Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama

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I've read comments here that have said Donald Trump is a paedophile, I've also read comments belittling rape because Muslims have committed the rapes.

What you don't like is because your "Messiah" Obama has been mentioned and you think Obama is the perfect being.

Others think that Obama's 6 and a half years of divisive rhetoric about how blacks have been so mistreated since 1964, and how people somehow just by being white are racist, whilst blacks such as Louis Farrakhan can give speeches advocating killing white police officers and BLM shouting to kill white police officers and Obama has remained silent about these comments has contributed to what occured during the night in Dallas.

My OP contains a 16 minute video of Obama giving a speech yesterday, if you'd listen to it, which you won't, all you'll hear is him saying that all these blacks are killed by all these whites, there's nothing about that more whites are killed by blacks.

Your W. A. Mozart comment is silly, your Herr Hitler comment is absurd.

I have seen none of those things.

Obama isn't even close to being my Messiah. he is an average president at best. Fortunately for him, he followed the worst president in history, which makes him look better than he is/was.

I saw Obamas' speech. Only a partisan hack would take that out of what he said. Only somebody who would hear what they want to hear would take that out of his speech. YOu're pathetic

More people have seen all of those things.

Robert Kagan has endorsed her, so has Eliot Cohen, two to be followed by more.

Hillary like Obama is a good Neo-Conservative puppet, see Syria, see Libya, especially Benghazi.

It's ridiculous calling me a Neo-Conservative, I've made enough anti-Neo-Conservatives posts at this forum and have stated on numerous occasions that they're psychopaths who need removing.

If you think Libya, Syria and Benghazi are even related to neo-conservatism, you know nothing about the term...
This has nothing to do with Race. The Police in Dallas did it by the rules. The Crowd did it by the rules. What we have is one person with an AR style weapon going on a killing spree. He fired on 11 cops and killed 5. I hate to use the term "Hail of Bullets" but it fits. The Cops aren't going after the protesters and the protesters are as shocked as the cops. BTW, last reported, they had the shooter cornered and were waiting.

I can only guess but I bet the weapon the shooter used was purchased legally. At what point do we handle the AR type weapons the same way the Thompson 45 MG was done. They outlawed manufacture of them. It took about 10 years to get that weapon out of circulation. It was the weapon of choice for mass killings by the mobs.

Possibly four shooters triangulated. Then again such initial reports can be wrong.


Robert Kagan has endorsed her, so has Eliot Cohen, two to be followed by more.

Hillary like Obama is a good Neo-Conservative puppet, see Syria, see Libya, especially Benghazi.

It's ridiculous calling me a Neo-Conservative, I've made enough anti-Neo-Conservatives posts at this forum and have stated on numerous occasions that they're psychopaths who need removing.

If you think Libya, Syria and Benghazi are even related to neo-conservatism, you know nothing about the term...

That you think that shows it's YOU who knows nothing about Neo-Conservatism.

Also again I'm dealing with someone who has very low ratings, which tells me that most people here don't tend to agree with what you comment. As such I'm not about to argue with you about any of this stuff, why waste my time.
This has nothing to do with Race. The Police in Dallas did it by the rules. The Crowd did it by the rules. What we have is one person with an AR style weapon going on a killing spree. He fired on 11 cops and killed 5. I hate to use the term "Hail of Bullets" but it fits. The Cops aren't going after the protesters and the protesters are as shocked as the cops. BTW, last reported, they had the shooter cornered and were waiting.

I can only guess but I bet the weapon the shooter used was purchased legally. At what point do we handle the AR type weapons the same way the Thompson 45 MG was done. They outlawed manufacture of them. It took about 10 years to get that weapon out of circulation. It was the weapon of choice for mass killings by the mobs.

Possibly four shooters triangulated. Then again such initial reports can be wrong.


From the initial reports it sounds like an ambush, the triangulation.
You slimy piece of dogsh*t!!! How dare you bring up that Nazi crap!! It is a sign that you are as low as they come. Pity we aren't in the badlands you pathetic grub!!


Fuck off dork....She's the one making stupid comparisons...I was just joining in to show how dumb she was with her comparisons....

My comparisons aren't stupid, Louis Farrakhan said those things, BLM said those things, Obama was silent on them saying those things.
That you think that shows it's YOU who knows nothing about Neo-Conservatism.

Iraq is a classic example of neo-conservatism - it was a deliberate invasion in order to influence the region. Read the Chilcot report. Dubya and Blair were gagging for it. Libya and Syria were entered into very reluctantly. If you don't see the difference YOU don't have a clue.
That you think that shows it's YOU who knows nothing about Neo-Conservatism.

Iraq is a classic example of neo-conservatism - it was a deliberate invasion in order to influence the region. Read the Chilcot report. Dubya and Blair were gagging for it. Libya and Syria were entered into very reluctantly. If you don't see the difference YOU don't have a clue.

Yes you're a fool, in 2004 they were already gagging for an invasion of Syria and regime change and also wanting Gaddafi removed in Libya.

As I said, I'm not arguing with a fool.

Have you read the Chilcot Report? If so, congratulations on being such a fast reader, you've read it in what the 48 hours it's been released.

The Chilcot Report is FOUR TIMES as long as Tolstoy's "War and Peace" which is roughly 1,225 pages in length. It's also THREE TIMES as long as The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.

The Chilcot Report is 2.6 million words in length, in print it's available in 12 volumes, that's how massive it is.
I don't see the Obama connection in last night's tragedy as much as those in these forums and elsewhere that have written and said, "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
I want to leave politics out of my comments. That is not appropriate at this time, IMO.

I just learned of this within the last hour after my shift ended. This is very disturbing. Five officers are dead and 11 injured?? My heart goes out to the victims and their family members. :( I hope the injured make a full recovery.
Dallas sniper attack: 5 officers killed during protests against police - CNN.com

From this article it was planned ahead of time and the shooter was on the roof wearing tactical pants and shirt. He had plenty of ammo and one big rifle.

Those officers should have been in body armor every one. No way would one of the cops I work with do anything like what the Dallas cops were doing without body armor.

Whoever told them not to wear it is one big idiot. Look peaceful be damned. Not when your life may be on the line.

They have five dead and many wounded.
What as low as what the Leftists comment about Donald Trump? No, I don't think so.

You're comparing the comments regarding the deaths of five police officers who have dedicated their lives to public service against a self-aggrandising 'self-made' politician who only give a shit about himself? That's what you're doing? Good grief...Mozart is turning in his grave. Meanwhile, that 'great' Austrian, Adolf Hitler, is looking at your comments Lucy, and going "You go girl."....

You slimy piece of dogsh*t!!! How dare you bring up that Nazi crap!! It is a sign that you are as low as they come. Pity we aren't in the badlands you pathetic grub!!

It's what the fascist liberals do.....
That you think that shows it's YOU who knows nothing about Neo-Conservatism.

Iraq is a classic example of neo-conservatism - it was a deliberate invasion in order to influence the region. Read the Chilcot report. Dubya and Blair were gagging for it. Libya and Syria were entered into very reluctantly. If you don't see the difference YOU don't have a clue.

Yes you're a fool, in 2004 they were already gagging for an invasion of Syria and regime change and also wanting Gaddafi removed in Libya.

As I said, I'm not arguing with a fool.

Have you read the Chilcot Report? If so, congratulations on being such a fast reader, you've read it in what the 48 hours it's been released.

The Chilcot Report is FOUR TIMES as long as Tolstoy's "War and Peace" which is roughly 1,225 pages in length. It's also THREE TIMES as long as The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.

The Chilcot Report is 2.6 million words in length, in print it's available in 12 volumes, that's how massive it is.

Excerpts of the report have been released. You haven't read them, obviously. In 2004, moron? You mean when Bush was in charge?? You're a fucking idiot...god you're dumb...
As a previous poster suggested...Obama was on TV from Poland and he blamed the guns....not the BLM terrorists.....

Obama has completely checked out and no longer even gives a shit about America or us Americans....

What BLM terrorists? Who says they are even connected? Who says the movement supports them?

No, neoconservative america doesn't care about America. It stopped giving a shit when Bubba was elected.
As a previous poster suggested...Obama was on TV from Poland and he blamed the guns....not the BLM terrorists.....

Obama has completely checked out and no longer even gives a shit about America or us Americans....

What BLM terrorists? Who says they are even connected? Who says the movement supports them?

No, neoconservative america doesn't care about America. It stopped giving a shit when Bubba was elected.
The BLM terrorists who shot the cops last night....
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