Daisy's in trouble


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Well...the cat went to the vet @ 3:30 today. The blood test confirmed Hyperthyroidism. The vet says in fourteen year old cats it is cancerous most likely. So far, we are out $60 for information I pretty much figured out myself. They are running a $40 test now to see how her kidneys are functioning. If that test turns out poorly, Daisy is done for.

Should the kidneys be okay, we can opt for a $300 surgery and $15/ month medicine. That should be an interesting discussion with the wife. Waiting on the phone call about the kidney test at this point.
At the moment it appears the vet forgot to tell the cat it was sick. Good news for the Daisy, as she appears more or less normal for now. The vet was supposed to call us with the kidney results. Must have taken a bit longer than business hours. I suspect we will get a call in the morning or Monday some time. Pushing fluids for now and hopng for the best.
well, with my Daisy, when it came to be this time in her life, my ex and I asked ourselves what was best for her. We picked 3 things for quality of life and then waited and loved her up something aweful. But as those three things passed we knew she wasn't enjoying life anymore and we had to do the hard thing then.

On the plus side, a cat can live a long time with this disease if you are good about the medicine.

RegardlessI hope your Daisy has a lot of years left in 'em.
save let me tell you a story...i had a wonderful cat....i rescued him in the first gulf war and named him saddum who kitty...when he began to get sick....they couldnt find anything.....they just kept doing this and that...finally i was pushing fluids by baggin him ...with fluids...i finally took him to a new vet....and only took the records from the last 3 vets...i told the new vet i could have more faxed...saddum had a massive growth in his stomach....it was most likely a type of cancer....the vet looked at me..and said...its time...its been time and your cat is miserable..and he was....dont let it go that long....
On the down side, my vet is expensive for this area. On the plus side, he guy is an awesome vet. My last cat Alex was saved twice by him. Already took precautions last night and slept on the couch, so Daisy had a buddy. Probably be Monday before the vet calls with the test results.

My oldest daughter (23) is not doing well with this. Daisy was her cat originally. The cat doesn't do well outside our house, so we got her when college time came. All the kids are pretty much out of hte house now. This bird is not looking forward to an empty nest.
lets hope its not gonna come to that....okay...

nice of you to sleep with daisy...clark had the vet visit and slept with me most of the night last night...
You must have a good vet too if he told clark to sleep with you. lol
Daisy got a reprive minutes ago. Vet has surgery scheduled for Tuesday. We've been down this road before with excellent results. Kitty prison (basement) until then, unless I'm supervising.
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Hope and pray Daisy does well and you have the little booger back in top form soon enough. It's good to see someone else (and others) who love their cats so much. My avatar kitty, Buster, didn't make it because of an incompetent vet who didn't bother telling us a simple treatment of prozac could have saved his life. Goddamn fucking prick. Yes, prozac can help a cat who has urinary problems like struvite crystal blockages AND behavioral problems.

And that was going on 6 years now and I'm still mad.
my vet is a she......

glad daisy is doing well so far...damn they hate the confinement..thing...clark had a dislocated hip....he had to be crated for 2 weeks....first thing he does...dump his water in his kitty litter and roll in it...clark has long hair...the wet kitty litter set up like concrete...

so what are they operating on...and thanks for the heads up on prozac....
The second half of the thyroid. First part came out May of 2008. Anybody have experience in figuring out how to get a cat to take a pill once a day forever?
The cat has a hell of a reverse gear. Plus she is really good at throwiing up. Tuna will probably be part of the answer.
clark is a puker...roland will draw blood every time...tiff is still startled by it all...

the dogs are easy...toss it to jake he will eat it without thinking....

i just open thor's mouth and toss it down his throat...
Sending my prayers Daisy's way... hope thats OK.

Keep us updated.

Well, the shaved poodle look doesn't help her dignity any, but I expect her to do well with the surgery. Daisy is quite the scaredy cat. The stay over night at the vet and the ride there and back are very tramatic.

Interesting you bring up the prayer thing. My daughter texted me last night and said her gall bladder was flaring up. I told her I'd pray for her and did. Fiftenn minutes later, shes texting me and saying she is feeling a little better.
The vet got her right in today and no overnight stay! Picking up Daisy at 3 pm today. Get cat, leave $500.
Hope everything turns out well for Daisy!

When our cat, Shadow, had a uti and we needed to get a pill into him it was a nightmare. Nothing worked. He'd find it in any food we gave him and wouldn't eat it. My daughter came up with a brilliant idea. We had a small animal syringe (ask the vet for one if you don't have one) -- no needle, just the syringe and the plunger. We crushed the pill up very well, mixed in some water, sucked it up into the syringe, then someone would firmly hold the cat by his scruff and pry his jaws open (same as if giving him a pill) but then I'd put the syringe into his mouth (as far as I could) and quickly squirt the liquid pill down his throat. 9 times out of 10 it worked. The 10th time required lots of band-aids.

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