I had a neighbor who was your archetypal redneck. There were two things he knew for a fact. Women were stupid and women didn't know how to have babies. According to him, childbirth was not painful, women were just uptight and wouldn't relax. If women would relax it wasn't painful.. One day his dog started to deliver pups and was howling like crazy. The guy was about to go off the deep end seeing this. His wife said, 'what's wrong with her?' He shouted back, 'she's in PAIN!' His wife said, 'well, tell her to relax.' :D
A woman in labor about to give birth is clenching her husbands hand and screaming "I hate your guts for this you asshole!" The guy says, "Don't blame me, I wanted to go in the back door, but you said it would hurt!"

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